Buch lesen: «World under clowns. Before the nuclear conflict», Seite 2


Chapter 5

The people who look back

The people who remember their families and tribes constantly talk not about the future but about their past. It is how it happens at ceremonies – weddings, funerals, especially at funeral rites. The most important actors there are old people.

So what is democracy for, you say? What place should I attach it to the past people’s story? The people look at the elderly as intellectuals and legislators of behavior. It would seem that no reforms can break through such a people; the real subconscious revolves around the spirits of the dead. Such a person himself wants to be liked by the spirits of the departed (they “returned”, as the Kazakhs say about the dead, that is, about a dead person, because all this time they seemed to be returning to the real world to help living relatives).

So why do we need democracy, which does not exist? After all, there really isn’t. It just sounds like fashion. It is fashionable to say so, pretend to adapt to the world information, and hence culture. Talking about democracy to a Kazakh means showing that you know world affairs. You are so aware that you are such an honorable person. It is a show-off, as the Kazakhs themselves say about it. At the ceremonies, no one talks about democracy because of the senselessness of showing off in the wrong place. You can show off clothes, an expensive car, and verbal symbols that do not require sounds or words, and everyone immediately understands why this Kazakh came. Of course, he will also listen to old people and recognize relatives, and he can’t get away from relatives anywhere. Therefore, no new or old ideology will be able to do anything with the tribal world; it is so strong and cohesive. And the people will inevitably go back, begin to degrade, and get rid of civilization, although even at this time, there will be attempts to show that you are higher than others. I once said that the Russian language is an attempt by Kazakhs to show their independence from their kind, where all the roles are already painted, and everyone knows who will do what, including who will come to the funeral and what will tell. Of course, the Russian-speaking Kazakh does not think about it at all. But he knows that with Russian (today with English and Spanish), he can show his level and raise his status. The tribal elite has always been the fastest to adopt the culture, hence the speech of the colonizers. Russian Russians also spoke French until the Russian Revolution and the British Celts quickly Romanized. Hence, the Indian elite spoke Spanish, English, and French, so even the Russian nobles spoke French until the Russian Revolution. If the peasants could speak the language of a people they had not even seen, they would not speak. But Kazakhs began to speak Russian; first, the generic outcasts could not roam with the family. They didn’t even have a horse. But they quickly compensated for their shortcomings by learning Russian in the city.

Chapter 6

The Modern Warrior

Among those who found themselves outside the circle of the chosen Zerots (feudal elite), among even the so-called middle stratum and just ordinary people, we know there were the real outcasts. But it is not given to be brave warriors, and not everyone is lucky to appear in a family of feudal authority. Even in the family of noble feudal lords, incidents can happen. For example, the story of Gautama Buddha happened. From this, the Buddha was even an outcast for a while.

On the contrary, he became a prophet for the whole of Southeast Asia. Not everything is given to turn into a Buddha. But among those who were outside the circle of traditional people, there were people very similar to the Buddha or potential Buddhas. This is not a mockery! All the outcasts of the traditional world who found themselves outside the circle of prestige are very similar; on the periphery, all the Mangurts seem to be the same person. I didn’t misspeak. Mangurts and renegades, losers, and rootless people could be very interesting people from the position of self-reflection. We know that the Zerefs have no reflection. It is almost zero, hence the naming under the status of Zeref. Zeref – reflection means zero. Or almost zero. The Zerefs live in this world to perform rituals to preserve traditions, continue the ancestors’ work, and produce heirs. And, of course, to multiply the glory – your glory and the glory of your tribe. When we talk about the Zerefs, the main thing for the tradition is the physical multitude of people who make up the traditional people. The more people, the more people, men and women, have fulfilled their duty. They gave birth to children and brought them up so that they, in turn, did the same thing – gave birth to children. Nothing else is needed. Everything that goes beyond the circle of the rite and, consequently, beyond the circle of the chosen people, the elite, is the real mangurtism. Mangurt is a person who not only does not know his name – this is in a narrow sense but is someone who does not want to live in the old way.

But how will he live in the old way if all the places for climbing are occupied by the most arrogant? The bravest and the most cunning. The most respectable (in the traditional sense) and, of course, the most exemplary. Who, in general, is an example of the Zerefs? What do fathers teach their sons? You already know about the duty of raising sons. But with what mood? What is meant here is not excitement at the sight of a woman. The most important thing here is respect. Fathers teach their sons to respect rituals and, therefore, observe etiquette. Respect for elders is equal to respect for tradition and reverence for the elite. Our mangurts, losers, and renegades in this matter are the latest. No, of course, they also observe rituals, show, and don’t pretend, but they are kicked off by the strongest and the most daring. The one who portrayed virtue and generosity with pleasure a minute ago kicks the renegades. Not only the bravest and most exemplary, kick someone. For traditional people, a prerequisite is to kick someone, not necessarily with a foot but with words, intrigue, back-talking, and various gossip. So, the most exemplary sons can tell their father about the pranks of one of their family members. Then, the father punishes the unfortunate with his own hand. Do you recognize it? At the invitation of his entourage, the ruler of such a people can punish an official who is guilty of something. Maybe he didn’t even do anything. But woe to him! Whoever is closer to the ears of the father, ruler, educator, or supervisor is the most reliable. But whoever gets a kick kicks is pushed out by these kicks to the very perimeter. If the kick happened from above, then everyone can kick. Among the Mangurts, renegades, and losers, there may be very respectable people in the past, of course. But these fallen from the hill will never become Buddha. The traditional people do not like wisdom and the wise at all now. Wise for the Zerefs is an any old man. And, of course, the absolute authority of wisdom is the ruler. If there is an overlap of high position and age, then this is just cosmic luck for Zerot feudal. But again and again – woe to our Mangurts!

Suppose such people do not respect the smart. And what is smart? How can a son be smarter than his father? Unheard of impudence. The people expel such a contingent to the very periphery – these people become Mangurts. Only the poorest and ignoble, who by the will of fate find themselves outside the honorable circle of their people, study the languages of their neighbors and, of course, a craft that would be considered a despicable occupation for the worthy. For example, who would need to communicate with Russian immigrants if the whole family and all relatives have long migrated to the side of grass-rich pastures? Only outcasts who don’t have a horse have nothing to carry their yurt on. Tribal outcasts began to build stationary housing according to the type of housing they saw from the Russians to survive. And who would want to go to a Russian city if he has a lot of sheep? Only those who simply didn’t have them. But in a strange city, you can find a job. This is all an example of learning where mangurts come from. And that’s why they eventually turn out to be the most far-sighted. They are not far-sighted! Their relatives, kin, and people gave them a “kick”. This kick gave them acceleration, and then hunger did everything.

But it cannot be said that the Mangurts were the smartest because they were naturally talented. Gifted mangurts. That’s not so. There are plenty of talented sons among the family’s authoritative people, the people in the circle of honor. But the thing is that these talents diligently perform only rituals and continue the age-old inertia; that is, they live in the old way. The whole talent of the Zerefs is to have a lot of wealth. So that everyone knows about it, it was possible to show sheep, horses – fat family herds in the past. And you can show your elite housing, many floors, bank cards – this is today. It is necessary to show this to re-enter the circle of traditional honor. When the Zerefs meet on holidays or at a wake, they are sure to boast. They want to show their level, achievements, where they live, and where the children study. What connections? What prospects? But how did these former nomads get into another circle of honor? How did you end up on another level of civilization? Without forgetting to praise your achievements as if nothing had changed or time had stopped. Nothing has changed!

The fact is that disrespect for Zelots (for super people, for zelots, for people of honor and nobility) is a traditional rule. So they lived for centuries. Smart, and in modern terms, means civilized on the traditional scale and, according to the school of military democracy, means weak. It shows everyone that this person is weak. No one needs it. Zerefs by exemplary behavior: show – off is, of course, hypocrisy is common – by guile, arrogance, greed, and pressure, they still climb into the honorary circle. They still want to show that they are higher and have great achievements. What achievements? It’s not hard to guess here. According to the laws of military democracy, selecting an “exemplary” element goes to the very top. These people don’t have to think like Mangurts. They are obliged to provide for their family like 100 or 200 years ago. All the people are busy with such provisions. They all got so carried away with this business that they didn’t even have an intelligentsia. And who is this intelligentsia? These are the very people who cannot roam with their families, and they simply do not have a horse now. And that’s a shame! This is no good. An intellectual, a mangurt, a scientist is not a warrior. Point. The modern warrior is making a fortune. This is not corruption in the traditional sense. These are trophies.

How did it happen that these people turned out to have lived up to market relations but continued to live by the old rules? All these changes in people happen by accident. The people didn’t even understand what had happened. And if I didn’t understand, then I didn’t need to.

For example, if there is a sharp change, people immediately switch from cattle breeding to market relations. But they again weed out from his environment the smart but weak, or the poor but noble – I don’t know, both qualities are shameful here, so all the changes that have occurred have suddenly occurred. No one was preparing for them. And why? The main thing is to show again that you are no worse, no weaker than the most arrogant.

Chapter 7

How Asians turn into personalities

There has never been such a thing in the East. There has always been a hierarchy in the East. No personalities. The very concept of personality is a bourgeois invention. The rootless bourgeois invented their personality so that the feudal elite would understand who they were dealing with. From now on, it means we did not with despicable philistines but with worthy people. Bourgeois personalities exuded an elitist informality. Formally, they were despicable people in the feudal report card; in fact, informally, the bourgeoisie had the meaning of a new rank. With a fierce desire to prove the opposite, this suspended state or formal insignificance manifested itself in the soreness or vulnerability bankers constantly carried with them. Today, when the “personalities” of the conditional East or all former citizens of the former USSR talk about personality and rights, they certainly do not know what it cost Western personalities, how many generations of Europeans and Americans have gone through the market test. Even what passed to the East as remnants of Western dignity after the fall of totalitarianism does not convey the torment that future rootless bankers once experienced. But that energy of humiliation and overcoming humiliation was still transmitted. I don’t know how; rather, by genetic memory, the memory of humiliation turned into reflexes of resistance. Eastern people who had never lived in the market, in any case, had not reached the moment of the triumph of bourgeois law according to the type of the Napoleonic code, did not understand and could not understand Western protests. But they liked that they were called personalities in absentia. That’s all. And who wouldn’t like to be one? Life is bad without a loser. That’s what Oriental vanity means. Find me a man in the street who would avoid fashion. Especially if it needs very average, mediocre, ordinary money. Nobody would get the status simply. And they got it without bothering. But simply because world socialism collapsed. On the contrary, formally, everyone was equal; in fact, there is the same medieval hierarchy here. It turns out that the Western personality was born in a centuries-old market struggle; the Eastern took this victory from the Western personality. Although it seems that she also fought for her rights, but rather for status. But in the East, civil rights did not matter at all. Although even communists or people who fancied themselves radical equalizers wrote the Constitution, they wrote and changed it several times. But if no one here was really interested in rights, even with a radical equation, if communism was just a new form or kind of an old tradition, and in fact, there were elected communists of the top and all men the rest, in general, the rights remained on paper, life has shown that the one who has more is right he is right, and officials always have more rights. It is repeated in all post-Soviet states. The Western tracing paper of the confrontation of feudal lords and urban philistinism received in the East the confrontation of party bosses and ordinary Soviet people, once again, with social justice declared to the whole world. There was never any struggle in the East. Soviet citizens automatically became personalities in the Western manner, without a market and money, that is, without the banal practice of fighting for money and rights. This very lack of experience in fighting for their rights has shown that no one in the East needs rights but money. Nobody wants to be called nobody comrades, as it was in the past, and everyone wants to be a new personality. Consumer personalities. Consumers of goods, which would be even more accurate. No one wanted universal equality through consumption; Western tracing paper was taken literally at face value. In the East, another Eastern hierarchy was immediately lined up to be someone; an oligarchy appeared and immediately an elected non-judicial elite. None of the disenfranchised in the future, and constantly Eastern personalities without money, did not occur to them that this – their old culture and practice would happen again. However, still, they were seized with the hope that someone would be able to climb up into the company of the chosen ones. That means one thing. Until something like a new hierarchy is formed in the East again, everyone will be busy with their own, only their own business. But even when everyone sees or is pointed out to them, they will rather feel a new corvee themselves. But now, nothing will save the eastern losers. According to their culture, they received, were obliged to receive a new feudal elite. Does it have a different name now? Nothing. But now there is a real market. Understanding what it is like to be a disenfranchised slave in the market with arrogant, arrogant feudal lords is necessary. Do I want to say that Eastern personalities should go through the experience of Western personalities externally as it really was with the West? I’m not sure. A new world system has been formed. And the eastern oligarchy has integrated into the Western one. The fresh descendants of the rootless communists, raised from the bottom by the revolution, found mature descendants of the rootless status burghers for a union. And the Eastern people began to play by the Western rules; that is, they hoped they would be accepted into the club of the elect, in any case, all the oligarchs. Who trades is a person, isn’t it? But the oligarchs from the East were mistaken. The Western elite did not accept them as equals.

It follows that any local protest against the world mafia is simply an uprising of a medieval village against the empire. I admit that even people from the oligarchy will enter it. Those who did not fit on the new world trade Olympus. All these nationalists, patriots, Marxists with national faces, just network chatterboxes, and even protesters in the United States will achieve nothing until a new world revolution party is created.

Chapter 8

After the restaurant

Envy of a gift or talent is much stronger than envy of wealth. But the most secret hatred of nobility. Democracy shows well who is at the top, who is at the bottom, and why.

The difference between Western money and Eastern nobody.

Every nouveau riche would like to walk with chicks in a restaurant. What’s else the point of making money? It is to sit in a restaurant and take off a chick or to show off in front of a friend. There is no other meaning in general. What do these crooks, officials, bankers, and stockbrokers think about? They are certainly not thinking about restaurants and are tired of them, although where else can they go? Well, also, on yachts, on islands, go for a ride. So their media and corrupt journalists in the so-called media show how they live; therefore, everyone who penetrates the market wants only to walk and enjoy themselves like oligarchs. Even the films were made by Oligarchs, in every possible way letting romance on freedom and its meanings. Are they so-called free individuals? Yes, whoever trades and succeeds is a person. Therefore, everyone wants to be a personality in a Western manner.

Ask any student at recess what he wants and what he dreams about. Of course, he is studying not to fly into space but to become a business astronaut. Suppose businessmen fly, then only for the money, so everyone can see they took a walk in space. It certainly hurts when some people see that the rich are walking and the chicks’ eyes are burning, not on knowledge, and the young ones, of course, want to imitate rich personalities simultaneously. So that they have everything and there would be no punishment for all this.

In general, this very market competition at the output turns out to be pure distilled egoism. Of course, the world of universal festivities, show-offs, and drawing in the name of fire in chicks’ eyes pisses everyone off. Those who walk on foot are infuriated that those who do not walk live even better. And all the losers hate all these lucky ones. And they also hate all sorts of clever people, especially all sorts of moralists who could restrain this savagery, but already in the form of pathetic beggars. In general, this is a world where many egoists have access to restaurants.

It’s good that there are social networks at this moment. Where every loser, well, in what sense, in the sense of unmotivated discontent, can imagine himself as God? What do you mean by God? Well, in the sense of almost an oligarch of all sorts of creative thoughts. Well, what, I ask, are these creatives? Well, in the same case, what was already asked of the student at recess? In the world of money, everyone wants what they don’t know. But he wants, he really wants, and therefore, he hates all possible opponents, haters, and envious people. It’s good that the hater or God is still asleep. In a well-fed state, this universal negative seems to be sleeping. And therefore, he may not like what he chooses because I repeat, everyone is a god in his own right, a loner to himself, almost an oligarch. And it is impossible to gather these people about it, except in our restaurant. They will discuss each other again, who is sleeping with whom, how, and in the name of what. God forbid a furry animal named Crisis to come. That’s when all the desires will converge in one desire for someone to punish someone very much. That’s how disparate individual fascism, aka hatred, will gather at one point. Where will one person named the leader speak?

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