The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Chapter 14: Home, Sweet Home

When Vera and Oleg went back to home, he thought it was the best time to talk with his wife, as he saw Vera was a little drunk and alternately sad and happy after the celebration.

«You know, honey,» he started carefully. «Yesterday, when I called Moscow, my broker, Nikolay, said that we have received a very interesting offer… about your summer house.»

Surprised, Vera stared at her husband. She was the owner of a very old house located not far from Moscow. Hidden deep in the forest, it was built on the tall bank of the river and featured beautiful views from all sides.

«No way.» Vera sobered up at once. «I’ll never sell that house! It’s been in my family for generations.»

«I know, sweetheart, but Nikiforov asked about it himself. You know he rules Moscow’s crime syndicates now. We have to remember this. However, since we’re old friends, he was so kind and he offered forty grand for your house.»

«Yes, I remember that bastard,» Vera said with irritation. «What is his point? It’s not worth that much.»

«Yep, but he liked the location. He wants to build a base in this place.»

«I won’t allow you to turn our family home into a nidus of bandits.»

«I can understand your feelings.» Sighing, Oleg took the hands of his wife and gently kissed them. «But you know Nikiforov. If you refuse, my business will be ruined, and his boys will burn your house down. You will lose it anyway. I can help you to at least get the money. I think that if I earn sixty percent of the deal it’d be fair? I love you, my heart, and I don’t want you killed if you ever go back to Russia.»

Sobbing, Vera took a pen. Although for her it was easier to die than sell this house, she knew how cruel Nikiforov’s group could be. And she did not want Oleg to have any troubles because of her.

«Oleg loves me.» Squeezed with grief, Vera barely wrote the permission for sale. Tears blurred her vision and dropped onto the paper, but the woman did not notice. Many thoughts were going through her mind. «He loves me… Oh, Jeff… How could I even think about him? Beside me is a man who loves me so much that he is ready to risk his life helping me… I’m so ungrateful! But the house… Grandpa, Granny, forgive me! I have no choice! I can do nothing…»

Vera finished, signed the letter, and the pen rolled from her weak desperate hands.

Oleg took the paper, picked up the pen, and tenderly hugged his wife.

«Don’t worry, honey,» he said passionately. «Everything will be fine, I promise.»

She did not reply. The image of Jeff appeared in her mind, overshadowing all her other thoughts, and the woman was confused, in vain trying to drive it away. She felt her husband start caressing her. She became horrified, and softly refused. Thinking he understood the reason, Oleg did not persist. He kissed her one more time and left.

Yet even had been buried in her thoughts, Vera heard her husband drive away, and she wondered where he went. A colossal weight of loneliness pressed the woman down, and she surprised herself, realizing that Jeff was the only person in the whole wide world with whom she wanted to talk right now.

Trying not to think about Oleg, Vera got up, almost ran to her car, and drove to the police station. She parked, hesitated, then entered the building.

«Can I help you, ma’am?» the orderly officer addressed her.

«Can I see Officer Menard?»

The policeman pointed to the hall.

She shyly went between the desks, feeling nervous under the gazes of the other officers.

Jeff Menard was browsing through some documents when he sensed something and threw his face up. He dropped his papers, seeing Vera walk towards him. He could not believe his eyes, and joy overflowed his heart.

However, when she approached and he saw her livid face, the policeman became concerned. «What happened, Ve… ma’am?»

«I’d like to talk to you,» she said with lifeless voice.

«Come here.» Hastily getting up, Jeff opened a door to another room, and they entered.

But Vera did not like this place, as the walls had big windows onto the hall. Despite the people outside being unable to hear them, they could see them, and the woman felt uncomfortable.

«Can we talk in some corridor?» she asked holding back tears. Worried, Jeff nodded and they left the room, walked to the hall, and went deep into another wing of the building.

They made their way to the end, and here, unexpectedly for Jeff, Vera threw her arms around his neck. He sensed her sobbing, and painful anxiety struck his heart.

«What happened, Vera? Honey?» Remembering his nightmare, Jeff thought, «Maybe her husband beat her up? What if she has been raped?»

Vera explained.

Relieved, he patted her back. «There, there. Don’t cry, sugar. Maybe you should ask the officials here in the U.S.A. for assistance?»

«Don’t be naive, Jeff. How can they help me?» She sighed. «What can they do? Send policemen to guard my house? No, it’s over. This house was the last thing that I had in Russia. I’ve burned the bridge behind me. No way back… No place for living or even to stay… Oh, Jeff…»

She wept again, and he carefully kissed her hair. «I’m so selfish,» he thought. «I’m happy that nothing’s left that could take her back to Russia. Oh, dear God! Please, make her stay with me forever!»

She raised her face, and Jeff noticed with surprise that she was drunk.

«I’ll drive you home,» he said softly. Jeff knew that in such a condition the woman might respond to his love, but he did not want to get it that way.

* * * * *

He accompanied her. Vera barely kept her legs as they left the police station, and seeing her car in the parking lot, Jeff wondered how she had managed to drive here. Once seated in the passenger seat, she fell asleep.

When he parked next to her building, Jeff looked long at her strange thin lips, curving like small purple snakes on her enervated and emotionless face, white as a sheet. He did not want to awaken her, but he had to do it.

When he touched her, Vera nervously shuddered all over and gazed at him in bewilderment. Then she shook her head, recalling the immediate past.

«Thank you, Jeff, for your care,» mumbled Vera, trying to smile. «Good night.»

Sobered up at bit, Vera dared not touched his hand as she wished, so just nodded and got out of the car. He watched her.

He observed as she took out her keys and fussed with the lock in difficulty. Finally it clicked open, but to his surprise she did not enter, just sat straight down on the porch. Hugging her legs, she cried again, burying her face in her knees.

Jeff hurriedly got out of the car. With all of his fondness for her, he helped his beloved up, and they entered the building together.

This was a typical apartment, and once inside, Jeff turned lights on, then moved with Vera to the bedroom. Just outside the room the weeping woman started weakly pushing him away.

«No, Jeff,» she murmured between sobs. «We shouldn’t… You shouldn’t… No…»

He did not realize at once what she meant.

«She misunderstood!» Jeff thought, horrified.

«Vera,» he said seriously, looking at her eyes brimming over with tears. «You’re wrong about me. I only wanted to help you get into bed. You need sleep.»

«Sorry.» Vera gently freed herself from his arms and staggered into the living room. There she sat on the couch, propping up her head with her hands.

Jeff went to the bedroom to get a pillow. He found one, then for a few seconds looked around the room, involuntarily thinking about Oleg.

«She didn’t want to adulterate this sacred family bed,» Jeff whispered sarcastically. «How noble. Damn you!» he screamed, pounding the blanket. He felt just as if giant and unmerciful millstones were grinding his heart. «Damn you to Hell! That bandit sacked all she had, he simply robbed her! And this angel is still faithful to him.»

Clutching his head, he sat down and was still, overtaken with depression.

«Why did I get so mad?» Jeff thought, compelling himself to regain control. «I have no right… I’m nobody… No, it is my duty to protect people from such rascals

Holding the pillow and a blanket, he slowly returned to the living room.

She was asleep, curled on the couch like a homeless kitten under makeshift shelter. Remembering her neurotic awaking in the police car, Jeff carefully shoved the pillow under her head and covered her with the blanket.

After turning the overhead lights off, he lit a small lamp in the corner, then sat down in an armchair to watch his sleeping sweetheart. Jeff had already decided to wait for Oleg and talk to him.

His eyes searched the room. It looked so cozy and peaceful. Jeff sighed.

«I’m only a guest here,» he thought, upset.

His radio transmitter hissed to life, and he answered.

«Jeff?» He heard the voice of his superior. «Where are you? I need you here.»

«I’m…» Jeff did not know what to say. «I’m busy right now. Is it an emergency?»

After a pause, the chief asked, very calmly, «Are you with that lady?»

«No!» Jeff replied angrily, feeling ashamed. «I’m on my way.» He hung up.

Glancing for the last time at Vera, he turned off the light and left the apartment.

* * * * *

Of course, Oleg went to Lana. Her bodyguard, Tom, already knew Oleg and allowed his entry without question.

«My sweetheart,» Oleg uttered, kneeling in front of a smiling Lana. «Today is a special day. In Russia…»

«I know,» she interrupted him. «Ruslan already greeted me this morning.»

Oleg lowered his eyes. He was afraid his hatred would be too clear.

He glanced around and seeing three pink carnations in a vase on her coffee table, he understood. He barely restrained himself.


Without additional words, Oleg gave Lana a box. The girl opened it and gasped with delight. It was a golden necklace, a chain with her name, hearts, and number eights made with rubies. It was a very expensive, exclusive item, and knowing the price of jewels, Lana could only shook her head. «You shouldn’t have done this. You’re crazy.»

«I am crazy,» he whispered with an erotic voice. «I’m crazy about you, my goddess. If you would like, I’ll tear my heart from my chest just to decorate your necklace.»

«Oh, Oleg.» Lana kissed him, and putting on the chain, she went to the mirror to look at it.

She did not know that, for Oleg, this jewelry cost only postage. A businessman from India working in Moscow made this necklace by order of Oleg’s men, as a protection racket payment.

Suddenly Lana heard a sound as if something very massive fell. Even the floor shook. She spun around. Her bodyguard, Tom, dashed into the salon and Lana saw her housekeeper looking from her room.

Oleg was lying on the floor, and got up with a confused smile.

«My love,» he addressed Lana. «I was lost in admiration for you, and stumbled over your table.»

«Are you okay?» she asked with worry.

Tom set the coffee table on its legs again. Solid wood, this table was very heavy, and it had crushed the vase with the flowers. The housekeeper cleaned up the mess, and Lana went with Oleg to her bedroom.

They made love, and soon the tired Lana dozed off. But before dreams clouded her mind, the picture of the smashed carnations lying helplessly on her carpet arose into her mental view, and the girl cried, feeling sorry about the loss.

«It was not an accident!» flashed in her head. It was such a strange idea that Lana was as amazed, as she would have been if someone else had spoken. But the girl had already fallen asleep and was unable to work the thought to a logical end.

Chapter 15: St. Patrick’s Day

It was St. Patrick’s Day, and the weather was perfect for being outside. The tender sun peeped at times from behind the white and cobalt clouds, and neither showers nor wind marred the day.

Wearing green colored clothes, Vera Grach, Nina Lapina, and Megan VanStein, with their kids, were standing on Main Street waiting for the oncoming parade.

They stood there for a while, then the Russian women exchanged whispers and moved down the road, leading Hannah and Larisa. Megan was surprised, as the first place was not bad for observation.

But Dylon in her arms demanded all her attention, so Megan just followed her Russian friends. She tried to put her son in the baby carriage, but the boy started crying and she lifted him out again. Then Vera pulled the conveyance, and Nina took the girls’ hands.

They went down the street about two blocks, and stood next to a police cruiser parked at the corner.

Hannah waited, hopping with impatience, but Larisa came close to the vehicle and stroked the door, and Vera neared too. She saw Jeff, and this is why they moved here, but another police officer was next to him, so Vera pretended to just watch the girls.

Jeff could not help his smile, and he addressed Larisa, «Do you like that car?»

The girl nodded.

«Would you like to be in the front or the back seat?» he asked, glancing at Vera.

«I’d like to be in front,» Larisa replied seriously.

«You betcha.» Jeff smoothed the girl’s head.

«The back seat is for bad guys,» Larisa explained, and, remembering her rides, Vera blushed.

But Jeff misunderstood the reason why her cheeks became the color of a robin’s breast. Inspirited by her presence, he continued to talk to Larisa, and Vera kept her eyes fixed on him, enjoying their game and suffering with guilty feelings about it. Trying to act naturally, she took up her notebook for making sketches.

«Why did we go here?» the puzzled Megan addressed Nina. The woman looked at her.

«Are you tired?» she asked, not answering the question. «Give me Dylon, I’ll hold him.»

Megan passed the boy to her friend, and, watching how the Russian held her son, showing him around, Megan smiled and forgot what she wanted to ask.

Helping him, Nina put Dylon down. The boy stood, stomping with his legs, and he hooted, excited. His green hat made him look like a real leprechaun, and Megan laughed.

«Have you ever seen the St. Patrick’s parade?» she asked the Russians.

«Yes,» replied Vera, to her surprise. «In Moscow it’s an annual celebration since 1992.»

«Wow.» Megan said. «I didn’t know that this holiday was so famous around the world.»

«Marina told me she saw a parade in Saint Petersburg also,» Nina added, and the name of Marina aroused unpleasant feelings in Megan’s heart.

«Where is she now?» Megan asked, trying not to show her concern.

«Marina told me she will come for sure.» Nina hoisted Dylon and made him comfortable on her chest. «But later. She has some business to attend to.»

«Hi Megan,» they heard, and saw another woman, one of Megan’s pals. Megan beamed, but the friend’s question put her smile out.

«You’re alone again,» the woman said. «Where is David? At work, eh?»

«Yes,» Megan answered, sighing.

«On Sunday?» The woman stared at Megan, and she felt a chill, sensing some hint in these questions.

Still carrying Dylon, Nina looked at the woman, attentively listening to their dialogue.

«Yes,» she cut in. «My husband, Vlad, is working today also. At the weekdays the students use the equipment. Our husbands have time to do the research only during weekends or breaks.»

The woman narrowed her eyes at Nina. «Have you ever called to the lab to check it out?»

«First of all,» retorted Nina. «I did call a few times, and he was there. I even visited the lab. But this is not because I don’t trust Vlad. Maybe it’s an American tradition to spy after your husband, eh?»

«I was just thinking,» the woman drawled with a dreamy voice. «How it’s romantic, the evening, the empty lab, the closed doors, no one around…»

«Yeah,» Nina snorted. «I bet you never were in the chemistry lab. Very romantic. Chemicals stink, the machines are buzzing. One little mistake and you lose the results of the day’s work.»

But her words only increased Megan’s worry.

«Hannah!» shaken, Megan called her daughter. «Do you want to see Daddy?»

«I want to see the parade.»

«It’s not good for kids to go to a chemistry lab,» Nina said in a calm tone. «Go, Megan, we’ll watch them.»

* * * * *

Megan drove to the campus and went to the laboratory.

Nearing the door, she knocked, but nobody answered, and, growing cold, she started pounding. All her anxiety fell onto the woman like an avalanche.

Unexpectedly, the door opened so fast that Megan almost fell inside barely avoiding punching Vlad. He did not greet her, just ran back, and the amazed Megan went in.

«Vlad!» she heard the worried voice of her husband. «Hurry up!»

She drew close and looked at the men, then around.

They were the only people here, and the scientists worked hard with some apparatus. From time to time Vlad flung himself to the computer, typed, and moved back to his boss, who kept his eyes on the monitor of his machine.

«Oh, no,» David gasped with an upset voice, and, remembering Nina’s words, Megan scolded herself. «My stupid jealousy can cost my husband’s work’s results!» she thought. «Why did I come here? I only disturb him!»

She stared at his stern concerned face, and all her love for this man painfully jammed her heart.

«Hold on, hold on,» mumbled Vlad, typing hurriedly. They all gazed at David’s monitor. Megan did not understand a thing, but she crossed her fingers praying for luck for her husband.

Suddenly Vlad gasped, and a joyful smile showed on his plump lips.

«Professor!» he exclaimed. «We did it.»

«Yes!» they uttered at once, and triumphantly clapped their hands, giving five to each other, then they looked at the woman.

«Megan?» wondered David. «Why are you here? Where are the kids?»

«With Nina and Vera,» she replied timidly. «I just missed you…»

«Oh, honey.» David hugged his wife. «We’re almost done, I’ll join you soon, I promise.»

«Of course,» Vlad said to himself. «Because you’ll leave all the routine work up to me. At best I’ll be able to go home about eight, not earlier. Don’t they think how much I want to see my family? My poor girls, another holiday we have to spend being separated. Damn money…» He sighed, and tried to cheer himself up, «It’s okay, buddy, someday you will be a professor. Moscow wasn’t built in one day

«Where is Marina?» Megan could not resist asking.

The men gazed at her, and the woman felt her worry return.

«I don’t know,» David replied slowly. «I didn’t see her today.»

He did not dare ask his wife why was she interested.

Megan nodded. «See you, guys,» she said, then left.

* * * * *

When she reached Main Street the parade was in full swing.

She was surprised to see Marina holding Dylon in her arms. Nina was taking photos, and both girls hopped next to her. Megan glanced at Vera animatedly talking with police officers, and neared her children and friends.

Waving their hands, the city veterans ceremoniously went pass them, and they saw Bill Thompson without his cane. He walked with noticeable effort, but he tried to march, and the women felt tender pity for him, as if he was their own grandfather.

Nina’s eyes were glistening with tears when she lowered her camera.

«My grandpa was killed in the Second World War,» she explained to Megan, and cried.

«The whole family of my granny, twelve members,» Marina said sadly, «died from starving when the Germans were blocking Saint Petersburg. The War cost twenty million Russian lives.»

«My God.» Megan mumbled. «No, Mr. Thompson isn’t so old. As I remember, he was wounded in Vietnam.»

She did not understand why the Russians snorted after her phrase and exchanged glances. Megan forgot about the opposition between the United States and Soviet Union during this war.

Next, after the group of veterans, a platform with a dais and a royal throne on the top moved along the street. Lana was seated in state wearing a regal green dress.

She was not a queen of the parade, but Mr. Limpson could not pass up the opportunity to show off his adored daughter.

Her escorts, Tom and Oleg, were standing at each side of the throne. Clothed in the costumes of Celtic knights, both men appeared very showy, and looking at Vera’s husband, Jeff Menard felt himself plain and miserable.

Jeff glanced at Vera, and to his pleasant surprise he found out she did not even notice Oleg.

«I swear it’s true.» She was talking emotionally with Jeff’s colleague. «Moscow police used bulldozers to destroy this exhibition. My dad was one of these artists. It had happened about in the same time as Caribbean crisis.»

«Since that time the siren sounded every Saturday.» The policeman laughed.

Vera snorted too and glanced at Jeff. «Are you still afraid of Russians?»

«It’s a shame to be afraid of such pretty Russians,» Menard’s colleague retorted gallantly, and Jeff felt jealousy, but he dared not add his own compliment.

Lana Limpson was throwing sweets and erasers around, and Jeff picked up some chocolate bars and gave them to his colleague and to Vera as well.

Staring eye-to-eye, Jeff and Vera opened their candy and put the pieces into their mouths at the same time. Their gazes still were linked when they slowly chewed the chocolate, and, because it was the same taste, they both were imagining that they were kissing each other.

Four girls, two at either side of the platform, went along the street delivering pencils with cloverleaves and the trademark of Mr. Limpson’s company.

Larisa and Hannah took crayons and some comfits.

«Only bumblebees can pollinate the clovers,» Larisa said to Hannah, pointing to the leaves.

«I hate bees,» the girl replied.

«I said bumblebees,» specified Larisa. «Not just bees.»

«My biologist.» Nina proudly stroked her daughter’s hair.

«How do you know?» Hannah felt a vexation, for the younger girl had known something that she, Hannah, did not.

«Uncle Ruslan told me,» Larisa explained, then looked at Nina. «Dad said that leprechauns don’t exist.»

«It’s not true!» Hannah cried angrily. «In school our teacher placed on a table some books, and a chocolate golden coin in the middle. Then we all went outside and saw a rainbow. When we returned to the classroom the chocolate was gone, the books were messed, and a cloverleaf was lying in the middle. Certainly, a leprechaun took the coin. Who else could do it?»


«I do believe in leprechauns,» uttered Larisa peacefully, and the girl gazed at the parade again.

Megan hugged her daughter and laughed. She looked at Marina without spite or anger and all her worries and jealous fears seemed for Megan now absurd and ridiculous.