Umfang 270 seiten
Bolt from the Blue
Über das Buch
The headlines are full of stories of corporate scandal, from the Libor fines to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Keen to be seen to be 'doing something', the typical response of governments is heavy-handed and unnecessary regulation. The Regulatory Wave is a guide for every CEO, Board of Directors and Counsel faced with the prospect of looming regulatory intervention. Donald and Pullen provide a strategic guide on how to handle this potential Armageddon. Looking at some of the biggest regulatory disasters of the last 15 years, this book spells out the lessons to be learnt from the mistakes of others and explains what steps to take to get through a regulatory intervention and come out the other side with both reputation and company intact. Outlining why dealing with a regulatory intervention is not just a matter for lawyers, they show why you need the full spectrum of PR, shareholders, stakeholders and government on your side. A must-read for executives in all industries.