
A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

487. 1. Podiceps cristatus, Lath. Crested Grebe

Plate CCXCII. Male and Female.

Male with the bill about the length of the head, rather slender, blackish-brown, tinged with carmine; feet greenish-black, tinged with greyish-blue; tail of fourteen feathers; two tufts of elongated feathers on the occiput, and a large frill on the sides and anterior part of the neck; upper part of head and tufts greyish-black, tinged with green, as is the hind part of the ruff, its anterior part being brownish-red; sides of the head and throat white; fore neck white, tinged with brown; breast silvery-white, sides reddish-brown, with dusky streaks; upper parts brownish-black, the feathers edged with lighter, the sides of the neck tinged with reddish, as is the rump; wing-coverts greyish-brown; primary quills brownish-black, middle secondaries, inner webs of their coverts, and outer webs of outer scapulars, white. Female with the occipital feathers a little elongated, but without the ruff; bill dusky green, upper part of head and hind neck blackish-grey; back and wings as in the male, but more tinged with grey; lower parts silvery-white, the sides dusky.


, 24, 33.

Not uncommon during autumn and early spring on all the larger streams of the Western Country, as well as on the coast of the Atlantic, from Nova Scotia to Texas. Breeds in the mountainous parts of the Fur Countries, Rocky Mountains, and high latitudes. Migratory.

Podiceps cristatus, Bonap. Syn. p. 417.

Podiceps cristatus, Crested Grebe, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 410.

Crested Grebe or Gannet, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 250.

Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 598.

488. 2. Podiceps rubricollis, Lath. Red-necked Grebe

Plate CCXCVIII. Adult Male, and Young in winter.

Male with the bill about the length of the head, rather slender, brownish-black, yellow at the base; tarsi and toes greenish-black externally, yellow on the inner side; two tufts of elongated feathers behind the eye; feathers on the hind part of the cheeks also elongated; upper part of head greyish-black, lower part ash-grey, with a white line from the base of the lower mandible to beyond the eye; hind part of neck, and upper parts generally, greyish-black, the feathers edged with paler; edges of wings and outer secondaries white; fore part and sides of neck rich brownish-red; breast and sides silvery-white, faintly marked with grey. Young, in winter, with the bill bright yellow, its ridge dusky; feet as in the adult; upper part of head blackish-grey; hind neck and upper parts of the same colour, darker towards the end; edge of wing and outer secondaries greyish-white, the latter grey towards the end; lower parts greyish-white.


, 183/4, 32.

During winter, not uncommon from New York to Maine. Breeds in the Fur Countries. Accidental in the interior.

Podiceps rubricollis, Bonap. Syn. p. 417.

Podiceps rubricollis, Red-necked Grebe, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 411.

Red-necked Grebe, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 253.

Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps rubricollis, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 617; v. v. p. 620.

489. 3. Podiceps cornutus, Linn. Horned Grebe

Plate CCLIX. Male and Female.

Male with the bill shorter than the