
A King, and No King

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Mardonius the best newes, nay, draw no neerer They all shall heare it: I am found no King.

Is that so good newes?
Yes, the happiest newes that ere was heard.
Indeed twere well for you,
If you might be a little lesse obey'd.
On, call the Queene.
Why she is there.
The Queene Mardonius, Panthea is the Queene,
And I am plaine Arbaces, goe some one,
She is in Gobrius house; since I saw you
There are a thousand things delivered to me
You little dreame of.
So it should seeme: My Lord,
What furi's this.
Beleeve me tis no fury,
All that he sayes is truth.
Tis verie strange.
Why doe you keepe your hats off Gentlemen,
Is it to me? in good faith it must not be:
I cannot now command you, but I pray you
For the respect you bare me, when you tooke
Me for your King, each man clap on his hat at my desire.
We will: but you are not found
So meane a man, but that you may be cover'd
As well as we, may you not?
O not here,
You may, but not I, for here is my Father in presence.
Why there: O the whole storie
Would be a wildernesse to loose thy selfe
For ever; O pardon me deare Father,
For all the idle, and unreverent words
That I have spoke in idle moodes to you:
I am Arbaces, we all fellow subjects,
Nor is the Queene Panthea now my Sister.


Why if you remember fellow subject Arbaces, I tolde you once she was not your sister, I say she look't nothing like you.


I thinke you did good Captaine Bessus.


Here will arise another question now amongst the Swordmen, whether I be to call him to account for beating me, now he's prov'd no King.

Enter Ligones.

Sir, heres Ligones
The Agent for the Armenian King.
Where is he, I know your businesse good Ligones.
We must have our King againe, and will.
I knew that was your businesse, you shall have
You King againe, and have him so againe
As never King was had. Goe one of you
And bid Bacurius bring Tigranes hither,
And bring the Ladie with him, that Panthea
The Queene Panthea sent me word this morning
Was brave Tigranes mistresse.
Tis Spaconia.
I, I, Spaconia.
She is my daughter.
Shee is so, I could now tell any thing
I never heard; your King shall goe so home
As never man went.
Shall he goe on's head?
He shall have Chariots easier than ayre
That I will have invented; and nere thinke
He shall pay any ransome; and thy selfe
That art the Messenger shall ride before him
On a Horse cut out of an entire Diamond,
That shall be made to goe with golden wheeles,
I know not how yet.
Why I shall be made
For ever, they belied this King with us
And sayd he was unkind.
And then thy daughter,
She shall have some strange thinke, wele have the Kingdome
Sold utterly, and put into a toy.
Which she shall weare about her carelesly
Some where or other.
See the vertuous Queene.

Enter Pan.

Behold the humblest subject that you have
Kneele here before you. Pan. Why kneele you
To me that am your vassall?
Grant me one request.
Alas, what can I grant you?
What I can I will.
That you will please to marry me,
If I can prove it lawfull.
Is that all?
More willingly, then I would draw this ayre.
Ile kisse this hand in earnest.
Sir, Tigranes is comming though he made it strange
To see the Princesse any more.
The Queene,

Enter Tig. and Spa.

Thou meanest: O my Tigranes pardon me,
Tread on my necke I freely offer it,
And if thou beest so given; take revenge,
For I have injur'd thee.
No, I forgive,
And rejoice more that you have found repentance,
Then I my libertie.
Maist thou be happie
In thy faire choice; for thou art temperate:
You owe no ransome to the state, know that;
I have a thousand joyes to tell you of,
Which yet I dare not utter, till I pay
My thankes to Heaven for um: will you goe
With me, and helpe me; pray you doe.
I will.
Take then your faire one with you and your Queene
Of goodnesse, and of us; O give me leave
To take your arme in mine: Come every one
That takes delight in goodnesse, helpe to sing
Loude thankes for me, that I am prov'd no King.

The following verse variations have also been noted between the Act printed above from A and the quartos B, C, D and G.

p. 434, ll. 46 and 47. B, C, D, G] two lines, hint, rope.

p. 436, ll. 19 and 20. B—D] two lines, better, Grandsire.

p. 437, ll. 16—18. B, C, D, G] six lines, Whore, satisfied, Dancer, Musilians, thee, whore.

p. 438, ll. 40 and 41. B, C, D, G] four lines, laming, fall, Sword-men, Stock-fish.

p. 442, ll. 22 and 23. B, C, D, G] two lines, in-, affection.

p. 443, ll. 24 and 25. B, C, D, G] three lines, impudence, me, answere. ll. 44 and 45. Three lines, All, cause, light.

p. 446, ll. 17 and 18. B, C, D, G] one line, This. ll. 19 and 20. B, C, D, G] one line, Truth. l. 26. Two lines, hat, desire.

p. 447, ll. 16 and 17. B, C, D, G] two lines, ever, us. ll. 23 and 24. B, C, D, G] one line, Queene. ll. 29 and 30. B, C, D, G] one line, will.