Buch lesen: «Unicorns»
© Derechos de edición reservados.
Letrame Editorial.
© Christian Garavito
Diseño de edición: Letrame Editorial.
Fotografías: Giancarlo Fajardo
ISBN: 978-84-18512-70-4
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To Cristian, I’ve given it all, just as you said. I hope you like it.
To Gian, that thing we can’t explain makes us infinite.
To Ivo, we will dance.
To Juan, your love rocked my world, even if you can’t believe me, thank you.
To Camilo, you are definitely GODTOUCHED.
Thank you for your greatness.
About what is written in these pages
Not everything is true
Not everything is false
There are some things I felt in a moment
And some others that I never felt at all
And a few more
I’m still carrying around.
From my mother tongue
I wrote this book in English
because I have something to hide.
My heart speaks a different language than my mind.
So I tried to make it universal
Not as personal as Spanish
Even if I don’t relate to it that much.
In the end I don’t know what language I speak.
I am a fucking unicorn
I am a magical being that never existed
I am strange
And I’ve always had a dick in my head
Figuratively and relatively speaking
I guess in the end
all of this
is about dick
And ass
And sex
And being gay.
Juan is leaving
Winnie the Pooh
Now that you are gone, I know I needed you the most
But in the long term you are just bad health
And this Winnie the Pooh relationship will only destroy us
Go and be the bee you are meant to be
Thanks for the sweet treats
They kept me warm in the winter
But summer is here and I’d rather be drinking iced tea.
The devil is out tonight
The devil is out tonight
The devil is a metaphor for what I am capable of
The devil lives tonight
Everybody’s screaming outside
A woman lost her dog and she calls it by its name
She won’t stop
I could even kill mine
The devil is out tonight
I can feel the fire
Call me names
Call his name
I know he is inside me
But tonight he’s out!
One, two, three
Nothing will stop him
The devil is out tonight
I saw it on TV
On the cell phone
Even on my Instagram feed
He has such a hot body
But my body is full of lumps
The devil is out tonight making me feel sick
Let me rest tonight, please.
I just want to lose self-consciousness
Leave the devil outside tonight
While I stay in.
After hate
Have you ever felt all your body aching?
Like you had been beat up all night.
I hated it so much I just wanted pain
and today my bones hurt.
My chest aches.
The shock has passed and now I feel it.
The void, the shattered place you left.
Forgive me for being weak.
Forgive me, ‘cause I hate you,
because I love you, and I needed you.
I didn’t want you to leave
but I needed you to leave.
I hate and when I hate,
Everything I hold dear is in danger.
You should leave
and I should recover my strength.
I should stop hating ‘cause my body aches.
I can’t even move
I can’t anymore.
Ramona Scared
She looks at me, afraid.
She is scared and worried.
“Why?”, she asked herself.
“I am sorry, I really am”,
she says to herself
She can’t talk
She just looks at me with love
“Are you gonna be ok someday?”,
she asks herself
She rolls up into her body
trying to protect herself from me
It hurts and I hate it.
You talk in memes.
Oh, you do! You do!
You smell too much.
Oh, you do! You do!
But it’s not a bad smell.
It’s Lacoste Red.
Not even the real one.
You love the most
I can tell.
You are just 26.
And I am already late.
Why’d you leave?
Because I asked you to
That’s why.
Because you are homophobic
and gay at the same time.
Maybe because of that.
Maybe because my job here is done.
There’s nothing left to teach you
There has been enough fucking
Love is not an infinite source
You have to learn that the harsh way.
13 reasons to be apart
I miss you.
I miss you because I am afraid
I miss you because I settled for something that wasn’t great
I miss you because I am used to you
But not because I love you
Don’t get me wrong, I love you
But that’s not enough
It’s not.
We broke up because of this time
Because of me
Because of your time
I miss you but it’s fake
I miss you for all the wrong reasons and that’s not great
Blue routine
My body got used to feeling sad at 9 a.m.
It’s a blue routine.
My soul feels tired
Like heavy inside of me.
I am alone, only Ramona is here
I wonder if she is enough
Would it be worse if she weren’t here?
I am not sure
Sometimes I feel her like a burden
Like a lot of responsibility
But I am glad I can cuddle with her
Her furry being keeps me warm at night
But in the morning
I am sad again.
I wash the dishes
It distracts me from myself
and the hole in my chest
The hole in my chest
larger every day
Consuming me.
I can see happy people through the windows
A park
A view
A bunch of dogs.
But I am here inside
and it’s cold
All the time flows slowly
It’s a blue routine.
I sit down and wait for hours to pass
for a specific number.
I’ve always resented the way people break up.
One day the most important and close person in your life becomes a stranger
Close your doors, change the lock
Take back the invitation
Erase any trace
Digital or analog
Clean the mess
Clean the space
This poem sucks
Not as much
As break ups.
I called but I couldn’t say what I felt
I hung up and started crying
I couldn’t tell the truth
At least not to you
I had to keep it inside
The pain
The mood swing
Because you are my ex
And I can’t trust you with this pain
You are not my friend.
Second call
You know
“flesh is weak”
It’s something Catholics taught me
It’s something I learned on my own
When you called I felt weaker
I wanted to touch you right there
And kiss you
Like we used to
Like I taught you
That second call
Found me unguarded
And your cries
Shattered me
Why did you call when I wanted to hear you?
Why did you call when I had to say no?
When I had to be strong
To be honest,
I want to make the same mistake again
I want to take the easy way
And be a part of this unhealthy game
Call me again
I might say yes.
We only came
back for the drugs
Now we are lost on this deserted island
Both castaways from the world
Trying to find a treasure long lost
We have to be honest in these final moments
We only came back for the drugs
I felt too much and you let it go
Even when you and I
We both know
It doesn’t exist anymore
So here we are again watching it die before our eyes
Knowing we should have left this deserted island
Long ago.
First love
What can you do with basic language?
Not knowing what I say
There are no words to describe pain
But don’t worry
It’s fake.
It will pass and you’ll be ok
I don’t want to be
The first love of anyone else
Ever again.
Error 45
There’s an error
You are not here
You were supposed to be
Let’s debug it.
Let’s change the universe
And the laws of time
Let’s go back
And find the source
of this human mistake
That my mind can’t compute
That my heart can’t compile.
How stupid are you?
How stupid are you?
That’s the question I ask myself everyday
Let’s scale and measure it, I say
Do you need a book to tell you? I ask again
Or maybe a song or a movie to know what’s next?
I point to my reflection in the mirror frowning my face
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