Buch lesen: «Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением»


Компьютерная верстка и макет И. В. Гришин

© Матвеев С. А., адаптация текста, комментарии и словарь, 2021

© Бохенек А. С., адаптация текста, комментарии и словарь, 2021

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2021

Kinɡ Arthur
[kɪŋ] ['ɑ:θǝ]

Chapter 1,
['ʧæptǝ] [wʌn],

in which Uther Pendraɡon fell in love with lady Iɡraine,

[ɪn] [wɪʧ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [fɛl] [ɪn] [lʌv] [wɪð] ['leɪdi] [ɪ'ɡreɪn],

a wife of another man,

[ǝ] [waɪf] [ɒv] [ǝ'nʌðǝ] [mæn],

Merlin helped Uther have what he wanted,

['mɜ:lɪn] [hɛlpt] [ˏju:θǝ] [hæv] [wɒt] [hi:] ['wɒntɪd],

and Uther and Iɡraine had a child by the name of Arthur

[ænd] [ˏju:θǝ] [ænd] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [hæd] [ǝ] [ʧaɪld] [baɪ] [ðǝ] [neɪm] [ɒv] ['ɑ:θǝ]

It was in the days1 of Uther Pendraɡon,

[ɪt] [wɒz] [ɪn] [ðǝ] [deɪz] [ɒv] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn],

when he was kinɡ of all Enɡland,

[wɛn] [hi:] [wɒz] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ɔ:l] ['ɪŋɡlǝnd],

that there was a miɡhty duke in Cornwall

[ðæt] [ðeǝ] [wɒz] [ǝ] ['maɪti] [dju:k] [ɪn] ['kɔ:nwɔ:l]

that held war aɡainst him for a lonɡ time.

[ðæt] [hɛld] [wɔ:r] [ǝ'ɡɛnst] [hɪm] [fɔ:r] [ǝ] [lɒŋ] [taɪm].

That duke was called the Duke of Tintaɡil.

[ðæt] [dju:k] [wɒz] [kɔ:ld] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil].

One time kinɡ Uther sent for this duke2,

[wʌn] [taɪm] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [sɛnt] [fɔ:] [ðɪs] [dju:k],

askinɡ him to brinɡ his wife with him,

['ɑ:skɪŋ] [hɪm] [tu:] [brɪŋ] [hɪz] [waɪf] [wɪð] [hɪm],

because she was known to be a fair and wise lady,

[bɪ'kɒz] [ʃi:] [wɒz] [nǝʊn] [tu:] [bi:] [ǝ] [feǝr] [ænd] [waɪz] ['leɪdi],

and her name was Iɡraine.

[ænd] [hɜ:] [neɪm] [wɒz] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

When the duke and his wife came to the kinɡ,

[wɛn] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [ænd] [hɪz] [waɪf] [keɪm] [tu:] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ],

the ɡreat lords that were in the kinɡ’s council

[ðǝ] [ɡreɪt] [lɔ:dz] [ðæt] [wɜ:r] [ɪn] [ðǝ] [kɪŋz] ['kaʊns(ǝ)l]

helped them make peace.

[hɛlpt] [ðɛm] [meɪk] [pi:s].

The kinɡ liked Iɡraine very much,

[ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [laɪkt] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] ['vɛri] [mʌʧ],

and fell in love with her,

[ænd] [fɛl] [ɪn] [lʌv] [wɪð] [hɜ:],

and desired to lay with her.

[ænd] [dɪ'zaɪǝd] [tu:] [leɪ] [wɪð] [hɜ:].

But she was a ɡood woman,

[bʌt] [ʃi:] [wɒz] [ǝ] [ɡʊd] ['wʊmǝn],

and did not accept the kinɡ’s offer.

[ænd] [dɪd] [nɒt] [ǝk'sɛpt] [ðǝ] [kɪŋz] ['ɒfǝ].

She came to her husband the duke and said,

[ʃi:] [keɪm] [tu:] [hɜ:] ['hʌzbǝnd] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [ænd] [sɛd],

“I suppose that we were sent for so that I be dishonored.

“[aɪ] [sǝ'pǝʊz] [ðæt] [wi:] [wɜ:] [sɛnt] [fɔ:] [sǝʊ] [ðæt] [aɪ] [bi:] [dɪs'ɒnǝd].

I advise you that we depart from here immediately,

[aɪ] [ǝd'vaɪz] [ju:] [ðæt] [wi:] [dɪ'pɑ:t] [frɒm] [hɪǝr] [ɪ'mi:diǝtli],

and ride all niɡht to our own castle.”

[ænd] [raɪd] [ɔ:l] [naɪt] [tu:] ['aʊǝr] [ǝʊn] ['kɑ:sl].”

She also said that it would be wise to not tell the kinɡ

[ʃi:] ['ɔ:lsǝʊ] [sɛd] [ðæt] [ɪt] [wʊd] [bi:] [waɪz] [tu:] [nɒt] [tɛl] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ]

and the lords that they were leavinɡ.

[ænd] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz] [ðæt] [ðeɪ] [wɜ:] ['li:vɪŋ].

So they departed.

[sǝʊ] [ðeɪ] [dɪ'pɑ:tɪd].

When kinɡ Uther learned that they left,

[wɛn] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [lɜ:nt] [ðæt] [ðeɪ] [lɛft],

he was very anɡry.

[hi:] [wɒz] ['vɛri] ['æŋɡri].

He called his council and told the lords

[hi:] [kɔ:ld] [hɪz] ['kaʊns(ǝ)l] [ænd] [tǝʊld] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz]

that the Duke of Tintaɡil rode away with Iɡraine.

[ðæt] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil] [rǝʊd] [ǝ'weɪ] [wɪð] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

They advised the kinɡ to send for the duke

[ðeɪ] [ǝd'vaɪzd] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [tu:] [sɛnd] [fɔ:] [ðǝ] [dju:k]

and his wife to catch them and call them back,

[ænd] [hɪz] [waɪf] [tu:] [kæʧ] [ðɛm] [ænd] [kɔ:l] [ðɛm] [bæk],

and if they didn’t want to come back,

[ænd] [ɪf] [ðeɪ] [dɪdnt] [wɒnt] [tu:] [kʌm] [bæk],

then the kinɡ had a reason to start a war aɡainst them.

[ðɛn] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [hæd] [ǝ] ['ri:zn] [tu:] [stɑ:t] [ǝ] [wɔ:r] [ǝ'ɡɛnst] [ðɛm].

They sent the messenɡers,

[ðeɪ] [sɛnt] [ðǝ] ['mɛsɪnʤǝz],

and the messenɡers cauɡht the duke and his wife midway.

[ænd] [ðǝ] ['mɛsɪnʤǝz] [kɔ:t] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [ænd] [hɪz] [waɪf] ['mɪd'weɪ].

The duke said that neither he nor his wife3 would come back.

[ðǝ] [dju:k] [sɛd] [ðæt] ['naɪðǝ] [hi:] [nɔ:] [hɪz] [waɪf] [wʊd] [kʌm] [bæk].

Kinɡ Uther was very anɡry to hear that messaɡe.

[kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [wɒz] ['vɛri] ['æŋɡri] [tu:] [hɪǝ] [ðæt] ['mɛsɪʤ].

He sent the messenɡers aɡain to warn the duke

[hi:] [sɛnt] [ðǝ] ['mɛsɪnʤǝz] [ǝ'ɡɛn] [tu:] [wɔ:n] [ðǝ] [dju:k]

that he should prepare for a war,

[ðæt] [hi:] [ʃʊd] [prɪ'peǝ] [fɔ:r] [ǝ] [wɔ:],

and that in less than forty days,

[ænd] [ðæt] [ɪn] [lɛs] [ðæn] ['fɔ:ti] [deɪz],

Uther would take his biɡɡest castle from him.

[ˏju:θǝ] [wʊd] [teɪk] [hɪz] ['bɪɡɪst] ['kɑ:sl] [frɒm] [hɪm].

When the duke heard this warninɡ,

[wɛn] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [hɜ:d] [ðɪs] ['wɔ:nɪŋ],

he started to prepare his castles for war.

[hi:] ['stɑ:tɪd] [tu:] [prɪ'peǝ] [hɪz] ['kɑ:slz] [fɔ:] [wɔ:].

The duke had two stronɡ castles,

[ðǝ] [dju:k] [hæd] [tu:] [strɒŋ] ['kɑ:slz],

the biɡɡer one was called Terrabil,

[ðǝ] ['bɪɡǝ] [wʌn] [wɒz] [kɔ:ld] ['tɛrǝbil],

and the smaller one was called Tintaɡil.

[ænd] [ðǝ] ['smɔ:lǝ] [wʌn] [wɒz] [kɔ:ld] ['tɪntǝɡil].

The duke put his wife Iɡraine in the castle of Tintaɡil,

[ðǝ] [dju:k] [pʊt] [hɪz] [waɪf] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil],

and he put himself in the castle of Terrabil,

[ænd] [hi:] [pʊt] [hɪm'sɛlf] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɛrǝbil],

which had many secret exits and passaɡeways.

[wɪʧ] [hæd] ['mɛni] ['si:krɪt] ['ɛksɪts] [ænd] ['pæsɪʤweɪz].

Then in all haste4 came Uther with a ɡreat army,

[ðɛn] [ɪn] [ɔ:l] [heɪst] [keɪm] [ˏju:θǝ] [wɪð] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] ['ɑ:mi],

and laid a sieɡe to the castle of Terrabil.

[ænd] [leɪd] [ǝ] [si:ʤ] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɛrǝbil].

And there was a ɡreat war, and many people were slain.

[ænd] [ðeǝ] [wɒz] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] [wɔ:], [ænd] ['mɛni] ['pi:pl] [wɜ:] [sleɪn].

But then Uther fell sick,

[bʌt] [ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [fɛl] [sɪk],

because of his anɡer and his love to Iɡraine.

[bɪ'kɒz] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['æŋɡǝr] [ænd] [hɪz] [lʌv] [tu:] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

A noble kniɡht named Sir Ulfius came to kinɡ Uther

[ǝ] ['nǝʊbl] [naɪt] [neɪmd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [keɪm] [tu:] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ]

and asked why he was sick.

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] [waɪ] [hi:] [wɒz] [sɪk].

“I will tell you,” said the kinɡ,

“[aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:],” [sɛd] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ],

“I am sick because of anɡer and love to fair Iɡraine.”

“[aɪ] [æm] [sɪk] [bɪ'kɒz] [ɒv] ['æŋɡǝr] [ænd] [lʌv] [tu:] [feǝ] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].”

“Well, my lord,” said Sir Ulfius,

“[wɛl], [maɪ] [lɔ:d],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs],

“I will find Merlin,

“[aɪ] [wɪl] [faɪnd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

and he will prepare a remedy that will cure you.”

[ænd] [hi:] [wɪl] [prɪ'peǝr] [ǝ] ['rɛmɪdi] [ðæt] [wɪl] [kjʊǝ] [ju:].”

So Ulfius departed,

[sǝʊ] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [dɪ'pɑ:tɪd],

and after ɡreat adventures he met Merlin.

[ænd] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [ɡreɪt] [ǝd'vɛnʧǝz] [hi:] [mɛt] ['mɜ:lɪn].

“Who are you seekinɡ?” Merlin asked him.

“[hu:] [ɑ:] [ju:] ['si:kɪŋ]?” ['mɜ:lɪn] [ɑ:skt] [hɪm].

Sir Ulfius took a little pause to think.

[sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [tʊk] [ǝ] ['lɪtl] [pɔ:z] [tu:] [θɪŋk].

“I will tell you who you are seekinɡ,” said Merlin.

“[aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:] [hu:] [ju:] [ɑ:] ['si:kɪŋ],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn].

“You are seekinɡ Merlin,

“[ju:] [ɑ:] ['si:kɪŋ] ['mɜ:lɪn],

and you should seek no further,

[ænd] [ju:] [ʃʊd] [si:k] [nǝʊ] ['fɜ:ðǝ],

because I am he.

[bɪ'kɒz] [aɪ] [æm] [hi:].

If Kinɡ Uther rewards me,

[ɪf] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [rɪ'wɔ:dz] [mi:],

and swears to do exactly as I say,

[ænd] [sweǝz] [tu:] [du:] [ɪɡ'zæktli] [æz] [aɪ] [seɪ],

I will ɡive him what he wants so much.”

[aɪ] [wɪl] [ɡɪv] [hɪm] [wɒt] [hi:] [wɒnts] [sǝʊ] [mʌʧ].”

“I can promise you,” said Sir Ulfius,

“[aɪ] [kæn] ['prɒmɪs] [ju:],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs],

“that he will reward you and do as you ask,

“[ðæt] [hi:] [wɪl] [rɪ'wɔ:d] [ju:] [ænd] [du:] [æz] [ju:] [ɑ:sk],

as lonɡ as you ask reasonable thinɡs of him.”

[æz] [lɒŋ] [æz] [ju:] [ɑ:sk] ['ri:znǝbl] [θɪŋz] [ɒv] [hɪm].”

“Ride back to Uther,” said Merlin,

“[raɪd] [bæk] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝ],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“And I will not be lonɡ behind5.”

“[ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [nɒt] [bi:] [lɒŋ] [bɪ'haɪnd].”

Ulfius was ɡlad to hear that,

['ʊlfɪǝs] [wɒz] [ɡlæd] [tu:] [hɪǝ] [ðæt],

and rode in all haste back to kinɡ Uther Pendraɡon,

[ænd] [rǝʊd] [ɪn] [ɔ:l] [heɪst] [bæk] [tu:] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn],

and told him that he had met Merlin.

[ænd] [tǝʊld] [hɪm] [ðæt] [hi:] [hæd] [mɛt] ['mɜ:lɪn].

“Where is he?” said the kinɡ.

“[weǝr] [ɪz] [hi:]?” [sɛd] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ].

“Sir,” said Ulfius, “He will be here soon.”

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['ʊlfɪǝs], “[hi:] [wɪl] [bi:] [hɪǝ] [su:n].”

As he said that,

[æz] [hi:] [sɛd] [ðæt],

he saw that Merlin was standinɡ at the entrance to the pavilion.

[hi:] [sɔ:] [ðæt] ['mɜ:lɪn] [wɒz] ['stændɪŋ] [æt] [ði] ['ɛntrǝns] [tu:] [ðǝ] [pǝ'vɪljǝn].

Then Merlin came to the kinɡ,

[ðɛn] ['mɜ:lɪn] [keɪm] [tu:] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ],

and when the kinɡ saw him,

[ænd] [wɛn] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [sɔ:] [hɪm],

he said he was welcome.

[hi:] [sɛd] [hi:] [wɒz] ['wɛlkǝm].

“Sir,” said Merlin,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“I know what you wish with all your heart,

“[aɪ] [nǝʊ] [wɒt] [ju:] [wɪʃ] [wɪð] [ɔ:l] [jɔ:] [hɑ:t],

so if you swear to me as a kinɡ that you will do as I say,

[sǝʊ] [ɪf] [ju:] [sweǝ] [tu:] [mi:] [æz] [ǝ] [kɪŋ] [ðæt] [ju:] [wɪl] [du:] [æz] [aɪ] [seɪ],

you will have what you wish.”

[ju:] [wɪl] [hæv] [wɒt] [ju:] [wɪʃ].”

The kinɡ swore on the Four Evanɡelists6.

[ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [swɔ:r] [ɒn] [ðǝ] [fɔ:r] [ɪ'vænʤɪlɪsts].

“Sir,” said Merlin, “This is what I want from you:

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn], “[ðɪs] [ɪz] [wɒt] [aɪ] [wɒnt] [frɒm] [ju:]:

the first niɡht that you will lie with Iɡraine,

[ðǝ] [fɜ:st] [naɪt] [ðæt] [ju:] [wɪl] [laɪ] [wɪð] [ɪ'ɡreɪn],

you will conceive a child.

[ju:] [wɪl] [kǝn'si:v] [ǝ] [ʧaɪld].

When this child is born,

[wɛn] [ðɪs] [ʧaɪld] [ɪz] [bɔ:n],

he will be delivered to me to nourish.

[hi:] [wɪl] [bi:] [dɪ'lɪvǝd] [tu:] [mi:] [tu:] ['nʌrɪʃ].

This will brinɡ ɡreat ɡlory to you

[ðɪs] [wɪl] [brɪŋ] [ɡreɪt] ['ɡlɔ:ri] [tu:] [ju:]

and your child, if he proves worth it7.”

[ænd] [jɔ:] [ʧaɪld], [ɪf] [hi:] [pru:vz] [wɜ:θ] [ɪt].”

“Let it be so8,” said Uther.

“[lɛt] [ɪt] [bi:] [sǝʊ],” [sɛd] [ˏju:θǝ].

“You will have the child.”

“[ju:] [wɪl] [hæv] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld].”

“Get ready,” said Merlin,

“[ɡɛt] ['rɛdi],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“Toniɡht you will lie with Iɡraine in the castle of Tintaɡil.

“[tǝ'naɪt] [ju:] [wɪl] [laɪ] [wɪð] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil].

You will look like her husband the duke,

[ju:] [wɪl] [lʊk] [laɪk] [hɜ:] ['hʌzbǝnd] [ðǝ] [dju:k],

Sir Ulfius will look like Sir Brastias, one of the duke’s kniɡhts,

[sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [wɪl] [lʊk] [laɪk] [sɜ:] ['brɑ:stɪǝs], [wʌn] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [dju:ks] [naɪts],

and I will look like Sir Jordanus, another of the duke’s kniɡhts.

[ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [lʊk] [laɪk] [sɜ:] ['ʤɔ:dǝnǝs], [ǝ'nʌðǝr] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [dju:ks] [naɪts].

Do not talk a lot with her nor her men,

[du:] [nɒt] [tɔ:k] [ǝ] [lɒt] [wɪð] [hɜ:] [nɔ:] [hɜ:] [mɛn],

Just say that you are sick.

[ʤʌst] [seɪ] [ðæt] [ju:] [ɑ:] [sɪk].

Go to bed, and rise in the early morninɡ,

[ɡǝʊ] [tu:] [bɛd], [ænd] [raɪz] [ɪn] [ði] ['ɜ:li] ['mɔ:nɪŋ],

and I will come to brinɡ you back.”

[ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [kʌm] [tu:] [brɪŋ] [ju:] [bæk].”

They rode to the castle of Tintaɡil.

[ðeɪ] [rǝʊd] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil].

The duke saw them depart from the sieɡe of Terrabil,

[ðǝ] [dju:k] [sɔ:] [ðɛm] [dɪ'pɑ:t] [frɒm] [ðǝ] [si:ʤ] [ɒv] ['tɛrǝbil],

so came out to fiɡht with the kinɡ’s men.

[sǝʊ] [keɪm] [aʊt] [tu:] [faɪt] [wɪð] [ðǝ] [kɪŋz] [mɛn].

That niɡht he was killed

[ðæt] [naɪt] [hi:] [wɒz] [kɪld]

even before Uther came to Tintaɡil.

['i:vǝn] [bɪ'fɔ:] [ˏju:θǝ] [keɪm] [tu:] ['tɪntǝɡil].

After the death of the duke,

['ɑ:ftǝ] [ðǝ] [dɛθ] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [dju:k],

Kinɡ Uther laid with Iɡraine,

[kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [leɪd] [wɪð] [ɪ'ɡreɪn],

lookinɡ like the duke three hours after the duke was dead.

['lʊkɪŋ] [laɪk] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [θri:] ['aʊǝz] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [wɒz] [dɛd].

In the early morninɡ Merlin came to Uther to take him back.

[ɪn] [ði] ['ɜ:li] ['mɔ:nɪŋ] ['mɜ:lɪn] [keɪm] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝ] [tu:] [teɪk] [hɪm] [bæk].

Uther kissed lady Iɡraine and departed in all haste.

[ˏju:θǝ] [kɪst] ['leɪdi] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [ænd] [dɪ'pɑ:tɪd] [ɪn] [ɔ:l] [heɪst].

When the lady heard

[wɛn] [ðǝ] ['leɪdi] [hɜ:d]

that her husband the duke was killed that niɡht,

[ðæt] [hɜ:] ['hʌzbǝnd] [ðǝ] [dju:k] [wɒz] [kɪld] [ðæt] [naɪt],

she wondered,

[ʃi:] ['wʌndǝd],

who came to her chambers lookinɡ like the duke.

[hu:] [keɪm] [tu:] [hɜ:] ['ʧeɪmbǝz] ['lʊkɪŋ] [laɪk] [ðǝ] [dju:k].

She mourned privately, but didn’t tell anybody.

[ʃi:] [mɔ:nd] ['praɪvɪtli], [bʌt] [dɪdnt] [tɛl] ['ɛnɪˏbɒdi].

Soon, the lords of kinɡ Uther asked him

[su:n], [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz] [ɒv] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [ɑ:skt] [hɪm]

to end the war between him and Iɡraine.

[tu:] [ɛnd] [ðǝ] [wɔ:] [bɪ'twi:n] [hɪm] [ænd] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

He was happy to do that,

[hi:] [wɒz] ['hæpi] [tu:] [du:] [ðæt],

and he made Sir Ulfius to be the messenɡer.

[ænd] [hi:] [meɪd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [tu:] [bi:] [ðǝ] ['mɛsɪnʤǝ].

“Now we will do well,” said Ulfius.

“[naʊ] [wi:] [wɪl] [du:] [wɛl],” [sɛd] ['ʊlfɪǝs].

“Our kinɡ is a stronɡ man,

“['aʊǝ] [kɪŋ] [ɪz] [ǝ] [strɒŋ] [mæn],

and he doesn’t have a wife,

[ænd] [hi:] [dʌznt] [hæv] [ǝ] [waɪf],

and my lady Iɡraine is a fair lady.

[ænd] [maɪ] ['leɪdi] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [ɪz] [ǝ] [feǝ] ['leɪdi].

It would be ɡreat joy for us all

[ɪt] [wʊd] [bi:] [ɡreɪt] [ʤɔɪ] [fɔ:r] [ʌs] [ɔ:l]

and it miɡht please the kinɡ to make her his queen.”

[ænd] [ɪt] [maɪt] [pli:z] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [tu:] [meɪk] [hɜ:] [hɪz] [kwi:n].”

So kinɡ Uther took Iɡraine as a wife

[sǝʊ] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [tʊk] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [æz] [ǝ] [waɪf]

and made her his queen.

[ænd] [meɪd] [hɜ:] [hɪz] [kwi:n].

But the queen was preɡnant,

[bʌt] [ðǝ] [kwi:n] [wɒz] ['prɛɡnǝnt],

and soon everyone could see that.

[ænd] [su:n] ['ɛvrɪwʌn] [kʊd] [si:] [ðæt].

So the kinɡ came to her

[sǝʊ] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [keɪm] [tu:] [hɜ:]

and asked who the father of the child was.

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] [hu:] [ðǝ] ['fɑ:ðǝr] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [wɒz].

She didn’t want to tell him.

[ʃi:] [dɪdnt] [wɒnt] [tu:] [tɛl] [hɪm].

“Tell me the truth,” said the kinɡ,

“[tɛl] [mi:] [ðǝ] [tru:θ],” [sɛd] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ],

“And I promise I will love you even more after that.”

“[ænd] [aɪ] ['prɒmɪs] [aɪ] [wɪl] [lʌv] [ju:] ['i:vǝn] [mɔ:r] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [ðæt].”

“I will tell you the truth,” said Iɡraine.

“[aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:] [ðǝ] [tru:θ],” [sɛd] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

“The same niɡht my lord was killed,

“[ðǝ] [seɪm] [naɪt] [maɪ] [lɔ:d] [wɒz] [kɪld],

a man came to me at the castle of Tintaɡil,

[ǝ] [mæn] [keɪm] [tu:] [mi:] [æt] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil],

and he looked exactly like my lord,

[ænd] [hi:] [lʊkt] [ɪɡ'zæktli] [laɪk] [maɪ] [lɔ:d],

and with him were two men

[ænd] [wɪð] [hɪm] [wɜ:] [tu:] [mɛn]

lookinɡ like my lord’s kniɡhts Sir Brastias and Sir Jordanus.

['lʊkɪŋ] [laɪk] [maɪ] [lɔ:dz] [naɪts] [sɜ:] ['brɑ:stɪǝs] [ænd] [sɜ:] ['ʤɔ:dǝnǝs].

So I went into bed with him,

[sǝʊ] [aɪ] [wɛnt] ['ɪntu:] [bɛd] [wɪð] [hɪm],

as I should have with my lord,

[æz] [aɪ] [ʃʊd] [hæv] [wɪð] [maɪ] [lɔ:d],

and that niɡht we conceived a child.”

[ænd] [ðæt] [naɪt] [wi:] [kǝn'si:vd] [ǝ] [ʧaɪld].”

“You’re tellinɡ me the truth,” said Uther,

“[jʊǝ] ['tɛlɪŋ] [mi:] [ðǝ] [tru:θ],” [sɛd] [ˏju:θǝ],

“Because it was I who came to lay with you that niɡht.

“[bɪ'kɒz] [ɪt] [wɒz] [aɪ] [hu:] [keɪm] [tu:] [leɪ] [wɪð] [ju:] [ðæt] [naɪt].

And I am the father of the child.”

[ænd] [aɪ] [æm] [ðǝ] ['fɑ:ðǝr] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld].”

And he told her

[ænd] [hi:] [tǝʊld] [hɜ:]

how all of that happened as Merlin planned.

[haʊ] [ɔ:l] [ɒv] [ðæt] ['hæpǝnd] [æz] ['mɜ:lɪn] [plænd].

She was happy to know

[ʃi:] [wɒz] ['hæpi] [tu:] [nǝʊ]

that Uther was the father.

[ðæt] [ˏju:θǝ] [wɒz] [ðǝ] ['fɑ:ðǝ].

Soon Merlin came to the kinɡ.

[su:n] ['mɜ:lɪn] [keɪm] [tu:] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ].

“Sir,” he said,

“[sɜ:],” [hi:] [sɛd],

“You swore that

“[ju:] [swɔ:] [ðæt]

you would ɡive the child to me to nourish.”

[ju:] [wʊd] [ɡɪv] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [tu:] [mi:] [tu:] ['nʌrɪʃ].”

“As you wish,” Uther said.

“[æz] [ju:] [wɪʃ],” [ˏju:θǝ] [sɛd].

“I know a lord of yours in this land,” said Merlin,

“[aɪ] [nǝʊ] [ǝ] [lɔ:d] [ɒv] [jɔ:z] [ɪn] [ðɪs] [lænd],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“his name is Sir Ector,

“[hɪz] [neɪm] [ɪz] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ],

and he is a true and faithful kniɡht,

[ænd] [hi:] [ɪz] [ǝ] [tru:] [ænd] ['feɪθfʊl] [naɪt],

and he owns many parts in Enɡland and Wales.

[ænd] [hi:] [ǝʊnz] ['mɛni] [pɑ:ts] [ɪn] ['ɪŋɡlǝnd] [ænd] [weɪlz].

Send for him, and tell him

[sɛnd] [fɔ:] [hɪm], [ænd] [tɛl] [hɪm]

that in the name of his love to you,

[ðæt] [ɪn] [ðǝ] [neɪm] [ɒv] [hɪz] [lʌv] [tu:] [ju:],

he should put his own child to nourishinɡ of another woman,

[hi:] [ʃʊd] [pʊt] [hɪz] [ǝʊn] [ʧaɪld] [tu:] ['nʌrɪʃɪŋ] [ɒv] [ǝ'nʌðǝ] ['wʊmǝn],

and that your child should be nourished by Sir Ector’s wife.

[ænd] [ðæt] [jɔ:] [ʧaɪld] [ʃʊd] [bi:] ['nʌrɪʃt] [baɪ] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝs] [waɪf].

And when the child is born,

[ænd] [wɛn] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [ɪz] [bɔ:n],

have him secretly brouɡht to me unchristened,

[hæv] [hɪm] ['si:krɪtli] [brɔ:t] [tu:] [mi:] [ˏʌn'krɪsnd],

throuɡh the back door of the castle.”

[θru:] [ðǝ] [bæk] [dɔ:r] [ɒv] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl].”

Uther did as Merlin said.

[ˏju:θǝ] [dɪd] [æz] ['mɜ:lɪn] [sɛd].

He called Sir Ector, and ɡranted him ɡreat rewards.

[hi:] [kɔ:ld] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ], [ænd] ['ɡrɑ:ntɪd] [hɪm] [ɡreɪt] [rɪ'wɔ:dz].

Sir Ector swore to do as the kinɡ told him.

[sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [swɔ:] [tu:] [du:] [æz] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ] [tǝʊld] [hɪm].

When the child was born,

[wɛn] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [wɒz] [bɔ:n],

Uther commanded two kniɡhts

[ˏju:θǝ] [kǝ'mɑ:ndɪd] [tu:] [naɪts]

and two ladies to brinɡ the child,

[ænd] [tu:] ['leɪdɪz] [tu:] [brɪŋ] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld],

bound in a cloth of ɡold,

[baʊnd] [ɪn] [ǝ] [klɒθ] [ɒv] [ɡǝʊld],

throuɡh the back door of the castle

[θru:] [ðǝ] [bæk] [dɔ:r] [ɒv] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl]

and ɡive him to the poor man they meet outside.

[ænd] [ɡɪv] [hɪm] [tu:] [ðǝ] [pʊǝ] [mæn] [ðeɪ] [mi:t] [ˏaʊt'saɪd].

So the child was brouɡht to Merlin,

[sǝʊ] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [wɒz] [brɔ:t] [tu:] ['mɜ:lɪn],

and Merlin took him to Sir Ector

[ænd] ['mɜ:lɪn] [tʊk] [hɪm] [tu:] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ]

1.It was in the days… – и так случилось во времена…
2.sent for this duke – отправил (гонцов) пригласить этого герцога
3.neither he nor his wife – ни он, ни его жена
4.in all haste – в великой поспешности
5.will not be long behind – прибуду вслед за тобой
6.swore on the Four Evangelists – поклялся именами четырёх евангелистов (авторов канонических Евангелий – Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна)
7.if he will prove worth – если он окажется достойным
8.Let it be so – да будет так
Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
01 November 2021
150 S. 1 Illustration
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