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Nick Gray was the kind of guy smart mothers warned their daughters about.

After five years of living in the same neighbourhood, Bridget had seen Nick with so many different women, she’d given up asking their names.

Still, sometimes when Bridget looked at him, she felt a crazy, unfamiliar excitement. He made her aware of possibilities she would never normally consider. Possibilities that were neither safe nor sensible.

It took only a few seconds for her to shake off that feeling, though. Nick was drawn to glamour, sophistication and style. The women he dated turned heads on the sidewalk.

Just as well she wasn’t Nick’s type. She’d never been one for flirting and casual dating. Whereas even Nick’s relationship with the woman he’d married had lasted less than a year.

It was an appalling record, and she ought to think less of Nick for it. But she couldn’t help liking him, despite his rather obvious character flaws. Someone who loved his baby as much as he did couldn’t be all bad.

Hard to imagine a more glamorous life than being an accountant, isn’t it? Still, CJ Carmichael gave up the thrills of income tax forms and double-entry bookkeeping when she sold her first book in 1998. She has now written more than twenty-five novels and strongly suggests you look elsewhere for financial planning advice.

Christmas with Daddy
C.J. Carmichael


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Deepest love to my mum, Kay Daum

Thanks To:

My writing friends

Brenda Collins, Donna Tunney and Sherile Reilly,

who sat around my dining-room table, talking and

brainstorming, as the Gray brothers came to life.

Pauline Edward

for sharing her expertise in numerology.

Constable Chris Terry

from the Calgary Police Department for once again

answering my questions about crime investigation. I’d

also like to thank his wife

(my hairstylist), Tracy, for introducing us

(and for many years of great haircuts)!


NICK GRAY’S BABY daughter, Mandy, was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Too bad he didn’t have a clue what to do with her.

She smiled adoringly at him from her seat in the stroller, showing off the two tiny teeth she’d sprouted this month. Flanking the stroller were a bulging suitcase and a pink diaper bag.


Like he was going to carry that around.

His ex-wife stood behind all this, looking like a model in a sleek leather jacket and high-heeled boots. No one would guess Jessica had ever had a baby, let alone just six months ago.

“I can’t do this,” he said flatly. “You’ve never let me have Mandy overnight before. Now at the last minute, you expect me to take care of her full-time for three weeks?”

“I guess if the Hartford Police Department believes you’re smart enough to be a detective, you ought to be able to handle a baby. I’ve written out everything you need to know in here.”

She passed him a notebook, as well as another, thicker book. “Plus, I’m lending you my copy of What to Expect the First Year. Don’t lose it.”


“Look, I’m not wild about leaving her with you, either. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me.”

“Spending your Christmas vacation in Australia, compliments of an Aussie snowboarder you met on the slopes two weeks ago. Yeah, some lifetime chance.”

“Will is a great guy.”

“I’m sure. Aren’t they all?”

“You’re a fine one to talk. What’s the longest you’ve stuck with one girlfriend?”

“Let me see…nine months?”

Her face reddened and he knew he’d scored a point. “That doesn’t count. You only married me because I was pregnant. We both knew it was a mistake almost right away.”

“Wrong. You’re the one who decided it was a mistake.” When he’d said his vows, he’d intended to stick by them. Not that he and Jessica were such a perfect couple. But when you had kids, you stepped up to the plate.

It was what all the Gray men did. And while he couldn’t live up to his older brothers in many other ways, in this one area he’d tried to do what was right.

“Don’t give me that crap. You were relieved when I moved out. Even if you won’t admit it.” She pulled up the sleeve of her jacket so she could see the gold watch on her wrist. “We don’t have time to argue. Will’s picking me up for the airport in half an hour.”

“Okay, so let’s schedule our fight for when you get back. Is January fifth good for you?”

She ignored him, but he could tell she was struggling not to smile. Instead, she bent to whisper something to Mandy.

He heard snippets. “Mommy loves you…lots of presents…miss you, baby.”

When she straightened, there were tears in her eyes. Not that he’d ever doubted that Jessica loved their daughter. But what kind of mother left her six-month-old baby while she cavorted with her new ski buddy in Australia?

“You’re not listening to me. This really is a problem. I took today off, but I have to work tomorrow.”

“Don’t you have any vacation time coming?”

He grimaced. “Yeah, right.” She knew he’d used it all in the weeks after Mandy was born. Besides, he’d just been promoted, assigned a new partner and given a high-profile case. “What am I supposed to do with Mandy while I’m on duty?”

“What all the rest of us working parents do, Nick. Hire a sitter. Or ask your mom.”

He knew better than to mess with his mom’s bridge/Scrabble/shuffleboard plans. Gavin and Allison would be the perfect choice. They were already looking after eight-year-old Tory and their new son, Jack. What was one more baby?

But his middle brother and his new wife lived in Squam Lake, New Hampshire. Much too far for a daily commute to Hartford.

Nick’s head was still spinning with possibilities— or rather the lack of them—when Jessica put a hand on his arm. He looked at her white-tipped fingernails with mild curiosity. Once, her touch had set his libido on fire. Now he felt nothing.

“Mandy has had her breakfast and her diaper is clean. In about two hours it will be time for her nap. Good luck, Nick. I’ll check in with you after we land in Sydney.”

And then she left.

Seconds ticked by. A minute passed. Silence.

Mandy’s big eyes were fixed on him. She seemed expectant.

He turned his hands palms up. “Sorry kid. I have no idea what I’m doing here.”

SINCE HE’D MADE detective and stopped shift work, Nick had fallen into a routine of spending Sunday afternoons with Mandy. The routine went like this:

Pick up Mandy after her nap. Strap her into the infant car seat that Gavin and Allison had bought him for a baby gift, then drive to Matthew and Jane’s place.

Hand baby to either Mom, Jane or Matthew.

Grab a beer.

Watch TV, with intermittent interaction with baby.

At dinnertime, warm up the bottle and canned baby food that Jessica had packed in the diaper bag—yes, the ugly pink one.

Feed Mandy, then let his mom or Matt hold her while he ate his own dinner.

Get back in his car, drive to Jessica’s and leave Mandy with her.

That was it. With the support of his extended family, he could look after his daughter for half a day maximum. How was he supposed to cope with her full-time? He loved holding Mandy close while she slept and trying to make her smile when she was awake. But he couldn’t fill a day with that stuff. Not even when you factored in feedings, naps and changing diapers.

When she was older, they’d be able to go to the park, play board games and read books together. But Mandy was too little for any of that.

“You don’t watch TV, do you?”

Mandy pursed her lips, blowing bubbles with her saliva.

“I didn’t think so.”

With Mandy still gazing intently at him, he pulled out Jessica’s notebook. On the first page she’d listed emergency numbers: the doctor’s office, the poison center, and several others.

He flipped the page to Mandy’s Daily Schedule. His ex had itemized Mandy’s routine, but when he read closely he realized the list wasn’t very complete. For instance, at seven in the morning Mandy was supposed to be cleaned, dressed and fed.

Then there was nothing until her nap at ten.

That was two hours from now.

What was he supposed to do with a baby for two hours?

He looked at the What to Expect book, but it was too long. It would probably take him a couple hours to find the right chapter.

Nick smiled at his daughter. She smiled back. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to do anything with the baby. Maybe she just sat in her stroller and looked at him while he went about his normal business.

Normal business for a day off work was reading the paper and enjoying a pot of coffee. Pleased with this idea, Nick wheeled the stroller to the kitchen, then started a pot. He spread the paper over the table, like usual, and got out his favorite mug.

Mandy whimpered.

He turned to look at her. “What was that?” The noise hadn’t sounded like a cry. But it hadn’t sounded happy, either. He pushed her stroller closer so she could keep her eyes on him. She seemed to like that for some reason.

He turned to the City section, looking to see if there was anything about the case he’d been assigned yesterday. He scanned the front page, then the rest of the section, but there was no mention of a runaway teenager.


Mandy made another noise. A little louder and longer than the last one. Definitely not happy. He pushed the stroller even closer. It didn’t help. She screwed up her face and pushed out her bottom lip.

Clearly Mandy was not a fan of the coffee-and-newspaper routine.

Maybe he’d find something in her suitcase to distract her, but when he opened it, out tumbled clothes and more clothes. Nothing else.

He tried the diaper bag next. It was full of empty bottles, a tin of powder to make formula, jars of baby food and—rather unimaginatively—diapers. Again, there seemed to be enough of everything to last thirty days or more.

Finally he noticed the pocket on the back of the stroller. Great, here were some actual toys. He pulled them out, one by one, and passed them to Mandy. She just threw them on the floor—each one seemed to make her madder than the one before.

For Pete’s sake, why hadn’t Jessica bought the kid any toys that she liked?

“What’s the matter, Mandy? Do you want some Hot Wheels? Maybe a Transformer?” He was pretty sure she was too young for those, though.

God, what was he going to do? The neighbors would soon be calling to complain. Besides, it kind of made his chest ache to see her acting so distressed.

Finally inspiration struck. He’d take her for a walk. There were always tons of parents and nannies pushing strollers around the neighborhood, even in the winter.

He bundled Mandy in her snowsuit again and just that seemed to be enough to distract her from crying. She stared at him with her big blue eyes, through a sheen of tears. When she finally smiled, it was like she’d never been unhappy at all.

“You like going for walks, don’t you?” He dried her eyes with the corner of a flannel blanket, then grabbed his own coat and went out the door.

Fresh snow had fallen last night and as he pushed the stroller down the sidewalk he was glad that back when they’d still been together, he and Jessica had decided to invest in one of those all-weather jogging strollers, even though neither one of them jogged. The big wheels cut through the powder like nobody’s business.

He headed for the park.

Newly aware of babies, suddenly it seemed that he could see nothing but parents pushing babies in strollers or carrying them close to their chest in padded holders. Several of the mothers were rather pretty.

He caught the eye of a striking brunette walking toward him with her baby in a sling. She smiled and it occurred to him that she might be a single mother.

“Cute baby,” she said. “Is that your daughter?”

“Yup.” He could tell she wanted him to stop and talk. It would be so easy to do. He’d start by admiring her baby, then shift to a compliment about the mother’s smile.

He kept walking.

Yummy mummies were fun to look at, but they weren’t his style. Besides, since the breakup of his marriage, he’d been taking a little hiatus from women.

Nick ambled to the end of the street, then crossed to the park. To his right was a nicely maintained trail—the city even plowed off the snow in the winter.

He pushed the stroller, following the path along the river for a while until coming to a playground. A handful of kids were riding on the swings and scrambling over the monkey bars. Their mothers huddled on a park bench nearby, sipping from insulated coffee mugs and chatting.

Mandy sat forward in her seat, enchanted by the sight of the kids playing. She was too young to join them, of course, but he took her out of her stroller so she could have a better view.

She seemed fascinated.

But then she was equally intrigued by a handful of snow, an acorn, a dried-up brown leaf. Each treasure he presented to his young daughter seemed to fully occupy her senses until, finished exploring, she tossed the object to the ground.

Like the toys.

Now he understood. It wasn’t that Mandy didn’t like her toys. They bored her.

She was into new things. Learning about the world. And it was his job, as her parent, to make all the necessary introductions.

When he’d run out of things to show her, Nick put Mandy back into the stroller. He decided to take a fork in the path, going into an off-leash dog area in the woods. He pointed out a bird’s nest exposed in a winter-bare tree, a chattering squirrel, rabbit tracks in the snow. Though she couldn’t possibly understand, Mandy seemed to love it when he explained all this to her. She soaked in every new experience, waving her arms and babbling.

The off-leash route circled back to their starting point and as he was merging onto the main path, he heard dogs barking, then a sharp whistle. He turned and saw the neighborhood dog-sitter, Bridget Humphrey, emerging from a curve in the path, with her pack of four dogs. She bent to pluck something from the graying Airedale’s leg.

“Poor Stanley. Why do you always find the burrs? Stand still for a minute. There’s a good boy.”

As she dealt with Stanley’s coat, three other dogs—a boxer, a white terrier and a giant schnauzer—circled her. When she was finished with Stanley, she clipped him back on the lead, then called the boxer closer.

He watched, impressed as always with the quiet authority she held over the dogs. He’d met Bridget on moving day when she’d brought over cookies to welcome him to the neighborhood. “We’ll get along fine,” she said, “as long as you don’t mind dogs.”

He loved dogs. Always had. One day he was going to break down and buy one himself. Bridget had already promised to make room in her doggy day care when he did.

Sometimes, when he happened upon Bridget and the dogs at the park, he walked along with them for a while. He enjoyed throwing sticks for them in the off-leash area and tussling on the grass when the weather was fine.

Bridget was just reaching for the collar of the schnauzer—Nick’s favorite—when Herman spotted Nick. He gave one sharp bark of recognition, then set off running.

“Herman, stop!” Bridget called. Immediately the big gray dog jerked to a halt. He glanced over his shoulder at Bridget, then longingly toward Nick.

Nick had already positioned himself between the dogs and his daughter. He’d seen them with kids before, knew they were gentle and well trained, but he wasn’t taking chances.

Three seconds later, Bridget and the other dogs caught up to Herman. Bridget snapped the schnauzer onto the lead. “Sorry, Nick.” She sounded breathless. “I should have put them back on leash sooner.”

“No harm done.” He held out a hand so the dogs could sniff. As he gave each dog a bit of attention, Bridget went to say hello to Mandy. His daughter was squirming with excitement.

“Can I take Mandy out of the stroller for a minute?”

“Sure.” Herman nuzzled his hand, demanding more scratch time. As Nick complied, Bridget swung Mandy in the air, making her laugh.

“Oh, she’s a sweetie, Nick. She wants to pet the dogs. Should I let her?”


Lefty, a sweet boxer who especially loved kids, approached and licked her little fingers. Mandy giggled.

“I think I’ve got a dog-lover on my hands,” Nick said.

“Just like her dad.” Bridget pushed her sunglasses up on her head and smiled at him.

He didn’t often get a look at Bridget’s eyes because she usually wore sunglasses. But when he did he was always startled that such a nondescript woman should have such gorgeous eyes. They were large and vibrantly green, like new leaves in the spring. Most intriguing of all, they slanted up at the edges, giving her ordinary face a mysterious allure.

“Not to be nosy,” she said, “but why aren’t you at work?”

“I booked the day off. My ex left for Australia today.”

“Really? That’s a big trip.”

“Yeah, and she’s going to be gone for three weeks.” Which reminded him of his number-one problem. “Do you know of any good day cares in our neighborhood?”

“Sunny’s Day Care is the best. But she has a six-month waiting list.”

“Cripes. Any other suggestions?”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s great with Mandy for an hour or two, but a whole day is out of the question. Have you heard about any other day cares?”

“Most of the good ones have waiting lists. Even I have a waiting list for new dogs.”

“Yeah? How about babies? I don’t suppose you could take on one of those?”

“You’re not serious?”

“I don’t know about serious. I am desperate, though.”

She bit her bottom lip. Was she actually considering saying yes?

“I’d pay you well. And it’s only for three weeks.” He hesitated, suddenly wondering if she could handle the job. Babies were a bit more complicated than dogs. “Have you looked after a baby before?”

“I worked at a day care one summer when I was in college,” she offered reluctantly.

So she was experienced. Even better. “I’ll pay you double the going rate.”

“Mandy’s a sweetheart, Nick, but these guys keep me pretty busy.” She gave the end of her leash a gentle tug. “Plus I have my business appointments, too.”

The dogs were really a sideline with Bridget. Her main occupation was as a numerology and astrology consultant. He had a hard time taking that stuff seriously, but he knew she did. Generally avoiding the subject seemed to work best.

“Mandy wouldn’t be that much trouble. Plus, she loves going on walks. You can take her with the dogs. She’ll fit right in.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t be trouble, but…”

“Besides, couldn’t you use some extra cash for Christmas? For gifts and things?”

“I don’t need extra money.”

“You’re not giving me much to bargain with.” If she was any other woman, he might try charming her with a smile, but he couldn’t see that approach working with Bridget. Every now and then he came across a woman who was impervious to his brand of sex appeal. From their first meeting his instincts had told him that Bridget was one of those women.

Still, he had to come up with something. He was due at the station tomorrow at eight in the morning. And he didn’t think his partner was expecting him to bring along his six-month-old daughter.


NICK GRAY WAS THE KIND of guy smart mothers warned their daughters about. After five years of living in the same neighborhood, Bridget had seen him with so many different women, she’d given up asking their names. In the historical novels she loved, he was the rake, the ne’er-do-well but handsome younger brother, the favorite son who always disappointed his father but was the apple of his mother’s eye.

Sometimes when Bridget looked at him, she felt a crazy, unfamiliar excitement. He made her aware of possibilities that she would never normally consider. Possibilities that were neither safe nor sensible.

It only took a few seconds for her to shake off that feeling, though. Nick was drawn to glamour, sophistication and style. The women he dated turned heads on the sidewalk. And not because they had four dogs in tow.

Just as well she wasn’t Nick’s type. She’d never been one for flirting and casual dating. Whereas even Nick’s relationship with the woman he’d married had lasted less than a year.

It was an appalling record, and she ought to think less of Nick for it. But she couldn’t help liking him, despite his rather obvious character flaws. Someone who loved dogs as much as he did, couldn’t be all bad.

He had a special affinity for her giant schnauzer Herman. Aptly named, Herman was solid, dependable, unstoppable when he wanted something. And when Nick was around, there was no doubt what Herman wanted.

She couldn’t blame him.

“I know I’m asking a lot,” Nick said. “It’s okay if you’d rather not do it.”

Now she felt guilty. Nick was a good neighbor and a friend, too. They collected each other’s mail when they went on vacations. Occasionally Nick helped her out with the dogs. Just last month when she’d been sick with the flu, he’d taken them all for a long run at the end of his shift.

But babies required a lot more time and effort than dogs.

Nick gave Herman one last scratch, then he stood and reached for Mandy. His baby daughter held out her arms to him, smiling as he drew her close.

They looked so cute together. Gosh, a guy who was good with dogs and babies. It just wasn’t fair. How was any woman supposed to resist that?

Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, Mandy started to cry. Nick’s face registered surprise as he glanced at Bridget, then back at the baby.

“Hey, what’s wrong, sweetie?”

Mandy’s cries grew louder. The dogs pulled in close to Bridget. The baby’s distress made them uneasy.

“Do you know what time it is?” Nick asked. “I forgot to put on my watch this morning.”

She shrugged. She hadn’t worn a watch, either. “Almost one o’clock,” she guessed. She and the dogs had left the house at eleven-thirty and the route through the woods usually took them about an hour and a half.

“One o’clock.” Nick seemed astounded. “I didn’t think we’d been out that long. Mandy missed her nap and her lunch.”

No wonder she was so upset. “Did you bring any food with you?”

“It didn’t occur to me. Maybe Jessica packed something in here…” Nick rummaged through the storage pouch on the back of the stroller but came up with nothing. Mandy was sobbing now, and for a guy who never seemed to lose his cool, Nick was looking pretty flustered.

“What should I do? I’ve got to get her home, but I can’t put her in the stroller when she’s crying like this.”

“I’ll push the stroller for you.” Bridget tied the dogs’ leads to the handle, then started along the path at a fast clip.

Nick fell in next to her. “Thanks a lot. I guess I should have been more prepared.” He cuddled Mandy closely. “Don’t worry, honey. Your dad’s an idiot, but he is going to feed you, eventually.”

As they made their way out of the park area onto the city streets, Bridget noticed they were attracting quite a bit of attention. A man and a woman with four dogs and a crying baby…yeah, she wasn’t too surprised people were gawking.

Nick seemed oblivious to the stares, though. He was almost panicking by the time they reached his town house. “Will you come inside?”

She didn’t have the heart to leave him to cope alone. “What about the dogs?”

“I have a fenced backyard. Will that do?”

“I’ll need to give them some water.”

“Not a problem.”

He dug into his pocket for the keys, and then, she was in a place she never thought she’d see the inside of—Nick Gray’s town house. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. Maybe sleek furniture, an opulent TV and sound system…a round bed with satin sheets?

But his furnishings were plain and sparse. He had just one reclining chair in his living room, along with the television. In the kitchen down the hall, a newspaper was spread over a tiny oak table. Two folding chairs sat around it.

Nick must have noticed her scrutinizing the place because he apologized. “Jessica took a lot of stuff when she moved out. I haven’t been in the mood to replace it.”

He paused, frowning. “Is something burning? Hell. I forgot to turn off the coffee machine.” Still carrying Mandy, whose crying had turned into pitiful hiccups, he crossed the room and hit the off button on the coffeemaker. Then he grabbed a big bowl from a cupboard and handed it to her.

“For the dogs.” He pointed to the patio door. “You can let them out there.”

“Thanks.” She unlocked the door then released the dogs from their leashes. They rushed outside, anxious to explore. Once she had filled the bowl with water and placed it on the patio for them, she went to check on Nick.

He was kneeling on the kitchen floor, holding Mandy in one hand and pulling stuff out of a pink diaper bag with the other.

He cursed softly. “Couldn’t she have prepared one bottle at least?” He found a can of powder. “Jessica mixes some of this with water. I have no idea about the ratio.”

“Instructions should be on the can. How about I read them while you get Mandy out of her snowsuit. She must be very warm.”

A guilty look crossed his face. “Good thinking.” He unzipped Mandy’s snowsuit and for a couple of peaceful moments the baby actually stopped crying. But as he stripped off the cute yellow snowsuit, he made a face. “Oh-oh.”

Bridget glanced up from the fine print on the can. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s soaking wet. She needs a bath and a new diaper. God, I am such an imbecile.”

And then, as if to signal her agreement, Mandy started howling again.

ONE HOUR LATER Mandy had been bathed, changed, fed and lulled to sleep, in that order. Bridget did most of the work, with Nick watching, feeling like he was on the verge of having a heart attack.

Now, seeing Mandy’s peaceful face, her body curled under the flannel covers, he could finally take a deep, long breath.

“Thank you, Bridget.”

She was on the other side of the crib, looking at him with an odd smile. “You’re welcome.”

“You made it all seem easy.”

“It’s not so difficult. You just need to stay calm.”

Calm. That was funny. “I’ve given that same advice to rookie cops in dangerous situations on the street. I can keep my head when a robbery is going down. But babies are different.”

“You’ll catch on,” Bridget said gently.

“You think?”

“You’ve definitely got potential. As long as you don’t panic, you’ll be able to handle Mandy just fine.”

He wished he had the same faith in himself that she did. “I’ll still need a sitter for when I’m at work.”

Bridget broke eye contact. “I should get going.”

“Oh, no. You’re not leaving until you agree to take on the job. You’ve just proved you’re the perfect person to take care of Mandy.”

The prospect of extra money hadn’t tempted her. What would motivate someone like her? “Please, Bridget? We’ve been neighbors for years and Mandy already likes you. I’d hate to have to leave her with a stranger.”

“Not fair, Nick.” She shook her head at him. “But I will do it. If you’re willing to make a few compromises.”

Years of negotiating with two older brothers had made him cautious. “Yeah?”

“We do this the ecofriendly way. That means organic, homemade baby food, no disposable bottle liners, and definitely no more disposable diapers.”

“You want me to use cloth diapers?”

She nodded.

“God, Bridget.” Cloth diapers would be stinky. And they’d have to be washed. “Okay. But you better be worth it.”

OH, I AM, Bridget wanted to say. I am definitely worth it.

But she wouldn’t be talking about babysitting. She’d be flirting. And where that urge had come from, she wasn’t sure. The situation was far from romantic. They were talking about baby food and diapers for heaven’s sake.

The problem was Nick. If only he had the good grace to look like a respectable father. But no, even in a domesticated scene like this one, he still exuded sex appeal.

Even as she was thinking about that, he stood up and stretched out his arms, inadvertently flexing all sorts of lovely muscles for her to admire.

She shouldn’t be looking. What she should be doing was leaving. “I’d better round up my dogs and get home.”

“I’ll call them in.” As soon as Nick slid open the patio door, all four of the snowy canines barreled inside. Bridget apologized, but Nick didn’t seem too worried about the floor getting wet.

As she clipped the dogs onto their leashes, Nick’s phone rang. After his first few responses, she was amazed by the change that came over him.

Her charming, light-hearted neighbor was suddenly serious and focused. He listened intently, then said, “You bet. Twenty minutes.”

After he hung up, he tunneled his fingers through his thick dark hair, then looked at her with a speculative gleam in his eye.

Oh, boy. “What is it?” she asked cautiously.

“I’m working on this case right now. A runaway teenager. She’s only fourteen.”

“That’s young,” she said.

“By all accounts she’s a good kid, from a good family. We’d like to find her as quickly as possible, for a lot of reasons, not the least because the streets aren’t exactly a safe place for someone like her.”

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