To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown

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Chapter 8 – His charming melody

It’s been two days since the hidden robber incident, during this time in the city of Yokohamin, Dr. Otto conducts an internal secret investigation, a corresponding operation to identify traitors with the support of his old acquaintances from the security department. On the other hand, by the third day, the cybersubmarine descended to three thousand meters, at 11 o’clock in the afternoon, a warning is heard in the control compartment about entering the high-risk zone, where several underwater craters were formed due to the cataclysms, and also aggressive unidentified subjects were computed.


Listen to me everyone, we have an emergency, I increase the speed of our Lunniva to the highest, now everyone needs to quickly scatter around the compartments an take the positions of combat bubbles, it looks like we have uninvited guests. Most likely, we will have to take the fight, do everything possible to repel these creatures from us, if there is an attack, then you need to try to kill them, because judging by the structural analysis, we will have to oh how not good…


Understood, I’ll run to pick up additional weapon, since it’s not quite my style to shoot with a harpoon, I prefer a hydrorifle…


I am passing on the information to everyone that all additional weapons are in the diving compartment, one of the bubbles is also located there, someone will have to stay there, so hurry up, we literally have 15 minutes for everything…


Ami, you still have the perfect choice, no one can compare with you in long-range shooting, well, except for me, of course. I’m also going for a hydrorifle.


Let’s see how you will sing to me while the hidden monsters of the ocean swim towards you…


Ooooh, I’ll sing you the most charming melody that you have never heard anywhere in your life, it will be nowhere more beautiful…


Nayu, now you’re running with me to the diving bay, that’s where I’m assigning you to the battle bubble position. I’ll take a hydrorifle, run into the hypostyle hall and enter the battle bubble.


Perfectly get it, go ahead!


Ryux and Kize, you also run with me to the diving bay, Ryux you can take an additional hydrocrossbow, and Kize can get a hydromachine gun. According to your abilities, weapons suitable for you are selected. Each battle bubble already contains harpoons, but you may also need additional weapons. I’m taking over the fuel bay, Ruyx, you’ll have the meeting bay, Kize, you’ll have a rest section, but also a larger coverage of territory, next to you is a kitchen bay that does not have a battle bubble, watch out, protection can be more difficult from this side…


I agree with you, Yuto.


Go ahead, we need to run faster than our ladies, our compartments are farther than the rest, it is contraindicated to delay!

After picking up additional equipment and taking their positions, the five divers await further information from Miya.


I scanned these creatures, and each of them has it’s own weak points, it is better to use multi-shot harpoons against electric eels, also a herd of swirling fish is approaching us, they need to be shot first, because if they surround our sub, with their speed they can spin us, we can get out of order, again I will try to bypass them, immediately shoot at those approaching from a long distance! A couple of stone sharks are also approaching us, if they start attacking, their only weak point is their huge eyes, try not to miss such a whopper… For my part, I turn on the lanterns illuminating each battle bubble, the submarine to full radiance and push all the hidden lanterns from the walls of Lunniva upon request. I turn on the maximum speed mode, and begin to sail forward, I wish the whole team good luck!

Lunniva accelerated to highest speed with the help of cyberboosters called by Miya through the control system. The creatures advanced directly to the submarine, the divers began a fierce battle, which, due to external cataclysms, could not be bypassed, the path lay only straight through a crowd of swarming creatures. The first creatures that cross the path are the aggressive swirling fish.


I take these fish on myself, without a hydromachine gun you can’t cope with them…

There was a rumble of a machine gun, and an incomparable phrase was heard from Kize.


Holy spirit, raaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, let’s go bananas!


Ahahah, heck yeah! That’s more like it!

The second creatures that immediately swam up to the submarine from two sides were electric eels and stone sharks.


Be extremely careful and tactful in your actions, electric eels and stone sharks are approaching us, it is advisable to shoot at both with harpoons, crossbows, and hydrorifles, do not let them close to Lunniva!

Hydrorifles are equipped with the function of night vision, as well as harpoons along with crossbows. Divers are focused on active combat based on their abilities, not a single creature manages to swim close to a submarine.


Boom! And I’m the cream of the crop!


Wooooah, this mighty killer, she’s like the apple of my eye… Bang! And perfect kill like two birds with one stone!


Nayu, you scream like crazy, how are you doing?


God dammit, Ryux! The proof is in the pudding!


Bawahahahahah! I see, let’s go, go nuts!

The battle lasts six hours, the divers deftly manage to fend off the creatures, subsequently Lunniva suffered minimal damage, after a while the group successfully sails through the danger zone.


You must be kidding me… We did it! Congratulations to all of us, we have passed the danger zone, damage is minimal, everything went much better than expected!

Divers run up to each other and meet in the hypostyle hall with open arms, some with tears in their eyes, and some can hardly stand on their feet.


Babe, I miss you so much, I was just like six hours in hell…


Oh god, I miss you too!


Tin… I was worried when I thought about the possibility of not seeing all of you anymore… I am such a fool… My besties, I love you so much, I don’t want to lose you…

After the women’s meeting, men ran out from their compartments to meet them. One women nearly passed out from excitement but the man happened to catch her before the accident could happen. After hugging, Yuto, Ryux and Kize went to the rest rooms with their women. After this, exhausted, but having reached their beds, they instantly fell asleep with relief.

Chapter 9 – While in cyberspace, time do not flow the way you thought it would, but you want to know why? It’s simple, because it doesn’t have to

Time passes, and the submarine continues it’s journey on a given course to the mysterious Island of Shunevo. All divers wake up part of the time from a heavy battle, a huge number of underwater unusual-looking harmless creatures, plants, shrubs and trees are shown along the way, which illuminated the ocean so well throughout the entire territory that if you look closely, you can notice long way to the bottom of the ocean. Due to external sounds and bright lights, divers wake up one by one.


You must be joking! It’s hard to believe until you see it with your own eyes…


You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you?..

It’s too good to be true!


This view is partly terrifying, it feels like we are on top of the largest skyscraper in the world, and below us are several thousand meters in height.


Only the difference is in a few thousand cubic meters of water. Nayu, wake up Kize and Ryux, otherwise they will oversleep everything. Right now we are in the far underwater zone of Shunevo Island, this can be understood from the analysis of the environment, it’s time for a sortie to collect primary biomaterial. In about a couple of hours we will be at the three trunks of Shunevo Island, we will stop submarine for a while, today we will make our first outing into the ocean. But before that, I will analyze the area at the control compartment, you understand perfectly well what kind of creatures this lovely place can teem with.

Miya goes to the control bay to take a closer look at the environment.


I think that everything is very clear, I suggest that we divide into groups of two people to collect biomaterials in different parts of the area we have outlined.


I agree with you, at the same time we will cope with everything faster.


I will swim with Ami, Ryux with Nayu, Kize with Miya. Does everyone agree?


I agree, I think that this is the right decision to put a man and a woman in pairs.


So yes, in case of possible danger, we can protect our beautiful ladies.

Miya arrives in the rest bay with notes on the final environmental tests.


We should not expect anything particularly terrible at the exit in this area, only some types of small aggressive fish are possible, I also marked which biomaterials we need to collect. I give you my information notes on this matter, for convenience, I suggest loading them into our external suit’s output screen as we’ll be in the diving bay, but don’t forget to do this before entering the suit.

After passing the information about the division into groups to Miya, the divers moved to the diving bay.


We need to take harpoons with us just in case, because even if the probability is small, the danger is always unexpected…

After agreeing all the information about the environment, divers enter their external suit’s, synchronize with the main suit and create the necessary atmosphere. Next, divers enter the intermediate hatch and pushed out into the water with a help of a pressure system.


Based on general awareness, divers spread out in their guided suit’s in three different directions. Kize and Miya swam to the very thick of algae, which at first glance seemed suspicious to Miya, as if this thick is hiding something, protecting something inside it’s outer shell. Synchronizing with the help of contact, and explaining this moment to Kize, he takes out a cutlass from the outer suit and begins to cut through huge layers of seaweed. Having cut open the protection of the algae cocoon and reached the middle inside, there was a plant with a very beautiful, large flower of reddish-violet color.

Kize almost immediately wanted to cut it off, but Miya hardly had time to grab him by the hand, and tell him, after passing on the result of the tests, that the flower is dangerous. You can’t take it by the trunk, especially by the petals, only the roots of the flower are safe and they must be cut in the correct order, otherwise you can damage the flower itself. Kize entrusted the pruning of the flower to Miya, everything went as planned, the flower was placed in a special biotank without damaging the root system, no external threats were observed, the first group completed their task and returned to the submarine.

The second group of Ryux and Nayu swam to the stone underwater cave afloat, it was impossible not to pay attention to it. Huge corals of different colors grew in the cave, a rainbow reflection of light was visible in the distance, it was a huge shell, playing with the light emanating from the corals. Ryux and Nayu swam up and wanted to take it with them as a biomaterial, but out of nowhere a whole flock of aggressive swirling fish swims past the cave, the divers had no choice but to disguise themselves, hiding in a cave and wait out the influx.

The third group, Yuto and Ami, swam straight into an underwater forest of intertwined huge tree branches growing from the very bottom of the ocean. The forest stood out from everything else, there were many underwater plants and fireflies that illuminated it. Wonderful silvery fish swam inside the forest, both divers noticed them and hoped to catch them as a new unexplored creature. The silverfish was not aggressive, but most of these fish swim in groups in a circle in a certain area, as if guarding something or someone inside. Yuto and Ami decide to scare away flock of fish in order to understand what or whom they surround.

As it turned out, inside was a huge and luxurious fish with elegant aquamarine-purple fins, a reddish head and a pinkish body. The divers decide to split up and try to catch the queen fish in two different places where the silverfish are circling. Ami missed and failed to catch, Yuto as well fails to catch her, so they decided to work on a certain strategy that supposedly should work, and it consisted in placing an unusual trap.

The fish always returned to certain areas after some time, the reason for this was the convenience of the location, since almost the entire forest is covered with branches, and only occasionally came across an open area. After the next attack of the net, the fish swam again in different directions and not one of them was caught, but at the same time, Yuto understood the schematics of the movement of the flock of fish and found a week point in the protection of the queen fish hiding inside. Having cut the rope of the trap in time, the net slips between the gap of crossing flock and catches the queen fish. After some time, the group manages to catch three more of the same queen fish, placing them in a biotank, the team copes with the task and returns to the submarine.


We were the first to get into the submarine, Kize, I’m shattered too, but we need to keep an eye on the rest of our team, stay in the diving bay for now, situations can be different, we need to make everything as safe as possible, I’m heading to the control bay for more details. Get ready and be on the alert, in any case, you will need to help those who have arrived back.


I got it!

After 15 minutes, the submarine’s control system detects two more divers.


Judging by the sensors, Yuto and Ami swim up to the sub, you need to meet them.

Yuto and Ami swim through the hatch of the sub and enter the diving bay. Yuto passes biotanks containing the queen fishes to Kize. Yuto and Ami’s outer suit’s become desynchronized, and the divers exit the outer suit.


Yuto! We did it…

But I’m tired to the bone…


Exactly! Like kill them with success and bury them with a smile.


I am very glad that you are safe, Kize, if you don't mind, take the biomaterials with the creatures to the meeting bay, we have special tanks for plants and creatures there, each biotank is marked. Ami, you’d better come to me in the control bay, and Yuto, please, stay in the diving compartment, the news is not good, it’s been quite a while, Ryux and Nayu are still gone, we sail out to the impending underwater cave, judging by the separation, they should be there.