How do you approach gender as a parent? (with LB Hannahs)

Episodendauer 36 мин.

2022 Jahr


How do you approach gender as a parent? (with LB Hannahs)

Über den Podcast

Thinking and talking about gender is complex for anyone, and for some people it’s a frequent conversation–especially for parents. In today’s episode, LB Hannahs, a genderqueer parent, shares their experience of parenting and discusses why they try to center authenticity and gender expansive thinking in the way they live their lives–both in how they interact with their kids, and how they work and show up in their community. Plus, from rethinking the gifts we give children to embracing the spectrums of identity, LB shares actionable recommendations for parents and non-parents alike on how we all can better support the LGBTQ+ people in our lives.

Letzte Aktualisierung:
20 мая 2024
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Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
20 Mai 2024
08 August 2022
36 мин. 48 сек.
Автор, TED Conferences LLC
m4b, mp3