A Guardian's Possession

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

"As long as you behave, you have no reason to fear me. For now," He reached his hand out to touch her cheek only to slowly lower it when she suddenly drew back out of range. The light from the window behind him reflected within her eyes. Did she realize how seductive she looked with her childlike innocence and her melancholy lips? He sat back away from her, his gaze narrowing once again.

Kyoko watched him curiously. "Kyou… why am I really here? I need to go back to the other guardians and continue hunting the missing talismans." She couldn't tell what was up with him and it was starting to officially freak her out. He still didn't answer her and the butterflies in her stomach where breeding as she waited.

After a minute of watching him just stare at her, Kyoko finally put her hand down on the pillow and pressed herself up to a standing position.

Kyou was oh so tempted to let her lean up into him but after treating her body so seductively earlier, he knew to do so would break any sort of trust he’d gained. He leaned back and let her rise to her feet.

Feeling a little off balance trying to stand on the oversized pillow, Kyoko put her hands out to balance herself as she glared defiantly down at him. "Okay… If there is no reason for me to be here then I want to go back." She went to take a step but before she knew what happened, she was on her back staring up at a very angry looking Kyou. ‘Well… at least I know his face isn’t made of stone,’ she thought to herself.

Kyou had grabbed Kyoko's ankles and as she landed he’d pulled her toward him. He was instantly on top of her, staring down into her face. Her hands were pressed against his chest and he could feel the crystal’s power building within her palms but she didn’t release it. ‘Good,’ he thought to himself.

"Do you think I took you for nothing? You were in danger and didn’t even know it!" he informed her darkly.

“Danger,” Kyoko nearly growled at him. “I was fine until you showed up!”

He breathed hard trying to calm his temper and his rapidly beating heart. He did not want to hurt her but she would not leave yet. Someone had to keep her safe and he did not trust his brothers to do that after their negligence. “You will not leave until I learn what I need to know from you.”

"What do you want to learn from me?" Kyoko pressed her hands against his hard chest and pushed, trying to get him to back up so she could sit up again. When she figured out he wasn't going to budge, she glared at him in frustration.

She was starting to lose her own temper with the `prince of ice' she thought to herself, causing a slight hysterical grin to cross her features. Her fingertips tingled with her power and she reined it in since he had made no real threat to her… yet.

Kyou again watched the emotions cross her face in amazement, though he showed no evidence of being amazed. He put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a slight shake. "That… I want to learn that."

Kyoko frowned at him. Now what the hell was he talking about?

He shook her again, "And that, I want to know that."

"What?" She yelled at him, getting angry. Kyoko gave him a strange look wondering silently if he had seriously lost his mind.

"Yes that, all of that and this too." He pulled her to him and slashed his lips across hers in a searing kiss.

Kyoko gasped when he took her by surprise and slipped his tongue past her lips bringing his body closer to hers, tasting her. In her panic… the crystal’s power faded and she pushed against him but her strength had no real will.

Kyou chose this time to release her when her struggles ceased. He had made his point even if he was the only one that understood it. His gaze never left her face as she fell back against the pillow, her cheeks flushed. The picture would forever be imprinted in his mind. Her breasts rising and falling with each deep breath. Her lips slightly parted. Her long auburn hair fanned around her in waves.

It was the look of innocent seduction… making his loins tighten and swell. She was already his… only she didn’t know it.

Kyoko put the back of her hand to her lips in an attempt to bar him from doing such a thing again. Now she was angry. She didn't understand. He wanted to learn what from her? "WHAT are you talking about? WHAT do you want me to teach you?" she asked the questions with a shaky voice feeling like he was trying to drag her into his insanity.

When she didn’t get an answer quick enough, she cocked an annoyed eyebrow at him and hissed, “Go take a flying leap.” She then wiped the back of her hand across her mouth as if to rub away the sensation of his kiss.

Losing his patience with her, he turned to leave the room. Why didn't she understand? Why didn't she see that he wanted to know her? He couldn’t release her now… unprotected from Hyakuhei. The enemy had gotten so close to her that he was now haunting her dreams… he would not allow it.

Kyoko screamed at him. "I want to leave! Let me go! If I don't know what you want from me, then I can't help you!" She watched as he stopped, his back stiffened but he didn't turn to face her.

Kyou knew what he wanted from her but for now, this would have to do. "I want you to teach me your human emotions." He walked toward the door. "Maybe then… I will understand why I am bothered with protecting one."

He left, firmly closing the door behind him. Once in the hallway outside the room, he leaned back against the wood of the door. ‘That was … strange,’ he thought with a raised eyebrow. He quickly straightened up and looked around him to make sure no one had witnessed his moment of weakness.

Kyou stood there for a moment, thinking. If he could get her to stay… even if it was only for a while, he would have time to try to get her to love him. It was time to admit what he was up to… at least admitting it to himself. He wanted to keep her. For once in his long life, he wanted something his brother Toya possessed.

He wanted the priestess for his own… wanted to be the one to protect her. Was this what they call love? His eyes darkened attractively. Deep down inside… he knew emotions, but only he was aware of that fact. He just hadn’t had a reason to tap into them in so long that they had become dormant. He smiled secretly. If she wanted to leave him… then first, she would have to get to know the real him.

First, he wanted to know what human love was and she would be the one to show him. In order to do that … she would have to fall in love with him. His highborn blood had already chosen her as his mate and he could not change that. No matter how hard she fought him… he would only fight harder.

Kyou’s eyes grew brighter with the thought of her coming to him willingly. He wanted to feel all those emotions. He knew why his father and brothers thought humans where so interesting… worth protecting. They thought each and every one of them were different and in some way intriguing. He found it easy to ignore most humans… but not the priestess. She was the enigma among the humans.

It had been a long time since the lord of the guardian realm looked forward to anything…. But this was a battle he did not intend on losing.

Chapter 4 “Double Trouble”

Kyoko sat up on the pillows staring at the door that had slammed only a few seconds before. Her thoughts were frozen on the reason he said she was there. Kyou wanted her to teach him human emotions? Why would the prince of ice want to know human emotions? And why would he want to learn them from her?

She raised her hand to her lips still feeling the tingling sensation his kiss had caused. Kyoko's eyes narrowed as she lowered her hand thinking. 'One thing is for sure! Kyou knows two emotions already… anger and conceit.'


Hiroki and Hiraru opened the door peeking in, looking for the pretty girl. There had never been a girl in the castle or at least one that they had ever seen. It had been a long time since they had even seen another human among them. They were so used to only seeing Kyou that it had never dawned on them that they were missing out on anything till now. Now they couldn’t keep their curiosity at bay.

Looking at each other when they didn’t see anything straight away, they leaned forward a bit more to fully see the pillow the girl had been lying on. Seeing that she was still there, they scrambled in almost falling over each other in the process.

Kyoko’s eyes brightened considerably when she saw the twin boys. They were so adorable and again she wondered how someone like Kyou could have these two beautiful children in his company. It just didn’t fit his cold personality.

In their rush to her side, one of them tripped but luckily landed on the edge of the pillow instead of the unforgiving marble floor. Kyoko couldn’t help it and laughed, taking him up in her arms and placing him back on his feet. She watched the other twin run up and hug his brother. Their cheeks were pressed together looking at her with identical smiles. They were so adorable and reminded her of her little brother when he was small.’

“Be careful,” Kyoko admonished. “You shouldn’t run across such slick floors. My name’s Kyoko.”

"Hiya Kyoko. He is my brother Hiroki…” “And he is my brother Hiraru.” They finished each other’s sentences.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Kyoko nodded.

“You’re very pretty,” Hiraru said quietly.

Kyoko mentally squealed at their cuteness but held it in. “Thank you Hiraru, I must say you two are very handsome too.”


They both blushed sweetly and Kyoko was finding it harder to keep from hugging the life out of them. She glanced toward the door then back at them. “Do you know where Kyou is?”

Hiroki and Hiraru gave each other a knowing look. “I think she likes him,” Hiroki whispered.

Kyoko's lips parted but nothing came out and she blushed.

“Her cheeks are red,” Hiraru said. “Mommy’s cheeks always turned red when Daddy would hug her. Do you think Kyou’s hugged Kyoko?”

Kyoko resisted the urge to fall over and bury her face in the pillow. ‘He’s done more than hug me,’ the thought steamrolled through her head. Trying to distract herself she noted the smudges of dirt on the boy’s hands and grinned. Boys would be boys and it looked like these two had been playing outside.

Kyoko reached out and lifted Hiroki's hand turning it palm side up. “Been playing in the dirt have we?” she winked.

“We need to take a bath now,” Hiraru informed her knowing Kyou never had dirty hands. The twins looked up to him and wanted to be just like their hero. “Will you come take a bath with us?"

Kyoko shook her head, “I don’t think that would be a very good idea.” She faltered when the twins each took a hand and attempted to pull her to her feet.

“Kyou won’t mind,” Hiroki said. “Once he sees how pretty you are when you’re clean maybe he’ll hug you.”

Kyoko’s eyes widened again and she groaned mentally. She didn’t want Kyou to hug her… she wanted Kyou to let her go. That’s when it truly dawned on her… the children didn’t know she was being kept against her will.

The little twins smiled innocently at her, pulling her toward the door. Her resolve to stay right where she was shattered when she saw their dirty bare feet. She wondered who bathed and took care of them. All the little things her mother used to do for her, that she took for granted, had not been given to these beautiful boys.

Kyoko didn’t know what to do so she just nodded and followed the children out the door and down the hall. At the moment it was a plus just to get out of that room. There were large tapestries and paintings lining the walls… more than a few Kyoko wouldn’t have minded taking a closer look at but she wasn’t about to make an appointment. She had an ulterior motive… find a way out of the castle and back to Toya.

The tiny hands holding hers continued to pull her down the hall to a set of white marble spiral steps. The stairway was so steep Kyoko tightened her grip on the children’s hands not wanting to see them trip and fall in their haste. At the bottom they led her through a set of double doors. Kyoko felt the change in temperature and humidity… she blinked in surprise and looked around with her lips parted in awe.

The room was enormous with a tantalizing hot spring bubbling comfortably in the center of the stone floor. The stone stretched all the way to the walls where it was lined with soft fluffy cushions creating a very comfortable setting. Under the right circumstances… it could have been considered romantic.

Following the wall, she craned her neck noticing it went all the way up through the center of the castle, leading to different wings and letting in the breeze and sunshine. If it were raining, she’d be wet right about now.

“Well, at least this is closer to being outside than I was,” she glanced down and smiled when both the boys looked up at her curiously. “It’s beautiful,” She nodded not wanting to worry them with her own ramblings.

Kyoko remembered Toya once telling her that Kyou lived in a luxurious setting… this alone confirmed it. She couldn’t tell just how big the castle was, and she wasn’t really sure she wanted to find out. It was bad enough she was having trouble remembering how she got to this room.

Following her line of vision back down to the spring, she noticed there where soft materials for drying and steam rising off the heated water. She had come to absolutely love the small hot springs they often ran into in this world but this was … the best thing since sliced bread. In ways, it was even better than what she had in her modern world.

It seemed almost too good for just general use and she wondered if this were someone’s personal bathing area. She shivered when the idea that this could be Kyou’s private bath entered her mind. Taking a quick look around to be sure, she breathed a sigh of relief upon determining he was nowhere around.

Kyoko looked down at Hiroki and Hiraru nervously. "Are we supposed to be here?"

They smiled, jumping up and down with excitement. "We wanted Kyoko to come with us like Mommy used to do!" With that… the twins preceded in stripping and running into the water, giggling in delight.

Kyoko’s jaw dropped. ‘Like mommy used to do?’ She blinked several times wondering how two children so sweet and innocent had survived without their mommy and how it was that they had wound up living with the prince of ice.


Kyou paced back and forth within the walls of his room wondering what he was going to do with Kyoko. He wasn’t worried about Toya and the others, but the fact that Hyakuhei had gotten so close to her didn’t make him happy. If he hadn’t gotten to her first, what would have happened?

Shaking his head he growled at the question. He knew exactly what would have happened. Hyakuhei would have seduced her and then used her to gather the talisman and open a portal into her world. He could still remember the softness within her voice as she said Hyakuhei’s name in her sleep. That thought alone was enough to make him want to fly into a rage. His uncle did not deserve to touch… would NEVER touch what was his.

He stopped pacing and stared into space. His… he very much liked the sound of that. The only problem he faced at the moment was gaining more of her trust and making her see that he was the only one that would ever have the ability to protect her the way she was meant to be protected. In order for him to accomplish this, he needed to keep her beside him and make sure she remained so.

He knew he could force her to stay but he also realized that would only make her hate him. He had worked most of his life at keeping humans at a distance, but Kyoko… he didn’t want her distant at all. If she never left the castle, then evil could never reach her. He wanted her to want to stay willingly, like the twins.

A very brief smile graced his lips thinking of the human children he had accommodated within his home. The expression vanished when his mind flashed back to the past… keeping the twins had been an accident.

The humans that had been stranded in this world, millenniums ago, had had to fight the demons of this world in order to survive. But often they were killed off at early ages because of their weakness, so the population had not grown by much. Those that did survive to adulthood often spend their entire lives fighting the demons that plagued this world.

The guardians and stronger humans within this world tried to keep them protected but they couldn’t always be there at the right time.

Such was the situation with the twins. Not long after the guardian heart crystal had been shattered, Kyou had heard of a village near his castle being attacked by the underlings of his uncle and he knew there must have been a talisman there for Hyakuhei to show such interest. On top of that, the village was within his territory and therefore under his protection. Unfortunately, for reasons he still had not discovered, he had not sensed the demons closing in until it was too late.

By the time Kyou had arrived, the village was under attack by several airborne fire demons. The twins had been the only ones left and that was only because their parents had hid them in a cavern under their hut. Had he not heard their cries under the burning shelter…? Kyou found it difficult to think about that part of it which constantly led him to a confused state.

Having pulled them from the wreckage, he had noticed the twins both had been adorned with a necklace made from the shattered pieces of the guardian heart crystal. The twin’s crystalline blue eyes had matched the color of the jewel that hung around their neck as they cried for the family that had been taken from them.

He had stood there looking around the destroyed village as the twins clutched at his legs, hiding their faces against him.

Kyou had thought it strange that both fragments had been in the shape of a teardrop… how ironic as he looked around the village that had been slaughtered leaving behind the very reason it had been demolished. Had the guardian heart crystal somehow hid the children from the monsters that had come for them? Considering the unknown nature of the crystal and the many secrets it contained… it wouldn’t have surprised him.

Knowing others would come for the tainted necklaces, Kyou quickly removed the fragments from their necks. He tried convincing himself repeatedly that it was part of his duty as a guardian to protect the talisman but, again, emotion constantly swayed his decisions. Later, looking back on the event, he had to stop from associating himself and his brothers with the twins. Like the children, they had no family except each other.

Already hiding feelings for Kyoko, it had made him curious about humans, so when the twins had tried to toddle behind him… wanting to follow him… he realized they too would die without his help.

Something about the tearstained faces and the way they looked up at him made his chest feel tight and heavy… he would not leave them. The decision made, he had turned and swept them up in his arms and brought them home behind the walls where demons could not find them. He would watch after the human siblings and learn the secret of why the guardian heart crystal protected such a race.

Shaking the memories from his mind, he pulled the chain out from his shirt and glanced at the sphere that rested there. The fragments of the crystal he had taken from the children.

He raised it up to eye level to watch the small teardrops float within the barrier he had given them. Such beautiful slivers of blue crystal that seemed to swim in a sea of tears they had caused. Tears he knew the twins still shed for their lost family, though they were coming less often than before. Occasionally, while resting, one or both would attempt crawling into bed with him to sleep. He did not understand this aspect of comfort but he allowed it, curious.

Slipping the necklace back into its hiding place, Kyou retreated back to the room he had placed Kyoko in and opened the door. Without stepping a foot inside, he could feel the room was empty and his anger grew. He had not told her she was free to leave. His expression hardened… She would have to learn her place if he was to protect her.

He inhaled slowly, detecting the scent of the twins mingling with hers. He walked on silent feet to one of the two balconies that lined the hallway just outside her room. This one led to the center of the castle and he looked down toward the hot springs that lay within.

Seeing her again, Kyou felt his anger cool. She had not fled as he had first thought. He silently watched her from the shadows as she spoke with the siblings.


Kyoko walked to the edge of the enclosed hot spring, still undecided on whether or not she should be here watching the twins bathe or trying to find a way out of the castle completely. Seeing the children’s carefree happiness eased her worries for a few minutes. As long as they were with her nothing would happen… right?

Letting her mind relax, she sat down on the stone lining that surrounded the heated water, sticking her feet in while watching the set of human twins. She was still curious as to how the little children came to be here, with Kyou. "Hiroki, Hiraru, where is your mommy and daddy?"

The twins stopped splashing and turned to Kyoko with a tilt to their little heads. "The village was attacked and everyone disappeared in the flames.” Hiroki took a piece of cloth from the side, dipped it in a bowl on the side of the spring, and started rubbing his little body.

Kyoko was surprised to see that it made lather as he rubbed his skin. So, the twin’s parents were dead? "How did you come here to be with Kyou?" She watched Hiraru wade to her smiling.

His little face tilted up to Kyoko’s and she could see warmth in his eyes. "The demons would have taken us too but Kyou stopped them and now we get to stay with him." he turned and splashed water on Hiroki, getting rid of the soap while he continued to answer her question. "The demons can’t find us now. They can’t even see this place, Kyou said so.” Kyoko watched Hiroki struggle to wet Hiraru’s hair and lather it.


’So… Kyou had saved them and now he watched after them much like a father would?’ Kyoko’s eyebrows forwarded in confusion. That did not sound like the Kyou she had come to fear. Her gaze softened for a second wondering if she really knew him at all. ‘An ice prince with a heart?’ she giggled at her own joke.

Noticing the stream of soap making its way toward Hiraru’s eyes, Kyoko decided to offer her assistance. "Would you like for me to help you wash your hair?"

When the children nodded and laughed, Kyoko got up her nerve and removed her clothes then slid into the water to help them, completely ignoring the fact that at the moment she was supposed to be trying to find a way back to the other guardians and far away from the guardian who had become her jailor.


“How was I supposed to know Kyoko was coming back through the time portal in the middle of the damn night?” Toya yelled up at the sky as if Kyou could still hear him. It had taken Shinbe a while just to get him this calm.

They had all panicked at first when light traces of red started filtering into Toya’s irises. When Toya started to destroy select trees around him, they had decided to step back a moment and let him work off some of his anger instead of letting it build up to such a dangerous level.

“And Hyakuhei showing up like that… she could have been kidnapped!” Toya continued to rage in confusion as his eyes turned silver in anger then reflected back to gold as worry reentered his mind. He looked back at the spot where Kyou had held her within the barrier against her will.

“What am I saying? She WAS kidnapped. Damn it!” he growled broodingly.

Shinbe was Toya’s opposite… he remained calm in the face of their missing priestess. “Kidnapped or saved?” He questioned as his hand tightened on his staff in uncertainty. What was Kyou thinking? He was sure there was more to this story than Toya was telling them.

His amethyst gaze watched Toya’s every move in hopes that his cursed demonic side would stay dormant. The last thing they needed was Toya’s demon blood taking over and making the situation worse. “Kyou has never been known to be nice… even when he was actually helping. Maybe he took her just to keep her safe till Hyakuhei left.”

Toya clinched his fist knowing the others hadn’t seen what he had seen. He didn’t want to tell them. Somehow… saying it out loud made it that much truer but they had a right to know what their older sibling was up to. “Kyou isn’t bringing her back.”

“Why not?” Kamui spoke for the first time since Hyakuhei had disappeared. “He is a guardian… one of us. Why wouldn’t he bring her back to us?”

Suki listened quietly while the brothers tried to sort it all out. She was still in shock with the fact that Kyou had shown up at all. Up till now, he had pretty much stayed out of this war as if it wasn’t his problem. Her hopes rose at the thought that maybe now he had decided to help but Toya’s next words made her cringe with dread.

“Because he wants her all to himself… the selfish bastard wants her for his own. He’s never touched another woman that I’ve ever seen like that… which means he’s probably chosen her for his mate.” Toya stopped pacing realizing what he had just said.

His eyes changed back to pure gold as he lifted them to look at the others. Shinbe’s jaw was dropped and Suki’s eyes were the size of saucers but it was Kamui he was most worried about. Kamui’s eyes were hidden behind untamed purple hair as the boy stared at the ground but Toya could see his fingers clinched into fists.

Toya started to take a step forward but stilled when Kamui took a step backward. “Don’t touch me!” Kamui’s voice had changed and the sound gave everyone a very uneasy feeling.

“Kamui?” Toya gritted his teeth hoping Kamui would be able to hold it in for now. The boy was the most innocent of them all but only because he had chosen to forget the truth about his own past.

“Don’t fall asleep Kyoko,” Kamui whispered warningly knowing the danger she was in if Hyakuhei and the dream demon could reach that far.

The puddles left behind from the rain seemed to shimmer with liquid speckled hues all around Kamui. “Hyakuhei wants her… Kyou wants her… what makes them any better than all the demons that want her?” Kamui’s voice quivered as his untamed hair swayed in the wind that seemed to be blowing only around him.

Suddenly the shadow behind Kamui took a different form causing the others to take a step back.

With a burst of energy that rippled the air and water around him, Kamui screamed, “They can’t just take her from me!” A shower of glitter fell from translucent wings that rebelliously appeared across his back.

Finally raising his tear filled eyes, Kamui glared at the others as the tips of his wings took on an ominous dark tinge. He shook his head as his voice became dangerously soft. “Fathers… brothers… it doesn’t matter. They can’t have her.”

The guardians shielded their eyes from the flash of light that swept out from where Kamui stood. When they lowered their arms… Kamui was nowhere in sight.

“Why do I have a feeling he didn’t go after Kyoko?” Shinbe stated still wondering at the strange darkness that had appeared at the tips of Kamui's wings. That wasn’t a good sign.

The words Kamui had spoken, ‘fathers and brothers’ chilled Toya’s soul and confirmed his destination. “Because he’s gone after Hyakuhei!”

Shinbe’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “I will go after Kamui, you go find Kyoko. Right now, Kamui needs the voice of reason and I’m the best one for the job at the moment.”

Suki watched as they both took off in different directions as if forgetting all about her. She then noticed Kaen still beside her. “I guess we should head back to the hut and wait on them to return.” She shrugged knowing she would only slow Shinbe down if she tried to follow him.

She turned to walk away but noticed Kaen hadn’t moved. Stepping back around in front of him her lips parted in awe.

Kaen had tears in his eyes as he stared off in the direction Kamui and Shinbe had gone.


Hyakuhei entered the chambers of the cave he had been staying in. This was the perfect hiding place… deep within the ground while they searched for him above. His translucent black wings shook away the tension of the flight then retreated as if they had never been there.

He looked around the majestic beauty of the cave… this is where he would bring her. He was right under their noses and they didn’t even know it. Hyakuhei sat down on the black fur robe he had spread out near the low burning fire to rethink his strategy.

Kyou had ruined his plans of capturing the priestess while she was alone in the gardens of The Heart of Time… but plans changed. Now that she was only with one of the guardians instead of all of them, it would not be so hard to steel her away. His eyes darkened with intent as he reached for the very thing that had let him know she had been alone near the maiden shrine.

Just like in the dream… the plan could have been the same. He could feel the dream demon inside him even when the other demons where silent. It was waiting for him to fall asleep. Hyakuhei closed his eyes remembering the nightmare demons he had overtook in the past. He had used their nightmares to torture others and make them experience their worst fears… now the deception was turned back on him tenfold.