Buch lesen: «Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples», Seite 2


Nine of Disks


Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery.


"Nines", according to the Kabbalah, are the last, final step before the Ten (transformation, transition to a new level). This moment determines the meaning of the "Nine".

"Nines" are completeness, perfection, mastery, a certain ideal (for your level or class).

Accordingly, the Nine of Disks is completeness, perfection in Material or Financial matters.


Fig 1.9.1 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter. A beautiful sculpture, a house, a monument. Matter brought to "perfection" – beauty.87


Fig. 1.9.2 Nine of Disks. Drinks, liquids, solutions of the highest quality. Matter brought to "perfection" – perfect taste, quality. Collectible wines, spirits, the purest water.88


Fig. 1.9.3 Nine of Disks. Burning without smoke and soot – that is, ideal, "perfect" burning. For example, the flame of an alcohol burner


, a gas stove. Or, for example, hydrogen burning – the result is water vapor, without harmful byproducts. A laser, a plasma cutter


as perfect tools.



Fig 1.9.4 Nine of Disks – perfection of Matter. Clean air (for humans). "Beautiful" fragrances, aromas, perfumes.92


Fig 1.9.5 Nine of Disks – perfection of Matter. "Beautiful", perfect, streamlined metallic goods. A race car, an airplane.93


Fig. 1.9.6 Nine of Disks. A modern coin, a banknote. In essence, these represent the pinnacle of modern technology, a guarantee against counterfeiting.94


Fig 1.9.9 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter and Finance. Precious stones and metals brought to perfection – "Premium" class jewels. Jewelry made by a talented craftsman. These are not just financial assets, but works of art and craftsmanship.95


Figure 1.9.8 Nine of Disks – completeness, perfection of Matter and Finance. "Perfect", chemically pure, precious metals. 999 gold, platinum, palladium, silver. Simultaneously both Matter and Finance.96


The defining feature of the Nine of Disks – perfection in Material or Financial matters.


Ten of Disks


After the first bottle of vodka, every shop teacher discovers they've got a gift for singing.

After the second bottle, they unveil in themselves a wise politician of global scale.

After the third, a still unknown philosopher for all times and places.

And only the inevitable morning hangover mercifully saves the Universe from being overpopulated by geniuses.


"Tens", according to Kabbalah, are transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state.

Thus, the Ten of Disks is a transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter or Finance.

For example, chemical reactions, phase transitions in Matter. The conversion of currencies or bank assets in Finance.


Figure 1.10.1 Ten of Disks – transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter. The hardening of concrete, mounting foam. The manufacture of building materials. 97


If a useful quality is attained from the transformation, then this is an "upright" Ten of Disks.

If a useful quality is lost, then this is a "reversed" Ten of Disks.


Figure 1.10.2 Ten of Disks. Chemical reactions in liquids, devices. A kitchen, processing food with special liquids and seasonings. Sauces, wine, spices, salt, sugar, etc. Pickling, marinading, making sauces.98


Figure 1.10.3 Ten of Disks. A kitchen, heating and cooking food. Boiling, frying, baking, smoking, steaming, roasting and aerogrilling.99


Fig. 1.10.4 "Upright" Ten of Disks – for example, smelting steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals. Obtaining glass from quartz sand. Blacksmithing works. Transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Matter.100

Combustion, explosions, oxidation are a "reversed" Ten of Disks, as they are chemical processes of decay, the destruction of Matter.


Figure 1.10.5 Ten of Disks – transformation of Matter. The production of plastics from coal, oil, waste. Polymerization of materials, building mixes, adhesives. Polymerization of epoxy resin, dental fillings101. The manufacture of construction materials, insulation.102


Figure 1.10.6 Ten of Disks. Pottery. The manufacture of tableware, ceramics, bricks, tiles.103


Figure 1.10.7 Ten of Disks. An athlete, a bodybuilder transforming her body through sports.104


Figure 1.10.8 Ten of Disks – transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of Finance. The transition of Finance from one type of asset or currency into another.105


The defining feature of the Ten of Disks – transformation, transition to another state of Matter (or Finance).


Page of Disks


Cemetery. The lavish grave of a "new Russian", with a five-meter marble headstone in the form of the latest cell phone model.

Under the portrait, there's a short epitaph: "The subscriber is currently unavailable".


The Page, according to Kabbalah, is a messenger, a herald.

Accordingly, the Page of Disks is a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that Matter or Finance is ready to manifest itself at a certain point in reality106.

For example, he may symbolize transport or delivery services.


Fig. 1.11.1 The Page of Disks is a messenger, a herald, a kind of indicator that Matter is ready to manifest at a certain point in reality. A truck. Transportation of earth, soil, gravel, water, milk, petroleum products, etc.107


Fig. 1.11.2 Page of Disks. A cargo ship, a container ship, etc.108


Fig. 1.11.3 Page of Disks. A rain cloud that looks like it's ready to pour.109


Fig. 1.11.4 Page of Disks. The earth rumbling, shaking, and fuming, the glow from the mouth of the volcano – all indicating that an eruption is about to take place.110


Fig. 1.11.5 Page of Disks. A steam locomotive, steamship, airplane, helicopter. The warning horn at departure or immediately before arrival.111


Fig. 1.11.6 Page of Disks. Mail or parcel delivery. 112


Certain indicators/markers can also serve as a Page of Disks, signaling the presence of Finances – "the smell of money, wealth, security."


That said, there are several classes of such Financial markers:



False markers. Various kinds of cheap, low-quality counterfeits of elite brands, well-known companies, and services. Such markers don't correspond in either form or content. For instance, the very chunky and flashy fake gold chains adorning the necks of swankers on social media.



"Borrowed" markers. Elite objects and services borrowed or rented for a limited time. Such markers correspond in form, but not in content. Rented limos, jewelry, watches, tuxedos, an escort, etc.



Fashionable brand markers. Various kinds of designer brands and labels, which can serve as an indirect indicator that a person has a certain amount of spare cash. Such branded things are generally more expensive than mass-produced goods, so they usually target wealthier people.



Well-made, expensive, goods of high-quality. For example, simple jewelry made of precious metals and gemstones. Expensive, natural, high-quality fabrics and materials, such as cashmere, natural silk, pure cotton, linen, crocodile leather, etc. Top brands and products which, from the outset, at cost, are expensive. For example, a Rolex watch





In the wild, all predators camouflage themselves to blend into the natural background. The strongest markers of wealth are outwardly inconspicuous, not flashy, yet expensive things, which mask the wealth of their owner. For example, certain brands and models of worn-and-torn clothing disguise their owner as hippies, the down-and-out, the homeless, etc. And platinum, for instance, which looks like cheap silver, is more expensive than gold. Such a disguise can help its owner avoid the unsolicited attention of beggars, robbers, gigolos, kidnappers, blackmailers, etc.


Fig. 1.11.7 Page of Disks. A high-quality "timeless" handbag made of expensive crocodile leather. A sign of wealth.114


Fig. 1.11.8 Page of Disks. For example, Swiss watches, weapons, medicine, real estate, citizenship, education. In general, significantly more expensive, but very high-quality things. A sign of wealth, affluence.115


The distinguishing feature of the Page of Disks – it serves as an indicator of the manifestation of Matter (or Finance).


Queen of Disks


A business woman is sitting in a bar. A man comes up to her:

-Hi, there! Mind if I keep you company?

– Company? You keep companies? Are you buying or selling?


The Queen, according to the Kabbalah, is some person or object which serves as the center of attention, the focal point of power and influence. The object around which Matter or Finance "revolve".

Accordingly, the Queen of Disks is the focal point around which Matter or Finance revolve.

This center, for example, may symbolize an important object, a building, a landmark, an important customer, or a bank.


Fig. 1.12.1 Queen of Disks – the center of the influence of Matter. A warehouse, a store, a parking lot. All the cars "revolve" around it.116


Fig. 1.12.2 Queen of Disks. A sea or river port. Cargo, a cargo container. All the movement and attention "revolve" around it.117


Fig. 1.12.3 Queen of Disks. A factory. Products on the conveyor belt. A gas station. Life "revolves" around it.118


Fig. 1.12.4 Queen of Disks. An airport. An airplane. An aircraft service attendant. Cargo. It's the focal point of all the activity.119


Fig. 1.12.5 Queen of Disks. A rail road depot. A platform. The metro. A train station.120


Fig. 1.12.6 Queen of Disks. A "model". A woman, a man, a child, an animal that serves as the center of attention. All eyes are on them.121


A word about how to determine the Tarot suit of the "persona":

If it makes little difference whether or not the Persona is dressed, if they attract the observer's attention with their physical body, their Material presence – most likely, this is the Queen of Disks.

If it's the Persona's charm, allure, and emotions that draw the viewer's attention – most likely, this is the Queen of Cups (Hearts).

If the Persona attracts attention with a particular concept, motto, idea, philosophy, action/statement (such as Lady Gaga's meat dress), then this is the Queen of Swords (Spades).

If the Persona draws attention with a particular trend or fashion, suggests some sort of potential, project, development path, or choice, then this is the Queen of Wands (Clubs).

That said, gender, race, biological species make no difference. Tarot Queens can symbolize both a man and a woman. As well as inanimate objects and even processes.

A claim to fame and a desire to grab attention – these are a "reversed" Five, in the aspect of the element where it's most manifested.


Fig. 1.12.7 Queen of Disks – a person of Finance. A wealthy, valuable client. A "money bag".122


Figure 1.12.8 Queen of Disks – the focal point around which Matter and Finance revolve. The New York Stock Exchange. A bank. Money, assets, everything "revolves" around them.123


The distinctive feature of the Queen of Disks is her V.I.P. status in Material or Financial matters. And that she serves as the focal point around which these revolve.


King of Disks


A traffic cop signals a Mercedes S600 to stop. The "new Russian" pulls over, but doesn't get out of the car. The traffic cop waits for the driver to go up to him. A minute or two passes. Finally, the window of the Benz is rolled down:

– OK, pal, I haven't got all day. Which one of us here, in fact, actually needs the dough? Me or you?


The King, according to the Kabbalah, is the law, the law-giver and law-maker, a wielder and conductor of Power.

The object through which Power "manifests", controls, or is conveyed to the world.

Accordingly, the King of Disks is a Power Conductor of Matter or Finance.

In the Material world, he may symbolize, for example, a crane at a construction site.

In the Financial world, for example, he may symbolize the main formative market players. Such as, for instance, the dominant world currencies – the dollar, the pound, the euro, etc.


Fig. 1.13.1 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Matter. A railway. A highway.124


Fig. 1.13.2 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Matter. A water supply line. A river.125


Fig. 1.13.3 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Matter. A heating pipeline. Steam heating.126


Fig. 1.13.4 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Matter. A ventilation system. An air duct.127


Fig. 1.13.5 King of Disks – the Law-giver of Matter. An electrical cable. A power transmission line.128


Fig. 1.13.6 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Matter. The King of his body as a physical, material object – an athlete, a gymnast.129


Fig. 1.13.7 King of Disks – the Power Conductor of Finance. The dollar, the euro, the pound, etc., as formative currencies.130


Fig. 1.13.8 King of Disks – the Legislator of Matter and Finance. An oil or gas pipeline. "Black gold", "Liquid money"131.132


The defining feature of the King of Disks – he is the Law for Matter (or Finance). Power passes THROUGH him, he conducts it. It doesn't "revolve around" him, as is the case of the Queen.


Ace of Disks


A "new Russian" is planning to go on holiday to Cyprus.

His personal secretary arrives first and goes for a walk on the beach

with the owner of the 5-star hotel.

– And what's this?

– What do you mean? The seashore. Pebbles.

– Pebbles – no, that won't do, the boss does not like the stuff. Get rid of the pebbles, and pour

white sand everywhere.

– But that would cost a fortune!

– We're paying! Everything's gotta be just right!

The next day, the beach is covered with sand.

– And what's this?

– It's the sea!

– What sea? It's a filthy puddle! In short, clean up the sea, change the color,

the tide should roll in every 30 seconds by 55 centimeters.

– But this is underwater engineering work, very expensive stuff, as I'm sure you realize!

– We're paying! Everything's gotta be just right!

– And what's this? What's all that noise and racket?

– It's the seagulls?! They always live around here.

– No seagulls. Get rid of them all! On second thought, leave two – they can walk along the beach together, but no flying, under any circumstances.

– But that would wreak havoc on the environment, and it would also entail training of seagulls!

– We're paying! Everything's gotta be just right!

After some time, all the work is completed.

Finally, the boss himself arrives. Checks into the penthouse suite.

Walks to the sea along the clean white sand, admires the two seagulls,

as they stroll lovingly together by the seashore. Sits down on a lounge chair, takes a deep breath

of fresh sea air, and says:

– My God! Such beauty and splendour! These are pleasures that even money can't buy.


Aces, according to the Kabbalah, are a primal source of Power, a manifestation of the Absolute, an overwhelming power or force, a force majeure.

An object, a process when Matter or Finance "overwhelmingly" enter the world.

Accordingly, the Ace of Disks is the "overwhelming" force of Matter or Finance.

In the Material world, it may symbolize, for example, a bulldozer or a Fed printing press133.


Please, note:

The concept of an "overwhelming" force or power depends on the "caliber" of the subject or observer.

For an ant, an "overwhelming" force may be a baby finger. For a mountain the size of Fujiyama, not every nuclear explosion is an "Ace".


Fig. 1.14.1 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. A bulldozer, a tractor, a tectonic shift, an earthquake.134


Fig. 1.14.2 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming force of Matter. Rain, a downpour, snow, hail, a tsunami, the ocean.135


Fig. 1.14.3 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. Sunlight, heat, a volcanic eruption, thermal processes in the planet core. The sun.136


Fig. 1.14.4 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter. Wind, a hurricane, a typhoon, a tornado, the Earth's atmosphere.137


Fig. 1.14.5 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming force of Matter. The Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from cosmic radiation.138


Fig. 1.14.6 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter (for a human being). A rhinoceros, an elephant, a bison, a whale – any big and strong animal, bird or fish.139


Fig. 1.14.5 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Finance. A money printing press, the source of a formative world currency.140


Fig. 1.14.8 Ace of Disks – the overwhelming power of Matter and Finance. A large, economically profitable deposit of stock-exchange assets – oil, gas, lithium, and other mineral resources.141


Please, note:

In our Solar System, the main142 source for the manifestation of the Absolute is, in essence, a star named the "Sun".

All other manifestations of Matter are, one way or another, only a consequence of its activity.


The defining feature of the Ace of Disks is its subjectively "overwhelming" power in Material or Financial matters.


Knight of Disks


Got the urge for some tea… and all hell broke loose:

Bun, butter, sausage, cookies, sweets…

On the whole, turned out quite well…

About three kilos' worth…


The Knight, according to the Kabbalah, is going or being with the Flow, with a stream, a trend.

An object, a process, where the Force has swept up the Stalker and carried him off.

Accordingly, the Knight of Disks is going/being with the Flow of Matter or Finance.

For example, a bullet flying.


Please, note:

The distinctive feature of the Knight card is that the object remains still and motionless, like the Knight. While, at the same time, being in motion, like the horse on which the Knight is sitting.

This contradiction makes the Knight card immediately recognizable.


Fig. 1.15.1 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A passenger on a bus or taxi.143


Fig. 1.15.2 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. Surfing, kiting, hang-gliding, rafting.144


Fig. 1.15.3 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A hot air balloon. An airship.145


Fig. 1.15.4 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A glider, a hang-glider, a para-glider, a wing-suit.146


Fig. 1.15.5 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. An arrow.147


Fig. 1.15.6 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A bullet.148


Fig. 1.15.7 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter. A soaring eagle.149


Fig. 1.15.8 Knight of Disks – being/going with the Flow of Matter or Finance. A stockbroker. A fund manager. The nature of his work necessitates that he always be in the state of the Knight of Disks.150


The defining feature of the Knight of Disks – remaining motionless and still in the flow of Matter (or Finance).


Section 2 – Cups or Hearts


The Cups or Goblets suit in Tarot. Hearts in a modern playing card deck.


The Cups suit is associated with a shift into the past, in accordance with the Water element. The energy of processes and events at the Svadhistana151 Chakra level.

Therefore, the Cups suit is responsible for emotions, feelings, and memories.


Zero of Cups


The cat came in from the room and, in passing, informed me that the Christmas tree had lost all its holiday lights, half its toys, consciousness, and had completely collapsed a bit.


Zero, according to the Kabbalah, is hidden, dormant potential, or something small and insignificant.

Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

Thus, the Zero Cups is the dormant potential of feelings, emotions, and memories. Or some insignificant memory or emotion.

For example, it may symbolize any sleeping living creature.


Fig. 2.0.1 Zero of Cups – the dormant potential of feelings, emotions. A tired and dozing bear.152


Fig. 2.0.2 Zero of Cups. A sleeping dog.153


Fig. 2.0.3 Zero of Cups. A sleeping tiger.154


Fig. 2.0.4 Zero of Cups. A napping parrot.155


Fig. 2.0.5 Zero of Cups. A sleeping fox.156


Fig. 2.0.6 Zero of Cups. A sleeping python.157


Fig. 2.0.7 Zero of Cups. A sleeping person.158


Fig. 2.0.8 Zero of Cups. A sleeping lion.159


A patient under anesthesia, someone stunned or completely exhausted, any living creature that has passed out or lost consciousness – all these are likewise examples of the Zero of Cups.


The defining feature of the Zero of Cups – an absence of emotions, memories due to some kind of "numbness".


106.Bear in mind that reality is at least 4-dimensional. That is, a certain point in reality is not only a geographical space, but also a point in time.
131.Particularly in hot and dry countries, this can be an ordinary water supply line, a water canal, a river. The Nile River, for instance.
142.The main, but not the only. Not to mention the fact that our Solar System is, in fact, a binary star system, it simply obeys formative Cosmic vibrations. Therefore, our "Ace" – the Sun is merely a "zero" on a Galactic scale.

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