
On the Philosophy of Discovery, Chapters Historical and Critical

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

This, which is put as another mode of explanation, is, in fact, the same mode; for, as I have already said, the centrifugal force, which is less than the centripetal at the aphelion, becomes the greater of the two before the perihelion; and there is an intermediate position, at which the two forces are equal. But at this point, is there no reason why, being equal, the forces should become unequal? Reason abundant: for the body, being there, moves in a line oblique to the distance, and so changes its distance; and the centripetal and centrifugal force, depending upon the distance by different laws, they forthwith become unequal.

But these modes of explanation, by means of the centripetal and centrifugal forces and their relation, are not necessary to Newton's doctrine, and are nowhere used by Newton; and undoubtedly much confusion has been produced in other minds, as well as Hegel's, by speaking of the centrifugal force, which is a mere intrinsic geometrical result of a body's curvilinear motion round a center, in conjunction with centripetal force, which is an extrinsic force, acting upon the body and urging it to the center. Neither Newton, nor any intelligent Newtonian, ever spoke of the centripetal and centrifugal force as two distinct forces both extrinsic to the motion, which Hegel accuses them of doing. (n)

I have spoken of the third and second of Kepler's laws; of Newton's explanations of them, and of Hegel's criticism. Let us now, in the same manner, consider the first law, that the planets move in ellipses. Newton's proof that this was the result of a central force varying inversely as the square of the distance, was the solution of a problem at which his contemporaries had laboured in vain, and is commonly looked upon as an important step. "But," says Hegel, (d) "the proof gives a conic section generally, whereas the main point which ought to be proved is, that the path of the body is an ellipse only, not a circle or any other conic section." Certainly if Newton had proved that a planet cannot move in a circle, (which Hegel says he ought to have done), his system would have perplexed astronomers, since there are planets which move in orbits hardly distinguishable from circles, and the variation of the extremity from planet to planet shows that there is nothing to prevent the excentricity vanishing and the orbit becoming a circle.

"But," says Hegel again, (e) "the conditions which make the path to be an ellipse rather than any other conic section, are empirical and extraneous;—the supposed casual strength of the impulsion originally received." Certainly the circumstances which determine the amount of excentricity of a planet's orbit are derived from experience, or rather, observation. It is not a part of Newton's system to determine à priori what the excentricity of a planet's orbit must be. A system that professes to do this will undoubtedly be one very different from his. And as our knowledge of the excentricity is derived from observation, it is, in that sense, empirical and casual. The strength of the original impulsion is a hypothetical and impartial way of expressing this result of observation. And as we see no reason why the excentricity should be of any certain magnitude, we see none why the fraction which expresses the excentricity should not become as large as unity, that is, why the orbit should not become a parabola; and accordingly, some of the bodies which revolve about the same appear to move in orbits of this form: so little is the motion in an ellipse, as Hegel says, (f) "the only thing to be proved."

But Hegel himself has offered proof of Kepler's laws, to which, considering his objections to Newton's proofs, we cannot help turning with some curiosity.

And first, let us look at the proof of the Proposition which we have been considering, that the path of a planet is necessarily an ellipse. I will translate Hegel's language as well as I can; but without answering for the correctness of my translation, since it does not appear to me to conform to the first condition of translation, of being intelligible. The translation however, such as it is, may help us to form some opinion of the validity and value of Hegel's proofs as compared with Newton's. (r)

"For absolutely uniform motion, the circle is the only path.... The circle is the line returning into itself in which all the radii are equal; there is, for it, only one determining quantity, the radius.

"But in free motion, the determination according to space and to time come into view with differences. There must be a difference in the spatial aspect in itself, and therefore the form requires two determining quantities. Hence the form of the path returning into itself is an ellipse."

Now even if we could regard this as reasoning, the conclusion does not in the smallest degree follow. A curve returning into itself and determined by two quantities, may have innumerable forms besides the ellipse; for instance, any oval form whatever, besides that of the conic section.

But why must the curve be a curve returning into itself? Hegel has professed to prove this previously (m) from "the determination of particularity and individuality of the bodies in general, so that they have partly a center in themselves, and partly at the same time their center in another." Without seeking to find any precise meaning in this, we may ask whether it proves the impossibility of the orbits with moveable apses, (which do not return into themselves,) such as the planets (affected by perturbations) really do describe, and such as we know that bodies must describe in all cases, except when the force varies exactly as the square of the distance? It appears to do so: and it proves this impossibility of known facts at least as much as it proves anything.

Let us now look at Hegel's proof of Kepler's second law, that the elliptical sectors swept by the radius vector are proportional to the time. It is this: (s).

"In the circle, the arc or angle which is included by the two radii is independent of them. But in the motion [of a planet] as determined by the conception, the distance from the center and the arc run over in a certain time must be compounded in one determination, and must make out a whole. This whole is the sector, a space of two dimensions. And hence the arc is essentially a Function of the radius vector; and the former (the arc) being unequal, brings with it the inequality of the radii."

As was said in the former case, if we could regard this as reasoning, it would not prove the conclusion, but only, that the arc is some function or other of the radii.

Hegel indeed offers (t) a reason why there must be an arc involved. This arises, he says, from "the determinateness [of the nature of motion], at one while as time in the root, at another while as space in the square. But here the quadratic character of the space is, by the returning of the line of motion into itself, limited to a sector."

Probably my readers have had a sufficient specimen of Hegel's mode of dealing with these matters. I will however add his proof of Kepler's third law, that the cubes of the distances are as the squares of the times.

Hegel's proof in this case (u) has a reference to a previous doctrine concerning falling bodies, in which time and space have, he says, a relation to each other as root and square. Falling bodies however are the case of only half-free motion, and the determination is incomplete.

"But in the case of absolute motion, the domain of free masses, the determination attains its totality. The time as the root is a mere empirical magnitude: but as a component of the developed Totality, it is a Totality in itself: it produces itself, and therein has a reference to itself. And in this process, Time, being itself the dimensionless element, only comes to a formal identity with itself and reaches the square: Space, on the other hand, as a positive external relation, comes to the full dimensions of the conception of space, that is, the cube. The Realization of the two conceptions (space and time) preserves their original difference. This is the third Keplerian law, the relation of the Cubes of the distances to the squares of the times."

"And this," he adds, (v) with remarkable complacency, "represents simply and immediately the reason of the thing:—while on the contrary, the Newtonian Formula, by means of which the Law is changed into a Law for the Force of Gravity, shows the distortion and inversion of Reflexion, which stops half-way."

I am not able to assign any precise meaning to the Reflexion, which is here used as a term of condemnation, applicable especially to the Newtonian doctrine. It is repeatedly applied in the same manner by Hegel. Thus he says, (g) "that what Kepler expresses in a simple and sublime manner in the form of Laws of the Celestial Motions, Newton has metamorphosed into the Reflexion-Form of the Force of Gravitation."

Though Hegel thus denies Newton all merit with regard to the explanation of Kepler's laws by means of the gravitation of the planets to the sun, he allows that to the Keplerian Laws Newton added the Principle of Perturbations (k). This Principle he accepts to a certain extent, transforming the expression of it after his peculiar fashion. "It lies," he says, (l) "in this: that matter in general assigns a center for itself: the collective bodies of the system recognise a reference to their sun, and all the individual bodies, according to the relative positions into which they are brought by their motions, form a momentary relation of their gravity towards each other."

This must appear to us a very loose and insufficient way of stating the Principle of Perturbations, but loose as it is, it recognises that the Perturbations depend upon the gravity of the planets one to another, and to the sun. And if the Perturbations depend upon these forces, one can hardly suppose that any one who allows this will deny that the primary undisturbed motions depend upon these forces, and must be explained by means of them; yet this is what Hegel denies.


It is evident, on looking at Hegel's mode of reasoning on such subjects, that his views approach towards those of Aristotle and the Aristotelians; according to which motions were divided into natural and unnatural;—the celestial motions were circular and uniform in their nature;—and the like. Perhaps it may be worth while to show how completely Hegel adheres to these ancient views, by an extract from the additions to the Articles on Celestial Motions, made in the last edition of the Encyclopædia. He says (w),

"The motion of the heavenly bodies is not a being pulled this way and that, as is imagined (by the Newtonians). They go along, as the ancients said, like blessed gods. The celestial conformity is not such a one as has the principle of rest or motion external to itself. It is not right to say because a stone is inert, and the whole earth consists of stones, and the other heavenly bodies are of the same nature as the earth, therefore the heavenly bodies are inert. This conclusion makes the properties of the whole the same as those of the part. Impulse, Pressure, Resistance, Friction, Pulling, and the like, are valid only for other than celestial matter."

There can be no doubt that this is a very different doctrine from that of Newton.

I will only add to these specimens of Hegel's physics, a specimen of the logic by which he refutes the Newtonian argument which has just been adduced; namely, that the celestial bodies are matter, and that matter, as we see in terrestrial matter, is inert. He says (x),

"Doubtless both are matter, as a good thought and a bad thought are both thoughts; but the bad one is not therefore good, because it is a thought."

Hegel. Encyclopædia (2nd Ed. 1827), Part XI. p. 250
C. Absolute Mechanics
§ 269

Gravitation is the true and determinate conception of material Corporeity, which (Conception) is realized to the Idea (zur Idee). General Corporeity is separable essentially into particular Bodies, and connects itself with the Element of Individuality or subjectivity, as apparent (phenomenal) presence in the Motion, which by this means is immediately a system of several Bodies.

Universal gravitation must, as to itself, be recognised as a profound thought, although it was principally as apprehended in the sphere of Reflexion that it eminently attracted notice and confidence on account of the quantitative determinations therewith connected, and was supposed to find its confirmation in Experiments (Erfahrung) pursued from the Solar System down to the phenomena of Capillary Tubes.—But Gravitation contradicts immediately the Law of Inertia, for in virtue of it (Gravitation) matter tends out of itself to the other (matter).—In the Conception of Weight, there are, as has been shown, involved the two elements—Self-existence, and Continuity, which takes away self-existence. These elements of the Conception, however, experience a fate, as particular forces, corresponding to Attractive and Repulsive Force, and are thereby apprehended in nearer determination, as Centripetal and Centrifugal Force, which (Forces) like weight, act upon Bodies, independent of each other, and are supposed to come in contact accidentally in a third thing, Body. By this means, what there is of profound in the thought of universal weight is again reduced to nothing; and Conception and Reason cannot make their way into the doctrine of absolute motion, so long as the so highly-prized discoveries of Forces are dominant there. In the conclusion which contains the Idea of Weight, namely, [contains this Idea] as the Conception which, in the case of motion, enters into external Reality through the particularity of the Bodies, and at the same time into this [Reality] and into their Ideality and self-regarding Reflexion, (Reflexion-in-sich), the rational identity and inseparability of the elements is involved, which at other times are represented as independent. Motion itself, as such, has only its meaning and existence in a system of several bodies, and those, such as stand in relation to each other according to different determinations.

§ 270

As to what concerns bodies in which the conception of gravity (weight) is realized free by itself, we say that they have for the determinations of their different nature the elements (momente) of their conception. One [conception of this kind] is the universal center of the abstract reference [of a body] to itself. Opposite to this [conception] stands the immediate, extrinsic, centerless Individuality, appearing as Corporeity similarly independent. Those [Bodies] however which are particular, which stand in the determination of extrinsic, and at the same time of intrinsic relation, are centers for themselves, and [also] have a reference to the first as to their essential unity.

The Planetary Bodies, as the immediately concrete, are in their existence the most complete. Men are accustomed to take the Sun as the most excellent, inasmuch as the understanding prefers the abstract to the concrete, and in like manner the fixed stars are esteemed higher than the Bodies of the Solar System. Centerless Corporeity, as belonging to externality, naturally separates itself into the opposition of the lunar and the cometary Body. The laws of absolutely free motion, as is well known, were discovered by Kepler;—a discovery of immortal fame. Kepler has proved these laws in this sense, that for the empirical data he found their general expression.

|(a)| Since then, it has become a common way of speaking to say that Newton first found out the proof of these Laws. It has rarely happened that fame has been more unjustly transferred from the first discoverer to another person. On this subject I make the following remarks.

1. That it is allowed by Mathematicians that the Newtonian Formulæ may be derived from the Keplerian Laws.

|(b)| The completely immediate derivation is this: In the third Keplerian Law, A3/T2 is the constant quantity.

|(c)| This being put as A.A2/T2 and calling, with Newton, A/T2 universal Gravitation, his expression of the effect of gravity in the reciprocal ratio of the square of the distances is obvious.

|(d)| 2. That the Newtonian proof of the Proposition that a body subjected to the Law of Gravitation moves about the central body in an Ellipse, gives a Conic Section generally, while the main Proposition which ought to be proved is that the fall of such a Body is not a Circle or any other Conic Section, but an Ellipse only. Moreover, there are objections which may be made against this proof in itself (Princ. Math. I. 1. Sect. II. Prop. 1); and although it is the foundation of the Newtonian Theory, analysis has no longer any need of it.

|(f)| The conditions which in the sequel make the path of the Body to a determinate Conic Section, are referred to an empirical circumstance, namely, a particular position of the Body at a determined moment of time, and the casual strength of an impulsion which it is supposed to have received originally; so that the circumstance which makes the Curve be an Ellipse, which alone ought to be the thing proved, is extraneous to the Formula.

3. That the Newtonian Law of the so-called Force of Gravitation is in like manner only proved from experience by Induction.

|(g)| The sum of the difference is this, that what Kepler expressed in a simple and sublime manner in the Form of Laws of the Celestial Motions, Newton has metamorphosed into the Reflection-Form of the Force of Gravitation.

|(h)| If the Newtonian Form has not only its convenience but its necessity in reference to the analytical method, this is only a difference of the mathematical formulæ; Analysis has long been able to derive the Newtonian expression, and the Propositions therewith connected, out of the Form of the Keplerian Laws;

|(i)| (on this subject I refer to the elegant exposition in Francœur's Traité Elém. de Mécanique, Liv. II. Ch. xi. n. 4.)—The old method of so-called proof is conspicuous as offering to us a tangled web, formed of the Lines of the mere geometrical construction, to which a physical meaning of independent Forces is given; and of empty Reflexion-determinations of the already mentioned Accelerating Force and Vis Inertiæ, and especially of the relation of the so-called gravitation itself to the centripetal force and centrifugal force, and so on.

The remarks which are here made would undoubtedly have need of a further explication to show how well founded they are: in a Compendium, propositions of this kind which do not agree with that which is assumed, can only have the shape of assertions. Indeed, since they contradict such high authorities, they must appear as something worse, as presumptuous assertions. I will not, on this subject, support myself by saying, by the bye, that an interest in these subjects has occupied me for 25 years; but it is more precisely to the purpose to remark, that the distinctions and determinations which Mathematical Analysis introduces, and the course which it must take according to its method, is altogether different from that which a physical reality must have. The Presuppositions, the Course, and the Results, which the Analysis necessarily has and gives, remain quite extraneous to the considerations which determine the physical value and the signification of those determinations and of that course. To this it is that attention should be directed. We have to do with a consciousness relative to the deluging of physical Mechanics with an inconceivable (unsäglichen) Metaphysic, which—contrary to experience and conception—has those mathematical determinations alone for its source.

|(k)| It is recognized that what Newton—besides the foundation of the analytical treatment, the development of which, by the bye, has of itself rendered superfluous, or indeed rejected much which belonged to Newton's essential Principles and glory—has added to the Keplerian Laws is the Principle of Perturbations,—a Principle whose importance we may here accept thus far (hier in sofern anzuführen ist); namely, so far as it rests upon the Proposition that the so-called attraction is an operation of all the individual parts of bodies, as being material.

|(l)| It lies in this, that matter in general assigns a center for itself (sich das centrum setzt), and the figure of the body is an element in the determination of its place; that collective bodies of the system recognize a reference to their Sun (sich ihre Sonne setzen), but also the individual bodies themselves, according to the relative position with regard to each other into which they come by their general motion, form a momentary relation of their gravity (schwere) towards each other, and are related to each other not only in abstract spatial relations, but at the same time assign to themselves a joint center, which however is again resolved [into the general center] in the universal system.

As to what concerns the features of the path, to show how the fundamental determinations of Free Motion are connected with the Conception, cannot here be undertaken in a satisfactory and detailed manner, and must therefore be left to its fate. The proof from reason of the quantitative determinations of free motion can only rest upon the determinations of Conceptions of space and time, the elements whose relation (intrinsic not extrinsic) motion is.

|(m)| That, in the first place, the motion in general is a motion returning into itself, is founded on the determination of particularity and individuality of the bodies in general (§ 269), so that partly they have a center in themselves, and partly at the same time their center in another.


|(n)| These are the determinations of Conceptions which form the basis of the false representatives of Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force, as if each of these were self-existing, extraneous to the other, and independent of it; and as if they only came in contact in their operations and consequently externally. They are, as has already been mentioned, the Lines which must be drawn for the mathematical determinations, transformed into physical realities.

Further, this motion is uniformly accelerated, (and—as returning into itself—in turn uniformly retarded). In motion as free, Time and Space enter as different things which are to make themselves effective in the determination of the motion (§ 266, note).

|(o)| In the so-called Explanation of the uniformly accelerated and retarded motion, by means of the alternate decrease and increase of the magnitude of the Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force, the confusion which the assumption of such independent Forces produces is at its greatest height.

|(p)| According to this explanation, in the motion of a Planet from the Aphelion to the Perihelion, the centrifugal is less than the centripetal force, and on the contrary, in the Perihelion itself, the centrifugal force is supposed to become greater than the centripetal. For the motion from the Perihelion to the Aphelion, this representation makes the forces pass into the opposite relation in the same manner. It is apparent that such a sudden conversion of the preponderance which a force has obtained over another, into an inferiority to the other, cannot be anything taken out of the nature of Forces.

|(q)| On the contrary it must be concluded, that a preponderance which one Force has obtained over another must not only be preserved, but must go onwards to the complete annihilation of the other Force, and the motion must either, by the Preponderance of the Centripetal Force, proceed till it ends in rest, that is, in the Collision of the Planet with the Central Body, or till by the Preponderance of the Centrifugal Force it ends in a straight line. But now, if in place of the suddenness of the conversion, we suppose a gradual increase of the Force in question, then, since rather the other Force ought to be assumed as increasing, we lose the opposition which is assumed for the sake of the explanation; and if the increase of the one is assumed to be different from that of the other, (which is the case in some representations,) then there is found at the mean distance between the apsides a point in which the Forces are in equilibrio. And the transition of the Forces out of Equilibrium is a thing just as little without any sufficient reason as the aforesaid suddenness of inversion. And in the whole of this kind of explanation, we see that the mode of remedying a bad mode of dealing with a subject leads to newer and greater confusion.—A similar confusion makes its appearance in the explanation of the phænomenon that the pendulum oscillates more slowly at the equator. This phænomenon is ascribed to the Centrifugal Force, which it is asserted must then be greater; but it is easy to see that we may just as well ascribe it to the augmented gravity, inasmuch as that holds the pendulum more strongly to the perpendicular line of rest.

§ 240

|(r)| And now first, as to what concerns the Form of the Path, the Circle only can be conceived as the path of an absolutely uniform motion. Conceivable, as people express it, no doubt it is, that an increasing and diminishing motion should take place in a circle. But this conceivableness or possibility means only an abstract capability of being represented, which leaves out of sight that Determinate Thing on which the question turns.

The Circle is the line returning into itself in which all the radii are equal, that is, it is completely determined by means of the radius. There is only one Determination, and that is the whole Determination.

But in free motion, in which the Determinations according to space and according to time come into view with Differences, in a qualitative relation to each other, this Relation appears in the spatial aspect as a Difference thereof in itself, which therefore requires two Determinations. Hereby the Form of the path returning into itself is essentially an Ellipse.

|(s)| The abstract Determinations which produces the circle appears also in this way, that the arc or angle which is included by two Radii is independent of them, a magnitude with regard to them completely empirical. But since in the motion as determined by the Conception, the distance from the center, and the arc which is run over in a certain time, must be comprehended in one determinateness, [and] make out a whole, this is the sector, a space-determination of two dimensions: in this way, the arc is essentially a Function of the Radius Vector; and the former (the arc) being unequal, brings with it the inequality of the Radii.

|(t)| That the determination with regard to the space by means of the time appears as a Determination of two Dimensions,—as a Superficies-Determination,—agrees with what was said before (§ 266) respecting Falling Bodies, with regard to the exposition of the same Determinateness, at one while as Time in the root, at another while as Space in the Square. Here, however, the Quadratic character of the space is, by the returning of the Line of motion into itself, limited to a Sector. These are, as may be seen, the general principles on which the Keplerian Law, that in equal times equal sectors are cut off, rests.

This Law becomes, as is clear, only the relation of the arc to the Radius Vector, and the Time enters there as the abstract Unity, in which the different Sectors are compared, because as Unity it is the Determining Element. But the further relation is that of the Time, not as Unity, but as a Quantity in general,—as the time of Revolution—to the magnitude of the Path, or, what is the same thing, the distance from the center.

|(u)| As Root and Square, we saw that Time and Space had a relation to each other, in the case of Falling Bodies, the case of half-free motion—because that [motion] is determined on one side by the conception, on the other by external [conditions]. But in the case of absolute motion—the domain of free masses—the determination attains its Totality. The Time as the Root is a mere empirical magnitude; but as a component (moment) of the developed Totality, it is a Totality in itself,—it produces itself, and therein has a reference to itself; as the Dimensionless Element in itself, it only comes to a formal identity with itself, the Square; Space, on the other hand, as the positive Distribution (aussereinander) [comes] to the Dimension of the Conception, the Cube.

|(v)| Their Realization preserves their original difference. This is the third Keplerian Law, the relation of the Cubes of the Distances to the Squares of the Times;—a Law which is so great on this account, that it represents so simply and immediately Reason as belonging to the thing: while on the contrary the Newtonian Formula, by means of which the Law is changed into a Law for the Force of Gravity, shows the Distortion, Perversion and Inversion of Reflexion which stops half-way.

Additions to new Edition. § 269

The center has no sense without the circumference, nor the circumference without the center. This makes all physical hypotheses vanish which sometimes proceed from the center, sometimes from the particular bodies, and sometimes assign this, sometimes that, as the original [cause of motion] … It is silly (läppisch) to suppose that the centrifugal force, as a tendency to fly off in a Tangent, has been produced by a lateral projection, a projectile force, an impulse which they have retained ever since they set out on their journey (von Haus aus). Such casualty of the motion produced by external causes belongs to inert matter; as when a stone fastened to a thread which is thrown transversely tries to fly from the thread. We are not to talk in this way of Forces.

|(w)| If we will speak of Force, there is one Force, whose elements do not draw bodies to different sides as if they were two Forces. The motion of the heavenly bodies is not a being pulled this way or that, such as is thus imagined; it is free motion: they go along, as the ancients said, as blessed Gods (sie gehen als selige Götter einher). The celestial corporeity is not such a one as has the principle of rest or motion external to itself.

|(x)| Because stone is inert, and all the earth consists of stones, and the other heavenly bodies are of the same nature,—is a conclusion which makes the properties of the whole the same as those of the part. Impulse, Pressure, Resistance, Friction, Pulling, and the like, are valid only for an existence of matter other than the celestial. Doubtless that which is common to the two is matter, as a good thought and a bad thought are both thoughts; but the bad one is not therefore good, because it is a thought.

Appendix K
(Cam. Phil. Soc. Feb. 22, 1841.)

The discussion of the nature of the grounds and proofs of the most general propositions which the physical sciences include, belongs rather to Metaphysics than to that course of experimental and mathematical investigation by which the sciences are formed. But such discussions seem by no means unfitted to occupy the attention of the cultivators of physical science. The ideal, as well as the experimental side of our knowledge must be carefully studied and scrutinized, in order that its true import may be seen; and this province of human speculation has been perhaps of late unjustly depreciated and neglected by men of science. Yet it can be prosecuted in the most advantageous manner by them only: for no one can speculate securely and rightly respecting the nature and proofs of the truths of science without a steady possession of some large and solid portions of such truths. A man must be a mathematician, a mechanical philosopher, a natural historian, in order that he may philosophize well concerning mathematics, and mechanics, and natural history; and the mere metaphysician who without such preparation and fitness sets himself to determine the grounds of mathematical or mechanical truths, or the principles of classification, will be liable to be led into error at every step. He must speculate by means of general terms, which he will not be able to use as instruments of discovering and conveying philosophical truth, because he cannot, in his own mind, habitually and familiarly, embody their import in special examples.

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