
Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Musical review, editor 1568.

Musical standard, proprietor 1309.

Musical world, editor 1568.

Nation re-established 499.

National omnibus started 199.

New Brunswick reporter, editor 1501.

New York globe started 242.

New York herald commenced 242.

Nonsuch a farrago of something, commenced 329.

North British daily mail, editor 66.

Northampton mercury, editor 870,

proprietor 871.

Observer, manager 910,

proprietor 644,

theatrical critic 1061.

Official gazette, Oxford, editor 1374.

Paisley and Renfrewshire gazette, editor 699.

Paris sun commenced 11.

Paris times, editor 1022.

Parthenon, editor 1175.

Patriot, editor 690.

Pembrokeshire herald, editor 1123.

People’s college journal commenced 200.

Pilot newspaper, Dublin, established 178.

Polar star, editor 1450.

Politician started 306.

Post circular, editor 671.

Practical florist, editor 1157.

Press, manager 1098.

Protestant guardian established 502.

Puck projected 600,

artists on 1162.

Punch, artists on 912, 1083,

contributors 4, 5, 745,

editor 419,

originators of 1490,

persons caricatured in 34,

printer of 372,

word with, by Bunn 473,

writers of first number 1209.

Queen, proprietor 741.

Racing times projected 678.

Railway times founded 379,

proprietor 274.

Record, editor 1120,

publisher 1181.

Republican argus established 281.

Representative, The, publisher 715.

Roman advertiser originated 1419.

St. James’s chronicle founded 140,

editor 1143.

Satirist or censor of the times established 1233.

Saturday review, editor 1370,

owners of 1529.

Sentinel, Dublin, editor 1193.

Sheffield mercury, editor 1509.

Sheffield times, proprietor 1355.

South American journal founded 1272.

Sporting life, editor 1032.

Standard founded 140,

editors 1002, 1143.

Statesman founded 148.

Statesman and patriot, Dublin, instituted 1395.

Statesman or weekly true sun established 1364.

Sunday times established 1364,

editor 1129.

Sussex agricultural express established 198.

Tatler, The, editor 1591.

Teetotal times started 568.

Theatrical journal founded 262,

ceased 262.

Times, correspondent 1441,

counsel to 1586,

editors 602, 851,

exposed the railway mania 851,

express Alexandria to London, Waghorn’s 851,

financial manager 851,

foreign correspondent 1329,

musical critics 833, 1568,

parliamentary reporter 1574,

printing presses 77, 738, 739,

publishers 715, 1174,

railway correspondent 1270,

reporter 1090,

staff 1250,

stereotyped 854.

Toronto daily chronicle, editor 1500.

Toronto examiner founded 1480.

True sun, dramatic critic 1084,

proprietor 1364.

Truth promoter, publisher 358.

Universal news, editor 1342.

Warden, Dublin, and Protestant guardian 502.

Warwick advertiser, editor 1449.

Watchman, libel in 1130.

Weekly chronicle projected 1518.

Weekly dispatch, editor 1107,

proprietors 878, 1341.

West Surrey times, proprietor 1574.

Weymouth gazette, proprietor 1371.

World incorporated with the Patriot 351.

York herald, proprietor 1337.

Neurypnology or nervous sleep 378.

New Zealand, Canterbury colony founded 1163,

Haast the explorer 1269,

Hokilika theatre built 1611,

surrender of W. Thompson 545,

Wellington chosen the capital 1258.

Nicholas d. 1855 emperor of Russia, his coronation 869,

visit to England 869.

Nickel and cobalt manufacturers 1001.

Niger river, explorers of, Allen 53,

Baikie 126,

Beecroft 221,

Glover 1159.

Nodules, phosphatic, used for manure 1434.

Nonconformists, first to take degrees at Cambridge 399.

Northfleet, Kent, Huggens’ college 1569.

Norfolk, list of sheriffs of 819.

Northampton, bishop 57,

lord lieutenant 1010.

North-west passage discovered and effected 758.

Northumberland, Meldon park purchased 706.

Norwich, Alexander’s chapel 43,

Brightwell’s collection of coleoptera 401.

Nottingham, bishop of 1426,

Trent bridge cricket ground 636.

Novels etc., Characters represented in.

Amicus in Davy’s Angler and his friends i.e. George Gulliver 1257.

Anticant, Dr. Pessimist in Trollope’s The Warden i.e. Thomas Carlyle 550.

Athulf, Earl in Taylor’s Edwin the Fair i.e. Sir C. Elliot 978.

Baynham, Fred in Thackeray’s The Newcombes i.e. W. P. Bolland 329.

Bowker, Will. in Yates’ Land at Last i.e. W. P. Bolland 329.

Bucket, Inspector in Dickens’ Bleak House i.e. C. F. Field 1040–41.

Burney, Canon in Tabor’s The Master of Marton and The diary of a novelist i.e. T. Binney 281.

C. in The Theatre, in Ainsworth’s December Tales i.e. James Crossley 773.

Cælebs in Moor’s Cælebs in search of a wife i.e. J. S. Harford 1335.

Cann, A. in Kingsley’s Recollection of Geoffry Hamlyn i.e. Abraham Cann 536.

Castlemaine in Lawrence’s Sans Merci i.e. James Clay 640.

Chesterlane, earl of, in D’Horsay i.e. George, earl of Chesterfield 605.

Clerks, One of the three in Oxenford’s My Fellow clerks i.e. Sir W. Bovill 354.

Conyers, Eglington in Hay’s The club and the drawing room i.e. J. Hannay 1320.


Crawley, Councillor in Morgan’s Florence Macarthy i.e. J. W. Corker 764.

D’Horsay i.e. Comte D’Orsay 900.

Disraeli in Lady Lytton’s Behind the scenes i.e. B. Disraeli 204.

Dolphin, Mr. in Thackeray’s Pendennis i.e. Alfred Bunn 473.

Fitzalleyne of Berkeley in Molloy’s Fitzalleyne of Berkeley i.e. William, earl Fitzhardinge 1062.

Foaming Fudge in Disraeli’s Vivian Grey i.e. Lord Brougham 426.

Foker, Harry in Thackeray’s Pendennis i.e. A. Arcedeckne 80.

Friend, The Learned in Peacock’s Crotchet Castle i.e. Lord Brougham 426.

Gray, Mr. in Ward’s Robert Elsmere i.e. Thomas H. Green 1227.

Grey, Vivian i.e. Benjamin Disraeli 204.

Grimston, R. in Melville’s Capt. Digby Grand i.e. R. Grimston 1249.

Grotait in Reade’s Put yourself in his place i.e. W. Broadhead 405.

Gullson, Dr. in Reade’s It is never too late to mend i.e. J. M. Gully 1257.

Hamilton, Percy by Lennox i.e. S. Beazley 214.

Helstone, Mr. in Bronte’s Shirley i.e. P. Bronte 414.

Heenan in Jenkins’ Lisa Lena i.e. J. C. Heenan 1417.

Heron, Roderick in Pinero’s Lady Bountiful i.e. J. H. Leigh Hunt 1591.

Ianthe in About’s Grèce Contemporaine i.e. Jane Elizabeth Digby 878.

La Croasse in Brougham’s Albert Lunel i.e. J. W. Croker 764.

Létorière, le marquis de by Sue i.e. Count D’Orsay 900.

Lorrequer, Harry by Lever i.e. John Brougham 427.

Maidens, One of the, in Wordsworth’s Trias i.e. Sara Coleridge 675.

Mauprat by G. Sand i.e. William baron Dalling and Bulwer 806.

Micawber in Dickens’ David Copperfield i.e. J. Dickens 873.

Millbank, Mr. in Disraeli’s Coningsby i.e. E. Ashworth 97.

Mirabel, Count in Disraeli’s Henrietta Temple i.e. Count D’Orsay 900.

Missionary, The, in Richmond’s Dairyman’s Daughter i.e. Rev. James Crabb 745.

Papaverius in Burton’s The Book Hunter i.e. T. De Quincy 862.

Popular Sentiment, Mr. in Trollope’s The Warden i.e. C. Dickens 873.

Rigby in Disraeli’s Coningsby i.e. J. W. Croker 764.

Sampson, Dr. in Reade’s Hard Cash i.e. S. Dickson 877.

Serpleton, Oliver in Brown’s The Dwale Bluth i.e. Charles B. Cayley 577.

Skimpole, Harold in Dickens’ Bleak house i.e. J. H. Leigh Hunt 1591.

Sludge, Mr. the medium by Browning i.e. Daniel D. Home 1519.

Squire, The, in Hughes’ The scouring of the White Horse i.e. E. M. Atkins 102.

Steyne, Marquis of, in Thackeray’s Vanity Fair i.e. Marquis of Hertford 764.

Tallboys in Wilson’s Noctes Ambrosianæ i.e. H. G. Bell 228.

Tremaine, Canon in M. Collins’ Sweet and Twenty i.e. R. S. Hawker 1385.

Tuft, Venom in Warren’s Ten thousand a year i.e. Abraham Hayward 1402.

Vivida Vis in Disraeli’s Vivian Grey i.e. J. W. Croker 764.

Whitestock, Frank in Thackeray’s Curates Walk i.e. W. H. Brookfield 419.

Wordy, Mr. in Disraeli’s Coningsby i.e. Sir A. Alison 47.

Young Master, The, in Hughes’ Tom Brown’s school days i.e. G. E. L. Cotton 728.

Nursing sisterhoods, account of 850.


Oboe player, Barrett 176.

O’Brien, William Smith d. 1864 politician, his monster petition to the commons 1241.

Observatories, Adie’s 25,

Barclay’s 158,

Bishop’s 289,

Churt, Surrey 559,

Clabury 1497,

Drew’s 917,

Elchies’ 1204,

Gorton’s 1186,

Hawkwood 1497,

Makerstoun 428,

Markree castle 709,

Melbourne reflector 1252,

Oakshaw hill 657,

Parsonstown speculum 1252,

Penmaenmawr erected 1155.

Obelisks, Egyptian in New York 1186.

O’Connell, Daniel d. 1847 patriot, challenged to a discussion 702,

friend 1048,

his newspapers 178,

imprisoned 1216,

trial 1061, 1429, 1472.

O’Farrell, Henry James executed 1878 fenian, shot the duke of Edinburgh 99.

Offices, etc. abolished, army accounts office 256,

bankruptcy, commissioners of 1517,

bankruptcy court Bristol, commissioners of 1473,

bankruptcy court Newcastle 1142,

Bristol court of conscience 1340,

chancery, masters in 426, 1026, 1587,

chancery, official examiner of court of 214,

chancery court, Ireland, registrar of 110,

Chatham dockyard, chief engineer 138,

commissary in chief in army 1446,

consul general in U.S. America 135,

court of review 451,

duke of Beaufort’s gaol at Swansea 1017,

esquire bedel at Oxford 1358,

exchequer, cursitor baron of the 151,

exchequer, lord chief baron of 935,

foreign office agencies 253,

Holyrood park, keeper of 1271,

Leeds, commissioner of court of bankruptcy 115,

Lincolnshire, receiver general for 1114,

lord mayor’s court, privileged attorney of 93,

marshalsea court 390,

martello towers, superintendent of 1494,

mission to Tuscany 8,

palace court 390, 530,

ordnance, principal storekeeper of 1374,

palatinate chancery court at Durham 833,

pells, clerk of the 983,

queen’s messengers, superintendent of 1450,

subpœna office, patentee of the 868,

review, court of 451,

tower of London, deputy lieut. 864,

Tamworth recordership 1594,

Westminster, keeper of old and new palaces in county of Middlesex i.e. Westminster hall 441.

O’Hara, Charles, major general and lieutenant governor of Gibraltar, engaged to Mary Berry 259.

Oilmen, Cross and Blackwell 299.

Omnibus owner, Hearn 1409.

Open air preacher, Bowes 358.

Opera, English, attempt to establish 1357.

Opium eaters, Coleridge 862,

De Quincy 862.

Optical delusions, Pepper’s ghost 881.

Opticians, Cooke 703,

Dancer 811,

Dollond 891,

Grubb 1252.

Organ builders, Abbey 1,

Havergal 1381.

Organists, Brownsmith 449,

Buck 460,

Camidge 525,

Clark 626,

Cooper G. 710,

Cooper J. T. 711,

Corfe A. T. 719,

Corfe C. W. 719,

Corfe J. D. 719,

Coward 735,

Gauntlett 1131,

Greatorex 1221,

Harris 1349,

Hart 1359,

Hewlett 1455,

Hiles 1468,

Hodges 1490,

Holden 1503,

Hopkins 1534.

Orientalists, congress of in London 283,

oriental translation fund 103, 789.

Ornithologists, Edmondston 962,

Forbes 1079,

Gray 1219,

Hancock 1314,

See also Birds 1626.

Otter hounds 102.

Owen, Robert Dale in Indiana 818.

Oxford, Aldrichian professorship of chemistry suppressed 409,

Ashmolean museum, keeper 930,

bible press 688,

bishop 125,

boat race, first eight oared 967,

boat race, first victory Putney to Mortlake 395,

boat race with Cambridge, the first 1125,

Bodleian lib. 743,

Bulteel’s chapel 471,

Buller of Brasenose 1573,

chancellor 863,

Clarendon press 688,

coffee tavern established 1227,

crew of seven oars beat Camb. eight oars 1571,

double first class 162, 708, 895, 1182, 1604,

drinking, a synopsis of 569,

esquire bedel office abolished 1084, 1358,

Fielding’s herbarium 1043,

Grinfield lectureship on septuagint 1249,

Hall and Houghton prizes 1548,

high steward of univ. 868,

Hope collections 1530,

how to be plucked 569,


Keble coll. chapel built 1138,

Magdalen coll. school 1473,

master of arts by examination 651,

matriculation registers 605,

New inn hall joined to Balliol coll. 721,

Oriel grace cup song 1573,

Oxford Spy, the 335,

Oxford to Rome, From 1347,

recollections of 741,

Radcliffe infirmary 688,

St. Barnabas, Jericho 688,

Taylor buildings 664,

Union society 692,

University coll. Hogg expelled 1503.

Oxfordshire, Ewelme rectory, debate about 1369,

lord lieutenant 821.

Oxygen, magnetic character of 1020.


Paganini, Niccolo d. 1840, his last concert 871.

Painters, Ballantine 147,

Bewick T. 267,

Bewick W. 267,

Biddle 272,

Binyon 282,

Blacklock 298,

Boddington 323,

Bond 331,

Bonnar 333,

Bough 347,

Bouvier 353,

Bowness W. 362,

Boxall 364,

Branwhite 383,

Bridell 395,

Bright 398,

Brockedon 406,

Brocky 407,

Bromley 413,

Burnet 486,

Bunny 473,

Burgess 478,

Buss 498,

Caldecott 513,

Callow 518,

Calvert 519,

Carmichael 551,

Carpenter 554,

Carrick 558,

Cary 566,

Cassie 568,

Cattermole 572,

Chalmers 582,

Chalon A. E. 584,

Chalon J. J. 584,

Charretie 596,

Chase 597,

Childe 609,

Clater 638,

Claxton 639,

Clay 639,

Clint A. 650,

Clint G. 650,

Cole 670,

Cook R. 700,

Cook S. 700,

Cooke 701,

Cooper 707,

Coral 1601,

Corbaux 717,

Cotman 726,

Cowen 737,

Cox D. 739,

Cox D. junior 740,

Crawford E. T. 754,

Crawford W. 755,

Creswick 759,

Cross 770,

Crowley 776,

Cruikshank G. 777,

Cruikshank F. 1149,

Cruikshank I. R. 778,

Danby F. 810,

Danby J. F. 810,

Danby T. 810,

Danson 812,

Davis 831,

Davis R. B. 832,

Davis W. 832,

Dawson 838,

Deane 843,

De La Motte 850–51,

Derby 863,

Docharty 887,

Dodgson 889,

Dove 905,

Drummond 920,

Duncan 929,

Duval 945,

Eastlake 953,

Edwards 965,

Egg 970,

Egley 971,

Elder 972,

Elen 973,

Elmore 988,

Essex 998,

Evans R. 1004,

Evans S. 1006,

Evans W. 1006,

Evans W. 1006,

Everitt 1007,

Fahey 1013,

Fairland 1015,

Farrier 1026,

Ferneley 1038,

Fielding A. 1043,

Fielding N. 1043,

Fielding T. 1044,

Finch 1045,

Fischer 1051,

Fisk W. 1055,

Fisk W. H. 1055,

Foggo G. 1072,

Foggo J. 1072–73,

Foster 1089,

Fradelle 1096,

Fraser 1100,

Frost 1110,

Fyfe 1114,

Gastineau 1130,

Gavin 1131,

Gendall 1134,

Gibson D. C. 1139,

Gibson J. 1140,

Gilbert J. 1199,

Gilbert J. F. 1145,

Giles 1147,

Gillies 1149,

Glew 1157,

Goddard 1162,

Good 1171,

Goodall E., F. T., H. and W. 1171–72,

Gordon J. W. 1181,

Graham 1199,

Grant Sir F. 1202,

Grant W. A. I. 1207,

Grant W. J. 1207,

Gray 1218,

Green B. R. 1222,

Green J. 1222,

Haghe 1274,

Hall H. 1285,

Hall J. 1286,

Hall W. 1291,

Hall W. 1291,

Halliday 1295,

Hamilton 1302,

Hammersley 1308,

Harding G. P. 1326,

Harding J. D. 1326,

Hardwick C. 1330,

Hardwick P. 1330,

Harraden 1343,

Harley 1340,

Harrison 1354,

Hart 1360,

Harvey 1365,

Haslem 1370,

Haussmann 1379,

Havell 1379,

Havers 1381,

Haverty 1381,

Hayes J. 1398,

Hayes M. A. 1398,

Hayter 1401,

Heaphy 1408,

Henderson 1422,

Herbert A. 1438,

Herbert C. W. 1439,

Herbert J. B. 1441,

Herdman R. 1443,

Herdman W. G. 1443,

Hering 1443,

Herring 1446,

Hill D. O. 1469,

Hill J. J. 1471,

Hodgson 1497,

Holding F. 1505,

Holding H. J. 1505,

Holl F. 1506,

Holl F. M. 1506,

Holland Jas. 1509,

Holland John 1509,

Hollins 1511,

Holmes 1514,

Hopley 1535,

Houghton 1548,

Houston 1549,

Howard 1551,

Huard 1563,

Huggins S. 1570,

Huggins W. 1570,

Hughes 1572,

Hull 1580,

Hulme 1581,

Humphreys 1587,

Hunt A. 1589,

Hunt W. H. 1594,

Hunter 1596,

Hurdis 1600,

Hurlstone 1601,

Landseer 228,

Maclise 1171,

Reynolds 730,

Stanfield 1171,

Turner 1171,

Varley 1043,

Wilkie 1100.

Painting and Paintings, grammar of colouring 1042,

Harding’s papers 1326,

lithotint invented 1326,

machine for taking faces 1089,

pictures by masters imported 460,

Pre-Raphaeliteism 628, 946, 1295, 1443,

printing in oil colours invented 197,

repairer of 1557,

shilling art unions established 1443,

Somerset house sch. of design 941,

Westminster hall competition 1551,

See also Pictures.

Paisley, Clark scholarships 626,

Coat’s statue 657,

Fountain’s gardens 657,

Oakshaw hill observatory 657,

town hall 626.

Palestine, exploration fund 884, 914, 1507,

travellers in Ameuney 56

and Buckingham 461.

Pali scholar, Childers 610.

Palmerston, Henry John, viscount d. 1865, banquet to 255,

correspondent 865,

government defeated 1564,

opposed by Anstey 74,

Palmerston, what has he done 692,

pistol fired at 825,

resignation of his ministry 1141.

Panama railway 571.

Panics, The three 660.

Panizzi, Sir Antonio d. 1879 author, British museum reading room 1545.

Panoramas and Dioramas, Arctic regions 447, 1243,

Baalbec 571,

Barker’s 164, 477,

Burford’s 477,

Colosseum designed 494,

theatrical portraits exhibited at 498,

finally closed 119,

Crimean war 1243,

Jerusalem 571,

Ocean mail 1243,

Overland route 1243,

Reinagle and Barker’s panorama 164,

Rio Janiero 475,

Thebes 571,

Waterloo 164.

Pantomimists, Fairbrother 955,

Hartland 1361,

Herring 1447,

Hill 1475,

See also Clowns 1632,

Harlequins 1645

and Pantaloons 1680.

Pantaloons, Barnes 173,

Blanchard 308,

Howell 1557.

Paper and paper making, bleached straw used 145,

continuous paper 1091,

duties on 1099, 1518,

esparto used for 145,

fibres used for making 767,

Fourdrinier 1091,

Harding’s tinted 1326,

iridescent films on 851,

machines for making 895, 1091,

makers of 767, 874, 1124, 1490,

nettles made into 198,

note paper put up in 5 quire packets 645,

straw and grass made into 645,

writing paper, indelible, for prevention of forgery 159.

Parafin oil manufacturer 280.

Parish registers, Chester’s collection 605.

Parliament See also Commons and Lords, false declaration as to member’s qualification 1159,

great speaker 1586,

long contest at an election 499,

member unseated for bribery, re-elected and sitting in same parliament 640,

members who never took their seats 251, 573,

minorities, representation of 1476,

person committed to custody of serjeant at arms 677,

serjeant at arms 1188,

suffrage, female, first advocated 818,

thanks given to members 107, 251, 1003, 1039, 1159, 1188, 1189, 1251.

Parliament, houses of, drawings of 54,

erected 181,

lighting of 1261,

pictures in 1441,

stained glass windows 147,

ventilation of 379.

Parnell, Charles Stewart d. 1891 M.P., his trial 1057.

Parry, John Orlando d. 1879, entertainments written for 425.


Behram Pasha i.e. R. Cannon 537.

Gordon Pasha i.e. C. G. Gordon 1178.

Hicks Pacha i.e. W. Hicks 1462.

Hobart Pasha i.e. A. C. Hobart 1487.

Khourschid Pasha i.e. R. D. Guyon 1267.

Pawn broker, Hodgkinson 1493.

Patents, Edmunds scandal case 963,

the law of 557,

litigation respecting Bovill’s flour patent 353.

Patent medicine vendor, Holloway 1512.

Pathological collections 408, 782.

Paul, Sir John Dean, bart. d. 1868, banker 1184.

Paymasters general, Adams 14,

Ashburton 94,

Cave 575,

Colchester 670,

Donoughmore 897,

Hutt 1608.

Peace, congress in Brussels 358,

in London 394

and in Paris 491,

lord Hamond’s opinion on peace 1309.

Pedestrians, Allardyce 49,

Ancell 58,

Andrews 68,

Barclay 49,

Burritt 491,

Chambers 586,

Howard 1553.

Peebles, Chambers’ institution 588.

Peel, John d. 1854 hunter, D’ye ken John Peel 1212.

Peel, Sir Robert d. 1850 baronet, dismisses Rowland Hill 1474,

his surgeon 1496.

Peerage claims,

Airth 49,

Annandale 1532,

Annesley 72,

Antrim 76,

Ashtown 96,

Balfour 452,

Barry 182,

Beaumont 213,

Berkeley 1062 bis,

Borthwick 343,

Braye 387,

Breadalbane 388,

Bridgewater 1283,

Buttevant 182,

Camoys 525,

Carlyle 550,

Chesterfield 606,

Crawford 753,

Derwentwater 865,

Hastings 1372,

Huntley 1599,

Hyndford 551,

Mar 753,

Montrose 753,

Shrewsbury 1283,

Stirling 42, 152,

Strathern 49,

Wentworth 507.

Peers, trial of Cardigan 542,

vice chancellor made a peer 751,

who never assumed title 253,

who never took their seats 38, 253, 566.

Pelargoniums, grower of, Beck 216.

Pencils, ever pointed invented 1389.

Pens, iridium pointed 1389, patent 117.

Pensions declined and resigned, Anglesey 71,

Fydell 1114,

Hallam 1293.

Penzance, Carne museum of minerals 552,

Elizabeth schools 552,

guide to 734.

Pepys, Samuel d. 1703 sec. of admiralty, his diary 386, 399.

Perfumer, Atkinson 103.

Perceval, Spencer assassinated 1812,

person present at his death 1516.

Persia, Nassr-ed-Dīn, Shah of b. 1839, his physician 876,

sword of honour given by 589,

visit to England 876.

Persian princes in England 1101.

Persian scholars,

Brown 430,

Brunton 454,

Falconer 1016,

Forbes 1076,

Fraser 1101,

Goldney 1166,

Goldsmid 1167,

Hughes 1577.

Perth, St. Ninian’s cathedral 1075.

Peruvian bark, collection of 1553.

Peschito scholar 999.

Peter Parley’s tales of the sun, by rev. S. Clark 628.

Peter Simple, account of his escape drawn from Boys’ Narrative of captivity in France 370.

Petersham, Lord d. 1851 earl of Harington, his great coat, hat, blacking and snuff 1344,

marriage to Maria Foote 1344.

Peto, Sir Samuel Morton d. 1889 railway contractor, his partner Betts 265.

Phantasmagoria invented 783.

Phillis is my only joy, a song 1487.

Phillpotts, Henry d. 1869 bp. of Exeter, refuses to institute Gorham 1185.

Phosphoric acid, polybasic character of 1198.


applied to portraiture 1469,

calotype used 1469,

camera 81,

cardboard photographic portrait 870,

collodion applied to 81,

daguerreotype, improvements in 1497,

first portrait from life 915,

gelatine process 81,

lens 81,

lens improved 806,

lens, triple 81,

moon, first photograph of 915,

photographic exhibition 524,

self recording meteorological instruments 415.

Photographers, Anderson 62,

Archer 81,

Cameron 524,

Claudet 638.

Photometer, Leslie’s 458.

Phrenology, Combe 688,

consistent with science 735,

Fowler 1093,

Holm 1512,

phrenological soc. 688.


Baly 149,

Bankhead 152,

Bright 400,

Chambers 588,

Christison 617,

Clark 626,

Clarke 631,

Clutterbuck 656,

Cormack 720,

Corrigan 723,

Craigie 747,

Crichton 760,

Dickson J. R. 876,

Dickson Sir J. R. L. 876,

Dickson R. 876,

Dickson S. 877,

Dickinson 875,

Doratt 898,

Downie 909,

Druitt 918,

Dumbreck 927,

Dunglison 936,

Edwards 965,

Epps 954,

Eyre 1011,

Fagge 1013,

Falconer 1017,

Farre A. 1024,

Farre F. J. 1024,

Farre J. R. 1024,

Fellowes 1032,

Ferguson J. C. 1035,

Ferguson R. 1036,

Fife 1044,

Fisher J. W. 1053,

Fisher W. W. 1054,

Fleming A. 1067,

Fleming C. 1067,

Fleming J. G. 1068,

Forbes 1075,

Forsyth 1087,

Fothergill 1090,

Fowler 1093,

Fox H. H. 1095,

Fox W. T. 1096,

Fox, Wilson 1096,

Froude 1110,

Furnell 1113,

Fyfe 1114,

Gairdner J. 1116,

Gairdner W. 1116,

Gavin 1131,

Gibb 1136,

Grant 1205,

Granville 1208,

Gream 1220,

Greenhow 1228,

Gull 1257,

Gully 1257,

Guy 1266,

Habershon 1269,

Haldane 1276,

Hall C. R. 1283,

Hall Sir J. 1286,

Hall M. 1288,

Hardwicke 1331,

Hardy 1332,

Harris 1347,

Harrison 1355,

Harty 1363,

Harvey 1364,

Hastings 1372,

Haviland 1382,

Hawkins 1388,

Heaton 1414,

Henderson 1426,

Henry 1432,

Heslop 1452,

Hilditch 1466,

Hillier 1477,

Hodgkin 1492,

Hoffmeister 1500,

Holland G. C. 1508,

Holland H. 1508,

Hood 1525,

Hudson 1565,

Hue 1568,

Hull 1580,

Hume 1585,

Hunt 1590,

Hunter A. 1594,

Hutton 1608.

Pianists, See also Musical Composers 1665,

Anderson 60,

Anderson 64,

Ascher 93,

Bertini 260,

Cramer 749,

Hicks 1461.

Piano, hand moulds for 1385,

pianoforte makers,

Clementi 676,

Collard 676 and Graddon 1138,

portable grand invented 1389.

Pickford & Co. carriers 196.

Picquet player, Hughes 1578.

Pictures, Collections of,

Ashburnham 93,

Bale 142,

Barker 162,

Barry 182,

Barton 188,

Bell 228, 231,

Bicknell 271,

Blake 303,

Bolckow 327,

Bridell 395,

Duncan 929,

Eardley 951,

Essex 998,

Etty 1151,

Fletcher 1070,

Gillott 1151,

Hermon 1444,

Hope 1529,

Hope 1531,

Sheepshanks 1092,

Turner 1151,

Wolff 395,

See also Painting col. 1679.

Pigeons, Barber’s blue rocks 156,

purveyor of 156,

shooting 73.

Pigott, Richard d. 1889 forger,

his trial 1058.

Pigs, Fisher Hobbs’ pigs 1488.

Pill maker, Holloway 1512.

Pin manufacturer, Charleton 595.

Piper, Cameron 523.

Pipes and smoking apparatus, Bragge’s collection 378.

Piquet player, Clay 640.

Pitsligo press, Burntisland, founded 1077.

Planché, James Robinson d. 1880 Somerset herald, Fortunio 1567,

The Irish post 1567.

Plants, collectors of, Cuming 783,

Haslam 1370.

Plate, collection of Bernal 255.

Plate glass window, death from walking through 140.

Plesiosaurus, a genus of reptilia 697.

Pleistocene mammalia found at Ilford 376.


drainage 1093,

steam 1055, 1093,

See also Agriculture 1620.

Plymouth, bishop of 995,

Blue friars’ soc. 1351,

Cotton library 730,

eye dispensary 502,

iron forts constructed 353,

Plymouth dock, name changed to Devonport 22,

Plymouth dockyard disease 502.

Poems, long,

Israel in Egypt 101,

Saul, a drama 1414.

Poland, national league for independence of 206.

Polander performer, Hughes 1570.

Police detectives Brett and Haydon 1396,

inspectors 1040,

new system 908.

Polperro, history of 731.

Polyartist, a 1557.

Ponsonby, Spencer, cured by Hutton bone setter 1609.

Poole, court of record 468.

Poor law board presidents,

Baines 132,

Estcourt 999,

Gibson 1142.

Poor servants of the Mother of God incarnate 1112.

Poplin manufacturer, Atkinson 104.

Population, census of 1023.

Porcelain manufacturers, Blore 317,

Copeland 716.

Portland cement, experiments on 1204.

Portugal, Dom Pedro’s expedition to 1491,

sum given to sufferers by Massena’s invasion 763.

Positivist, Baxter 197.

Post office, adhesive stamps introduced 1474,

cheap postage introduced 1474,

ocean penny postage 375,

parcels post established 1027,

penny postage established 1474,

physician general 1131,

stamps, designs for 583,

stamps invented at Dundee 583,

stamp perforator 81.

Postmasters General, Canning 536,

Clanricarde 622,

Colchester 670,

Conyngham 698,

Elgin 973,

Fawcett 1027,

Hardwicke 1331.

Potato, potato sowing machine 1055,

potato spirit 240.

Potters, Dillwyn 880,

Doulton 904.

Power loom, invention of 565.

Prayer, healing by means of 472.

Press prosecutions, Dolby 891,

Drakard 914,

Finlay 1048,

Hobhouse 427.

Presses, screw and side lever 528.

Preston, Lancashire, money left to 1346,

St. Walburge’s ch. spire 1322.

Pretenders, See Claimants 1632.

Prime ministers,

Aberdeen 6,

Derby 863,

Disraeli 203,

Grey 1555,

Palmerston 1564.

Primrose day, first kept 204,

primrose league, founders of 1329.

Prince consort created 39,

See also Albert 1621.

Print dealers,

Colnaghi 684,

Evans 1002,

Graves 1211,

Halsted 1296.


Applegath 77,

Clay 640,

Clowes 655,

Cox & Son 742,

Cox & Wyman 742,

Dunkin 936,

Gardner 1122,

Gilbert 1145,

Harrild 1344,

Harrison 1356,

Heavysides 1414,

Holmes 1515,

Howe 1556.


ball and roller 77,

bank note machine 77,

Bigg’s charity for printers 275,

cast words, use of 239,

colour printing machine 77,

composition balls and printing roller 895, 1344,

Cowper’s machines 738,

Figgins type founder 1045,

Franklin’s printing press 1344,

ink distributing machine 739,

inking rollers first used 198,

machinery, improvements in 895,

machinery for printing and composing type 239,

nature printing 372,

printing press, four cylinder 77, 739,

printing press, steam 77,

printing presses,

Applegath’s 738, 739,

Cowper’s 738 and Walter’s 738,

queen’s printers’ patent 610,

rotatory printing press 1474,

silk printing 77, type founder 261,

type-high stereotype columns in newspapers 1355,

type setting machine 1377,

type setting without copy 1290,

typographical gazetteer 729,

vertical machine 77.

Printing presses, private,

Botfield 346,

Gorton 1186.

Prisons and Prisoners,

chaplain 640,

diseases and mortality of 345,

improved prisons 1382,

prisoners of war, hospital for 486,

treadmill invented 779.

Private secretary, a comedy 1477.

Privy councillor, nominated but not sworn in 590.

Privy seal, lords keeper of the,

Buccleugh 457,

Buckingham 460,

Clanricarde 621,

Clarendon 623,

Disraeli 203,

Ellenborough 975,

Haddington 1271,

Halifax 1281,

Hardwicke 1331,

Harrowby 1358.

Probate and divorce court, Cresswell judge 758,

established 758.

Probate duty, large amount 779.

Probert, William hanged 1825 for horse stealing 1592.

Property, real property commission 409.

Provision merchants, Budgett 467 and Finnis 1050.

Psalms, free chant system of reciting 774.


See also Actors’ stage names 1619,

Initialism 1648,

Names 1665 and Novels 1675.

* * * i.e. Arthur Gerald Geoghegan 1135.

Alazon i.e. Richard William Barnes 172.

Aleph i.e. William Harvey 1368.

Amicus Curiæ i.e. John Payne Collier 677.

Anglo-American i.e. Sir Brenton Halliburton 1294.

Anti-Reformist i.e. John Hope 1532.

Asiatic Liberal, An i.e. George Burges 477.

Atkinson, Isaac i.e. James Anderson 62.

Augur i.e. Henry Mort Feist 1032.

Aunt Effie i.e. Ann Hawkshaw 1391.

Aunt Lucy i.e. Lucy Elizabeth Bather 193.

Auntie B. i.e. Bertha H. Buxton 503.

Author of “Contrasts” i.e. William Gilbert 590.

Author of “Handbook of fictitious names” i.e. Ralph Thomas 426.

Ayrton, J. C. i.e. Mary Francis Chapman 592.

B., H. i.e. John Doyle 911.

Balance, A i.e. Thomas Binney 281.

Barleycorn, John i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Barnard de Burgh i.e. Barnabas Brough 424.

Beaujolais i.e. Hans Busk 498.

Beemaster i.e. Rev. John Cumming 784.

Bell, Acton i.e. Anne Bronte 413.

Bell, Currer i.e. Charlotte Bronte 413.

Bell, Ellis i.e. Emily Bronte 413.

Belgravian Mother, A i.e. Matthew J. Higgins 1464.

Bellew, John C. M. i.e. John Chippendale Montesquieu Higgin 234.

Bernhardt, J. Karl i.e. Thomas Crampton 751.

Bible student, A i.e. John Hyde 1611.

Blackmantle, Bernard i.e. Charles Molloy 1062.

Brancassine, R. F. i.e. Hughes Halle 1293.

Britannicus i.e. Thomas Brittain 404.

Brooke, Arthur i.e. John Chalk Claris 624.

Brother, A i.e. George Clement Boase 321.

Brother and Sister i.e. Frances Collins and F. Percy Cotton 679.

Brown, John i.e. T. J. Hogg 1503.

Brown Redivivus, Thomas i.e. Caroline Frances Cornwallis 722.

Buller of Brasenose i.e. John Hughes 1573.

Byron’s Ghost i.e. G. R. Wythen Baxter 198.

C., V. S. i.e. Sir Richard D. Hanson 1322.

Captain of the Undine i.e. Edmund G. Harvey 1365.

Carwinley i.e. William Graham 1198.

Ceiriog i.e. John Hughes 1575.

Censor i.e. George Caldwell 514.

Cerny, Frederick i.e. Frederick Guthrie 1264.

Childers i.e. George Caldwell 514.

Civilian i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Claribel i.e. Charlotte Alington Barnard 170.

Cock of the Steeple, The i.e. Alexander Birnie 288.

Cœlebs i.e. Edward Augustus Carlyon 550.

Comyne, Alexander de i.e. Charles T. Browne 443.

Conway, Hugh i.e. Frederick John Fargus 1021.

Cornelie de B, Baronne i.e. Clara de Chatelain 598.

Cotton, Robert Turner i.e. Mortimer Collins 680.

Country Curate, A i.e. Rev. Erskine Neale 245.

Cousin Kate i.e. Catherine Douglas Bell 227.

Craven i.e. John William Carleton 546.

Creature of an Hour i.e. Charles Girdlestone 1153.

Cristion i.e. Hugh Hughes 1572.

Croker, Thomas Crofton i.e. Marianne Croker 765.

Crowquill, Alfred i.e. A. H. and C. R. Forrester 1083.

Czapek, P. B. i.e. John Liptrot Hatton 1378.

D. A. Y. i.e. David Elisha Davy 834.

Daly, John i.e. John Bessemeres 260.

Denarius i.e. Sir Henry Cole 671.

Detector i.e. Francis Burdett Courtenay 733.

Dewdrop i.e. Cordelia Georgiana Budd 466.

Dixon, Gerald i.e. William Jerrold Dixon 885.

Dolores i.e. Ellen Dickson 876.

Doyle, Martin i.e. William Hickey 1460.