
On the Philosophy of Discovery, Chapters Historical and Critical

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45. The next example, (i. 502) is given in order to illustrate the Method of Residues, and is the discovery by M. Arago that a disk of copper affects the vibrations of the magnetic needle. But this apparently detached fact affords little instruction compared with the singularly sagacious researches by which Mr. Faraday discovered the cause of this effect to reside in the voltaic currents which the motion of the magnetic needle developed in the copper. I have spoken of this discovery in the History275. Mr. Mill however is quoting Sir John Herschel in thus illustrating the Method of Residues. He rightly gives the Perturbations of the Planets and Satellites as better examples of the method276.

46. In the next chapter (c. x.) Mr. Mill speaks of Plurality of causes and of the Intermixture of effects, and gives examples of such cases. He here teaches (i. 517) that chemical synthesis and analysis, (as when oxygen and hydrogen compose water, and when water is resolved into oxygen and hydrogen,) is properly transformation, but that because we find that the weight of the compound is equal to the sum of the weights of the elements, we take up the notion of chemical composition. I have endeavoured to show277 that the maxim, that the sum of the weights of the elements is equal to the weight of the compound, was, historically, not proved from experiment, but assumed in the reasonings upon experiments.

47. I have now made my remarks upon nearly all the examples which Mr. Mill gives of scientific inquiry, so far as they consist of knowledge which has really been obtained. I may mention, as points which appear to me to interfere with the value of Mr. Mill's references to examples, expressions which I cannot reconcile with just conceptions of scientific truth; as when he says (i. 523), "some other force which impinges on the first force;" and very frequently indeed, of the "tangential force," as co-ordinate with the centripetal force.

When he speaks (ii. 20, Note) of "the doctrine now universally received that the earth is a great natural magnet with two poles," he does not recognize the recent theory of Gauss, so remarkably coincident with a vast body of facts278. Indeed in his statement, he rejects no less the earlier views proposed by Halley, theorized by Euler, and confirmed by Hansteen, which show that we are compelled to assume at least four poles of terrestrial magnetism; which I had given an account of in the first edition of the History.

There are several other cases which he puts, in which, the knowledge spoken of not having been yet acquired, he tells us how he would set about acquiring it; for instance, if the question were (i. 526) whether mercury be a cure for a given disease; or whether the brain be a voltaic pile (ii. 21); or whether the moon be inhabited (ii. 100); or whether all crows are black (ii. 124); I confess that I have no expectation of any advantage to philosophy from discussions of this kind.

48. I will add also, that I do not think any light can be thrown upon scientific methods, at present, by grouping along with such physical inquiries as I have been speaking of, speculations concerning the human mind, its qualities and operations. Thus he speaks (i. 508) of human characters, as exemplifying the effect of plurality of causes; of (i. 518) the phenomena of our mental nature, which are analogous to chemical rather than to dynamical phenomena; of (i. 518) the reason why susceptible persons are imaginative; to which I may add, the passage where he says (i. 444), "let us take as an example of a phenomenon which we have no means of fabricating artificially, a human mind." These, and other like examples, occur in the part of his work in which he is speaking of scientific inquiry in general, not in the Book on the Logic of the Moral Sciences; and are, I think, examples more likely to lead us astray than to help our progress, in discovering the laws of Scientific Inquiry, in the ordinary sense of the term.

VI. Mr. Mill against Hypothesis.—49. I will now pass from Mr. Mill's methods, illustrated by such examples as those which I have been considering, to the views respecting the conditions of Scientific Induction to which I have been led, by such a survey as I could make, of the whole history of the principal Inductive Sciences; and especially, to those views to which Mr. Mill offers his objections279.

Mr. Mill thinks that I have been too favourable to the employment of hypotheses, as means of discovering scientific truth; and that I have countenanced a laxness of method, in allowing hypotheses to be established, merely in virtue of the accordance of their results with the phenomena. I believe I should be as cautious as Mr. Mill, in accepting mere hypothetical explanations of phenomena, in any case in which we had the phenomena, and their relations, placed before both of us in an equally clear light. I have not accepted the Undulatory theory of Heat, though recommended by so many coincidences and analogies280. But I see some grave reasons for not giving any great weight to Mr. Mill's admonitions;—reasons drawn from the language which he uses on the subject, and which appears to me inconsistent with the conditions of the cases to which he applies it. Thus, when he says (ii. 22) that the condition of a hypothesis accounting for all the known phenomena is "often fulfilled equally well by two conflicting hypotheses," I can only say that I know of no such case in the history of Science, where the phenomena are at all numerous and complicated; and that if such a case were to occur, one of the hypotheses might always be resolved into the other. When he says, that "this evidence (the agreement of the results of the hypothesis with the phenomena) cannot be of the smallest value, because we cannot have in the case of such an hypothesis the assurance that if the hypothesis be false it must lead to results at variance with the true facts," we must reply, with due submission, that we have, in the case spoken of, the most complete evidence of this; for any change in the hypothesis would make it incapable of accounting for the facts. When he says that "if we give ourselves the license of inventing the causes as well as their laws, a person of fertile imagination might devise a hundred modes of accounting for any given fact;" I reply, that the question is about accounting for a large and complex series of facts, of which the laws have been ascertained: and as a test of Mr. Mill's assertion, I would propose as a challenge to any person of fertile imagination to devise any one other hypothesis to account for the perturbations of the moon, or the coloured fringes of shadows, besides the hypothesis by which they have actually been explained with such curious completeness. This challenge has been repeatedly offered, but never in any degree accepted; and I entertain no apprehension that Mr. Mill's supposition will ever be verified by such a performance.


50. I see additional reason for mistrusting the precision of Mr. Mill's views of that accordance of phenomena with the results of a hypothesis, in several others of the expressions which he uses (ii. 23). He speaks of a hypothesis being a "plausible explanation of all or most of the phenomena;" but the case which we have to consider is where it gives an exact representation of all the phenomena in which its results can be traced. He speaks of its being certain that the laws of the phenomena are "in some measure analogous" to those given by the hypothesis; the case to be dealt with being, that they are in every way identical. He speaks of this analogy being certain, from the fact that the hypothesis can be "for a moment tenable;" as if any one had recommended a hypothesis which is tenable only while a small part of the facts are considered, when it is inconsistent with others which a fuller examination of the case discloses. I have nothing to say, and have said nothing, in favour of hypotheses which are not tenable. He says there are many such "harmonies running through the laws of phenomena in other respects radically distinct;" and he gives as an instance, the laws of light and heat. I have never alleged such harmonies as grounds of theory, unless they should amount to identities; and if they should do this, I have no doubt that the most sober thinkers will suppose the causes to be of the same kind in the two harmonizing instances. If chlorine, iodine and brome, or sulphur and phosphorus, have, as Mr. Mill says, analogous properties, I should call these substances analogous: but I can see no temptation to frame an hypothesis that they are identical (which he seems to fear), so long as Chemistry proves them distinct. But any hypothesis of an analogy in the constitution of these elements (suppose, for instance, a resemblance in their atomic form or composition) would seem to me to have a fair claim to trial; and to be capable of being elevated from one degree of probability to another by the number, variety, and exactitude of the explanations of phenomena which it should furnish.

VII. Against prediction of Facts.—51. These expressions of Mr. Mill have reference to a way in which hypotheses may be corroborated, in estimating the value of which, it appears that he and I differ. "It seems to be thought," he says (ii. 23), "that an hypothesis of the sort in question is entitled to a more favourable reception, if, besides accounting for the facts previously known, it has led to the anticipation and prediction of others which experience afterwards verified." And he adds, "Such predictions and their fulfilment are indeed well calculated to strike the ignorant vulgar;" but it is strange, he says, that any considerable stress should be laid upon such a coincidence by scientific thinkers. However strange it may seem to him, there is no doubt that the most scientific thinkers, far more than the ignorant vulgar, have allowed the coincidence of results predicted by theory with fact afterwards observed, to produce the strongest effects upon their conviction; and that all the best-established theories have obtained their permanent place in general acceptance in virtue of such coincidences, more than of any other evidence. It was not the ignorant vulgar alone, who were struck by the return of Halley's comet, as an evidence of the Newtonian theory. Nor was it the ignorant vulgar, who were struck with those facts which did so much strike men of science, as curiously felicitous proofs of the undulatory theory of light,—the production of darkness by two luminous rays interfering in a special manner; the refraction of a single ray of light into a conical pencil; and other complex yet precise results, predicted by the theory and verified by experiment. It must, one would think, strike all persons in proportion to their thoughtfulness, that when Nature thus does our bidding, she acknowledges that we have learnt her true language. If we can predict new facts which we have not seen, as well as explain those which we have seen, it must be because our explanation is not a mere formula of observed facts, but a truth of a deeper kind. Mr. Mill says, "If the laws of the propagation of light agree with those of the vibrations of an elastic fluid in so many respects as is necessary to make the hypothesis a plausible explanation of all or most of the phenomena known at the time, it is nothing strange that they should accord with each other in one respect more." Nothing strange, if the theory be true; but quite unaccountable, if it be not. If I copy a long series of letters of which the last half-dozen are concealed, and if I guess those aright, as is found to be the case when they are afterwards uncovered, this must be because I have made out the import of the inscription. To say, that because I have copied all that I could see, it is nothing strange that I should guess those which I cannot see, would be absurd, without supposing such a ground for guessing. The notion that the discovery of the laws and causes of phenomena is a loose haphazard sort of guessing, which gives "plausible" explanations, accidental coincidences, casual "harmonies," laws, "in some measure analogous" to the true ones, suppositions "tenable" for a time, appears to me to be a misapprehension of the whole nature of science; as it certainly is inapplicable to the case to which it is principally applied by Mr. Mill.

52. There is another kind of evidence of theories, very closely approaching to the verification of untried predictions, and to which, apparently, Mr. Mill does not attach much importance, since he has borrowed the term by which I have described it, Consilience, but has applied it in a different manner (ii. 530, 563, 590). I have spoken, in the Philosophy281, of the Consilience of Inductions, as one of the Tests of Hypotheses, and have exemplified it by many instances; for example, the theory of universal gravitation, obtained by induction from the motions of the planets, was found to explain also that peculiar motion of the spheroidal earth which produces the Precession of the Equinoxes. This, I have said, was a striking and surprising coincidence which gave the theory a stamp of truth beyond the power of ingenuity to counterfeit. I may compare such occurrences to a case of interpreting an unknown character, in which two different inscriptions, deciphered by different persons, had given the same alphabet. We should, in such a case, believe with great confidence that the alphabet was the true one; and I will add, that I believe the history of science offers no example in which a theory supported by such consiliences, had been afterwards proved to be false.

53. Mr. Mill accepts (ii. 21) a rule of M. Comte's, that we may apply hypotheses, provided they are capable of being afterwards verified as facts. I have a much higher respect for Mr. Mill's opinion than for M. Comte's282; but I do not think that this rule will be found of any value. It appears to me to be tainted with the vice which I have already noted, of throwing the whole burthen of explanation upon the unexplained word fact—unexplained in any permanent and definite opposition to theory. As I have said, the Newtonian theory is a fact. Every true theory is a fact. Nor does the distinction become more clear by Mr. Mill's examples. "The vortices of Descartes would have been," he says, "a perfectly legitimate hypothesis, if it had been possible by any mode of explanation which we could entertain the hope of possessing, to bring the question whether such vortices exist or not, within the reach of our observing faculties." But this was possible, and was done. The free passage of comets through the spaces in which these vortices should have been, convinced men that these vortices did not exist. In like manner Mr. Mill rejects the hypothesis of a luminiferous ether, "because it can neither be seen, heard, smelt, tasted, or touched." It is a strange complaint to make of the vehicle of light, that it cannot be heard, smelt, or tasted. Its vibrations can be seen. The fringes of shadows for instance, show its vibrations, just as the visible lines of waves near the shore show the undulations of the sea. Whether this can be touched, that is, whether it resists motion, is hardly yet clear. I am far from saying there are not difficulties on this point, with regard to all theories which suppose a medium. But there are no more difficulties of this kind in the undulatory theory of light, than there are in Fourier's theory of heat, which M. Comte adopts as a model of scientific investigation; or in the theory of voltaic currents, about which Mr. Mill appears to have no doubt; or of electric atmospheres, which, though generally obsolete, Mr. Mill appears to favour; for though it had been said that we feel such atmospheres, no one had said that they have the other attributes of matter.

VIII. Newton's Vera Causa.—54. Mr. Mill conceives (ii. 17) that his own rule concerning hypotheses coincides with Newton's Rule, that the cause assumed must be a vera causa. But he allows that "Mr. Whewell … has had little difficulty in showing that his (Newton's) conception was neither precise nor consistent with itself." He also allows that "Mr. Whewell is clearly right in denying it to be necessary that the cause assigned should be a cause already known; else how could we ever become acquainted with new causes?" These points being agreed upon, I think that a little further consideration will lead to the conviction that Newton's Rule of philosophizing will best become a valuable guide, if we understand it as asserting that when the explanation of two or more different kinds of phenomena (as the revolutions of the planets, the fall of a stone, and the precession of the equinoxes,) lead us to the same cause, such a coincidence gives a reality to the cause. We have, in fact, in such a case, a Consilience of Inductions.

55. When Mr. Mill condemns me (ii. 24) (using, however, expressions of civility which I gladly acknowledge,) for having recognized no mode of Induction except that of trying hypothesis after hypothesis until one is found which fits the phenomena, I must beg to remind the readers of our works, that Mr. Mill himself allows (i. 363) that the process of finding a conception which binds together observed facts "is tentative, that it consists of a succession of guesses, many being rejected until one at last occurs fit to be chosen." I must remind them also that I have given a Section upon the Tests of Hypotheses, to which I have just referred,—that I have given various methods of Induction, as the Method of Gradation, the Method of Natural Classification, the Method of Curves, the Method of Means, the Method of Least Squares, the Method of Residues: all which I have illustrated by conspicuous examples from the History of Science; besides which, I conceive that what I have said of the Ideas belonging to each science, and of the construction and explication of conceptions, will point out in each case, in what region we are to look for the Inductive Element in order to make new discoveries. I have already ventured to say, elsewhere, that the methods which I have given, are as definite and practical as any others which have been proposed, with the great additional advantage of being the methods by which all great discoveries in science have really been made.


IX. Successive Generalizations.—56. There is one feature in the construction of science which Mr. Mill notices, but to which he does not ascribe, as I conceive, its due importance: I mean, that process by which we not only ascend from particular facts to a general law, but when this is done, ascend from the first general law to others more general; and so on, proceeding to the highest point of generalization. This character of the scientific process was first clearly pointed out by Bacon, and is one of the most noticeable instances of his philosophical sagacity. "There are," he says, "two ways, and can be only two, of seeking and finding truth. The one from sense and particulars, takes a flight to the most general axioms, and from these principles and their truth, settled once for all, invents and judges of intermediate axioms. The other method collects axioms from sense and particulars, ascending continuously and by degrees, so that in the end it arrives at the most general axioms:" meaning by axioms, laws or principles. The structure of the most complete sciences consists of several such steps,—floors, as Bacon calls them, of successive generalization; and thus this structure may be exhibited as a kind of scientific pyramid. I have constructed this pyramid in the case of the science of Astronomy283: and I am gratified to find that the illustrious Humboldt approves of the design, and speaks of it as executed with complete success284. The capability of being exhibited in this form of successive generalizations, arising from particulars upward to some very general law, is the condition of all tolerably perfect sciences; and the steps of the successive generalizations are commonly the most important events in the history of the science.

57. Mr. Mill does not reject this process of generalization; but he gives it no conspicuous place, making it only one of three modes of reducing a law of causation into other laws. "There is," he says (i. 555), "the subsumption of one law under another; … the gathering up of several laws into one more general law which includes them all. He adds afterwards, that the general law is the sum of the partial ones (i. 557), an expression which appears to me inadequate, for reasons which I have already stated. The general law is not the mere sum of the particular laws. It is, as I have already said, their amount in a new point of view. A new conception is introduced; thus, Newton did not merely add together the laws of the motions of the moon and of the planets, and of the satellites, and of the earth; he looked at them altogether as the result of a universal force of mutual gravitation; and therein consisted his generalization. And the like might be pointed out in other cases.

58. I am the more led to speak of Mr. Mill as not having given due importance to this process of successive generalization, by the way in which he speaks in another place (ii. 525) of this doctrine of Bacon. He conceives Bacon "to have been radically wrong when he enunciates, as a universal rule, that induction should proceed from the lowest to the middle principles, and from those to the highest, never reversing that order, and consequently, leaving no room for the discovery of new principles by way of deduction285 at all."

59. I conceive that the Inductive Table of Astronomy, to which I have already referred, shows that in that science,—the most complete which has yet existed,—the history of the science has gone on, as to its general movement, in accordance with the view which Bacon's sagacity enjoined. The successive generalizations, so far as they were true, were made by successive generations. I conceive also that the Inductive Table of Optics shows the same thing; and this, without taking for granted the truth of the Undulatory Theory; for with regard to all the steps of the progress of the science, lower than that highest one, there is, I conceive, no controversy.

60. Also, the Science of Mechanics, although Mr. Mill more especially refers to it, as a case in which the highest generalizations (for example the Laws of Motion) were those earliest ascertained with any scientific exactness, will, I think, on a more careful examination of its history, be found remarkably to confirm Bacon's view. For, in that science, we have, in the first place, very conspicuous examples of the vice of the method pursued by the ancients in flying to the highest generalizations first; as when they made their false distinctions of the laws of natural and violent motions, and of terrestrial and celestial motions. Many erroneous laws of motion were asserted through neglect of facts or want of experiments. And when Galileo and his school had in some measure succeeded in discovering some of the true laws of the motions of terrestrial bodies, they did not at once assert them as general: for they did not at all apply those laws to the celestial motions. As I have remarked, all Kepler's speculations respecting the causes of the motions of the planets, went upon the supposition that the First Law of terrestrial Motion did not apply to celestial bodies; but that, on the contrary, some continual force was requisite to keep up, as well as to originate, the planetary motions. Nor did Descartes, though he enunciated the Laws of Motion with more generality than his predecessors, (but not with exactness,) venture to trust the planets to those laws; on the contrary, he invented his machinery of Vortices in order to keep up the motions of the heavenly bodies. Newton was the first who extended the laws of terrestrial motion to the celestial spaces; and in doing so, he used all the laws of the celestial motions which had previously been discovered by more limited inductions. To these instances, I may add the gradual generalization of the Third Law of motion by Huyghens, the Bernoullis, and Herman, which I have described in the History286 as preceding that Period of Deduction, to which the succeeding narrative287 is appropriated. In Mechanics, then, we have a cardinal example of the historically gradual and successive ascent of science from particulars to the most general laws.

61. The Science of Hydrostatics may appear to offer a more favourable example of the ascent to the most general laws, without going through the intermediate particular laws; and it is true, with reference to this science, as I have observed288, that it does exhibit the peculiarity of our possessing the most general principles on which the phenomena depend, and from which many cases of special facts are explained by deduction; while other cases cannot be so explained, from the want of principles intermediate between the highest and the lowest. And I have assigned, as the reason of this peculiarity, that the general principles of the Mechanics of Fluids were not obtained with reference to the science itself, but by extension from the sister science of the Mechanics of Solids. The two sciences are parts of the same Inductive Pyramid; and having reached the summit of this Pyramid on one side, we are tempted to descend on the other from the highest generality to more narrow laws. Yet even in this science, the best part of our knowledge is mainly composed of inductive laws, obtained by inductive examination of particular classes of facts. The mere mathematical investigations of the laws of waves, for instance, have not led to any results so valuable as the experimental researches of Bremontier, Emy, the Webers, and Mr. Scott Russell. And in like manner in Acoustics, the Mechanics of Elastic Fluids289, the deductions of mathematicians made on general principles have not done so much for our knowledge, as the cases of vibrations of plates and pipes examined experimentally by Chladni, Savart, Mr. Wheatstone and Mr. Willis. We see therefore, even in these sciences, no reason to slight the wisdom which exhorts us to ascend from particulars to intermediate laws, rather than to hope to deduce these latter better from the more general laws obtained once for all.

62. Mr. Mill himself indeed, notwithstanding that he slights Bacon's injunction to seek knowledge by proceeding from less general to more general laws, has given a very good reason why this is commonly necessary and wise. He says (ii. 526), "Before we attempt to explain deductively, from more general laws, any new class of phenomena, it is desirable to have gone as far as is practicable in ascertaining the empirical laws of these phenomena; so as to compare the results of deduction, not with one individual instance after another, but with general propositions expressive of the points of agreement which have been found among many instances. For," he adds with great justice, "if Newton had been obliged to verify the theory of gravitation, not by deducing from it Kepler's laws, but by deducing all the observed planetary positions which had served Kepler to establish those laws, the Newtonian theory would probably never have emerged from the state of an hypothesis." To which we may add, that it is certain, from the history of the subject, that in that case the hypothesis would never have been framed at all.

X. Mr. Mill's Hope from Deduction.—63. Mr. Mill expresses a hope of the efficacy of Deduction, rather than Induction, in promoting the future progress of Science; which hope, so far as the physical sciences are concerned, appears to me at variance with all the lessons of the history of those sciences. He says (i. 579), "that the advances henceforth to be expected even in physical, and still more in mental and social science, will be chiefly the result of deduction, is evident from the general considerations already adduced:" these considerations being, that the phenomena to be considered are very complex, and are the result of many known causes, of which we have to disentangle the results.

64. I cannot but take a very different view from this. I think that any one, looking at the state of physical science, will see that there are still a vast mass of cases, in which we do not at all know the causes, at least, in their full generality; and that the knowledge of new causes, and the generalization of the laws of those already known, can only be obtained by new inductive discoveries. Except by new Inductions, equal, in their efficacy for grouping together phenomena in new points of view, to any which have yet been performed in the history of science, how are we to solve such questions as those which, in the survey of what we already know, force themselves upon our minds? Such as, to take only a few of the most obvious examples—What is the nature of the connexion of heat and light? How does heat produce the expansion, liquefaction and vaporization of bodies? What is the nature of the connexion between the optical and the chemical properties of light? What is the relation between optical, crystalline and chemical polarity? What is the connexion between the atomic constitution and the physical qualities of bodies? What is the tenable definition of a mineral species? What is the true relation of the apparently different types of vegetable life (monocotyledons, dicotyledons, and cryptogamous plants)? What is the relation of the various types of animal life (vertebrates, articulates, radiates, &c.)? What is the number, and what are the distinctions of the Vital Powers? What is the internal constitution of the earth? These, and many other questions of equal interest, no one, I suppose, expects to see solved by deduction from principles already known. But we can, in many of them, see good hope of progress by a large use of induction; including, of course, copious and careful experiments and observations.

275B. xiii. c. viii.
276Given also in the Phil. Ind. Sc. b. xiii. c. vii. sect. 17.
277Ibid. b. vi. c. iv.
278See Hist. Ind. Sc. b. xii. note D, in the second edition.
279There are some points in my doctrines on the subject of the Classificatory Sciences to which Mr. Mill objects, (ii. 314, &c.), but there is nothing which I think it necessary to remark here, except one point. After speaking of Classification of organized beings in general, Mr. Mill notices (ii. 321) as an additional subject, the arrangement of natural groups into a Natural Series; and he says, that "all who have attempted a theory of natural arrangement, including among the rest Mr. Whewell, have stopped short of this: all except M. Comte." On this I have to observe, that I stopped short of, or rather passed by, the doctrine of a Series of organized beings, because I thought it bad and narrow philosophy: and that I sufficiently indicated that I did this. In the History (b. xvi. c. vi.) I have spoken of the doctrine of Circular Progression propounded by Mr. Macleay, and have said, "so far as this view negatives a mere linear progression in nature, which would place each genus in contact with the preceding and succeeding ones, and so far as it requires us to attend to the more varied and ramified resemblances, there can be no doubt that it is supported by the result of all the attempts to form natural systems." And with regard to the difference between Cuvier and M. de Blainville, to which Mr. Mill refers (ii. 321), I certainly cannot think that M. Comte's suffrage can add any weight to the opinion of either of those great naturalists.
280Hist. Ind. Sc. b. x. note (VA) in the second edition.
281B. xi. c. v. art. 11.
282I have given elsewhere (see last chapter) reasons why I cannot assign to M. Comte's Philosophie Positive any great value as a contribution to the philosophy of science. In this judgment I conceive that I am supported by the best philosophers of our time. M. Comte owes, I think, much of the notice which has been given to him to his including, as Mr. Mill does, the science of society and of human nature in his scheme, and to his boldness in dealing with these. He appears to have been received with deference as a mathematician: but Sir John Herschel has shown that a supposed astronomical discovery of his is a mere assumption. I conceive that I have shown that his representation of the history of science is erroneous, both in its details and in its generalities. His distinction of the three stages of sciences, the theological, metaphysical, and positive, is not at all supported by the facts of scientific history. Real discoveries always involve what he calls metaphysics; and the doctrine of final causes in physiology, the main element of science which can properly be called theological, is retained at the end, as well as the beginning of the science, by all except a peculiar school.
283I have also, in the same place, given the Inductive Pyramid for the science of Optics. These Pyramids are necessarily inverted in their form, in order that, in reading in the ordinary way, we may proceed to the vertex. Phil. Ind. Sc. b. xi. c. vi.
284Cosmos, vol. ii. note 35.
285The reader will probably recollect that as Induction means the inference of general propositions from particular cases, Deduction means the inference by the application of general propositions to particular cases, and by combining such applications; as when from the most general principles of Geometry or of Mechanics, we prove some less general theorem; for instance, the number of the possible regular solids, or the principle of vis viva.
286B. vi. c. v.
287c. vi.
288Hist. b. vi. c. vi. sect. 13.
289Hist. Ind. Sc. b. viii.

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