Win back ex girlfriend in 4 weeks

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Win back ex girlfriend in 4 weeks
Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa


Win back ex girlfriend

in 4 weeks



Do you miss your ex-girlfriend already? And you don't seem to know how to get back together with her? It's okay to feel the way you feel right now - but don't lose hope of getting your girlfriend back! If you've only recently broken up, or if it's been a while since you lost track of each other, this guide will get you closer to a much better relationship than you might have ever thought.

Winning back an ex-girlfriend is definitely possible; it's like a complex code you have to crack, and luckily with this book you now have all the help you need to do it! Immediately after the break-up you can't think straight; there's a lot to deal with emotionally.

By the time you realise you have to do something to get her back, she's already gone. I want to help you get through this post-breakup phase by giving you a list of tips and tricks to win your ex-girlfriend back in no time.

What you should do immediately after the separation

There are many reasons for your break-up, and without knowing the causes, you cannot plan your future strategy. Instead of going back to her without a plan, you should take a break and take some time for yourself. Work on yourself first and see what needs to be done. Maybe there are some habits of yours, your lack of confidence or your insecurities that must have led to the break-up or the problems in your relationship. If you don't fix these things, you won't be able to get back into a relationship with the same person, as it could all lead to the same situation again and you will end up alone. It is better to be alone for a while than to be alone forever. This being alone is the most important part of the plan to win back your ex. It helps you to face different problems.

Spend some time alone

Nowadays, we are influenced by numerous sources of information around us, from friends to family to media to interactions at work. And this information overload pollutes our minds. Instead of looking at our relationships from our own perspective, we see things through the preconceptions created in our minds by these influences. So, to make things right with your partner, it is very important to think with a clear mind. Maybe it wasn't anyone's fault; maybe it was the workload, the burden of responsibility or other routine issues that must have caused conflict. When you start seeing things with an empty mind, you understand them better.

Follow the three R's

The three R's formula is a must if you really want to work with your girlfriend again. It works because it prepares you for what comes next. To get your ex back, you need consistent emotional strength without letting the insecurities and anger build up inside you, and these three steps will definitely help you achieve that!

1. Regain the lost self-confidence

A break-up shakes everyone's confidence to some degree, and you are not alone. Don't waste your time feeling down or insecure. Instead, give yourself some time to rebuild your confidence. Chasing your ex right after the break-up or talking to others about your heartbreak won't do your confidence any good, but spending time with yourself will definitely help. Do something that makes you feel good, go on an adventure trip, go hiking, cycling, skiing, climbing - anything you like to do. In these activities you get to know yourself in a new way, you learn a lot about yourself and it boosts your self-confidence.

2. Restart!

Getting upset about your broken relationship and thinking about what "could have been" won't do you any good except restlessness. The best way to combat your stress is to spend some time alone. Experts always recommend that people who struggle with anxiety spend time with themselves, do things you enjoy and achieve emotional and mental stability. For me, this always works. Whenever I get frustrated, not only with relationships or break-ups, but also with work, I take a break! I reflect, reboot and reset my strategies to tackle things wisely. Believe me. It sounds simple, but it works like a miracle.

3. Re-energize

When you struggle out of a relationship, you end up feeling emotionally drained. This new low of energy is bad news and makes things worse when you're chasing your ex; it makes you make all kinds of bad decisions. Remember that you should not appear too weak or vulnerable when trying to win back your ex-girlfriend.

Afraid of weaknesses? Work on your strengths!

Your relationships with others reflect your personality. If you have a weaker personality, you cannot expect stronger bonds with others. To change that, you have to work on your strengths. Yes! It is commonly thought that it is our weaknesses that we need to change or improve; but recent research studies tell you otherwise: instead of wasting time on your weaknesses, we should focus on our strengths.

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