The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

«My wife is here.» Vlad looked at him with a drunkenly cheerful smile.

«A lot of women here are someone’s wife,» softly retorted the orderly, releasing Vlad. «You have to remember that.»

«Sorry.» Ashamed, Vlad regained his wits and rubbed his head. «I shouldn’t have drunk that vodka. Damn, that’s a disgusting thing.»

«Vlad!» A weak voice sounded from above. The young man tossed his head, and a happy smile flashed across his face when he saw Nina looking out from a window on the fourth floor.

«It’s an angel talking from Heaven,» he thought, admiring his wife in her white hospital gown. His eyes clouded, to Vlad it seemed as if Nina was flying in the sky. He reached his arms up to her. «I love you, my little one. How…» He could not find the appropriate words. «How was it?»

«Next time you’ll do it!» She laughed, but a heavy guilty feeling fell on Vlad, and he burst into tears.

«I wasn’t beside her.» Burying his face in his palms, he sobbed, thinking about the suffering she went through. «I didn’t even know…»

Suddenly someone touched his elbow, and he dropped his hands, and was surprised to see Nina next to him.

«Honey,» she mumbled, looking at him with concern, as she had never seen her husband crying. «It was nothing, honest. It was so easy, I can do it again, and again, and again…»

«No way!» Lapin snorted, as he embraced his wife. «Next time only when I’ll become a millionaire, okay?»

* * * * *

Memories, memories. Sweet memories. It had happened six years ago.

Today was the same weather – no clouds, and dazzling sunshine lit up the front yard where the Lapins had organized the birthday party. Now Vlad was holding the rope of the donkey piñata and watching with a delighted smile as Larisa tried to hit it.

Today was Larisa’s first birthday in the U.S.A., so the Lapins were careful to make everything perfect. They invited a few kids from her class. And, of course, Hannah VanStein and Megan came, leaving Dylon with a babysitter. David could not come, as he had to give a talk at another University.

Nina still had difficulty walking after her injury, and Marina and Vera were helping her during the celebration.

Unexpectedly, Jeff Menard joined them, and only Vera understood the reason for his arrival.

«Why did he come?» the Lapins wondered, but dared not to ask. However, the Americans were not very surprised seeing a policeman at the party.

«Who knows about those Russians? Maybe it’s a tradition,» was the common thought.

Hannah was the oldest one, and it was she who broke the piñata.

All the children rushed to pick up the candy.

«My God!» Nina thought with worry, seeing Hannah’s stick sweep close above the head of another child. «What if she hit him? Stupid custom! But if we move to this country, we have to accept the native rules

The kids were rummaging in the grass searching for candy like bear cubs, and the adults, watching them with smiles, did not notice a drunken Joe Jones stagger up and stop not far away.

«Marina!» He called her out with pain in his voice. Nobody looked at him, and he came closer and repeated his call.

Now everybody stared at him, but Jones saw only Marina, and the visible vexation that she showed as she recognized him struck the man to the bottom of his soul.

«Where is my lovely fiancée?» He opened his arms, and Marina forced herself to go to him. But Jones walked past her pretending not to see her, and the girl looked at him in bewilderment. He stood near the children.

«Dear kids,» he pronounced with drunken solemnity. «Don’t be scared, but I am an evil wizard, who has not been invited to the birthday of this beauty.» He bowed to Larisa, and the frightened girl ran to her father.

«Hey, mister,» Vlad called angrily. «I have to ask you to leave.»

«Don’t worry.» Jones pressed his hands to his chest. «I won’t harm her.» He looked at Megan, and sniffed. «Megan, Megan, poor Megan. How does it feel to share your hubby, eh?»

She gasped stepping back.

«Stop it, Joe!» Marina shouted with spite.

«Did someone call me?» he demonstratively looked around. «Is it someone who cares only about…» and he said a word that certainly should not be practiced at a children’s party. «And about how to hide it better…»

Seeing the riled up parents, Nina touched Joe, «Do you mind? Kids are here!»

He pushed her aside. «Oh, another Russian…» he used the same word as in Marina’s apartment, «is gonna teach me how to behave.»

«It’s just a nightmare,» thought Marina closing her eyes.

«My wife!» Vlad uttered such a horrifying howl that everybody’s blood ran cold with terror. He rushed to Joe, but Nina clung to him, blocking the way.

«No, Vlad, I beg you!» she screamed, thinking with panic: «What if this boozer has a knife or even a gun? He can kill my husband!»

Jeff Menard resolutely walked forward, but Marina was the first to reach Joe. Nobody understood what happened next. She barely touched him, yet he fell, rolling over.

He sat up, saw the oncoming policeman, and upped his arms. «Sorry, officer. It’s over. I’m not fighting, Jeff, I swear.»

Without a word, Jeff helped him get feet.

«Sorry, ma’am,» Joe said to Nina, then to the others. «Sorry, folks, I’m really sorry. Oh God!» He wept, and became ashamed and hid his face in his palms.

«Let’s go home. I’ll accompany you.» Jeff told him. Slightly sobered up, Joe stared at him with surprise, «Why are you here?»

«The same reason you are,» Jeff replied almost inaudibly. Joe looked around and met the worried gaze of Vera Grach, then he understood, and shook his head, «Do you think it’s because they are Russians?»

«No, Joe,» the policeman said, sighing. «It’s just because of our Fate.»

They slowly walked away. But passing Marina, Joe stopped and leaned close to her.

«I’m glad that you loathe me,» she dropped not looking at him. «It will be easy to forget about me.»

«I’ll never be able to forget,» retorted Joe. «I love you.»

She showed no reaction.

«If you ever find in your soul at least a little spark of feeling for me…» He gulped, and panted, his lips started trembling again. «Please, Marina, please, remember me. You broke my heart, but I can forgive you for anything. I’ll be waiting…»

«Don’t do it,» murmured Marina. «It’s pointless.»

«Maybe,» said Joe, touching his chest. «But while there is life, there is hope…»

She replied nothing, and Joe trudged away with Jeff by his side.

Marina looked at the people in the yard. They all gazed at her, and she felt embarrassed, as if she was totally naked. Slowly she went to her car. Limping, Nina hastily neared her, and Marina understood her concern.

«Don’t worry, no more stupid actions,» Marina whispered, hugging her friend. «I always keep my word.»

Nina nodded. Marina drove away, and Nina returned to the guests.

During the entire episode, the shocked Megan VanStein could not move, barely breathing. Now she was slowly coming back to reality.

«I told you that they were lovers.» She heard an excited whispering.

It was too much. Sobbing, she grabbed the perplexed Hannah and ran to her car.

Very soon all the other guests left also, and the Lapins looked at each other with confusion.

«It’s okay, honey.» Nina tried to support her husband. «Moscow was not built in a day. Maybe next time will be luckier.»

«Play with me,» asked Larisa. «I’m so glad that everybody’s gone.»

Her parents laughed. «Anything for the birthday girl.»

Vlad ran with his daughter. Sitting on the porch, Nina threw a ball to them. Love and merriment reigned here, and the Lapins enjoyed this and each other.

Chapter Twenty – Two: An Honest Person

Oleg drove Lana to Larisa’s birthday party, but because they had to stop to buy the gift, they were late. When the car neared the house and Lana saw that there were no other people, she was surprised. «Did they only invite us?» she wondered.

Well, to be honest, she was not invited at all, Oleg was. But having taken a course in chemistry, she worked with Vlad a lot.

«Ruslan is Lapin’s best friend, maybe I can get more information on him,» thought Lana, because the way that he treated her intrigued both the girl and her father.

They parked and got out, smiling. Oleg took out their present, and the Lapins walked toward them gazing at the huge box with curiosity.

«What is it?» asked Nina.

«It’s a swimming pool,» Lana said, and the hosts gasped.

«You just have to blow up it with a pump,» explained Oleg. «And add the water.»

«I don’t have a pump,» murmured Vlad. «I’ll go buy one.»

«Okay, get one,» Oleg smiled. «I’ll use mine for now. When you’re back, I think the pool will be ready.»

Vlad helped him carry the pool into the backyard, then got in his car, and drove away while the others began readying the pool.

«Wow!» Nina bustled around. «Oh, Lana. Oh, Oleg.» Suddenly she cried. «I’m so thankful.»

«Oh, Nina!» Lana hugged her. «I’m very happy that you like it.»

«Like, Gosh!» Nina gasped. «We dared not dream about it.»

«Mom!» Larisa tugged her mother’s sleeve. «Can I change into my swimming suit?»

«Sure, honey.» The woman nodded. «Need help?»

«No,» Larisa pronounced with a dependable voice. «I’m a big girl.»

Nina followed her with her eyes, then looked at Lana.

«Oh, thank you so, so much. Sorry, I have not seen you since the Christmas party, and, I forgot, what do you study?»

«Psychotherapeutic medical science,» Lana replied.

The smile left Nina’s lips, worry gleamed into her expressive doe eyes, and Lana was surprised by such a reaction.


«What’s the matter?» she asked, but suddenly recalled what Oleg had told her about Russian psychiatrists, and she grinned. «I know that in Russia the government used mental institutions as some kind of jail, didn’t they?»

«Not anymore.» Nina lowered her eyes. «Yes, it was so. But as I remember from «One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ and «Terminator 2», in the U.S.A. the mad houses are not the best places for living either.»

«Look, buddy,» Lana said softly. «No hospital can be a good place for living. I don’t want to work in a mental institution, I plan to be a psycho-consultant in family problems.»


«By the way,» continued Lana. «This fall I will begin practice. Do you want to be a volunteer, so I can practice on you? It’s a payment program. Not big money, but anyway.»

«For Gods sake, no!» Nina threw her arms up. «I’m not crazy.»

«I know.» Lana smiled at her. «But it’s fun, and it’s recommended that everybody visit a psychotherapist, if only once every few years. I won’t force you to use any medicine. You can just tell me about your family problems.»

«Thank God, we have no problems,» the woman answered proudly.

«We can make up a situation,» suggested Lana. «Come on, buddy, I need a patient.»

«We’ll see about it,» murmured Nina, thinking, «She gave us such an expensive and wonderful gift. How could I refuse? Why am I so scared?» And she said aloud, «I have to think about it.»

«Of course.» Lana nodded. Oleg finished his task, and looked at them. «All done.» He turned on the water.

«Can I go in?» Wearing her swimsuit, Larisa hopped impatiently. «Pleeeease!»

«The water is too cold yet, honey,» her mother told her. «Wait a little while, okay?»

The girl pursed her lips, but, obediently, she did not persist. She went close to the pool, and looking inside, she played with the running water.

«Do you have some beer?» Lana asked Nina, and the hostess became confused.


«Sweetie,» Oleg addressed Lana. «I told you they are tee-totallers. Would you like me to go and buy some? It’s not far away.»

«Okay,» agreed the girl, and Oleg drove away.

«Oh, what a shame!» thought Nina. «But we planned a children’s party

«Uncle Ruslan!» Larisa squealed, and the women saw him walking toward them with a box in his hands.

The girl ran to her godfather and climbed on him like a little monkey.

«All kids always love Ruslan,» said Nina smiling, and Lana gazed at her. The woman did not notice it and continued talking, «He’s a wonderful person. I do love my husband, and won’t change him for any man in the whole wide world. But looking at Ruslan or just thinking about him, I always feel something like a slight sadness that I didn’t meet him before I fell for Vlad. Lucky will be the girl who is his wife.»

«Why?» asked Lana and surprised herself hearing how odd her own voice sounded.

«He’s a kind, caring, and honest person. He will never betray.» Nina glimpsed her, and Lana could not understand why a chill tremor ran down her back.

«You look alike.» Nina suddenly noticed, glancing at Ruslan and at Lana again, and she laughed. «Gosh. You are both so similar. Like twins.»

Totally confused, Lana was glad to see Vlad’s car stop in the parking lot, as Nina’s attention went from her to Vlad walking toward them.

«The shop’s closed,» he said to his wife. He saw his friend playing with Larisa, and, smiling, Vlad neared him.

«Congratulations!» Ruslan shook his hand. Vlad looked back, to be sure his wife could not hear them, then addressed his daughter. «Go, ask Mom, maybe you can swim now?»

Larisa rushed to the women, and when she was far enough away, Vlad confessed, «Lana gave us the pool, but I couldn’t choose a pump. They are so different. I didn’t know which one should I buy. Ruslan, can you help me tomorrow?»

«Tomorrow?» Ruslan faltered. «Tomorrow I have a ’rendezvous’ with her father. I want to show Mr. Limpson something new, but in the evening I’ll be free.»

«Oh, thank you so much.» Vlad shook his hand again. They heard a car park next to the house. Oleg got out, and Ruslan’s face clouded.

Oleg also noticed Ruslan. Vlad saw him approach Lana and say something to her.

Ruslan and Vlad went close, and Lana turned toward them with an apologetic smile. «We have to go. Have fun.»

«Thank you very much,» the Lapins said again.

Larisa was already in the pool. Laughing loudly, she was playing and jumping in the water enjoying the space, and, seeing her sincere delight, all the adults felt happy.

* * * * *

Returning home after the talk, David VanStein went to the kitchen and was surprised not to find dinner waiting for him. He opened the refrigerator, looking for something to eat.

He heard someone enter. David saw his wife, and smiled. «Honey, I’m starving. How about dinner?»

Staring at him, Megan did not reply. Tears glistened in her eyes. Her reply struck the man like the discharge of a defibrillator, making his body shudder and his heart beat wildly.

«I know everything,» she breathed out, and David slowly stood up.

«I don’t want to be third.» Megan sniffed, and continued resolutely. «Take your stuff and get out of here.»

«She has never asked me to marry her.» David did not recognize his own voice. «Honey, it was just an accident. I swear.»

«An accident?» yelled Megan crazily. «You bastard. I hate you! Get out!»

David slammed the refrigerator door. He felt guilty, and became angry as never before in his life.

«You asked for it, you got it!» he shouted at Megan’s face, and dashed to his room. He grabbed a bag and crammed some of his belongings inside. Trying not to think at all, he ran out of the house.

«David!» he heard his name called in a voice full of pain and despair. Not looking back, he jumped into his car, and drove away so fast that the tires screeched.

On his way, David VanStein calmed down a little. He was thinking about Marina. He remembered her unsmiling face, her gray blue transparent eyes, and he barely controlled the car. As the images of his children and Megan started to appear, David forced himself to push them aside.

«Later, later,» he whispered, trying to concentrate his thoughts on Marina.

«I love my kids,» shaken, the professor said to himself. «She’ll understand… She’s so kind… Megan… How could you… You should not have talked to me like that… I don’t want to… Oh, Marina, help me…»

He drove his car to the apartment building, hastily got out, and knocked on Marina’s door.

Nobody answered and he peeped through the window. The blinds were closed, and he could not see any lights on. He returned to his car, and started to wait.

The twilight became darkness. David sat stock-still.

All his life went through his mind. He tried not to think about his family, but he could not help it. He remembered all the events so clearly as if they had happened yesterday. Their first kiss, first time together. Her naive kind smile. «I’m pregnant.» He saw a bride wearing a wreath with a thick white veil. He moved it aside to kiss her, but it was Marina.

David flinched and awoke.

He looked at his watch. It was 2:46 a.m. Worried, he did not know that to do. He was awfully hungry and tired, his legs hurt, and he had a headache.

The situation was stupid and absurd. He could not go back to his wife, but could not compel himself to go to a motel. Besides, he hoped Marina would be back any second, and he did not want to miss her.

Suddenly a light lit up his car, and at first he did not understand what had happened.

«Hey, you!» David heard. «Get out of the car! Slowly.»

David obeyed. The policemen trained his flashlight on his face, recognized him, and went close.

«Dr. VanStein?» Jeff Menard asked him, astonished. «What are you doing here?»

David did not reply.

Whispering, his partner nudged Jeff with his elbow, and the policemen looked at Marina’s apartment. David felt his cheeks blush.

Jeff’s partner chuckled, but Jeff did not smile, as he was thinking about Vera. He could understand the feelings of David. Recalling the incident on the birthday party, he realized what had happened to David.

«Let’s go,» Jeff said to his partner, and they left.

All alone, the professor stood there for a long time until he felt cold, then he sat in the car again.

* * * * *

Day was breaking, and David thought about his work. Glancing for the last time at Marina’s dark apartment, he drove away.

He had breakfast in the first open coffee shop and drove to the University.

When he entered his office he saw a small letter on his desk. He understood everything even before he read it.

«It was going too far. Goodbye. I don’t want to be a reason for unhappiness of someone. Don’t try to find me. And I won’t reply anyway. I’m young and independent. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure I will find my real love. And you already have it. Marina.»

David heard someone enter the laboratory. His boss gazed at his face and only could shake his head.

«David,» the chief said very softly. «Go home. Now. We don’t have much work. Take the day off. Okay?»

And David nodded with gratitude.

* * * * *

He did not remember how he drove home.

Near nervous breakdown he entered the house and stood in the middle of the living room, looking around and trying coming back to his senses.

«Daddy?» he heard, and winced. Hannah came close to him.

«Mom said you’re going to leave.» Her voice quavered, and a painful feeling of guilt fell on David. He called himself a bastard. He was surprised. Why he had never noticed how much his firstborn girl looked like him? Her worried eyes searched his face, and David saw clearly – all her life depended on his answer.

«Is it true?» Hannah frowned trying not to cry, and David put his hand on her head.

«No, honey,» he said as tender as he could. «Daddy stays.»

He heard a gasp. Megan flung herself to him, threw her arms around his neck, and David embraced her.

«Forgive me,» he whispered.

«Let’s never talk about this again,» she pleaded.

«I promise.» David felt the small arms of his child timidly hugging him. «I swear,» he specified, seeing Dylon toddle into the room.

The VanSteins felt as if they had all been cured of a serious disease, and they were all happy that it was finally over.

Chapter Twenty – Three: A Hero

Today Lana planned to see her father, and Oleg was driving her in his Jeep.

It was the zenith of the summer, and the short night, hot and enchanting, had just ended. The sun looked out impartially from the magic line where earth meets sky, and this early serene morning cast pacifying and romantic thoughts over everyone.

Everything seemed as cloudless as this day’s bright blue sky, and Lana could not imagine anything that might change this mood.

They were stopped at a red light when suddenly a small dark blue truck, such as farmers prefer to use, swept past the Jeep, scratching the door on Oleg’s side and knocking off the mirror. The Blue Truck did not stop. It hit a red minivan and continued along the road. Oleg cursed.

«Did you see the registration number?» asked Lana, shocked. He gazed at her, and an idea came to him.

«Let’s get that bastard’s butt!» Oleg laughed, pushing the gas pedal. His car was much better than the other driver’s, and Oleg had no doubts about catching him.

In Russia, Oleg never paid attention to the speed limit. He had official contacts. But here, in the U.S.A., he did not want to have any trouble, and usually he would drive very carefully. Now he was enjoying the feeling of high speed. The law was on his side, and he could show himself a hero, catching a criminal.

Lana looked over at her lover. The bright orange light from the blazing sunrise passed through the car, emphasizing the manliness and handsome face of Oleg, flushed with anger and bold courage, and his red hair seemed a flame.

«The God of War, Mars himself, is beside me!» Lana thought in awe.

Chasing the offender, Oleg was smiling, recalling many similar situations in Russia. The calm and peaceful life in this small town was pretty boring for him, and only his plans for Lana held him here. He missed the active life in Moscow, and this episode was a kind of relief for this energetic man.

«Left!» screamed Lana, and Oleg cursed, as the Blue Truck swerved into a side alley and an oncoming green sedan did not allow him to follow the stalked vehicle.


However, Oleg was already familiar with the environs. He continued the pursuit taking the next street, and saw the Blue Truck leaving the town. It moved down a high, steep slope and Oleg glanced at Lana. «Hold on, my love!»

He aimed his vehicle at the truck, and the Jeep stormed downhill, hurtling through the air when it hit rough patches of ground. Oleg guffawed, «Short cut!»

Squealing with fear and excitement, Lana clung to the door handle and dash. She felt part of an avalanche, and, panicking, she thought, «He’s crazy! He’s simply crazy!» Drunk with emotion, she wished this pursuit would never end.

They neared the truck and flew along the road.

Many times the hunted driver tried to shake off his pursuer. He dropped his speed, accelerated, changed direction, but, deftly moving the Jeep, Oleg did not allow him to get away. Clenching his teeth, concentrating hard, he played this deadly dangerous game forgetting about everything, even about the wide-eyed Lana, stiffened next to him.

It was not an easy task, as Oleg had to pay attention to other cars on the road, and a few times he barely avoided a crash.

The driver of the Blue Truck was not careful. A few times he hit other vehicles, and Oleg was simply surprised at the sturdiness of this truck, capable of such speed after those collisions.

Oleg became angry, as he had not expected the chase to last so long. He bashed the Blue Truck to push it off the road, but the vehicle whirled and moved away.

Getting close, Oleg sent his Jeep straight into the running board of the truck, and this impact caused both cars to spin around. An eighteen-wheeler roared past, too close to the Jeep, and the frightened Oleg felt sweat break out over his body.

The Blue Truck lost the road, knocked down an enclosure, then managed back to the highway, trying to get away.

«If I had my gun,» dreamed a furious Oleg, thinking about the firearm he carried in Moscow. «I’d quickly teach you how to respect me!»

«Where are the damn police when you need them?» thought the vexed Lana, feeling dizzy.

The truck changed routes again, and the pursuit doubled back to the city limits.

* * * * *

Sitting in his police car, Jeff Menard was peacefully drinking coffee, when he saw a blue truck. The vehicle flew by his cruiser, and Oleg’s Jeep shot after it.

Jeff choked, threw out his paper cup and, turning on the siren, he pulled after the speeding vehicles. He reported it, and kept his eyes on the cars.

Oleg continued chasing, and finally found a suitable place to finish the pursuit, as it had started to fatigue him. He moved his car closer to the truck, and glanced at Lana. «Do you trust me, honey?»

«Yes,» she replied, impressed. «I do.»

«I’m going to stop this bastard, but it will take a hit on your side.»

«I trust you,» she repeated setting her arms and legs, and her muscles strained.

It was not the first time Oleg had done this. He sharply turned his car, and the vehicles hit each other. He did it so skillfully that the Blue Truck merely ripped off the door of his car, then veered into a ditch.

Oleg stopped. He saw the oncoming police cars. Lana looked at him with adoration. Suddenly the driver of the Blue Truck appeared from the ditch holding a baseball bat, and hit it on the window on Lana’s side. The girl squealed.

Oleg grabbed his tire-lever and rushed outside. Their weapons crossed, but Oleg had much more experience in fighting, and he swatted the bat away.

«Freeze!» Oleg heard and dropped the tire-lever. Lana rushed to him, and, sobbing, she fell onto his chest.

«You are a real hero,» she whispered into his ear, and he smiled smugly.

* * * * *

It was 4:36 p.m. already when Lana and Oleg finally reached the building site. It was a special place where Mr. Limpson usually tested all the innovations.

The couple entered and saw Lana’s father talking with Ruslan Grafinsky, and Oleg became concerned. But when they came closer, he heard it was a discussion about Ruslan’s modernization plans.

«With that combination of pulleys,» Ruslan explained with enthusiasm in his voice, «the crane would elevate a weight at least twice as heavy as now. You’ll see, observe.» They saw Oleg and Lana, and Ruslan fell silent.

«Daddy!» The girl hugged her father. She briefly told him about the pursuit. She laid it on thick and Oleg felt himself a true hero. Yet he noticed the skeptic look on Mr. Limpson’s face, and he interrupted Lana, «My love, it was nothing.»

«It was an act of heroism,» she replied, delighted.

«It was an act of boyishness.» Mr. Limpson snorted. «So, Mr. Merkulov, you risked the life of my daughter, eh?»

«Dad,» the girl drawled unpleasantly. Mr. Limpson glanced at her, then back at Oleg. «I want to talk with you, Mr. Merkulov. Lana, stay here.»

The men walked away, and the girl stood next to Ruslan.

They both were disappointed and irritated. Ruslan wanted Mr. Limpson to see the demonstration of his innovation, while the girl wanted to know what her father and Oleg were talking about.

Ruslan sighed and signaled the crane’s operator. The engine roared to life and the sheaf of slabs started rising.

«Mr. Merkulov,» Mr. Limpson addressed Oleg, when they went out of earshot from Lana. «I am a man also, and I can understand that a pretty girl, like Lana, can easily catch the interest of a male. Don’t take it as an offense, but for an experienced man it’s not difficult to turn the head of a young thing. You have done it. Great. But I’d like to know what you think about the future. I’ll be open with you. You are not the ideal husband that I wish my daughter to have. However, not the worst, I have to admit. But you’re married, and it makes me concerned. So, could you explain the situation to me?»

«I’ll be open with you, too.» Oleg smiled as nicely as he could. «I love your daughter crazily. I never imagined such feelings could ever exist. But I don’t want anyone to think I’m doing it because of her money, so I didn’t propose to her, and it’s all up to her. About my wife. We don’t love each other, but we are good friends. She has a student visa, and I can stay in the United States only because I’m her spouse. I can’t leave the U.S.A. Lana is here. She is the breath of my life. I can’t live without her, like a plant can’t live without the sun.»

«Oh, what a talker!» Mr. Limpson thought with vexation. «No wonder my poor girl fell for that

«Vera is a good person,» continued Oleg. «She has no one in her life, and she kindly agreed not to divorce me right now. But she’s able to do it any moment if I ask her about it. We already have separate budgets. Our divorce would be just a few formalities. So, I repeat, everything depends on the feelings of your daughter. She is an idol and goddess to me. If she says so, I’m ready to jump into the center of a volcano.»

Controlling himself, Mr. Limpson closed his eyes for a second. «If that bastard utters one more gibberish phrase,» he thought. «I’ll hit him

Gazing at her father and Oleg, Lana slowly walked in the direction of them, hiding herself from their view. She heard Ruslan shout something, but, having been buried in her task, the girl paid no heed and even the loud «pomp!» did not take her attention.

Suddenly someone hurled her aside, and she fell, rolling over. Next the ground shook with a powerful blow, and a cloud of dust hid the world around her.

Coughing, Lana barely sat up, looking about in bewilderment. Ruslan bent over her, and she saw her father and Oleg running toward them.

«I’ve almost killed your daughter, Mr. Limpson,» Ruslan explained helping her get up. «It was my fault. The crane did elevate the weight, but the cable wasn’t rated for the double load.»

Everybody looked at the pile of broken slabs, and at the scraps of the cable above them.

«I’m fired, Mr. Limpson, aren’t I?» Ruslan asked calmly.

«It was human error,» Mr. Limpson replied, hugging the shaken Lana. «And all is well that ends well. Would you like to hear more proverbs?»

«What an opportunity I’ve just missed!» Oleg said to himself. «Her pop’s smart, but I bet that dimwitted thing doesn’t even realize that this damn Ruslan saved her life

As if confirming this thought Lana addressed him. «Oleg, take me home, please. I don’t feel well.»

«Take care!» Mr. Limpson kissed his daughter and turned to Ruslan. «Okay, let’s try again.»

They started talking, and Oleg took Lana to his car.

The businessman paused, then addressed Ruslan. «Thank you for rescuing my daughter.»