A Daymare of Violence

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In my story, I cover my idyllic childhood at home, protected under my mother's wing, where I simply existed in a state of bliss. This was before the age of six. At six years of age, I attended primary school and my whole world changed. I woke up to a world of fear, anxiety and trepidation. My daymares began and remained with me throughout my primary school days. Corporal punishment was allowed at our primary school and my teacher took full advantage. I was just a short time at school when I was beaten for the first time. I went into shock and I clammed up. I retreated into myself and I became a very sad and quiet little girl. I could not understand mental arithmetic and because of this and, instead of being patient and teaching me, my teacher beat me. This was a regular occurrence. I never spoke up about this at home. School was school and home was home, they lived side by side but they never merged. The poor treatment I received during my primary school years and the impact this abuse had on me affected my self-esteem and confidence for a very long time. I spent most of my life building myself up and making myself into the strong person that I am today.

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Grosvenor House Publishing
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