Buch lesen: «Английские идиомы»



A for effort


Abide by (something)

Abide by a decision

Able to (do something) standing on one's head

Able to (do something) with one's eyes closed/shut

Able to breathe easily again

Able to breathe easily/freely again

Able to do (something) blindfolded

Able to take a joke

About time

About to (do something)

Above and beyond

Above average

Above board

Above par

Above reproach

Above suspicion


According to Hoyle

Ace in the hole

Achilles' heel (of someone or something)

Aching heart

Acid test

Acquire a taste for (something)

Across the board

Act high and mighty

Act of God

Act one's age

Act up


Add fuel to the fire

Add insult to injury

Add up

Add up (to something)

Adjourn a meeting

Advise against (something)

Afraid of one's own shadow

After a fashion

After all

After all is said and done

After hours

After one's own heart

After the fact

Against one's will

Against the clock


Ahead of one's time

Ahead of the game

Ahead of the pack

Ahead of time



Air (something) out

Air one's dirty laundry/linen in public

Air one's dirty linen in public

Air one's grievances

Albatross (around someone's neck)

Alive and well/kicking

All along

All at once

All day long

All ears

All eyes

All eyes are on (someone or something)

All for (someone or something)

All hands on deck

All in

All in (someone's) mind

All in a day's work

All in all

All in one breath

All in one piece

All manner of (someone or something)

All night long

All of a sudden

All over but the shouting

All over the place

All right

All rolled up in one

All set

All sweetness and light

All systems go

All talk (and no action)

All the rage

All the time

All thumbs

All to the good

All told



Alley cat

Allow for (someone or something)

Almighty dollar

Along with (someone or something)


Amount to (something)

Amount to the same thing

Answer to (someone)

Ante up

Any number of (someone or something)




Appear out of nowhere

Apple of (one's) eye

Apple of (someone's) eye

Argue for the sake of arguing/argument

Arm and a leg

Arm in arm

Armed and dangerous

Armed to the teeth

Armpit of (somewhere)

Around the clock

Arrive on the scene

Arrow in one's quiver

As a duck takes to water

As a last resort

As a matter of fact

As a result of (something)

As a rule

As awkward as a cow on roller skates

As bald as a baby's backside

As bald as a coot

As black as a skillet

As black as a stack of black cats

As black as a sweep

As black as coal

As black as night

As black as pitch

As black as the ace of spades

As blind as a bat

As broad as a barn door

As busy as a beaver

As busy as a bee

As busy as a one-armed paperhanger

As busy as popcorn on a skillet

As calm as a toad in the sun

As clean as a hound's tooth

As conceited as a barber's cat

As cool as a cucumber

As crazy as a bedbug

As crazy as a loon

As crooked as a dog's hind leg

As dead as a dodo

As drunk as a skunk

As dry as a bone

As easy as ABC

As easy as apple pie

As easy as duck soup

As far as

As far as possible

As fat as a pig

As flat as a pancake

As free as a bird

As full/tight as a tick

As gaudy as a butterfly

As gentle as a lamb

As good as one's word

As graceful as a swan

As gruff as a bear

As happy as a clam

As happy as a lark

As hard as nails

As hoarse as a crow

As hungry as a bear

As innocent as a lamb

As long as

As luck would have it

As mad as a hornet

As mad as a wet hen

As meek as a lamb

As merry as a cricket

As naked as a jaybird

As nervous as a cat

As nutty as a fruitcake

As old as the hills

As one

As phony as a three-dollar bill

As plain as the nose on one's face

As poor as a church mouse

As proud as a peacock

As quiet as a mouse

As red as a cherry

As red as a lobster

As red as a poppy

As red as a rose

As red as a ruby

As red as blood

As scarce as hen's teeth

As scarce as hen's teeth/scarcer than hen's teeth

As scared as a rabbit

As sick as a dog

As silly as a goose

As slippery as an eel

As sly as a fox

As snug as a bug in a rug

As sober as a judge

As soft as a baby's bottom

As soft as down

As sound as a dollar

As sour as vinegar

As strong as a horse/lion/ox

As stubborn as a mule

As such

As sweet as honey/sugar

As the crow flies

As thick as pea soup

As ugly as a toad

As usual

As warm as toast

As weak as a kitten

As well as

As white as a ghost

As white as a sheet

As white as the driven snow

As wild as a tiger

As wise as an owl

As yet


Ask (someone) out

Ask for someone's hand in marriage

Ask for the moon

Ask for trouble

Asleep at the switch

Assault and battery

Assault the ears

Assemble a case (against someone)

Assume liability

At (someone's) beck and call

At (someone's) earliest convenience

At (someone's) service

At a loss

At a loss (for words)

At a premium

At a sitting

At a stretch

At all costs

At any rate

At arm's length

At bay

At best

At cross-purposes

At death's door

At each other's throats

At ease

At every turn

At face value

At fault

At first

At first blush

At hand

At heart

At home

At it again

At large

At last

At least

At length

At loggerheads with (someone)

At loose ends

At odds (with someone)

At once

At one sitting

At one time

At one with (someone)

At one's fingertips

At one's heels

At one's wit's end

At peace

At random

At risk

At sea

At sea (about something)

At sixes and sevens

At stake

At the appointed time/hour

At the bottom of the hour

At the bottom of the ladder

At the crack of dawn

At the drop of a hat

At the eleventh hour

At the end of one's rope

At the end of the day

At the expense of (someone or something)

At the hands of (someone or something)

At the latest

At the mercy of (the court/someone)

At the present time

At the top of one's lungs

At the top of the hour

At this juncture

At this stage of the game

At times

At will

Attend to (someone or something)

Attract (someone's) attention

Attracted to (someone)

Augur well for (someone or something)

Avail oneself of (something)

Avenue of escape

Avoid (someone or something) like the plague






Back and forth

Back down

Back down (from someone or something)

Back in circulation

Back of beyond

Back on one's feet

Back out (of something)

Back the wrong horse

Back to basics

Back to square one

Back to the drawing board

Back to the salt mines

Back up (someone or something)


Bad blood (between people)

Bad egg

Bad hair day

Bad-mouth (someone or something)

Bad/rotten apple

Badger (someone)

Bag of tricks

Bail (someone or something) out

Bail (someone) out

Bail a company out

Bail out (of something)

Balance the books/accounts

Ball is in (someone's) court

Ball of fire

Ball park figure/estimate

Ballpark estimate/figure

Balls of one's feet

Bang for the buck

Bang/beat one's head against the wall

Bank on (someone or something)

Banker's hours

Bankroll someone

Baptism of fire

Bare bones (of something)

Bargain for (something)

Bargain on (something)

Barge in on (someone or something)

Bark is worse than one's bite

Bark up the wrong tree

Base one's opinion on (something)

Bat a thousand

Bat out of hell

Bats in the belfry

Batten down the hatches

Bawl out (someone)

Be a new one on (someone)

Be all ears

Be all things to all people

Be at one's wit's end

Be cricket

Be curtains for (someone or something)

Be dealt a bad hand/deal someone a bad hand

Be game

Be hand in hand

Be into (something)

Be laid up

Be of the persuasion that (something) is so

Be off

Be off on the wrong foot

Be off to a bad start

Be that as it may

Be the case

Be the death of (someone)

Be to blame

Be/have something going for (one)

Bean counter

Bear (someone or something) in mind

Bear (something) out

Bear fruit

Bear in mind

Bear one's cross

Bear the brunt of (something)

Bear with (someone or something)

Bear witness (to something)

Bear/hold a grudge (against someone)

Beat (someone) to the punch/draw

Beat (something) into (someone's) head

Beat a hasty retreat

Beat a path to (someone's) door

Beat around the bush

Beat one's brains out

Beat one's head against the wall

Beat the clock

Beat the gun

Beat the living daylights out of (someone)

Beat the rap

Beat the tar out of (someone)

Beat up (someone)

Becoming on/to (someone)

Beef up (something)

Before long

Beg the question

Beg to differ with (someone)

Begin to see the light

Behind (someone's) back

Behind closed doors

Behind in/on (something)

Behind one's back

Behind schedule

Behind the eight ball

Behind the scenes

Behind the times

Belabor the point

Believe one's ears

Believe one's eyes

Below average

Below par

Belt (something) out

Bend (someone's) ear

Bend over backwards (to do something)

Bent on doing (something)

Beside oneself (with something)

Beside the point

Best bib and tucker

Best-laid plans of mice and men

Best/better part of (something)

Bet on the wrong horse

Bet one's boots

Bet one's bottom dollar

Better off

Between a rock and a hard place

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Betwixt and between

Beyond a reasonable doubt

Beyond a shadow of a doubt

Beyond measure

Beyond one's depth

Beyond one's means

Beyond the pale

Beyond words

Bid adieu to (someone or something)

Bide one's time

Big cheese

Big cheese/gun/wheel

Big enchilada

Big fish in a small pond

Big frog/fish in a small pond

Big of (someone)

Big shot



Binge and purge

Bird brain

Bird in hand is worth two in the bush

Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Birds and bees

Birds of a feather flock together

Birds-eye view

Birthday suit

Bite (someone's) head off

Bite off more than one can chew

Bite one's nails

Bite one's tongue

Bite the bullet

Bite the dust

Bite the hand that feeds (someone)

Bite the hand that feeds one

Bitten by (some kind of) bug

Bitter pill to swallow

Black and blue

Black and white

Black box

Black eye

Black market

Black out

Black sheep of the family

Black-tie event/affair

Blackball (someone)

Blacklist (someone)

Blackmail (someone)


Blast off

Blaze a trail (in something)

Bleeding heart

Bleep (something) out

Blessing in disguise

Blind date

Blind leading the blind

Blood is thicker than water

Blood runs cold

Blood, sweat, and tears

Blow (someone or something) off

Blow (someone's) cover

Blow (someone's) mind

Blow (someone) away

Blow (something)

Blow (something) out of all proportion

Blow a fuse

Blow one's nose

Blow one's own horn

Blow one's stack/top

Blow one's top/stack

Blow over

Blow the lid off (something)

Blow the whistle on someone

Blow to smithereens

Blow up (at someone)

Blow up in (someone's) face


Blue blood

Blue in the face



Body blow

Bog down

Boggle one's mind

Boil down to (something)

Bona fide

Bone of contention

Bone up (on something)


Booked solid


Boot out

Bore (someone) stiff/to death

Bored out of one's mind/skull

Born out of wedlock

Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

Bosom friend

Boss (someone) around

Bottle (something) up

Bottom dollar

Bottom drops/falls out of (something)

Bottom line

Bottom out

Bottoms up!

Bounce a check

Bounce something (an idea) off someone

Bound and determined

Bound for somewhere

Bound hand and foot

Bound to (do something)

Bow and scrape

Bow out

Bowl (someone) over

Boys in the backroom

Brain (someone)

Brain drain

Brain teaser



Brains behind (something)

Brainstorm something

Brainwash (someone)


Breach of promise

Breach of the peace

Bread and butter

Bread and water

Break (someone's) fall

Break (someone's) heart

Break (something) down

Break (something) to (someone)

Break a habit

Break a law

Break a leg!

Break a record

Break camp

Break down

Break down (something)

Break even

Break fresh/new ground

Break ground for (something)

Break in (someone or something)

Break into a cold sweat (about something)

Break into tears

Break loose (from someone or something)

Break off

Break one's back/neck (to do something)

Break one's word

Break out in (something)

Break out in a cold sweat

Break out of (something)

Break the back of (something)

Break the bank

Break the ice

Break the law

Break the news (to someone)

Break through

Break up (with someone)


Breath of fresh air

Breathe down (someone's) neck

Breathe easy

Breathe easy/easier

Breathe one's last

Brew a plot

Bright and early

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Brimming with (something)

Bring (someone or something) to its/their knees

Bring (someone) around

Bring (someone) into line

Bring (someone) to

Bring (someone) to heel

Bring (someone) to terms

Bring (something) home to (someone)

Bring (something) into question

Bring (something) off

Bring (something) on

Bring (something) to (someone's) attention

Bring (something) to a head

Bring about (something)

Bring down the house

Bring home the bacon

Bring home the importance of (something) to (someone)

Bring some new facts to light

Bring to mind

Bring up

Bring up (something)

Bring up the rear

Broad in the beam

Brown bag it

Brush up on (something)

Brush with the law



Buck for (something)

Buckle down to (do something)

Budget crunch/squeeze

Bug (someone)


Build (something) to order

Build a case (against someone)

Build a fire under (someone)

Build castles in the air/in Spain

Build up (someone or something)

Build up to (something)

Bull in a china shop

Bump into (someone)

Bump off (someone)

Bundle of nerves

Burden of proof

Burn (oneself) out

Burn (someone) in effigy

Burn (something) to a crisp

Burn a hole in one's pocket

Burn down

Burn one's bridges behind one

Burn one's fingers

Burn the candle at both ends

Burn the midnight oil

Burn up

Burst at the seams

Burst in on (someone or something)

Burst into flames

Burst into tears

Burst onto the scene

Burst out laughing

Burst with joy

Burst with pride

Bury the hatchet

Bury/hide one's head in the sand

Business as usual

Busman's holiday

Bust a gut (to do something)

But for (someone or something)

Butt heads with (someone)

Butt in (on someone or something)

Butter (someone) up

Button one's lip

Buy (something) for a song

Buy (something) on credit

Buy (something) sight unseen

Buy a pig in a poke

Buy a stake in (something)

Buy off (someone)

Buy out (someone or something)

By a hair's breadth

By a long shot

By a mile

By a whisker

By a whisker/hair

By all accounts

By all appearances

By all means

By and by

By and large

By any means

By chance

By check

By fair means or foul

By far

By fits and starts

By hook or by crook

By leaps and bounds

By means of

By no means

By shank's mare

By the book

By the day

By the dozen

By the dozens

By the handful

By the hour

By the month

By the same token

By the seat of one's pants

By the skin of one's teeth

By the sweat of one's brow

By the way

By the week

By the year

By virtue of (something)

By way of (something or somewhere)

By way of (something)

By word of mouth





Calculated risk

Call (someone or something) into question

Call (someone) in

Call (someone) names

Call (someone) on the carpet

Call (something) in

Call a meeting

Call a meeting to order

Call a spade a spade

Call for (someone or something)

Call for (someone)

Call it a day/night

Call it quits

Call of nature

Call off (something)

Call on (someone)

Call out to (someone)

Call someone's bluff

Call the dogs off

Call the roll

Call the shots

Call up (someone)

Calm down

Can of worms

Can take (something) to the bank

Can't do anything with (someone or something)

Can't see beyond the end of one's nose

Can't see the forest for the trees

Can't stand (someone or something)

Can't stand/stomach (someone or something)

Can't stomach (someone or something)

Cancel (something) out

Cannot see one's hand in front of one's face

Cap and gown

Captain of industry

Card up one's sleeve

Cards are stacked against (someone)

Carried away

Carrot and stick

Carry (something) out

Carry a lot of weight with (someone or something)

Carry a motion

Carry coals to Newcastle

Carry on

Carry one's (own) weight

Carry over (something)

Carry over figures/numbers/costs

Carry the ball

Carry the day

Carry the torch

Carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders

Carry through with (something)

Carte blanche

Case in point

Case of mistaken identity

Cash cow

Cash in (something)

Cash in on (something)

Cash in one's chips

Cash on the barrelhead


Cast a (critical/professional) eye over (someone or something)

Cast an eye over (something)

Cast around/about for (someone or something)

Cast aspersions on (someone)

Cast doubt on (someone or something)

Cast doubts on (someone or something)

Cast in the same mold

Cast one's lot in with (someone)

Cast one's vote

Cast pearls before swine

Cast the first stone

Castles in the air

Cat burglar

Cat gets one's tongue

Cat nap

Cat on a hot tin roof

Catch (someone's) eye

Catch (someone) in the act of (doing something)

Catch (someone) napping

Catch (someone) off balance

Catch (someone) off guard

Catch (someone) red-handed

Catch (someone) with their pants down

Catch a cold

Catch fire

Catch forty winks

Catch on

Catch one's breath

Catch one's death of cold

Catch sight of (someone or something)

Catch some Z's

Catch up to (someone or something)

Catch up with (someone or something)



Caught in the middle/cross fire

Caught short

Caught unaware

Caught with one's hand in the cookie jar

Cause a stir

Cause eyebrows to raise

Cause tongues to wag

Causing a disturbance

Cave in

Cave in to (someone or something)

Caveat emptor



Chalk (something) up to (something)

Chalk up (something)

Champ at the bit

Champ/chomp at the bit

Chance (something)

Chance upon (someone or something)

Change (someone's) mind

Change hands

Change horses in midstream

Change of heart

Change of pace

Change of scenery

Change one's tune

Change the subject

Charley horse

Chase rainbows


Cheat on (someone)


Cheek by jowl

Cheer (someone) on

Cheer (someone) up

Cheese (someone) off

Cheesed off

Chew (someone) out

Chew out (someone)

Chew the fat

Chew the fat with (someone)

Chew the fat/rag

Chicken and egg situation

Chicken feed

Chicken out of (doing something)


Chickens come home to roost

Chilled to the bone

Chime in

Chip in

Chip in (money)

Chip off the old block

Chips and dip

Chips are down

Chisel (someone) out of (something)

Choke (someone) up

Choke (something) off


Circle the wagons

Circulate the agenda

Circumstantial evidence

Citizen's arrest

Civil action

Civil law

Claim a life

Clam up

Clamp down on (someone or something)

Class action lawsuit

Clean bill of health

Clean slate

Clean up

Clean up one's act

Clear (someone's) name

Clear a hurdle

Clear of (something)

Clear out (of somewhere)

Clear out (something)

Clear sailing

Clear the air

Clear the decks

Clear the table

Clear up (something)


Climb the wall

Clip (someone's) wings

Clip joint


Close a deal

Close at hand

Close call/shave

Close in on (someone or something)

Close one's eyes to (something)

Close out (something)

Close ranks

Close the books

Close the books (on someone or something)

Close to (someone)

Close to home

Close to the bone

Close up shop

Close/near to (someone's) heart

Closefisted (with money)

Cloud up

Clue (someone) in

Coast is clear

Cock of the walk

Cock-and-bull story


Coffee break

Cog in the machine

Cold comfort

Cold fish

Cold hard cash

Cold snap/spell

Cold turkey

Collect one's wits

Come (someone's) way

Come a cropper

Come a long way

Come about

Come across (someone or something)

Come again.

Come alive

Come along

Come and get it!

Come around

Come as no surprise

Come away empty-handed

Come back

Come back (into fashion)

Come back to (someone)

Come back with an offer

Come between (two people)

Come by (something)

Come by (something) honestly

Come clean

Come clean (with someone/about something)

Come down hard on (someone)

Come down in price

Come down in the world

Come down to (something)

Come down to earth

Come down with (something)

Come face to face with (someone or something)

Come from (somewhere)

Come from far and wide

Come from nowhere

Come full circle

Come hell or high water

Come home to (someone)

Come in handy

Come in low

Come into (some money)

Come into fashion

Come into one's own

Come of age

Come off

Come on strong

Come on the scene

Come out ahead

Come out for (someone or something)

Come out in the wash

Come out of left field

Come out of nowhere

Come out of one's shell

Come out of the blue

Come out of the closet

Come out with (something)

Come over

Come through

Come to

Come to a bad end

Come to a dead end

Come to a head

Come to a pretty pass

Come to a standstill

Come to an end

Come to blows

Come to do/feel (something)

Come to grief

Come to grips with (something)

Come to life

Come to light

Come to mind

Come to nothing/naught

Come to one's senses

Come to pass

Come to terms

Come to terms with (someone or something)

Come to the fore

Come to the point

Come true

Come unglued

Come up

Come up in a discussion

Come up in the world

Come up smelling like roses

Come up with (something)

Come what may

Come with the territory


Come/go away empty-handed

Come/turn up trumps

Commercial law

Commit (something) to memory

Common ground

Common law

Common property

Common touch

Community property

Company man

Company town

Comparative negligence

Compare apples and oranges

Con (someone) out of (something)

Conclusive evidence

Conditional sale

Confide in (someone)

Conk out

Consecutive sentences

Conspicuous by one's absence

Contemplate one's navel

Contempt of court

Continue down to the wire

Contradiction in terms

Contrary to (something)

Control (someone) with an iron fist

Control the purse strings

Cook (someone's) goose

Cook (something) to perfection

Cook (something) up

Cook one's goose

Cook the books

Cool as a cucumber

Cool off/down

Cool one's heels

Cop a plea

Cop out


Cost a pretty penny

Cost an arm and a leg

Couch doctor

Couch potato

Cough (something) up

Cough up

Could do with (someone or something)

Count (someone) in

Count (someone) out

Count heads

Count noses

Count on (someone or something)

Count one's chickens before they're hatched

Course of action

Cover a lot of ground

Cover all of one's bases

Cover for (someone)

Cover ground

Cover one's back

Cover one's tracks

Cover up (something)

Cow college

Cozy up to (someone)


Crack a book

Crack a joke

Crack a smile

Crack down on (someone or something)

Crack of dawn

Crack the whip

Crack up


Cramp one's style

Crank (something) out

Crank out a paper

Crash and burn

Crash the gate

Crazy about (someone)

Cream of the crop

Cream puff

Create a stink

Create an uproar

Creature comforts

Credit to (someone or something)

Creep up on (someone or something)


Crick in one's back/neck

Criminal law

Crocodile tears

Crop up

Cross (someone's) mind

Cross (someone's) palm with silver

Cross a bridge before one comes to it

Cross one's fingers

Cross one's heart and hope to die

Cross out (something)

Cross swords with (someone)

Cross the Rubicon

Cross-examine (someone)

Crunch numbers

Crux of the matter

Cry bloody murder

Cry one's eyes out

Cry out for (someone or something)

Cry over spilt milk

Cry uncle

Cry wolf

Cry/shed crocodile tears

Crying need for (someone or something)

Crying shame

Cue (someone) in

Curdle (someone's) blood

Curiosity killed the cat

Curl (someone's) hair

Curl up and die

Curry favor with (someone)

Cut (someone) a check

Cut (someone) down to size

Cut (someone) in

Cut (someone) off

Cut (someone) off without a penny

Cut (someone) to the quick

Cut a deal

Cut a fine figure

Cut a wide swath

Cut above (someone or something)

Cut across

Cut and dried

Cut and run

Cut back

Cut back on (something)

Cut both ways

Cut both/two ways

Cut class

Cut corners

Cut down on something

Cut from the same cloth

Cut no ice with (someone)

Cut off (someone or something)

Cut off one's nose to spite one's face

Cut one's (own) throat

Cut one's eyeteeth on (something)

Cut one's losses

Cut out (something)

Cut out for (something)

Cut out the deadwood

Cut the mustard

Cut to the chase


Cut/pare (something) to the bone

Cut/slit one's (own) throat


Daily grind

Dance to a different tune

Dance with death

Dangerous offender

Dare (someone) to do (something)

Dark horse

Darken (someone's) door

Dash off

Dash off (something)

Date back to (a previous time)

Date someone

Davy Jone's locker

Dawn on (someone)

Day after day

Day and night

Day in and day out


Daylight robbery

Days running

Dead ahead

Dead as a doornail

Dead center

Dead duck

Dead end

Dead from the neck up

Dead in one's/its tracks

Dead letter

Dead loss

Dead on one's feet

Dead set against (something)

Dead tired

Dead to the world

Dead wrong



Deaf and dumb

Deal in (something)

Deal someone in

Decide in favor of (someone or something)

Decide in favor of (someone)

Decked out

Decked out in (something)

Deem it to be necessary

Deep water

Deep-six (someone or something)

Deep-six (something)

Defeat a motion

Deliver the goods

Desert a sinking ship

Devil of a job

Devil-may-care attitude

Diamond in the rough

Die down

Die in one's boots

Die is cast

Die laughing

Die of a broken heart

Die off

Die out

Die with one's boots on

Difficult to stomach (someone or something)

Dig (someone or something) up

Dig (something) out

Dig in

Dig in one's heels

Dig one's own grave

Dig some dirt up on (someone)

Dig someone

Dime a dozen

Dine out

Dip into (something)

Dip one's toe in the water

Dirt cheap

Dirty look

Dirty one's hands

Dirty work

Dish out (criticism)

Dish out (food)

Dismiss/reject (something) out of hand

Disorderly conduct

Disturbing the peace

Dive right into something

Divide (something) fifty-fifty

Divide and conquer




Do (someone's) bidding

Do (someone's) heart good

Do (someone) good

Do (someone) one better

Do (someone) out of (something)

Do (something) by hand

Do (something) in a heartbeat

Do a double take

Do a job on (someone or something)

Do a land-office business

Do a number on (someone or something)

Do a snow job on (someone)

Do an about-face

Do away with (something)

Do credit to (someone)

Do in (someone)

Do in (something)

Do justice to (something)

Do not have a leg to stand on

Do one's best

Do one's bit/part

Do one's duty

Do one's thing

Do or die

Do something by the book

Do something rash

Do the dishes

Do the honors

Do the trick

Do time

Do with (someone or something)

Do with (something)

Do without (something)

Do wonders

Dog and pony show

Dog in the manger


Doll (oneself) up

Dollar for dollar

Don't give up the ship

Don't hold your breath.

Done for

Done in

Done to a T

Done with (something)

Donkey's years

Doomed to failure

Dose/taste of one's own medicine

Double back

Double check (something)

Double date

Double up

Double-cross (someone)


Doubting Thomas

Down and dirty

Down for the count

Down in the dumps

Down in the mouth

Down on (someone)

Down on one's luck

Down one's alley

Down the drain

Down the hatch

Down the line

Down the tubes

Down to earth

Down to the bone

Down to the last detail

Down to the wire

Down with (an illness)



Down/out for the count

Drag in (someone or something)

Drag on

Drag on (someone)

Drag one's feet/heels

Draw (someone) out

Draw a blank

Draw a line between two things

Draw blood

Draw fire

Draw first blood

Draw in one's horns

Draw interest

Draw lots/straws

Draw the line

Draw to a close

Draw up (something)

Draw up a contract

Draw up an agreement/contract

Dredge (something) up

Dress (someone) down

Dress up

Dressed to kill

Dressed to the nines

Dressed to the nines/teeth

Drink like a fish

Drive (someone) up a wall

Drive (something) home

Drive a hard bargain

Drive at (something)

Drive somebody nuts

Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
01 Dezember 2024
100 S. 1 Illustration
Text PDF
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