Buch lesen: «Dark Down»


Dark down.

Dark down.

(In the sign of the light)

Imprint: Christian Meckler Mörscherstr. 50 67227 Frankenthal Rhineland Palatinate

E-mail: chrisitan.mckler@gmail.com

Language: Englisch.

Introduction. I’m pretty sure that a reader thinks this is a religious novel, he is not. Others think it sounds like a video game, but it’s not, but a fantasy action thriller. How did I come to this? Well it was like this, after I published the novel ‚The Last Inquisitor‘, I really wanted to write one more. This time with more fantasy, that is, a fantasy city, fantasy names and everything that belongs to a real fantasy novel. It stays, but not only in a fantasy world, but it gets mixed up with the real world, how? Learn in the novel, in the preface you’ll get some information. Although the story takes place later in the real world, it is and remains a fantasy story.

Foreword. For decades there has been a huge war between the army of darkness and the warrior of light. The King of Darkness creates a warrior named Sen and destroys Light field. Sen is given a lie that light is evil, when Sen downs his first village, he gets hit by the beam of light and from then on he realizes that light is not evil at all. He feels warmth and security. He decides to join the Warriors of Light, and will deliver a deadly duel with the King of Darkness in the real world, in the open field in Thunder Mountain. Either Sen can stop the king of darkness, or he will be killed by his Maker, and the world will be forever trapped in darkness. Until it comes to the duel, Sen must overcome some challenges.

Chapter Directory.

Chapter 1.

The army of darkness against the army of light.

Chapter 2.

The Secret Weapon of


Chapter 3.

From darkness to light.

Chapter 4.

Revenge must wait.

Chapter 5.


Chapter 6.

A trip with the princess.

Chapter 7.

Wrong decision.

Chapter 8.

A diabolical plan.

Chapter 9.

The world on the brink.

Chapter 10.

Heroes die young.

The End.

Character sheet for Sen.

Surname. Sen.

Type. Creepy.

Job. A warrior of darkness.

Sex. Male.

Older. 20th.

Size. 190 cm.

Eyes. Black.

Hair. Black, short and styled. Beard. No.

Voice. Friendly.

Other physical characteristics. Strong physique.

Social Affairs. None.

Dress. Black clothes.

Items. Sword.

Companion. Dragon Tapper. Miscellaneous. He is a very quiet contemporary, but relentless and brutal in battle.

Character sheet for Meredia. Surname. Meredia.

Type. Kind.

Sex. Female.

Older. 18th.

Size. 167 cm.

Eyes. Brown.

Hair. Brunette, back-long.

Odor. Rose fragrance.

Voice. Friendly.

Other physical characteristics. Slim stature.

Social Affairs. Melinde. her mother. Heltanos, your father. Dress. Very scarce.

Items. Rod of Light.

Companion. Heltanos (father), Melinde. (Mother).

Character sheet for Heltanos Surname. Heltanos.

Type. Strong, cocky.

Sex. Male.

Older. 48th.

Size. 184 cm.

Eyes. Dark brown.

Hair. Dark brown.

Beard. Around beard.

Odor. Beneficial.

Voice. Dark, friendly.

Other physical characteristics. Muscular body.

Social Affairs. Melinde. Meredia.

Dress. Bright ruler clothes. Items. Sword, scepter.

Companion. Melinde. (Wife), Meredia. (Daughter)

Miscellaneous. His weakness is his family, for which he would even die.

Character sheet for Melinde.

Surname. Melinde.

Type. Nice, conceited.

Sex. Female.

Older. 37th.

Size. 177 cm.

Eyes. Light Brown.

Hair. Hazelnut brown, back-long.

Odor. Almond fragrance.

Voice. Friendly.

Other physical characteristics. Slim stature.

Social Affairs. Heltanos, Meredia.

Dress. Very tight clothing. Items. Scepter of light.

Companion. Heltanos (husband), Meredia. (Daughter).

Character sheet for Dulcano. Surname. Dulcano.

Type. Terrifying.

Sex. Male.

Older. 40th.

Size. 200 cm.

Eyes. Black.

Hair. Black, back-long.

Beard. Beard.

Odor. Evil.

Voice. Dark, tight.

Other physical characteristics. Strong physique.

Social Affairs. None.

Dress. Black.

Items. Sword.

Companion. His army of darkness.

Miscellaneous. Avenged on revenge and wants to capture the world in eternal darknes.

Chapter 1.

The army of darkness against the army of light.

The Army of Light were in the field of light, some were on the training field to keep fit, others were outside the city, keeping watch. Others were on patrol duty in the city to take care that none of the fighters in the dark sneaked in. The city Light Field consisted only of human-like elves, who went about their business. The people lived happily ever after thanks to their elven King Heltanos. In a neighboring village, further south, was a village, there lived only fairies, with whom the king had an alliance. Since the fairies had no protector, there was also paid attention. Far to the north, behind the mountains, was Celts, where the king of darkness, Dulcano, reigned. In the bright, Celts looked as if everything was green there, none of the Warriors of Darkness read, but when it was dark, it looked very ghostly there. The whole forest was dark, there was no light and the army of darkness made the area unsafe. Because they plundered and murdered, if need be, although there was a gemstone mine. Inside the dark castle was the army of darkness and discussed the plan of attack with the king. „We really need to attack Light Field, they’ve stood up for us long enough,“ said Dulcano. One who asked warrior how to do it. The king pointed with his forefinger on the map in the middle of the field and stressed that there was a fair chance there. The warriors were ready to fight and wait until it was dark. It was quiet in Light Field, and King Heltanos sat comfortably on his ruler’s chair and made himself well. He drank wine and ate grapes. His wife Melinde, who was also the queen at the same time, was also well, bathing in almond milk. The Princess Meredia was, as always at her favorite spot, on a huge meadow and enjoyed the presence of the animals. A ram’s rabbit nourished Meredia, pounding his hind legs on the floor. Meredia looked at the ram’s cane and smiled. The rabbit stood on his hind legs and looked at the princess too. She dropped her back on the meadow. The rabbit got a shock and hopped one Yard away. Meredia enjoyed the warm sunshine and closed her eyes. The Bunny regained his courage, nourished her again and sniffed, to Meredia. Heltanos was fed up with drinking wine, got up, went into the royal kitchen and wanted something else. Melinde got out of the tub, covered her naked body with a bath towel, and dried herself off. Everyone was happy in the city. In the evening, Meredia went home to come back in time until night fell. Melinde has dressed, looks out the window, looks towards the forest and looks for her daughter. Heltanos feeds Melinde from behind, almost gently touching her arms, stroking her and giving her a kiss on the neck. Meredia comes closer to the castle, she walks through the city and is greeted by every city dweller. She greets you kindly. The sun is setting more and more that it is already watching the evening glow is. The army of darkness, are ready and very aggressive. After the sun has completely set, the gate will be opened and the Warriors of Darkness storm, roaring out. Heltanos lies in bed with Melinde, has a pretty good ear when it is quite quiet, hears the screaming and raises the alarm. The Fighters of Light are ready to attack the warriors of darkness with their king. The two enemies nourish themselves more and more until they meet and a battle begins. Lightning bolts are thrown against the army of darkness. The army of darkness, counter with dark waves back. The Arrows and Archers of the Light’s Army, fire light arrows at the Warriors of Darkness and hit a few of those that disappear into the black smoke. As the battle rages, bright light sources and black smoke pull up into the sky. The army of light has suffered losses, but the army of darkness is clearly outnumbered, and before anybody else stands, the remaining fighters of darkness take flight. The army of light, rejoice over the victory against the army of darkness and walk in lockstep back to the castle. The army of darkness are in the castle, report that the fight is lost. Dulcano shakes his head and can not believe it. He wants to come up with something and retires to the consultation. His warriors also retreat to rest. The Fighters of Light have also returned, report that the battle has been won. Heltanos is very pleased that everyone can sleep and will organize a victory celebration.

Chapter 2.

The secret weapon of destruction.

The next morning, Heltanos sat in his ruler’s chair and listened to the latest news. Meredia appeared in the throne room. „Dad?“

Heltanos looks at his daughter.

„What is there? My child“ „Can you explain to me why the King of Darkness hates us so much?“ Heltanos beckoned to Meredia and was to sit down beside him. She approached him and sat down beside him. He explained to her that Dulcano was once a wicked king, he could tolerate the light as well, he had been despised and feared. Meredia asked why he was so vicious. „Well, it’s because he can never have enough of wealth when I came to this country, I saw him deal with the people, so I drove him out of the country, and he swore revenge,“ he said.

Meredia understood it and could not believe that a king could be so evil, but one thing she still did not understand why he retreated into the darkness. Heltanos had no answer. He got up and said that he had to go to the mages to have new warriors created. Dulcano had devised a plan and had a warrior created, he should have the skills of Dulcano to become a powerful fighter. The human-like elf was supposed to have the name Sen, he was lying on an altar, Dulcano was lying next to him, and a black magician was concentrating on transferring the skills and experience Dulcano had to Sen. After it worked out, Dulcano woke up first, got up, and looked at Sen. He was very pleased with the result, but he was warned by the magician that Sen could tolerate the sunlight. Dulcano would fool him into avoiding sunlight. A dragon on which Sen could ride was also created and was to bring Sen where he wanted to go, he should be his faithful companion. Sen was left alone until he woke up and it was ordered that no one should bother him. Light Field was all quiet, new Light Warriors were created, and a celebration was organized for success over the Warriors of Darkness that was to take place tonight, and the fairies were also invited along. As the evening wore on, Sen opened his eyes and sat up, looking around where he was, feeling an inner chill. Beside him was black clothes and a sword. He tried on the clothes and it sat like a glove. He slipped the sword holder onto his back, slammed the sword into place, left this cold, damp room, and found himself in the middle of a stone corridor. Sen followed the hallway to the end and stood in front of a large door that almost looked like a gate. He opened the door, went in and stood in a large hall. Dulcano turned around and said that he was very pleased to see him.

„Who are you?“ Sen asked. „My name is Dulcano, I’m the King of Darkness.“

Sen asked why he was here. Dulcano explained that he had a mission that was still very important. Sen asked what he should do. The king declared that he should destroy a village to give the local king a memo. Sen asked which village should be destroyed. To this the king replied that the fairy’s village had to be destroyed. This led Sen to another question, namely how to destroy it. Dulcano replied that he was getting a dragon. Sen’s next question was when to go. The king also answered that, when it became dark, because the light was evil. Sen had no more questions and prepared to destroy the village of the fairies, before he familiarized himself with his sword. The dragon was also prepared and was on an open field, made some sightseeing flights to stay in practice. The sun went down, that festival had begun. Sen got on his kite. King Dulcano told him to complete the mission as soon as possible. Sen wanted to do his best to satisfy Dulcano. The dragon went up with Sen and flew south. Meanwhile, everyone in Light Field was cheerful, King Heltanos sat in the garden with his wife Melinde and enjoyed the party. As well as Meredia, she enjoyed it as well. Sen sat on top of everything, flying a detour over the woods with his kite so as not to be seen, it took time, but that’s the surprise, after the fact, the bigger. After a while, Sen saw the fairy village, the dragon went down and flew with a few inches above the ground to the village. The dragon haunted the village with a stream of fire, soared into the air. Almost the whole village started to burn. The dragon sprayed fire again and now the whole village burnt down. Sen saw the village burn and flew off with his kite. After Sen was gone with his dragon, a scout of the Light Warriors, with his Run bird, came to the Fairy Village, saw it burn brightly, and hurried back with his Run bird to sound the alarm. The bird was unable to fly, but the animal can run very fast, up to 45 miles. Due to the detour Sen had lost time and had to find a cave until the next sunset. The dragon flew to a rocky outcrop, high on the cliff face, big enough for the two. Sen dismounted from the dragon, scouting the cave to see if any dangers lurked. Then he sat down on the floor, leaned against the rock face and made himself comfortable. The dragon, too, lay down to rest. The scout came back to the castle with his bird of prey and the bird ran past the guards, nearly running the sentry over the pile. The sentry scolded him for keeping watch. The party was still in full swing. The scout jumped from his feathered companion and hurriedly ran to the king.

„King Heltano! King Heltanos!“, He shouted frantically.

Heltanos looked calmly at him. The scout bowed and asked him to listen.

„What is there? My Friend“, Heltanos asked.

„Can I talk to you alone?“, the scout asked.

Heltanos granted him that and stood up.

„Excuse me, my dear.“

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