Episodendauer 04 Min.
2023 Jahr
Easy Stories in English Premium has arrived!
Über den Podcast
Sign up for Easy Stories in English Premium and use the code 'easy' to get your first month free! EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Support Transcript Hello everyone! It’s me, Ariel Goodbody, here with an exciting announcement. You’ve probably noticed that there are advertisements during episodes of the podcast now, and if you’re paying close attention, you will have seen that I’m not making new content on Patreon anymore. That’s because I’m starting Easy Stories in English Premium. Easy Stories in English Premium is a way to get all the episodes of the podcast without adverts, as well as bonus episodes from me. So why have I decided to do this? Well, having adverts on the podcast helps me do things like buy food and clothes, which I hear are quite important. But I understand that not everyone wants to hear adverts, and many people prefer to support in a more direct way. Also, it lets me give you all something ‘extra special’ – that’s what premium means, by the way, ‘extra special’. The bonus episodes are my way of saying thank you for supporting me. And I’m really excited about these new episodes. At the moment, I’m working on an episode about a recent holiday I took in Cornwall, and I interview my girlfriend Artoria as part of it. I also want to talk to you, my listeners, and record the conversations. So if you think you’ve got a star inside you, or you’d just enjoy having a chat with me on Zoom, this is your opportunity. On Patreon, I experimented with all kinds of bonus content, but it wasn’t an easy platform to use. With Easy Stories in English Premium it’s much easier. As soon as you sign up you’ll get your own podcast feed – that’s the list of episodes – without adverts and with bonus episodes. To sign up, go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Support and use the code ‘easy’ to get your first month free. If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts, just go to the top of the feed and click ‘Try Free’! The Patreon isn’t disappearing, by the way – you can join it to get access to the archive of all the content I made for it – that’s exercises for old episodes, bonus podcasts, stories and so on. But I won’t be making any new content there. Thank you to everyone for listening, thank you to people who have supported me on Patreon, and I look forward to seeing you all on the Easy Stories in English Premium podcast feed! One more time, because I know it’s easy to forget how links are spelled, go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Support and use the code ‘easy’ to get your first month free. Thank you so much! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices