The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Chapter 18: Summer Heat

Joe Jones had always thought that McDonald’s was only for kids. But when his friend with a son visited the town, they went to this place. While the boy was climbing and playing in the play area, Joe and his friend were talking, recalling the past and sharing later events.

Joe noticed a new girl cleaning the room. She did it very quickly, skillfully, and even artistically. Although she was not his dream girl, her work impressed the man, and Jones leered at her.

She was wearing a light blue long-sleeved blouse and jeans, and these clothes softly emphasized the curves of her slim body. She may have felt his searching look as she turned toward him.

The glare of her strange icy-gray eyes thrust him through like a spear, making Joe feel heat and cold had enveloped him at the same time. It was a luster similar to the shine of the brightest stars in the Galaxy – mysterious, awfully distant and this is why they are more desirable to be reached, because, you know, the stars only look cold, but they are extremely hot when you go close to them.

She left the room, and Joe barely came back to the talk with his friend.

But before leaving, Joe went to the cashier, and saw her again, passing a meal to the next customer. Joe read her nametag and called her. «Marina!»

She looked at him, and he smiled. «Hi! I’m Joe. Are you new here?»

«Here, yes,» she answered.

«Well.» Joe struck a pose. A brunette, he was not very tall, but nevertheless could boast an athletic body. With wild masculine charm, Joe Jones was good-looking, and he knew it. «And what are you gonna do after work?»

«I’m gonna rest,» she voiced indifferently.

«Right! „Poor Cinderella was working and working and had no fun.“» He gave her a wink. «How about if we go out… to rest? Together?»

Not replying, she just stared at him, and Joe felt irritation.

«What’s the matter? Nobody ever asked you out?»

«Americans, no,» she replied, and Joe realized that she was one of these Russians he had heard about, but had not met until today.

«Well, I’d like to be the first.» He bowed. «So, will you come?»

Looking him over, Marina said to herself, «Why not? He’s not my type, but why did I stick with VanStein?» She recalled the incident at the exam. «My stupid love caused me pain, troubles for David, shame and humiliation for both of us. If I get a boyfriend… officially at least, maybe the awful talk will stop.»

«Okay,» she forced herself to reply calmly. «Where will we go?»

«Next time, I’ll buy tickets to somewhere, but how about if we start from some pool bar?»

«Pool?» she asked, amazed.

«Yes,» he confirmed making a motion as if he was playing billiards. «Do you know how to play? I’ll be happy to teach you.»

«Ah.» She understood, and even smiled. «I thought you meant a bar with a swimming pool.»

Joe looked at her with surprise, and both laughed feeling the tenseness between them became lighter.

«I’ll pick you up,» he offered.

«No,» Marina shook her head, refusing. «I’ll go myself. Friday night is okay with me. Which bar and what time?»

«Are you coming for sure?» he asked with suspicion. She understood his concern, went close, and shook his hand. Joe was surprised to sense how strong she was. «I promise, don’t worry.»

«Six p.m., The Shark Pool, corner of Main and Elm streets,» he whispered, losing himself in the enchanting glitter of her uncanny eyes. «I’m Joe. Joe Jones.»

He hoped she would tell him her last name, and she did.

«Marina Aleksandrova,» she introduced herself, and now he could find her address in the phone book, in case if she was lying about coming.

Joe left the cafe with his friend, yet he still thought about Marina.

* * * * *

Joe Jones went to the bar at 5:40 p.m., took a beer and casually asked the bartender, «Martin, I overheard something about ’our’ Russians. Could you tell me a little bit more about them?»

«My pleasure.» The bartender grinned. «There’s a cute as a little angel guy with his tubby wife. They have a daughter. Not sure how old, but she’s a kid, about the same age as Hannah VanStein. Another couple: she’s an artist or something, a plain woman, nothing to say. Her hubby is a gigolo, and lately he escorts Lana Limpson. I heard also some Russian guy works for her father, but I don’t know for certain. And a college girl, the lover of David VanStein.»

«VanStein?» Joe repeated, amazed. «But he’s a family guy.»

The bartender only shook his head.

«Are you sure?» Joe was wondering which woman he had asked for the date.

«Yes indeed.» Martin nodded. «Don’t you remember my oldest daughter’s studying in the University? Mary always shares with me all the news of the campus.»

«Is she still a beauty?» Joe half-lied at the counter. «I haven’t seen her for a while.»

«It was finals week,» sighing, the bartender explained. «My poor girl was working hard.» Another customer called him, and Martin moved to him.

«How stupid,» Jones thought with vexation. «Who is she? The married artist or the professor’s lover? Ah, what the heck! I don’t wanna marry her anyway…» But suddenly he surprised himself, realizing it was what he did want. He was close to his thirties and a life alone was not as attractive as it seemed a few years ago.

«To have our own home,» he dreamed, recalling how skillfully Marina had cleaned the restaurant. «I’m sure, she’d do all the housework the same way. Kids… maybe a dog… an elkhound or husky… Damn, what if she’s married? The last thing that I need is a family scandal. Yes, I saw this man next to Limpson’s daughter. I’m not a coward, but on the other hand I’m not looking forward to fighting that Russian bear. If she’s VanStein’s lover… Heh-heh, it means she’s really good at making love if she was able to seduce such a stern, restrained man. Okay, buddy,» Jones summarized for himself. «I think it will be an even more interesting adventure than I had thought

* * * * *

Marina really did not want to go. She did not like Joe, but she had promised. So, at 6:03 p.m. she entered The Shark Pool.

Though Joe Jones kept his eyes on the door, at first he did not recognize Marina, walking in wearing a black silk blouse and bright red leather pants. They made her look so sexy that all the men in the bar turned towards her, and, full with pride, Jones got up and stepped forward, greeting his date.

«Wow!» he said as she came closer. «You’re gorgeous!»

«Thanks.» She sat at the counter, and he placed himself on the next stool.

«Martin,» he called the bartender. «Give the lady a drink on me.» He looked at Marina again. «What would you like? Martin, do you have vodka? I’m afraid not.»

«I have everything,» retorted the bartender, smiling and surveying Marina. He understood now why Joe had asked about the Russians, and he was intrigued no less than Joe.

«I don’t like vodka.» Marina sighed. «I’d like a cocktail with red wine.»

The bartender nodded.

«I see you like the color red,» Joe drawled touching her slender thigh. But the chilly flash of her cabalistic eyes made his skin creep, as if she had pressed a real piece of ice to his body, and he decided in future to keep his hands to himself.

«I’m a chemist.» Marina explained her choice. «I know that red wine is good for health and vodka isn’t.»

«And I read,» said Joe, winking, «love making is good for health, and abstinence isn’t.»

She did not get ashamed, but she glared at him with such visible disgust that he felt offended. Marina took up the glass with her beverage, and, observing how she tasted it with a straw, Joe forgave her for that scornful look, because of the sexy dreams played in his mind.

Taking her drink, she slowly moved to a pool table. She put her glass on the edge, then chose a cue stick, checked it, and chalked it. Curving her body like a cat, she bent over the table and racked the balls. And watching her actions, Joe adored her every movement, feeling excited as never before in his life.

Keeping silent, they started playing, then he asked, «What does Russia look like?»

«What does the U.S.A. look like?» she replied derisively. «It’s a huge country.»

Jones giggled understanding. «Okay,» he said peacefully. «I’ve got your point.»

He made a strike and looked at her. «Where are you from?»

«Saint Petersburg.» She sighed, as she hit a ball with her cue.

«Really?» he wondered, and Marina gazed at him, surprised by that reaction.

«My mom’s from St. Petersburg…» He paused, then continued. «Florida! Get it?»

«Do you know that the Florida’s St. Petersburg had been founded by a Russian military officer?» she asked proudly. «This is why he named this place as his home city.»

«Wow! No, I didn’t know. Thanks. So, how does Saint-Petersburg look?»

«Some people say it looks like Paris.» Marina put her cue on the table, and took up her glass. «Have you ever visited Paris?»


«Me either,» Marina leaned on her cue, and Joe carefully hugged her shoulders. She did not protest, continuing to talk. «It’s a very beautiful city. Canals and basilicas, palaces and museums, parks and squares…»

She looked into her glass. It was empty, and Joe went to the counter.

«Martin!» he called, and when the bartender neared Joe, he asked quietly, «Repeat it, please. But make it a little bit… stronger, okay?»

The barman grinned. «Wanna make her tipsy?» He glanced at Marina.

Watching TV, the girl did not look at them, and he gave Joe a wink. «Do you think it’s possible? I bet she’s able to throw down even pure alcohol without batting an eyelid.»

«We’ll see, buddy.» Joe chuckled, taking the beverage. He went close to Marina and got a whiff of her fluffy white hair smelling like fresh grain.


As if it was a giant hand squeezed Joe, and he lost all sense of reality.

He saw himself in the middle of a sunlit wheat field. No one was around, except for a totally naked blonde girl in front of him, and, trembling with fervor, he stared at her lithesome back. Curving her slender body, she stretched, and he could endure it no longer. Crazy with desire, he rushed forward, but she turned toward him, and the nip of her odd freezing eyes instantly threw him back to Earth.

Blinking as if just waking up, Joe confusedly looked around the bar.

Marina calmly took the glass and tasted the beverage. Her eyebrows moved up for a bit, and she glanced at Joe, but he gave away nothing, so she continued drinking.

«Tell me more about Saint Petersburg,» he asked her, remembering she liked to talk about it. He guessed correctly. A smile lit up her sullen face, and her eyes became brighter.

«It’s an amazing city.» She took her cue and hit a ball, and she laughed. «Imagine a small dark court surrounded by old gloomy buildings; you feel yourself like on the bottom of a well. You go through a gate, and wow! A beautiful spacious street opens so wide that your breathing stops for a second. Placed in a line, these aged houses seem like courtiers greeting a king. You go along the street, and there is an enormous square and a huge basilica strikes you with its size and magnificence! You keep walking, and a strong cold wind beats your face, and pushes into your chest, but you keep going, struggling through it. You fight the Power of Nature, and you’re enjoying this! You reach the river, squeezed by granite quays. Numerous museums and palaces alternated with plants and manufacturers go along the banks making you confused with their variety!»

Marina noticed that she had finished her drink. She strode to the counter, and called out, «Barman!»

Her emotional voice sounded like a ringing bell, and Joe grinned, noticing other males in the bar stare at his date with eagerness. However, everybody here knew him, and nobody dared challenge his right to this wonderful female.

«You see what a woman I have by my side?» he thought with pride. «You want her, don’t you? But she’s with me

Martin gave her another glass, and glanced at Joe as if saying: «Didn’t I tell you? She can drink like a fish!»

She paid for her beverage this time, and watching her thin sensual fingers move, Joe dreamed of how she would caress him making love.

Marina went back to the pool table, hit a ball with a very skillful strike, and Joe saw her refined nostrils dilating with the thrill. Putting her cue down, Marina gazed at Joe, and her grayish blue captivating eyes glistening with excitement seemed to him like magic swirling eddies into a fairy forest.

His look slid down along her neck onto her chest. Her black silk blouse was buttoned very low, and, seeing the tender shivering skin of her delicate breasts, Joe felt like he was going insane. He had difficulty understanding that was she continuing the story about her native city.

«You go ahead to the river, named Neva.» Marina took a sip, and let out a quiet sigh. «The gray, barely blue sky seems so low you think you can touch it! It’s a seaside city, and there is a strong wind almost all the time. And so rarely the sun isn’t hidden behind clouds! This is why any bright day appears just like a holiday.»

Her voice broke, and Marina lowered her head thinking with surprise, «Why did I drink so much? Did I celebrate my dismissal or what?» She looked at Joe. He was staring at her, and she felt vexed seeing his blue eyes scanning her with clear male interest.

But, overloaded with nostalgia, the girl felt a burning wish to share her memories, no matter who was listening to her.

«You go along a quay,» she continued speaking as if in transcendental meditation. «And suddenly – bang! The air blows you with a loud sound of gunshot. It means it’s noon. It is a tradition. Every day at 12 p.m., a cannon fires, and you can even hear this noise far away from downtown.»

Marina hit a ball, then finished her drink, observing how Joe played his turn.

«When we were teenagers…» Marina moaned with memories, and, looking at her, Joe sensed a new feeling arise deep in his soul. Her cheeks were blushed, the curly locks of her messed white-gold hair framed her crimson face like the petals of a flower, and unlimited fondness for this amazing girl overflowed from his heart.

«When we were teenagers, we very much loved to walk on the street all night long. My God, Joe! You can’t even imagine how beautiful Saint-Petersburg is at night. In the summer time there are ’white nights.» It’s a north city, and in the middle of the night it is light on the streets…» She fell silent feeling herself close to tears.

«How did you come here?» Joe Jones asked, seeing she would not continue.

«I won a Green Card.» She took her cue and made a shot. «Vlad Lapin helped me to find this position. In Russia it’s very difficult to find a good job. Usually if you’re a woman you have to sleep with your boss not to be fired.»

«Here you don’t have to,» he said very quietly, but Marina understood his hint, and her arms went down weak. Joe hugged her again.

«Sorry, I don’t feel good.» Marina suddenly cried. «Please, don’t be offended. Can I just go home?»

«May I walk you?» he murmured. A storm of feelings raged in his soul. There was pity and anger, desire and pain for her, sweet tender dreams and wild erotic fantasies. All those thoughts and sensations made him confused.

She nodded. Joe went to the counter, paid, and they left the bar.

* * * * *

Outside they calmed down for a little.

Many people were walking around; most of them were students. Soon the city would become emptier, during the summer semester, but now the place brimmed with vitality.

The lovely cloudless night was mythically exquisite. The deep dark sky showed no moon, and the joined streams of starlight and streetlight flooded the streets. Playing with the leaves of the vigorous trees, the tender humid wind brought mingled aromas of new-sprung grass, flowers, and fresh soil. It seemed as if the ground was exhaling a powerful charming summons to live, and give birth to other living beings.

In this small puritan town, even teenagers dared not to kiss and hug each other in public, so Joe and Marina just silently walked along the street side by side. Enjoying the energy all around, they felt their young healthy bodies stir, responding to that magic call. The enigmatical shade, the storming dancing shadows turned Marina, in Joe’s mind, into some fantasy creature. Her blond hair appeared luminous in the darkness just as though a nimbus, and her black blouse, invisible in the dusk, hid her body. It seemed as if only her shining head was flying through the air.

«She’s the goodness of the night!» thought Joe, impressed.

* * * * *

When they finally reached her apartment building it was almost 10 p.m.

Tired, Marina took out her keys, opened the door, and turned to Joe to say goodbye. But unexpectedly for her, the man pushed her inside and started greedily caressing and kissing her.

Feeling his hands roam over her body, Marina made a feeble attempt to fight. He was very strong and persistent. She was weak with drink, and the alcohol awoke her deep instincts. She was just a desired female giving in to an active male, who wanted her so.

She felt him lead her into the room. He brought her down on the couch, and maybe Marina would not have resisted anymore, but he kissed her lips and his taste and smell sobered her up at once. All the irritation that had been building up during the evening came to a head.

Marina knew some methods of self-defense, and she hurled Joe off. He landed against the coffee table, and fell over it. Marina leapt to the man, kicked him a few times, and grabbed him, forcing him to get up. She tossed Joe to the door, and wanted to push him outside, but suddenly she set him free, and slowly she went back and silently sat on the couch.

Joe gawked at her. He sniffed, touched his nose, and saw blood on his fingers. Then he looked at Marina again. «Why did you stop fighting?»

«I thought,» replied Marina, sighing. «If you need a woman so much maybe I should allow to you to have me rather than let you go and rape someone.»

«I don’t need a woman,» he retorted with bitterness. He neared her, and knelt, staring at her motionless face. «I need you. Only you. Damn! I need you badly. I’m sorry that I lost control. I swear. I’ve never forced a girl to sleep with me. You made me crazy. Please, give me a chance!»

«Joe.» Marina did not know how to explain. «I feel nothing for you.»

«Just once…» He kissed her hands. «Let’s just try, eh?»

She did not reply, examining him and her feelings.

«Oh, sorry.» Joe rubbed off blood on her skin.

She pressed her palms to his cheeks forcing him to lift his head. She saw his bleeding nose and a scratch on his lips, and she was horrified at herself. «My God! Did I hurt you so?»

«It’s okay,» Joe replied with an unnatural smile. «I deserved it.»

«Oh, I’m very sorry.» She helped Jones to the couch. He lay next to her, timidly gazing at her face, and tender pity filled the woman.

«Okay, lets try,» she whispered with closed eyes. Marina felt him begin to carefully touch her, and she smiled as she responded to his caressing.

Chapter 19: Affairs

Jeff Menard thought for a long time about how to invite Vera Grach out with him, but it would have to look as if it was not a date. In this small town rumors spread in the twinkling of an eye, and hearing that people were talking about the VanSteins and Marina Aleksandrova, Jeff did not want the same talk about Vera.

Finally, he found the means of doing it.

It was Saturday, and after his shift he went to the city park, as it was a nice, sunny day. In such weather, when Vera had no school, she was always drawing her pictures near the playground.

The policeman was right; she was there. He entered the park, and noticed her immediately. Seeing only Vera, Jeff walked towards her, admiring her slender refined body. Her braid, shaking on her back, seemed to Jeff as if waving him over.

Despite the morning hours many people were here already, and he tried to walk, not run, yet his soul was flying to her. He approached and called, «Vera!»

His voice croaked with emotion. The woman stood still. He coughed and called her again, and she turned toward him. Her pale cheeks became color of winter sunrise, as she saw him next to her, and a timid smile curved her thin purple lips.

«It’s you,» she whispered, gazing at him. «I thought I just dreamed your voice.»

Jeff could not reply. «Just hug her, just one hug…» was beating in his head. «Oh God, why should I pretend to be calm when I’m ready to die for just one hug…»

The memories of feeling her body pressing onto him there in the police station drove him crazy, and Jeff damned all conventions of society forbidding them to listen to the calls of their hearts.

Vera glanced around at all the people in the playground, then, lowering her head, she started drawing again. Taking himself under control, Jeff sighed and looked at her work.

It showed the playground, however, not exactly as in reality. He saw in the picture a black police officer sitting on the bench at the edge of the playground, but when Jeff looked at the real bench, it was empty.

«Did he go away?» Jeff asked, pointing to the image of the policeman. A sly grin appeared on Vera’s lips.

«No, he’s always with me,» she replied, significantly glancing at him.

Suddenly he understood, and, struck with her phrase, he stood still and could not even breathe, with agonizing pain in his heart, as if a bandit thrust a knife straight into his chest.

«I’ll kill Oleg,» he thought, feeling hot with love and desperation. «Sure, you’ll do it, Othello, go ahead! Who am I kidding? But maybe I should talk to him… Oh, I can imagine a dialogue with that cracker! „Massa, I love your wifey! Could you be so kind as to give freedom to her, so I can marry her?“ Damn, it would have sounded so stupid…»

Vera did not look at Jeff. Just yesterday she decided to talk with Oleg, yet when he entered the apartment and she saw him concerned and upset about something, she held her tongue. «After dinner,» she told herself, calmly giving her husband his meal.


When he’d finished, the woman was ready to tell him about her decision, but Oleg hugged her, and uttered passionately, «I’m so happy to have you. I can’t even imagine what I’d do without your support.» He kissed her, and left the apartment again, and she told him nothing. She heard him driving away, and for a long time, tormented with her guilty feelings, Vera cried and damned herself.

* * * * *

«What do you think about Marina?» The question from Jeff returned Vera to the present, and she looked at him with surprise, «What do you mean?»

«I mean…» He faltered. «Her affair with Professor VanStein.»

«First of all.» Grach averted her eyes. «I’m sure it’s just empty talk. Second, I know she truly loves him. We all told her many times to hide her feelings better, but it’s so difficult… Am I right?» She looked into his face.

«About what?» Jeff mumbled, taken off guard.

«About hiding love,» staring at him, she said under her breath. «How could we condemn her? Can we?»

«I asked about this, just because I don’t want any misunderstanding,» he explained, and continued waveringly. «And I was thinking… Would you visit a church… with me… together?»

Her smile showed that she did understand, and joyful shame filled the policeman.

«When?» Vera asked calmly.

«Sunday morning… It’s the next city… If it’s fine with you I’ll pick you up around 8:30.» Jeff gazed at her, anxiously awaiting her reaction.

Vera nodded. «Okay.»

«It’s a date!» he exclaimed delightedly.

«A date?» Vera said, still smiling, and he felt a hot flush of his blood creeping up his face.

«It’s just a figure of speech.»

«I’ll go.» She looked at him. «Have you just finished your shift?»

«Yes,» he said, surprised. «How do you know?»

«You look tired,» she voiced tenderly. «Go, Jeff, I’ll see you tomorrow.»

«Yes, ma’am!» He saluted, and they both guffawed.

They heard a siren, as it was 10 a.m., and they laughed again and waved to each other. Then Jeff slowly went away, looking back many times, and he saw that she followed him with her eyes until he disappeared from her view.

«He’s handsome,» Vera thought continuing her work. «The athletic black man in the black uniform… Mmmmmm. These clothes suit him; like he’s made with ebonite. Oleg is built great, however some Afro people have such beautiful bodies that it’s simply amazing! Like this girl, for example.» A black teen-aged girl took the attention of the artist, and she quickly made a sketch of her. The work captured Vera, but thoughts of Jeff still ran through her head.

* * * * *

A siren woke her up and Marina was frightened. Pressing her hand to her chest, she sat up in bed trying to normalize her palpitation.

She wildly looked at the man sleeping beside her. A slight gladdened smile was on the lips of Joe Jones, but Marina’s hair moved up when she recalled all the events of last night.

Trembling all over, Marina reached the bathroom and took a shower as hot as she was able to stand. Her teeth were chattering, she was shuddering. She rubbed and rubbed her skin trying to wash away the feeling of his caressing.

She turned the shower off, then tottered to the sink, and washed her face with icy-cold water. She stared at her reflection. Dark brown spots surrounded her eyes, and the scarlet lips, tired with kissing, looked, on her deadly white face, like blood on the snow.

«Oh, how awful!» she thought, feeling sick. «Why? He’s so nice… He was gentle…»

«And you wanted it!» sounded in her mind. Marina flinched, as if someone had said it aloud.

«No, I didn’t…» protested Marina sniffing to hold back sobs. «Oh, I just didn’t want to be alone anymore…»

«You wanted it, you got it!» There was no stopping the voice of her conscience, and, shaken, Marina sat on a stool. Hugging herself, she cringed with horror and shame. She did not want to go outside, but she had to.

She put on her bathrobe, slowly went into the room, and gazed at Joe. He was smoking, and he looked at her with an exhilarated smile, «That was the best night in my entire life.»

Her legs did not hold her, and Marina sat on her office chair.

«Give me one,» she murmured. He got up, not hiding his nudity, walked to her, and when she took a cigarette he lit it and kissed her hair.

Marina stiffened, thinking he would like to continue their night’s ’opus’, but he just squeezed her shoulders for a second and went to the bathroom.

«Can I use your shaver?» he asked from there.

«Be my guest,» Marina mumbled, going to the kitchen. «I’ll cook breakfast.»

* * * * *

«Fried potatoes?» Joe wondered, as he sat at the table. «Mmmmmm, steak. Is it your usual breakfast?»

«I’m a vegetarian.» Marina tried not to look at him. «But I always have some meat in case a guest comes here.»

«Guest?» He gave her a wink. «A lot of guests are coming here?»

She spun to him, and stared at his face. «No,» she voiced with challenge. «Not so many. But my friend Nina Lapina likes meat. I always cook it when she comes here. If you mean males, don’t think if I slept with you after the fist date, I’m doing this with everybody!»

«Just with professors, eh?» He narrowed his eyes, and Marina blushed and turned to the window.

«You’re an idiot!» Joe damned himself. «How could you say such things!»

He dropped his fork and quickly went to her.

«I’m sorry,» he murmured, as he carefully hugged her. «I’m jealous. Could you try to break up with him? He has a family. It’s no good, honey.»

«We are not lovers,» Marina retorted tiredly. «You might not believe me. Nobody does.»

Happiness brimmed over his heart.

«I do believe you,» he pronounced sincerely. «I will believe any of your words. I’ll do anything for you.»

Marina glanced at him, then back at the window. She was thinking.

«I have to go soon,» she said. «The weather is great. Can you go with me?»

«To the edge of the world!» he exclaimed.

«Not so far.» She showed a ghostly smile. «To the city park. I promised my friend to help her with her daughter… Would you come with me?»

«Sure!» He went back to the table, and hastily continued eating. «I love kids.»

* * * * *

When Marina and Joe entered the park, they saw Vera drawing, and Nina Lapina talking with Megan VanStein, both sitting on a bench next to the playground.

The women had a very interesting talk, and again Megan was surprised how different a mentality the Russian woman had. They were discussing men’s affairs.

For a long time Megan had had a suspicion about her husband and Marina. She did not want to believe all the talk that had reached her, but she could not resist the wish to find out the truth.

Knowing the Russian women were good friends, Megan decided to talk with Nina, hoping that this naive and emotional person would blurt it out.

«Bah! I don’t understand why you Americans make a big deal if a man has more than one woman,» Nina giggled. «In Russia such a man has much more respect than a faithful hubby. The most famous example is Yeltsin. Do you know why the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, won the election so easily? Of course, there were a lot of other reasons, but the real reason, he showed himself as a romantic hero. Listen up. Once upon a time he went to his lover. He took a bottle of vodka for himself and a bottle of Champagne for her. The husband of his lover was a big cheese also, and when he found out about it he sent his men to beat up Yeltsin. They caught him in the forest on the bank of a river, but Yeltsin took the bottles out, and used them as weapons. He fended off those five professionals. The last one almost got Yeltsin, and they both fell into the river. His bodyguards helped Yeltsin out, but this story got into the newspapers, and for a long time the Russian media had a good subject for stories, reports, and jokes.»

«I don’t get it,» Megan replied, shocked. «It seems as if you like it when a man has an affair! But imagine how you would feel finding out that your husband was cheating on you?»

Nina became quiet.

«Honestly, I’ve never thought about that,» she confessed. «My husband… He’s so shy… If you read our family name in French, it means «Bunny’ and I think this word fits him perfectly. He loves me, and it’s enough for me. I know some women who have discovered their husband’s affairs. But only an ill bird fouls its own nest. A smart woman rather prefers to pretend to be blind than become a laughing stock. «My husband is a bastard, so I want my husband back!» Sounds stupid.» She shrugged her shoulders. «My point is if you don’t love your husband, and can’t forgive him, then divorce him rather than torment each other. If you love him and can’t live without him, then accept him as he is, let him have fun. But I don’t want to thrust my opinion onto anyone.»