Buch lesen: «To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown», Seite 5


Chapter 6 – Shine of a pearl by moonlight in the darkness

Having broken away from the hangar mounts, and leaving behind the city of Yokohamin, submarine slowly plunged to it’s first depth of 100 meters, and sails strictly along the course trajectory set by diver in the system. Some time passes, in the control bay Miya turns on all the additional functions of the submarine that she thinks are necessary. Lunniva shone with it’s light lamps, some parts of it lit up so brightly, just like a pearl illuminated by moonlight.

Inside the submarine, almost every compartment is lit with light, and in place’s you can see signs of architecture, for example, a small hypostyle hall serves as a transition between the control punt and the meeting bay, and in the rest compartment ceiling can be seen in the form of an apse. The fuel and kitchen compartments contain various technical gadgets, for example, automatically opening doors, buttons and levers, smart tools. Only the diving compartment looks simpler, it contains all the external diving suit’s, as well as a man-sized intermediate bay with a hatch to enter the water. In each of the six bays and in the intermediate hall of the hypostyle there are combat bladders made of the strongest mother-of-pearl glass, called up using buttons, with the function of attaching air rifles, harpoons, crossbows and hydropneumatic guns to them. All six divers are in different compartments and are busy with their own affairs. Miya and Ami are in the control bay and they start a conversation.


Ami, I want to share with you my feelings that I am so pleased with the functionality and the number of additions in the control compartment. It is so great, I could not resist myself and decided to feel all the additions, at least in some way the joy in our current situation I was able to find for myself. At such a depth, the boat shone with a bright light.


I was surprised by this sudden light, I felt as if we were in the center of universe, there was only emptiness everywhere, and we were in this abyss of water, cut off from the outside world, being on the verge of sleep and reality… I won’t hide it, at that moment I got specific goosebumps on my body. I understand that you decided to take this chance, since in a day on the course we will be near a partially dangerous zone, where such an opportunity will not turn up further… On the other hand, I especially liked the other bays, I was surprised that such a unique submarine could be recreated in Yokohamin.


I agree with you, even though this huge submarine inside is dark gray almost everywhere, but even in this case, you can change some bays according to our preference, I already told Kize to take the boxes with the decor from the diving compartment so he could take something decent from there and decorate our hypostyle hall, lounge and kitchen.

Nayu joins the conversation entering the control bay.


Meanwhile, I was the first one to enter this diving bay. On this pile of boxes was a sealed letter with the logo of our submarine, and in it was written – all of this for your wonderful six, and remember that the contents are not only for entertainment, but also for survival. To everything, they added our beautiful old photo from diving competitions in Polynesia, we all came out so cute here…


What!? Nayu, why didn’t you show us this before?


Ahaaaa! We need to take a look at this…

Nayu shows them the letter along with a photo.


Whooooaaaa, Miya, look how sweet we are…


Ohhh, geeeez, Kize looks kinda sleepy, ahahah


And look at Ryux, he is so funny, but at the same time sexy.


And Yuto, what a wonderful handsome man he was, he remained so…


While we are distracted by the photo, on the way to our control compartment, I saw a creature the size of a man, the front of head like a shark, but with sagging gills and huge teeth, and it’s lower part is just like a mermaid’s tail, this creature for sure not cute, but it quickly swam away, fortunately…


I saw an unidentified object approaching us on the radar, but according to the structural analysis of the creature, I figured out and realized that this slug-gill detective fish does not pose any danger to us. I transmitted the information to everyone by radio, but for some reason, before you Nayu signal didn’t come. We need to send Kize to check the communication problems in the diving bay. In the first three days on our way everything should be in order, I put the submarine on auto-mode on the course, the system will warn us about the possible approach of unidentified objects.


I went to the rest bay, would you like to go there together?


I agree, I’ve only been there once.


Okay, then I’ll go get something tasty in the kitchen bay.

On her way to the rest bay, Miya turns into the kitchen bay. Ami and Nayu continue moving to the rest bay and meet out Yuto on the way out of the fuel bay, who heads towards Ryux in the kitchen bay carrying a toolbox.


Oh, hello Yuto, how will you be free, come with us to the rest compartment?


Today I will not be able to come to the compartment during the day, only at night and for rest, I am in a hurry, I need to help Ryux with the breakdown of several appliances in the kitchen, but by tomorrow, I think that we will finish this business, so bye-bye.

Blowing a kiss, Yuto quickly left for another compartment.


Well, that’s okay. I think that if we meet up with Kize, we can help him with unpacking and decorating compartments.

Upon reaching the rest bay, Ami and Nayu meet Kize, who is dragging huge boxes from the diving bay.


Hello, by the way, we have at our disposal all these six huge boxes with all sorts of different things. Our personal belongings can be right there, we can hide the excess in that built-in basement, throw it into this bottomless ocean, which is not desirable. Alternatively, dispose of and save for additional fuel.


What a smart man you are, well, how can I not help here…


I agree with you, I really like unpacking, it’s my passion to some extent, as well as putting things in the right way so that everything is perfect. Moreover, if possible, find some of my personal things that I’m interested in…

While Ami, Nayu and Kize unpack the boxes, on the other hand, Miya pick’s up microwave-heated food in containers, passes some energy drinks to Ryux and Yuto, warning them that she left cooked pot of rice and chicken in the fridge and wishes them good luck in fixing broken dishwasher. Miya meets Ami, Nayu and Kize in the rest bay, suggesting that everyone take a break for the rest of the day, and take their time to deal with all the remaining household and work matters in the next couple of days, everyone agreed with this statement.

Chapter 7 – Hidden robber incident

On the other hand, there is a conversation going on between Yuto and Ryux for now.


It doesn’t look that bad, I thought the breakdown would be much worse.


Of course, your positive attitude is very pleasant to me, but everything is not so good, look over there! It is not known how, but the lower block of sprayers cracked, and the drainage hose also broke.


You won’t get far if you don’t have a positive attitude. Then let’s start patching up all those cracks. More importantly, I want to ask you, have you been recently in the fuel bay?


Yes, but what are you up to?


Have you counted the number of fuel tanks in the attached safe, which is located on the right corner of the compartment? There were 16 of them in total.


Yes, I also counted and I remember that there were exactly 16 of them.


So, after I left you, returning back to the compartment, I noticed that as many as four tanks had disappeared somewhere… The safe after the exit of one of the two of us always automatically closes, after which we also double-check whether it is closed. What is more interesting – no one except us has access to it. When an outsider enters, the system automatically notifies someone else’s interference.


This is a very big problem, we need to report this to Miya, it is necessary that she view the video recording of was is happening in this compartment over the past twelve hours.


I heard everything, for the sake of safety, in every compartment there is a sound system, it mean’s that I can listen to any conversation. I move out into the meeting bay, there is a chamber point in it and there we can find out everything we need. I will ask the unoccupied Kize now to go there with me, and preferably Yuto.

Three divers immediately moved into the meeting bay.


Well, all of us are now in the right place, judging by the rewind of the video, someone managed to pick up four tanks, bypassing all the protection systems. A man in an invisible camouflage, but how is this possible and is it a man at all?


Let’s fast-forward the camera footage of what or whoever it is carrying tanks into the diving bay.


How did the kidnapper manage to adapt to us and transfer them almost right in front of our noses, for what?


He moved four tanks, bypassing the protection system in the diving compartment, he put two tanks in a hydrobag and two more in another, after which he opened the hatch and threw these bags with tanks into the water. Look, the robber turned off the invisible camouflage!


What? It’s just a normal male robot model, isn’t it?

After the robot threw off all the tanks, he silently stood for about 5 minutes looking at the corner of room where the camera was secretly installed, raising his hand and tapping with his index finger on the corner of the room, and then showing the circle symbol with his hand clenched in a fist. After that, robot opens the hatch after passing the diving system, and goes overboard into the open ocean floor.


All this is very strange, robot did not touch anything superfluous, but threw off four tanks and went out into the ocean, a deliberate suicide, and obviously, someone controlled it.


Nevertheless, how do we figure out who behind all this?


We have no leads at all, the main targets are destroyed, it is unlikely that we will be able to reach the main manager, but if we scan robot model, we can assume that it was created in Yokohamin, most likely in the engineering department in Azure Avenue Building. Kize go check out the diving bay and Yuto go to the fuel bay, if you see anything else suspicious then report it right away, if you don’t find anything, we’ll have to take it as an accident. Miya, due to this situation, you need to write a report on the incident, and send it to Dr. Otto on his encrypted personal mail.

A little later, after inspecting the compartments, nothing more suspicious was found by divers. The situation returned to normal, Miya sent a report to Dr. Otto about what happened. After some time, each of the divers continued to go about their personal business.