The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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12. Step to boost your mindset for success: Face your fears

If you notice that fears and doubts arise in you when you are confronted with your goal, it is in any case fundamentally important to first face up to your own fears and doubts and not simply push them away, because otherwise you will continue to work in your subconscious and block your success. Face your fears with courage and check them carefully. As a rule, our fears are based on old beliefs and convictions from the past that influence us and prevent us from achieving our goals. For example, if you are afraid of not being able to achieve your goal, it is advisable to work on your self-confidence first. Only if you are absolutely convinced that you can really achieve your goal will you achieve it. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or to be criticized. Nobody is perfect and making mistakes is perfectly normal. Through our mistakes we learn and make valuable experiences that help us to mature and grow. Moreover, our own mistakes make us more human, more sympathetic and sensitive, more humble to the mistakes of others, and we can also encounter others more empathetic, because others are not perfect either. We can learn from our experience and share it with others by giving valuable advice and tips to help others not make the same mistakes we do. You should understand your "failures" as "successes"! That sound funny to you? You may ask yourself how can you see failure as a success? Very simple. Every failure and defeat on the way to your goal is no less than an indication of how it does not work. Even if you have achieved an alleged failure, it is ultimately a success because you have gained experience and deepened your knowledge. In this way you can apply a different strategy and learn more and more in the process. Do not evaluate your failures as defeat or even failure, but change your perspective and your evaluation and understand your failures as successes in your development process on the way to your success!

13. Step to boost your mindset for success: Do not stay in the past

If you want to create something new and make your dreams come true, you should not stick to the past and stand in your own way. Progress courageously and make yourself free of old experiences, so that you can get involved with new and free! Living in the "here and now", we have all heard that before, but unfortunately for many it is not so easy to do this, because we are often not even aware that we are in the past and are plagued with feelings of guilt or accusations. Put an end to this and face up to your past to let it go once and for all, otherwise you waste precious life energy and lifetime on things that are no longer real, i.e. the past, and keep them upright and alive through your musings. Do you really want to continue living in the past and let your current life pass unused? Arrive in the present and practice coming into the present moment with all your attention and consciously perceiving what is happening right now or how you feel. Open yourself to your happiness, which is just waiting to be lived. Allow all the many beautiful and precious moments to enter your presence and welcome life every day. Be surprised what precious moments of happiness and experience your life has in store for you, right now.

14. Step to boost your mindset for success: Strengthen your self-confidence

If you don't feel up to your real goal, it is helpful to increase your self-confidence by first setting smaller goals that you are convinced you can achieve. With every successful experience your self-confidence grows and so you can soon venture to larger goals. Exercise regularly and keep fit, you will immediately feel more confident, attractive and balanced. Also, try to laugh as often as you can. Laughing is known to be healthy and relieves tense situations. When you laugh, you look more attractive and likeable to others and get more positive feedback. People tend to like to surround themselves with positive people. Reflect on your strengths and also on what you have already successfully mastered in your previous life. Be proud of yourself and always remember what you are grateful for in your life. It is most effective if you take at least 10 minutes and consciously write down everything for which you are grateful and what has made you happy or still makes you happy. You will be surprised how many things in your life have already gone well and how lucky you are. If you are grateful for your life and your experiences, you will feel rich and fulfilled, and will also attract fulfilling experiences.

15. Step to boost your mindset for success: Emotions are signposts

No matter what you want to achieve, you can achieve anything if you really desire what you want and the activities associated with it, give you satisfaction and pleasure. If you enjoy what you do, you can only be successful! Use your positive emotions as a guide and orientate yourself on what you enjoy. Align your goals with your pleasing emotions, then you have the best cards to be successful. If you have a strange gut feeling or you react with unpleasant feelings to a target, then do not ignore your own warning system, which wants to protect you from damage and defeat. Get to the bottom of your fears and face them, but also stay away from goals and actions that trigger negative feelings in you. Concentrate on your positive emotions and align your goals and your life to give yourself happiness and joy. Do only what feels good for you and what you are convinced of. Listen to your inner voice and let it guide you. But also be awake and recognize negative emotions as valuable warnings that you want to protect. Don't get out of the way of your negative emotions, but allow them and take a close look at what lies behind your negative emotions. In this way you can learn a lot about yourself and dissolve blockages that are usually caused by fears. Make sure that you have a good connection to your emotions and that you also take your feelings seriously, then nothing more stands in the way of your success, because in case of failure we stand in our way with our emotions and the thoughts hidden behind them about ourselves.

16. Step to boost your mindset for success: Make yourself aware of your lifetime

We spend a large part of our life working. But if we don't enjoy it, it means that we spend a significant part of our lives with something we don't really want. In the long run this can only lead to negative emotions and even illnesses and will certainly not make you happy, let alone successful. You will only be successful if you are absorbed in your work and it gives you pleasure and fills you in what you do. So if you are not happy with your work, it might make sense to consider a change of profession. It's the same with your relationships. Be aware of how much of your precious life time you may spend with people or activities that do not make you happy, perhaps even unhappy. Are you comfortable in your apartment? Is your apartment a place of peace, relaxation and harmony for you? If not, maybe you should think about a spatial change. Are you healthy and fit and feel good in your body? If not, you should do something as soon as possible! If you want to be completely happy, you should take a closer look at your entire life situation and make all the changes that are necessary to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. If you want to be successful, no matter in which area, you should invest as much time as possible in your success and your happiness. You should spend as much time as possible on things that make you happy and comfortable. Therefore, in order to achieve your goals, it is essential that you become aware of your lifetime and decide what your life should look like. Have you noticed that successful people are usually happier and happier and some seem to run smoothly? Somehow the ability seems to be successful to generalize to other areas of life. But to make your life successful, it is essential that you become aware of your current life and your living conditions and make changes where you are not happy and satisfied.

17. Step to boost your mindset for success: Find out what you really want

Those who want to realize their dreams must undoubtedly set themselves clear and unambiguous goals. Whether professionally or privately, in order for you to be and remain successful, you need a clear objective. Have you already thought about what you want and what defining goals you set for yourself? If not, then a conscious examination of your self-defined and most important priorities and objectives is the first important step on your way to achieving your goals, because only those who know what they want will achieve it! So if you're still not sure what you really want, you'll find here the first basic factor that prevented you from succeeding so far. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and take the trouble to intensively deal with your dreams and wishes and the resulting goals and to make yourself aware of where you stand and where you want to go. If you set yourself exact goals, you focus your concentration on the essential and do not run the risk of getting lost in an unmanageable emotional chaos. Furthermore, a clear objective strengthens your endurance and increases your motivation, which inspires you to peak performance. But what is the best way to find out what you really want and what plans will help you move forward in your life and help you to be happy and satisfied? It is particularly important to bear in mind that you really do pursue and realize "your" own goals and not the goals of others that they expect from you, because only then will you bring the necessary perseverance and motivation that is so fundamentally decisive in the implementation of your goals. So first of all it is advisable to deal with his basic wishes and dreams in order to be able to formulate his goals clearly. What has always given you pleasure? What are your strengths and talents and what skills and abilities do you have? What have you been dreaming about for years? What do you need to be completely happy? How would you like to be? How do you imagine your life in the future? What if you could achieve anything you want to be or have? A suitable means to become aware of your wishes and goals is the method of brainstorming. This means that you write down everything that comes to mind about success and you will be surprised how many ideas you have when you let it flow and just start writing uninhibitedly. Dream calmly, freely and without limits and let your ideas run free. It is completely irrelevant whether your wishes are currently realistic, the only important thing is that they are really your wishes. Cross borders and be surprised what unfulfilled desires you have. Don't stop until you really can't think of anything else, but devote at least 10 minutes to your brainstorming. Now you have a foundation of your own wishes and desires and can start to build on them and structure and order the whole thing.


18. Step to boost your mindset for success: Set priorities

After you have made a big step with your brain storming towards your deepest heart desires and longings, it is time to take a closer look at your result. Sometimes we confuse wishes with emotions that are really behind them. It may be that you wish you had a lot of money, but in reality you may wish you had unlimited development opportunities. Or you wish to be successful in your profession, although you don't like doing it at all and basically wish to be recognized and respected. Therefore, it is advisable to take a close look at your supposed wishes and to make yourself aware of what you really want, or what is really behind your wishes and goals and what motivates you seriously for your goals. What makes your goal desirable for you? As soon as you are clear about your wishes, you should set priorities. Which of your wishes are most important to you? Reduce your wishes to the 5 that you want to achieve the most and which play the most important role in your life at the moment. Write down your wishes in the appropriate order, start with your most important goal, etc. If you set your goals in writing, this has a number of advantages. The focus on your goals increases many times over, since the conscious written examination is much more profound than a mere mental occupation with a topic. Furthermore, experience has shown that a written submission leads to clearer and more explicit wording, which considerably simplifies the setting of concrete objectives. In addition, you have your goals in black and white in front of you and can read what you have set out to do at any time, and you do not run the risk of losing your goals, as is often the case with thoughts and flashes of inspiration. Apart from this, it is extremely substantial for the successful achievement of goals to deal with the set goals on a daily basis. If you write down your goals, you can simply hang them in a place where you can spend a lot of time seeing and reading your list. This approach helps you to stay on the home straight and also has the effect that your goals get deeper and deeper into your subconscious. Furthermore, a written target plan has the same effect as a contract you have concluded with yourself personally, and thus encourages you to implement the goals you have set yourself.

19. Step to boost your mindset for success: Write down your ideas and flashes of inspiration immediately

Mostly we get the best ideas and flashes of inspiration in the most impossible situations such as on the train, in the toilet or even in the shower. But unfortunately we quickly forget our valuable ideas or can only partially remember the brilliant inspiration we had because we are exposed to a flood of information and external stimuli in our everyday life. But that's a shame, because our ideas are usually very inspiring and valuable. That's why you should write down your ideas and thoughts immediately and not lose any time. So that you are optimally prepared for such situations, always carry an idea notebook with you or use your smartphone to write a memo. If you write your note by hand, then write cleanly and legibly so that you can read what it was about at a later point in time. It also makes sense to leave enough space around or under your entry to add or write something at another time. Since many people find it difficult to find their notes again and to bring order into your note economy, a notebook is best suited. So you have all ideas and notes in one book and can't lose a note. You should see your notebook or idea book as a precious treasure trove of valuable ideas and inspirations, decorate or paint it personally, so that you also like it visually, but in any case, you should always carry your idea book with you, even when you take a walk. Even at night, you should place your book of ideas on your bedside table, because usually the best brainstorms come to us in phases of peace and relaxation.

20. Step to boost your mindset for success: The mystical effect of the desired energy

As soon as you come to terms with your wishes, they unfold a mystical attraction and have an effect on your subconscious. The emotions that your goals trigger, such as enthusiasm, passion, joy, etc., are the driving force that enables us to maintain our motivation on the way to achieving our goals and to achieve our goals. That is why it is so immensely important that you also set yourself goals that you really want to achieve. Only then you can realize your dreams and goals. It is particularly helpful to visualize your goals intensively and to colour in as much detail as possible. What do you see? How does it feel? Which colours and smells do you perceive? The more often you deal with your goal and visualize it, the more deeply your goal anchors itself in your subconscious and aligns it with the realization of your goal. This will also increase your belief that you can make it and you will soon feel how your self-confidence and motivation increase. By setting a clear goal, you take responsibility for your life and become the autonomous designer of your future. Those who consciously make their own decisions and no longer let others determine their own lives attract creativity and solution strategies as if by themselves. If you shape your own life and take responsibility for it, you free yourself and open the way to a self-determined future. Use the power of your subconscious and from now on decide for yourself how your life will continue. Imagine in detail how your goal will be achieved. The more detailed and clearer you visualize your goal, the greater the desired energy that can unfold. Decorate the whole situation in your imagination. How do you feel when you reach your goal? What do you see? What do you perceive? How do you feel? Which colours and shapes do you see and what do you hear or smell? Imagine your goal as clearly, vividly and colourfully as you can and do so as often and for as long as you can, because the more often and intensively you imagine yourself to be "already fulfilled" with your wishes and are in this imagination, the more you send out what you want and the law of resonance can work and fulfil your wish.

21. Step to boost your mindset for success: Move towards your destination

Formulate your goals so that you are moving towards your goal and not so that your goal is to get away from something. If you consciously move towards your goal, you have a good chance of reaching your goal. But if you concentrate on the deficiency, i.e. on what you "do not want", you will aim exactly the opposite and attract the deficiency and thus the failure. Articulate your goals positively and consciously refrain from negations, because your subconscious does not react to negations. For example, if you say "I don't want to weigh more than 90 kg", your subconscious will receive "I want to weigh 90 kg" and will do everything to keep your weight. You can imagine going shopping. You don't tell the saleswoman what you don't want, you tell her what you want. So formulate any negative statements in a positive way and concentrate on what you want. It is also important that you express your goals as if you have already achieved them. For example, "I am completely healthy" and not "I want to get well". Your subconscious accepts what you formulate as truth and will orientate itself towards it. So when you say "I want to get well", you keep yourself in the state of will and not the state of being.

22. Step to boost your mindset for success: The right time to make your dreams come true is "now"

Do not hesitate any longer to realize your long-awaited wishes and dreams, otherwise they remain nothing more than unfulfilled dreams and desires. Do not fall for the "if-then-trap". Many people do not dare to finally realize their dreams and have many reasons for it. "Once I have this or that, I can...". In truth, behind the many "ifs and buts" there is nothing less than our fear, which is capped and justified with these very excuses. So don't hesitate any longer and get to work today, because this is the only way to make your dreams come true! Don't put off your dreams, start right now! For example, if you have set yourself the goal of becoming self-employed, you can start planning today. The most important thing in the implementation of your planned goals is to get from the idea into action and to start by taking the first steps to come ever closer to your goal and its realization. When you start to act, it immediately affects your state of mind and belief in yourself, because if you are already doing what you have only imagined so far, the realization of your wish has already begun and your subconscious focuses on the implementation of your plans, because you start to act, which signals to your subconscious that you are convinced that you can reach your goal. Your subconscious will do anything to achieve your goal. So don't put off your goals any longer and do whatever you can to achieve your goals and act immediately. Be sure to stay tuned, there is something you can do every day to help you achieve your goals. So you will reach your goal quickly and with more and more joy and can be proud of what you have achieved.