Buch lesen: «Jacket»
Since ancient times, people began to surround themselves with things. Some things had a specific purpose. Other things didn't make much sense. They simplified life, while others brought to it something that had no material value, such as beauty, status, and novelty of sensations. The more humanity developed, the more things surrounded each individual.
Leonid Ivanovich is a middle–aged man of ordinary appearance, a successful businessman. Despite the fact that usually his small bald spot, which had just begun to appear, and small round glasses repelled young ladies from him, Leonid managed to marry a young attractive person. She was a few years younger. It seemed that Olga really loved her husband. They had known each other for several years, but only recently decided to get married. There was a big celebration, a lot of guests. Many of the guests were Leonid's business partners. Congratulating the young people, they kept saying:
– Well, finally, the "jacket" got married!
– And the "jacket's wife" is beautiful.
And so on…
Olga was surprised by her husband's nickname, but she didn't pay attention to his quirks. She was happy.
A few weeks later, she realized that she had also received a nickname. Everyone their family knew called Olga Neisha, as "the jacket's wife."
When Leonid was still a boy, his father brought him a jacket from the capital. It was too big for him then, but his father said that this jacket would make him who he deserved to be. And no matter what he does, he will always achieve his goal.
Leonid studied at school, and sometimes, when something was difficult for him, he dressed in a huge jacket. I imagined what he wanted to achieve, then how he could do it. I hung my jacket back in the closet and got to work.
Sometimes, when making decisions, he would take out his jacket, hang it on a hook, right on the hanger, and imagine that he was talking to himself, only more experienced and wise. He was breaking the situation down into its individual components. And he singled out what was unchangeable in the situation, and what he could influence.
At the age of seventeen, Leonid grew up to his jacket. Since then, no important event has been complete without this jacket. Exams at school and college. An interview when applying for a first job. Opening your own business and business negotiations.
No one understood how this guy in a brown jacket with a gray check could manage things so deftly.
Of course, Leonid was responsible for the jacket, took care of it and tried to protect it. He wore it only for important negotiations and meetings, on which a lot of money depended. But the better things went at Leonid's company, the more often he had to wear a jacket. It seemed to all his partners that Leonid wore it every day. This earned Leonid the nickname "jacket" in business circles.
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