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So, they kept us apart.
‘cause my dad was a businessman
I went to one for three days, when I was three, but I got really bored there and told my mum that I didn’t want to go, so before I went to a real school, she taught me at home
There’s no lift, unfortunately, which means I have to stagger up three flights of stairs every day, a couple of times a day. It’s quite a small flat – I don’t remember how many square metres it is but it’s pretty small.
primary school we used to play netball, on a really big pitch. It was strange, it was more of a field than a netball court. For playing tennis, we went to somebody’s house that was near the school and used their hard courts. I really like tennis, and swimming. When I was in Somerset, we’d go on a coach once a week, every week, into the nearest town, which was about 8 miles away, and go swimming for an hour.
This makes a big change from some other flats I’ve lived in, like in London where I was freezing cold in the winter with no fires or heating of any sort.
I live in Budapest, in a flat in the centre of town, on the third storey, the third floor, of a building
A lot of people get divorced now and live on their own and bring up their children on their own
I had some other very good teachers, but I’ve noticed that teachers are really different in Hungary
My two brothers are a lot older than me, so I didn’t see them much when I was little because they weren’t at home that much