Cat’s talk

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Cat’s talk
Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Cover designer Tatiana Sokolova

Illustrator Tatiana Sokolova

Translator Tatiana Sokolova

Editor Justin Webb

© Tatiana Sokolova, 2021

© Tatiana Sokolova, cover design, 2021

© Tatiana Sokolova, illustrations, 2021

© Tatiana Sokolova, translation, 2021

ISBN 978-5-4496-2524-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

– Mistress! I am your morning alarm clock.

– Cat! What are you doing?

– This is a face mask and massage. Am I worse than wet cucumbers? You are breaking my heart.

– Morning scrub and face peeling.

– Cat! Enoough! Stop licking me. I am sure you have just washed yourself.

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