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Buch lesen: «The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889», Seite 5


The Koran in English

Koran of Mohammed, The. Translated by George Sale. 12mo., cloth, 336 pages, 60c. (20c)

By far the best translation of a book which has exerted a wonderful influence in the past and which is now accepted as a sacred volume by more than two hundred million people.

Bayard Taylor’s Most Famous Book

Taylor. Views Afoot; or Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff. By Bayard Taylor. With two portraits and an introduction by N. P. Willis. 12mo, 481 pages. Long Primer type, cloth, 60c. (20c)

“There are few smoother or more gracefully written books of travel than Bayard Taylor’s ‘Views Afoot.’ For two years he was a wayfaring pedestrian, often reduced to a plate of soup and a crust, trudging along in a dilapidated pair of shoes, but his spirits, health, and delightful resources as a correspondent never failed. He saw Europe thoroughly for $500 earned by the way, and came back to his country quite a famous young man. His letters are good reading to-day. They present Europe from the pedestrian side; and among many literary graces they have the poetic. ‘Views Afoot’ is one of the new publications of John B. Alden, the cheapness of whose books is a modern novelty. The volume is set in a large, peculiarly distinct type, and has in all respects an attractive, comfortable appearance.” —Commercial Gazette, Cincinnati, O.

Invaluable For Home and Sunday School

Pittenger. The Interwoven Gospels. The four histories of Jesus Christ blended into a complete and continuous narrative in the words of the Gospels. According to the American Revised Version of 1881. Compiled by Rev. William Pittenger. 12mo, cloth, with maps, 90c. (30c)

“The Interwoven Gospels is an exceedingly helpful and convenient arrangement, based on a good plan, and well wrought.” – Rev. Richard G. Greene, East Orange, N. J.

“The advantage of such a book, both to a young reader and to a teacher of New Testament history, in bringing the gospel narratives into their proper relations, and in giving a clear mental view of the times and seasons to which events belong, must be apparent.” —The Interior, Chicago, Ill.

“The work is well done, and the little book will be welcome aid to many in the study of the New Testament.” —The Examiner, N. Y. City.

Shakespeare. Ideal Form! Ideal Price! Ideal Type! Ideal Binding!

Shakespeare. The Ideal Shakespeare. The text complete in 12 volumes, Long Primer type, fine heavy paper, bound in fine cloth, gilt tops, price $6.00 ($2.50); half Morocco, $7.20 ($2.50); The same, on lighter paper bound in 6 vols., cloth, $3.00 ($1.40) An extra vol., giving glossary, concordance, etc., cloth, 50c. (15c); half Morocco, 60c. (20c) See Elzevir Library for plays at 7 cts. each, 20 for $1.00.

“For a handy-volume series, agreeable to the eye and convenient we commend Mr. Alden’s publication, and the reasonable price should certainly insure its success.” —The Bookmart, New York.

“Your books came duly to hand. I am very much pleased with all their make-up, binding and contents, and especially with their marvelously low price. Only they cheat a body out of work – for Bayard Taylor and Beecher kept me from sermonizing and the Woman’s Story kept my wife from sewing all the afternoon.” – Rev. P. C. Croll, Schuylkill Haven, Pa.

“I have books from a majority of the principal publishing firms in the U.S., and I can assure all, that your work is always equal and generally superior to any of them, notwithstanding your marvelous prices.” – A. L. Campbell, Silver Creek, Ky.

Popular Medical Cyclopedia For Use in The Home

Lankester. Family Medical Guide. Edited by Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S., written by distinguished members of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London. American edition, revised and enlarged; large 8vo, 500 pages; price in cloth $4.00, reduced to $1.00. (35c)

“In this large work is comprised all possible self-aid in the treatment of diseases, accidents, emergencies, etc.” —Brooklyn Eagle.

“It is, in fine, the best book of the kind ever published. No family should be without it.” —Charleston Daily News and Courier.

Literary Portraits. Interesting Biography. Choice Select Readings

Literary Portraits. Biographical and critical studies of contemporary and classic authors, with selections from their writings. 26 portraits and other illustrations. Reprinted from “Literature,” Alden’s illustrated weekly magazine. 464 pages, small quarto, cloth, 90c. (30c)

Literary Portraits. Second Series. Uniform in all respects with First Series in style and price.

“An interesting volume, containing sketches and portraits of General Lew Wallace and his wife, Mark Twain, Octave Thanet, Charles Reade, Maurice Thompson, Celia Thaxter, Robert Louis Stevenson, Frances E. Willard, Paul H. Hayne, Emerson, Thackeray, Joel Chandler Harris, and other literary people. The book is well printed and bound, and, like all of Mr. Alden’s publications, is sold at an astonishingly low price. Writers will find it of special interest.” —The Writer, Boston, Mass.

400 Famous Americans

Lossing. Eminent Americans. By Benson J. Lossing, LL.D. 12mo, cl., 90c. (25c); half Mco., $1.10 (35c)

“The work can hardly be overrated in importance. The faces of the most eminent men and women shine forth from its pages, and the events of their lives are illustrated by the author in the happiest possible manner. The American youth who owns the work may be justly envied.” —Herald of Gospel Liberty, Dayton, O.

Wonders of the Heavens

Mitchel. Planetary and Stellar Worlds. By Gen. O. M. Mitchel. Small quarto, Small Pica type. Price reduced from $1.50; paper, 15c., cloth, 35c. (7c)

“Whoever opens this book will be surprised to find how little of the technical there is in it, how popular it is in style, and plain in its statement of astronomical facts. It is one of the most brilliant and fascinating expositions of the science of the stars we have ever seen. While it cannot fail to interest the special student of the noble science of astronomy, its chief value, we judge, will consist in its charming adaptation to the tastes of the general reader.” —Guardian, Philadelphia.

“The Reader’s Pulse Tingles.”

Pittenger. A History of the great Raid and Locomotive Chase in Georgia in 1862. By William Pittenger. New edition, large 8vo, illustrated, cloth, $1.50 (60c)

– The same, cheap ed., the story complete but omitting documents, paper, 40c; cloth, 75c.

“The realism of the author reminds one of Tolstoi and his military pictures in the forms of both history and romance.” —The Eagle, Brooklyn.

“So thrillingly and graphically told that the reader’s pulses tingle as his fancy accompanies this wild expedition.” —The Courier, Buffalo, N. Y.

Robert Elsmere. Cheaper! Cheaper!

Ward. Robert Elsmere. By Mrs. Humphry Ward. Large 12 mo, cloth, 40c. (15c)

– Gladstone’s Famous Essay on “Robert Elsmere and the Battle of Belief.” Large type, complete, 3c.

“A remarkable book – a work of true genius.” —New York Tribune.

“It will attract the lovers of the best literature.” —Literary World.

“One of the strongest works of fiction that have appeared in England since George Eliot.” —Critic.

“Nothing, indeed, approaching it has appeared in its particular department since the last work of George Eliot.” —Churchman.

Nature, Picturesque – Nature, Human

Thompson. A Fortnight of Folly. By Maurice Thompson. Cloth. 50c. (20c)

– Sylvan Secrets in Bird-Songs and Books. By Maurice Thompson. Ideal Ed., cloth, 60c. (25c)

“The ‘Fortnight’ has no sleepiness, even for the drowsy-inclined eyes of a summer tourist.” —National Republican, Washington, D. C.

“All lovers of candor and keen air and sunshine must be charmed with Maurice Thompson’s little book of essays, entitled ‘Sylvan Secrets.’ The author is above all things a poet, and his science breaks into poetry at every turn.” —The Critic, N. Y. City.

“Mr. Thompson is a genuine poet. He discloses secrets in woods, sea and skies of which we never dreamed. Songs of birds and whispering winds have new meanings as he listens to them. There are no dull pages in this book.” —Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, Pa.

Famous Statesmen of the World

International Statesman Series. Biographies of great social and political leaders. Edited by Lloyd C. Sanders. Cloth, per vol., 60c. (15c)

1. Lord Beaconsfield. By T. E. Kebbel.

2. Viscount Palmerston. By Lloyd C. Sanders.

3. Prince Metternich. By G. B. Malleson.

4. O’Connell. By J. A. Hamilton.

5. Lord Bolingbroke. By Arthur Hassall.

6. Sir Robert Peel. By F. C. Montague.

A very interesting and important series of biographies of men who have been influential in the social and political history of the world.

A Great Popular Dictionary

*Nuttall’s Standard Dictionary of the English Language. A new illustrated edition; revised, extended, and improved throughout, by Rev. James Wood, Edinburgh. 100,000 references and all the new words. The handiest lexicon in the world. In large crown 8vo, 832 pp., cloth, $1.50, reduced to 90c. (15c) With patent cut-in index, 20 cents extra.

“My own private library and the two churches in my charge are the richer for your praiseworthy attempts to bring good books within the reach of ordinary pocket books.” – Rev. William H. Bulkley, Stepney Depot, Ct.

Wonders of the World

*Platt. World’s Cyclopedia of Wonders and Curiosities. Compiled by I. Platt, D.D.; illustrated, nearly 1,000 pages. Large, 8vo, price $3.00, reduced to $1.60 (35c)

“The package of books was duly received, and must say that we are highly pleased with the same. In fact, it is one of the best investments we ever made.” – The Globe Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

The Popular Wallace Books

Wallace. Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ. By General Lew Wallace. 12 mo, cloth, $1.50. For $1.85 I will send Ben Hur and The Repose in Egypt, or for $1.60 Ben Hur and The Land of the Pueblos, or for $2.60 all three books.

“A real life-like picture of the age in which Jesus lived and died. The design of the author is admirably executed, and the fidelity with which he has personated and illustrated the greatest life-history of earth will win for him more enduring fame than he won on the battle-field of our late civil war.” —Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, Pa.

An Orient Medley

Wallace. The Repose in Egypt: A Medley. By Susan E. Wallace. Finely illustrated. Large 12mo, cloth, $1.00 (40c)

“Mrs. Wallace has a sense of humor, and her geniality sparkles and plays over pyramid, sphinx, Colossus and Nile scenery in a way that relieves her descriptions of a thousand times told tale of dullness or repetition. Nothing short of a vigorous writer could do that. The reader is carried along in the charming society of the ‘Antiquary,’ the ‘Historian,’ ‘Thalia,’ so that one feels quite of the party. * * * Romance and philosophy enter entertainingly into this ‘medley,’ which is not altogether without continuity, and the interest is sustained to the end.” —Literary Bureau, Washington, D.C.

A Mysterious Land

– The Land of the Pueblos. By Susan E. Wallace. 12mo, cloth, finely illust. Price 75c. (35c)

*The Fair God. A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico, by Gen. Lew Wallace. Large 12mo, cloth, $1.50, reduced to $1.25 (20c)

“Mrs. Wallace fascinates the reader in two ways: The story itself is one of illimitable interest, and it is charmingly told from beginning to end. The style is of the matter. Mrs. Wallace has steeped her mind in the glory of these wonderful lands – the glory of their traditions, the glory of their scenery – and the touch of her imagination, in its delicate appreciations, its dreamy hints, its allusiveness, its pathetic sympathies, imparts a constant glow to her pages, and makes vivid and life-like a narrative of those far western and old-time countries and peoples.” —Apostolic Guide, Cincinnati.

*Ginevra; or, the Tale of the Old Oak Chest. By Susan E. Wallace. 4to. boards, in a fine chromo cover, $1.25, reduced to 85c. (20c)

“Mrs. Wallace is one of the most fluent and fascinating writers in this country. Her descriptive powers are simply marvelous.” —Express, Easton.

A Charming Historical Romance

Ware. Zenobia; or, the Fall of Palmyra. By William Ware. Paper, 10c.; cloth, 30c. (10c)

“It is an historical romance. The scene, the characters, and the historical events are finely selected; for they abound with striking images and associations. It is not a work of an ordinary character. It is the production of a thoughtful, able, imaginative, and, above all, a pure and right-minded author, of clear thought and sound sense.” – Andrews Norton.

“I enclose cheque. You are doing noble work for the lovers of good books, and it is only because everybody does not know you that you do not supply everybody with books.” – S. A. Barnes, President Teacher’s Association, Spring Garden, Fla.

Popular Religious Literature

Geikie. The Holy Land and the Bible. A Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. Beautifully printed from Small Pica type, with a map and over 200 fine illustrations, from drawings by the celebrated American artists, Harry Fenn and J. D. Woodward. In 2 vols., small quarto, cloth, $2.00 (65c); elegantly bound in half Morocco, $2.75 ($1.00)

“Dr. Geikie’s readers will follow him through Palestine, Bible in hand, with eager interest and constant delight.” —Literary World, Boston.

“We congratulate Sunday-school workers that the best manual for practical use on the Holy Land is now placed before them at a wonderfully low price, and yet, print, binding, and illustrations are of the highest order.” —Maine S. S. Reporter.


– Hours with the Bible. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. In 6 vols., 12mo, illustrated. I. Creation to Patriarchs: II. Moses to Judges: III. Samson to Solomon: IV. Rehoboam to Hezekiah: V. Manasseh to Zedekiah: VI. Exile to Malachi. Per vol. cloth, 50c. (20c); half Mco., 65c. (25c); per set, cloth, $2.75 (90c); half Morocco, $3.50 ($1.20) Index vol. including Texts of the Bible Illustrated; cloth, 30c. (10c); half Mco., 40c. (11c)

“Taken altogether, we know no work of like design that can be commended with so little qualification. For the average reader there is nothing that compares to it.” —Christian Evangelist, St. Louis.

“Fills a place which no commentary can occupy, as it brings to bear upon the Biblical record a vast amount of information – geographical, historical, scientific – not available in an ordinary commentary.” —The Guardian, Philadelphia.


– Life and Words of Christ. By Cunningham Geikie. 12mo, cl., 45c. (15c); hf. Mco., 60c. (20c)

“It breathes the spirit of true faith in Christ. I rejoice at such a magnificent creation.” – Dr. Delitzsch.


– Entering on Life. By Cunningham Geikie. A Book for Young Men. 12mo, cloth, 40c. (15c)

“We earnestly recommend young men to read what has been to ourselves a truly delightful work.” – Dean Alford.

“When such a man as the wise and gentle Dean Alford recommends a book, all is said, and said as only a few can say it. Every parent, every teacher, every friend of the race, every believer in things of good repute, must echo his convictions, and join with him in bearing witness to the good sense, the exquisite fancy, the pathos, piety, and sound moral reasoning that illuminate every page.” —The Week, Toronto.

The Confessions of St. Augustine

St. Augustine, Confessions of. Translated by E. D. Pusey, D.D. Ideal Edition, cloth. 60c. (16c)

“No one mind has ever made such an impression on Christian thought. No one can hesitate to acknowledge the depth of his spiritual conviction and the strength, solidity, and penetration with which he handled the most difficult questions, and wrought all the elements of his experience, and his profound scriptural knowledge, into a great system.” – John Tulloch, Principal of St. Andrew’s University.

Macaulay. Prescott. Rawlinson

*Macaulay’s England. 5 vols., 12mo, cloth, $5.00, reduced to $2.00 (40c) The same half Russia, $7.50 reduced to $3.50 (60c)

Macaulay’s Essays. On Bacon, Hastings, and Pitt: Ideal Ed., cloth, 35c. (8c)

“Macaulay’s essays are remarkable for their brilliant rhetorical power, their splendid tone of coloring and their affluence of illustration. He excels in the delineation of historical characters and in the art of carrying his readers into a distant period and reproducing the past with the distinctness of the present.” – Geo. S. Hillard.

“Both his turn of mind and style of writing are peculiar, and exhibit a combination rarely if ever before witnessed in modern literature. He is deeply learned in ancient and modern lore; he is eminently dramatic and pictorial; alternately speaks poetry to the soul and pictures to the eye. His learning is prodigious; in many of his writings there are reflections, equally just and original, which were never surpassed in the philosophy of history.” – Sir Archibald Allison.

Spain in its Golden Age

Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. By Wm. H. Prescott. Illustrated Library Edition. In two vols small octavo, $1.25 (35c) Popular edition, without illustrations, one vol., 85c. (20c)

– Prescott’s Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Ideal Edition, cl., 40c. (15c); hf Mco., 55c. (20c)

“Every one who reads at all should read Prescott.” —The Presbyterian, Philadelphia, Pa.

“Prescott was a prince among historians.” —Christian Secretary, Hartford, Ct.

“Mr. Prescott ranks among the most successful historical writers of all times.” —Sunday Morning Herald, Minneapolis, Minn.

Rawlinson’s Great Historical Works

Rawlinson. Seven Great Monarchies. By George Rawlinson. 3 vols., 12mo, with many hundred illustrations and maps. Cloth, gilt tops, $2.75 (80c)

“This edition includes all the maps, notes and illustrations of the edition for which $18 has heretofore been charged, and the illustrations are actually superior to those of the $18 edition.” —Oregonian, Portland, Oregon.

– Rawlinson’s History of Ancient Egypt. With Several Hundred Illustrations, in two large 12mo vols., cloth, gilt tops. Price of the set reduced from $6.00 to $1.50 (50c)

“He that would have the best History of Egypt will choose Rawlinson’s, and he that would have the cheapest will buy Alden’s. This most valuable work, an almost exhaustive treatise on all that pertains to Egypt, could not formerly be bought for less than $6.00, but is here offered, profusely illustrated, and in Mr. Alden’s excellent style of workmanship, at the exceedingly low price of $1.50.” —Guardian, Philadelphia.

– Historical Evidences. By Rawlinson. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, 60c. (20c)

– Egypt and Babylon from Sacred and Profane Sources. By Rawlinson, cl., gilt top, 50c. (15c)

– Religions of the Ancient World. By Rawlinson. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, 50c. (15c)

“Mr. Rawlinson is doubtless the best modern authority in Biblical researches as sources of evidence of the credibility of the Scripture records. He seems to have devoted his life to this department of study, and to him the world is greatly indebted therefor.” —Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, O.

Kingdoms of the World

*Kingdoms of the World. Popular Histories, brought down to the present time. Each in one vol., 8vo. cloth, $2.00, reduced to $1.25 (20c)

Italy, By J. S. C. Abbott.

Russia, By J. S. C. Abbott.

Austria, By J. S. C. Abbott.

Prussia. By J. S. C. Abbott.

Turkey. By Edson L. Clark.

Egypt. By J. C. McCoan.

Germany. By Baring-Gould.

A series of volumes that are justly held in high estimation; now reduced in price nearly one-half, they ought to secure wide circulation.

“The books received. It is a never-ceasing wonder how such fine editions can be supplied in exchange for the very small sum you ask for them.” – S. B. Walker, Castle Rock, Colo.

“The book ordered from you was a pleasant surprise to me, in type, binding and general appearance. Will send you another and larger order soon.” – A. R. Read, Principal of Schools, Ebensburg, Pa.

Picturesque America!

*Williams. America Illustrated. Edited by J. David Williams. 100 fine wood-cuts. Quarto, cloth, gilt edges, printed on fine tinted paper, $2.50 reduced to $1.40 (25c)

The grandeur and vastness of our mountains, the beautiful scenery of many of our rivers, the magnificence of our great waterfalls – all present a field for the artist, who has made excellent use of the same. The descriptive matter is also very interesting as well as instructive. Printing and binding are very fine. An excellent presentation volume and an ornament to any parlor or library. The price is extremely low.