Meine Bücher
Lebensspuren im Stein
Nachtrag zu den russischen silurischen Leperditien
Gigantostraca und Scorpionida
Die Dinorinos fahren ans Meer (Band 4)
Die Dinorinos gehen auf Klassenfahrt (Band 5)
Die Dinorinos finden Freunde (Band 3)
Im Zauber des Tierlebens
A Mid-Ordovician Brachiopod Evolutionary Hotspot in Southern Kazakhstan
Investigating Fossils
Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria
Papers from the 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives
Ediacaran Microfossils from the Doushantuo Formation Chert Nodules in the Yangtze Gorges Area, South China, and New Biozones
Rhythms of Insect Evolution
Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record
Graptolite Paleobiology
Genomic Approaches in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopods from Co. Waterford, SE Ireland
Morphology, Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Osteolepiform Fish
Cetacean Paleobiology
The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang, China
Atlas of Benthic Foraminifera
History of Life