
Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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Youth’s magazine founded 1263.

Zoist established 980.

Magic, history of 378,

lectures on 424.

Magic lanterns made 609,

slides for 609.

Magnetism, animal 378, 686,

discoveries in 168.

Maidstone, Charles museum 594.

Mail coaches, Edinburgh to Aberdeen 49.

Majuba hill, battle of 677.

Malagasy scholars, Freeman 1104,

Griffiths 1246.

Malt, malster, a 1436,

raising and conveying of malt 834.

Malta, knights of, Arbuthnot 78,

Bowyer 363,

Hort 1543.

Man, most popular man in the three kingdoms 971.

Man, Isle of, Baume’s property left to 196.

Manchester, Athenæum 773,

banquet to W. Harrison Ainsworth 33,

botanical guide 504,

carbolic acid, manufacture of 520,

chartist riots 83,

Chetham soc. 773,

Chetham library 773,

Geological soc. founded 280,

great exhibition 842,

incorporated law assoc. 773,

Kersal moor great meeting 658,

law assoc. 1416,

library of local books 1458,

Lunardini’s fall from a balloon 1192,

Manchester coll. at Manchester and London 100,

Manchester political union 658,

New college removed to London 361,

observatory at 361,

Owen’s coll. endowment of professorships 268 and trustees of 1026,

Peterloo meeting 150, 681,

rescue of Kelly the Fenian 53,

royal institution founded 519,

ship canal 1113,

Thirlmere water scheme 1445,

theatre royal 519,

unity of odd fellows, grand master 1330,

York college 1128.

Mandarin, Gordon 1178.

Manuscripts, Ashburnham collection 1515,

Bragge’s illuminated 378,

historical commission on 1333.

Map makers, Arrowsmith 91,

Cruchley 777.

Marble quarrier, Goad 1162.

March, George Edward of the Foreign office, writer of librettos 1115.

Margate, hall by the sea, manager 1483.

Marlborough college founded 1040,

reorganized 728.

Marriages, four times married 105, 878,

four times repeated 540,

five times married 823,

remarkable consanguineous marriage 12.

Martineau, Harriet d. 1876 author, cured by mesmerism 1290.

Marryat, Capt. Frederick d. 1848 novelist, Peter Simple 370.

Mary Blane, a song 1254.

Mastodon fossils 755.

Matamoros, Manuel a prisoner in Spain 7.

Matthews, Charles d. 1835 actor, his gallery of theatrical portraits 943.

Mathematician, Hamilton 1307.

Matterhorn, Switzerland, deaths on 902, 1566.

Mayhew, Henry d. 1887 author, a writer in Punch 1209.

Maynooth, synod at 781.

Mayor who paid fine not to serve, Barber 156.

Mazzini, Guiseppe d. 1872 political agitator, his friend 837.

Meats preserved, cases for 1008.

Meath, bishop of 498,

lord lieutenant 1048.

Mecca, Bicknell’s pilgrimage to the shrine of Mohammed 271.

Medals, for young persons for industry 1390,

gold medal specially struck 550.

Medicine, Aldersgate st. sch. 732,

clinical lectures established 276,

college of physicians, president 40,

fevers, modern treatment of 1213,

Fleming’s tincture 1067,

name removed from medical register 1257,

physician charging a five shilling fee 1432,

podophyllin introduced 1122,

practical teaching at the bedside 276,

prussic acid used for chest affections 1208,

scarlatina, its treatment 432,

spirometer, use of 1605.

Medulla oblongata, reflex function of 1288.

Memory, systems of acquiring 1476,

teacher of the art of 239.

Men, handsome men, Boyle 368,

D’Orsay 899.

Menageries, Atkins 290,

Batty 195,

Bostock 345,

Cross 770,

Exeter change 770,

King’s Mews menagerie 770,

Knowsley park 863,

Liverpool 102,

Regent’s park 1247,

Surrey Zoological gardens 7, 770,

Wingeworth hall 1588,

Wombwell, painted show cloth for 670.

See also Zoological gardens.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix d. 1847,

works performed at Windsor 39,

his friend 1251,

Lobgesang first performed 1384.

Mer de Glace surveyed 1078.

Merest, J. D. m. Maria B. Hawes 1384.

Mesmerism, Harriet Martineau cured by 1290,

London mesmeric infirmary 979–80,

Zoist 980.

Mesmerists, Ashburner 93,

Braid 378,

Elliotson 979,

Esdaile 997,

Gibson 1142,

Hall 1290.

Metallic solutions, insect life in 772.

Meteorology, account of meteorites 1071,

Greaves’ observatory 1221,

meteorologists 418, 429,

meteorological department of board of trade 1064,

meteorological registers 1554,

self recording instruments invented 415.

Mexico, Tampico city taken 597.

Meyerbeer, Jacob d. 1864 composer, Le Prophète produced in London 1253.

Microscopes, achromatic 216,

cheap and good 811,

used for study of rocks 1076.

Middle level, commission on the 862.

Middlesborough, Albert park 327,

first mayor 327.

Midwifery, use of anæsthetics 1220.

Milk, country milk sent to London 1284.

Mill, John Stuart d. 1873 philosopher, his friend 1093.

Milier, Hugh d. 1856 geologist, his dau. 823,

old red sandstone 871.

Millers, Catt 571,

Hadley 1273.

Milton, John d. 1674 poet, Fall of Adam 1010,

his commonplace book 1544,


Milton prize at St. Paul’s sch. 632,

Paradise lost, the prototype of 161.

Mind, power of over body 378.

Mine be a cot, a glee 1543.

Miniatures, on marble 558,

painters of 725.

Minerals, cadmium sulphate of 570,

collections of 416, 552,

greenockite 570.

Mines and Mining, accidents in, life saving apparatus 125,

Brunton’s endless cloth 455,

calciner, Brunton’s 454,

fuse, Brunton’s 455,

man engines 1094,

oscillating cylinder stamps 1602,

safety cage invented 115.

Mint, The, assay master 1042,

coins made with mathematical precision 1042,

commission of enquiry 667,

Ipswich mints 1055,

masters of 645, 935, 1446, 1448,

models for coins 1042,

pure gold 1042.

Miraculous healing 91.

Mitchell, John d. 1875 Irish politician, his prosecution 1429.

Mohair used 1089.

Modeller, Henning 1431.

Mollusca, internal structure of 1314.

Moneyers, Company of, provosts of 103, 104,

dissolved 104.

Moneyrea where there is one God and no devil 304.

Mont Blanc,

ascents of by Alison 47,

Auldjo 107,

Barry 182,

Fellows 1033,

Hamel 1298 and Hudson 1566,

ascent of without guides 1566,

astronomical observations made on summit 1493,

fatalities on,

Arkwright 82,

Balfour 143 and Hamel 1298.

Moon, Sir Francis G. d. 1871,

print seller 1253.

Moore, George d. 1876,

philanthropist 1252,

limb set by Hutton 1609.

Moore, Thomas d. 1852 poet, his friends 828, 1591.

Moray, Ross and Caithness, bishop of 958.

Morocco, emperor of, medical mission to 442.

Morphia, muriate of 1235.

Mortmain, statute of, the hospitals exempt from provisions of 768.

Moths, sugaring for 900.

Mount Sinai, the position of determined 223.

Mount Vesuvius, large picture of 770.

Mozart, Johann C. W. A. d. 1791 composer, Don Giovanni produced in England 114.

Muller, George b. 1805 a Prussian, founder of orphan houses 749.

Munich, Gibson’s statues at 1141.

Muntz, George Frederick d. 1857 M.P., libelled by Gutteridge 1265.

Mural paintings by fictile vitrification 528.

Murchison, Sir Robert I. d. 1871 geologist, Dick’s assistance to him 871.


Barthelémy 185,

Green 1226,

Mc Lauchlan 1143,

Miller 1569,

Thurtell 1592.

Murray, James A. H. his New English dictionary 674.

Music, Bass’ act on street musicians 189,

catalogue of 1011,

Concentores sodales 1187,

conducting with a baton 724,

contrapuntist soc. 1072,

free chant 774,

Hullah classes for teaching 1581,

library of 1000,

musical glasses 1261,

music librarian 1175,

musician the first knighted 290,

new code staff notation 751,

publishers 665, 676, 749, 823, 1309,

reading from the score 628,

Società Armonica 1077,

sol-faing system 1159,

thorough bass 492,

tonic sol-fa system and coll. 795,

type music printer 1426,

Vogler’s system of cadences 1072,

writer on 992.

Music Halls, Cider cellars 1224,

Collins’ 681,

Evans’ 1224,

Hungerford hall built 1130,

Lansdowne proprietor 681,

Marylebone proprietor 681,

Mogul singing at 680,

Royal, musical director 722,

Weston’s, musical director 722,

York at Southampton 1612.

Musical composers, Bache 118,

Benedict 238,

Bennett 244,

Bexfield 268,

Bilby 276,

Blockley 314,

Blagrove 301,

Blewitt 312,

Calkin 516,

Calcott W. 517,

Callcott W. H. 517,

Campana 525,

Cianchetti 621,

Coote 713,

Corri 722,

Costa 724,

D’Albert 801,

Davison 833,

Dempster 856,

Dibdin 871,

Donaldson 893,

Dougal 901,

Dunne 940,

Ellerton 976,

Ellis 983,

Elvey 991,

Fawcett J. 1028,

Fawcett J. 1028,

Fish 1051,

Fitzwilliam 1065,

Flowers 1072,

Forbes 1077,

Gabriel 1115,

Glover C. W. 1158,

Glover S. 1160,

Glover W. H. 1160,

Godfrey A. F. and C. 1163,

Goss 1186,

Graham 1196,

Greatheed 1220,

Gutteridge 1266,

Haite 1276,

Harper 1343,

Hart 1359,

Hatton 1377,

Havergal 1381,

Hecht 1415,

Helmore 1418,

Hempel 1420,

Hemy 1421,

Hickson 1462,

Hill J. F. 1471,

Hill W. J. 1476,

Hime 1479,

Hobson 1489,

Holmes A. 1514,

Holmes W. H. 1517,

Horn 1537,

Horsley C. E. 1542,

Horsley W. H. 1542,

Howell 1556,

Hughes 1576,

Hullah 1581,

Hume 1585,

Hutcheson 1604,

Lodge 976,

Mackenzie 1569,

Stoepel 1445,

See also Pianists.

Muskets, stadiometer improved 1560.

Myriorama, invention of 627.

Myxoedema first described 1257.


Names, Fancy.

Admiral, The fighting i.e. Sir W. N. W. Hewett 1454.

Apostle of ragged school movement i.e. T. Guthrie 1265.

Arsenic Sal i.e. Sarah Chesham 603.

Attorney General for unstamped newspapers i.e. George Edmonds 960.

Auchterless John Pounds i.e. James Beattie 210.

Bagatelle i.e. Richard 4 marquis of Hertford 1449.

Bankers’ Bankers i.e. Overend, Gurney & Co. 1262.

Bard of Dunclug, The i.e. David Herbison 1442.

Bendigo i.e. William Thompson 237, 573.

Bishop of Bond street, The i.e. William Bishop 291.

Blacksmith, The learned i.e. Elihu Burritt 491.

Bowlers, The best of all i.e. W. R. Hillyer 1478.

Brassey i.e. John Leechman 237, 573.

Calculating phenomenon, The i.e. George P. Bidder 271–72.

Cornish Pilgrim, The i.e. Richard Hampton 1312.

Cure, The perfect i.e. James Hurst Stead 312.

Cuvier of England i.e. Robert Edmond Grant 1206.

Delemere forest stag i.e. John Walker 1553.

Demon, The i.e. George Fordham 1080.

Demon pedestrian i.e. J. Whitehead 1553.

Dick, Foolish i.e. Richard Hampton 1312.

Dragon, The i.e. Bindon Blood 315.

Dutch Sam i.e. Elias Samuels 224.

English Horace Vernet i.e. Thomas Jones Barker 165.

Flower of Haddington, The i.e. Jane Baillie Welsh 549.

Fordham of Amateurs i.e. George Matthews Ede 956.

Game Chicken i.e. Henry Pearce 1258.

Genial Showman, The i.e. Charles Farrar Browne 443.

Gipsy’s Friend, The i.e. Rev. James Crabb 745.

Hyæna of Brescia i.e. J. J. Baron Von Haynau 1400.


Iron king of Wales i.e. Robert Thompson Crawshay 756.

Kempferhausen i.e. Robert Pierce Gillies 1150.

King of Pine Growers i.e. James Dale 801.

King Richard i.e. Richard Tapper Cadbury 509.

Lancashire Giant i.e. Bob Gregson 1258.

Leviathan, The i.e. William Edmond Davies 829.

Lyndhurst of the Turf i.e. John Barham Day 841.

Mezzofanti, The English i.e. Edward C. Hawtrey 1392.

Moorland poet, The i.e. George Heath 1411.

Mr. Ralph’s Great coat i.e. Robert Hunnum 1588.

Old Q’ i.e. William 4 duke of Queensberry 1449.

Paganini, The English i.e. Henry Hayward 1403.

Perfect Cure, The i.e. James Hurst Stead 312.

Pocket Hercules, The i.e. James Grimshaw 1248.

Prisoner’s friend, The i.e. Abraham Beal 205.

Queen of the Radicals i.e. Harriet Grote 1251.

Right arm of British power in America i.e. Ogle Robert Gowan 1193.

Roscius, The Young i.e. William Henry West Betty 265.

Rydal, The painter of i.e. William Hull 1580.

Senior wrangler maker, The i.e. William Hopkins 1534.

Sherwood forest patriarch i.e. Samuel Hall 1289.

Sherwood forester i.e. Spencer Timothy Hall 1290.

Stalybridge infant i.e. Samuel Hurst 1602.

True Conservative, A i.e. Edmund Gilling Hallewell 1293.

University Corporal i.e. Joseph Dornford 898.

Vampire, The i.e. Bindon Blood 315.

Wheel king of London i.e. Patrick Hearn 1409.

Yorick of the West, The i.e. William R. Hicks 1462.

Yorkshire woollen trade, Father of i.e. W. Hirst 1484.

Names, Titles, etc. Changed, Given and Taken, See also Actors’ Stage Names and Pseudonyms.

Addington, Baron i.e. John G. Hubbard 1563.

Angell Cherry i.e. John Benedict Angell 70.

Anson, George i.e. George Adams 72.

Arundell, Thomas i.e. Thomas Arundell Tagg 92.

Baker, William i.e. William Wingfield 138.

Barclay, Capt. i.e. Robert B. Barclay Allardice 48.

Barlow, Sir William Owen i.e. William Owen 169.

Barr, Blithe Jamie i.e. James Barr 175.

Barrett-Lennard, Sir Thomas i.e. Thomas Thomas 178.

Beaconsfield, Earl of i.e. Benjamin Disraeli 203.

Beauregard, Countess de i.e. Elizabeth Hargett 214.

Becher, William i.e. William Wrixon 215.

Behram Pacha i.e. Robert Cannon 537.

Beke, Charles T. i.e. Charles Tilstone Beck 223.

Bellew, Thomas A. Grattan i.e. T. A. Bellew 234–5.

Belper, Baron i.e. Edward Strutt 236.

Bernard, Herman Hedwig i.e. H. Bernard 255.

Berri, Duchesse de i.e. Amy Brown 258.

Bethune, C. R. Drinkwater i.e. C. R. Bethune 264.

Binning, Lord i.e. Thomas H. earl of Haddington 1271.

Booker-Blakemore, Thomas W. i.e. T. W. Booker 335.

Bottomley-Firth, J. F. i.e. J. P. Bottomley 1050.

Bouchier, Barton i.e. Barton Boucher 347.

Boyd, William i.e. W. Keown 367.

Brabazon, Luke i.e. Luke Higgins 371.

Brancepeth, Baron i.e. G. H. Russell-Boyne 370.

Brand-Trevor, H. O. i.e. H. O. Brand, baron Dacre 798.

Bravo, Charles D. T. i.e. Charles D. Turner 384.

Brinckman, Sir T. H. L. i.e. Sir T. H. L. Broadhead 401.

Brocket, Stanes Brockett i.e. Stanes B. Chamberlayne 407.

Broke, Sir A. B. de Capell i.e. Sir A. B. de Capell Brooke 410.

Broke, Signal i.e. Charles Acton Broke 411.

Bromley, Sir George i.e. Sir George Smith 413.

Bromley-Davenport, William i.e. W. Davenport-Bromley 413.

Bronte, Duchess of i.e. Charlotte Mary Hood 413.

Bronte, Patrick i.e. Patrick Prunty 414.

Brooke, John Brooke Johnson i.e. John B. Johnson 417.

Bruce, Sir James L. Knight i.e. Sir James L. Knight 451.

Buckley-Mathew, Sir G. Benvenuto i.e. Sir George Byam Mathew 465.

Budavolgy, Count de i.e. Max Greger 1233.

Burton, James i.e. James Haliburton 1280.

Byng, Poodle i.e. Gerald Frederick Byng 505.

Calverley, Charles S. i.e. Charles S. Blayds 518.

Capua, Princess of i.e. Penelope Smyth 540.

Carington, Robert John, Baron Carington i.e. Robert J. Smith 546.

Carr-Boyle, James, earl of Glasgow i.e. James Carr 1155.

Champain, Sir J. N. Bateman i.e. Sir J. N. Champain 589.

Chetham-Strode, Sir E. i.e. Sir E. Chetham 606.

Cholmley, Sir George i.e. Sir George Strickland 613.

Christopher, Robert Adam i.e. Robert A. Dundas 618.

Christopher, R. A. Nisbet Hamilton i.e. Robert A. Christopher 618.

Clarges, Sir Richard Goddard i.e. Sir R. G. Hare 624.

Clark, D’Orsay i.e. Edward Rawson Clark 625.

Clark, Little i.e. William H. Clark 630.

Clark, Waterloo i.e. John Clark 627.

Clarke, Lame i.e. John Clarke 633.

Clark-Kennedy, Sir A. Kennedy i.e. Sir A. Kennedy Clark 630.

Clarke-Jervoise, Sir Samuel i.e. Sir Samuel Clarke 637.

Clarke-Travers, Sir W. H. St. Lawrence i.e. Sir W. H. St. Lawrence Clarke 637.

Cockayne-Cust, H. F. i.e. H. F. Cust 797.

Cockburn-Campbell, Sir A. T. i.e. Sir A. T. Cockburn 664.

Coffin, Rev. John i.e. Rev. John Pine 667.

Colley, Sir George Pomeroy Pomeroy i.e. Sir G. Pomeroy Colley 677.

Collins, Mortimer i.e. Edward J. Mortimer Collins 679.

Combe, Richard Thomas i.e. Richard Thomas Maddison 688.

Cooper, Wilbye i.e. John Wilbye Cooper 711.

Corbaux, Fanny i.e. Marie F. C. Doetter Corbaux 717.

Corbett, Joseph i.e. Joseph Plymley 718.

Corbett-Winder, Uvedale i.e. Uvedale Corbett 718.

Courten, Comtesse de i.e. Alphonsina Marie de St. Amand 358.

Cowell-Stepney, Sir John Stepney i.e. Sir John Stepney Cowell 736.

Crackanthorpe, Christopher i.e. Christopher Cookson 746.

Cradock, Rev. Edward Hartopp i.e. Edward Hartopp Grove 747.

Cresswell, Francis i.e. Francis Easterby 757.

Crompton-Stansfield, William Rookes i.e. William R. Crompton 767.

Crosse, Thomas Bright i.e. Thomas B. Ikin 772.

Cuffe, Sir Richard i.e. Sir R. Wheeler 780.

Cumming-Bruce, C. L. i.e. C. L. Cumming 785.

D’Aeth, William i.e. G. W. Hughes 799.

Dalling and Bulwer, baron i.e. W. H. L. E. Bulwer 806.

Davies, James i.e. James Banks 827.

Davis, Pope i.e. John Philip Davis 831.

Dawson-Damer, G. L. i.e. G. L. Dawson 839.

De Beauvoir, Sir J. E. i.e. Sir J. E. Browne 844.

De Grey, T. P. i.e. T. P. Weddell 848.

De Havilland, John V. S. i.e. J. V. S. Haviland 1383.

De La Saussaye, Sir R. i.e. Sir R. Sausse 852.

De Lisle, A. L. M. Phillipps i.e. A. L. M. Phillipps 854.

Denison, John i.e. Johe Wilkinson 858.

De Porquet, L. P. R. F. i.e. L. P. R. Fenwick 862.

De Quincey, Thomas i.e. Thomas Quincey 862.

De Trafford, Sir T. J. i.e. Sir T. J. Trafford 867.

Dinorben, Baron i.e. W. L. Hughes 881.

Dinsdale, Frederick i.e. F. Trotter 881.

Dod, Charles R. P. i.e. C. R. P. Dodd 887.

Dollond, George i.e. George Huggins 891.

Domvile, Charles i.e. Charles Pocklington 892.

Drake, Sir T. T. Fuller-Eliott i.e. Sir T. T. Fuller 915.

Duckett, Sir George i.e. Sir G. Jackson 923.

Dunbar, George i.e. George Orr 928.

Dundas, Sir J. W. Deans i.e. Sir J. W. Deans 933.

Dunlop, Alexander Murray i.e. A. Dunlop 937.

Dunlop, Alexander Colquhoun Stirling Murray i.e. A. Murray Dunlop 937.

Dyce-Sombre, David O. i.e. David O. Dyce 946.

Eardley, Sir Culling E. i.e. Sir C. E. Smith 951.

East, Sir E. G. Clayton i.e. Sir E. G. Clayton 952.

Eastwood, Thomas S. i.e. Thomas Smith Badger 122.

Egerton, John Hume i.e. J. H. Cust 970.

Ellacombe, Henry T. i.e. Henry T. Ellicombe 975.

Ellerton, John L. i.e. John L. Lodge 976.

Ellis, Andrew Ellis i.e. A. Ellis De Vezian 986.

Ellis-McTaggart, Francis i.e. F. Ellis 987.

Erle-Drax, J. S. W. Sawbridge i.e. J. S. W. Sawbridge 995.

Eversley, Charles S., viscount i.e. C. Shaw-Lefevre 1007.

Fairholt, F. W. i.e. F. W. Fahrholz 1015.

Fane, H. E. Hamlyn i.e. H. E. Fane 1019.

Farnborough, Thomas, baron i.e. Sir T. E. May 1021.

Fenwick, Edward M. i.e. E. M. Reid 1034.

Fenwick-Bisset, M. i.e. M. Fenwick 1034.

Ferguson, J. F. i.e. J. F. Jaquemain 1035.

Ferguson-Davie, Sir H. E. i.e. Sir H. R. Ferguson 1037.

Fermor-Hesketh, Sir T. G. i.e. Sir T. G. Hesketh 1038.

Fish, The Golden i.e. Thomas Liversedge Fish 1051.

Fitzball, Edward i.e. Edward Ball 1056.

Fitzgerald, John i.e. John Purcell 1058.

Fitzwilliam, C. W. Wentworth i.e. C. W. Fitzwilliam 1064.

Fitzwilliam, Ellen i.e. E. Chaplin 1065.

Fitzwilliam, Fanny E. i.e. F. E. Copeland 1065.

Fleetwood, Sir P. Hesketh i.e. Sir P. Hesketh 1067.

Fleming, Ann C. i.e. A. C. Knight 1067.

Forbes-Leslie, Jonathan i.e. Jonathan Forbes 1079.

Francis, Francis i.e. Francis Morgan 1097.

Fraser, Robert S. i.e. Robert S. Frazer 1102.

Gardiner, Robert i.e. Robert Hallowell 1121.

Giles-Puller, Christopher W. i.e. C. W. Giles 1148.

Gladstone, Sir John i.e. Sir John Gladstones 1154.

Godwin-Austen, Robert A. C. i.e. Robert A. C. Austen 1165.

Gordon, Chinese i.e. Charles George Gordon 1178.

Gordon, Francis i.e. Francis Grant 1177.

Gough, Frederick, Baron Calthorpe i.e. F. Calthorpe 518.

Graham, James Gillespie i.e. James Gillespie 1196.

Graham-Gilbert, John i.e. John Gilbert 1199.

Granton, Lord i.e. Charles Hope 1529.

Granville, Augustus Bozzi i.e. Augustus Bozzi 1208.

Gratwicke, William i.e. William Kindlesides 1210.

Graves-Sawle, Sir Joseph S. i.e. Sir Joseph S. Sawle 1214.

Green, Thomas Hiden i.e. Thomas Hiden 1226.

Greenhough, George Bellas i.e. George Bellas 1229.

Grenville, George Neville i.e. George Neville 1236.

Grenville, Ralph Neville i.e. Ralph Neville 1237.

Gurdon-Rebow, John i.e. John Gurdon 1260.

Halford, Sir Henry i.e. Sir Henry Vaughan 1280.

Haliburton, James i.e. James Burton 1280.

Hall, Nemesis i.e. Sir William H. Hall 1291.

Halliday, Andrew i.e. Andrew Halliday Duff 1294.

Halliwell-Phillipps James Orchard i.e. J. O. Phillipps 1295.

Hallyburton, John F. Gordon i.e. John F. Gordon 1296.

Hampden, Augustus E. Hobart, Earl of Buckinghamshire i.e. Augustus E. Hobart 461.

Harrington, Earl of i.e. Lord Petersham 1344.

Harris, Christopher Arthur Mohun i.e. C. A. Harris 1346.

Harris, Isaac i.e. Isaac Donnithorne 1346.

Harrison, Devil i.e. William G. Harrison 1357.

Hartismere, Baron i.e. John H. M. Henniker 1430.

Hartley, Leonard Lawrie i.e. Leonard L. Campbell 1362.

Hastings, Sir Charles Abney i.e. Sir Charles Hastings 1373.

Hatherley, Baron i.e. Sir William P. Wood 1376.

Hayne, Pea-Green i.e. Joseph Hayne 538, 1344.

Hertford, Francis, marquis of i.e. the Earl of Yarmouth 1449.

Hesketh, Sir T. G. Fermor i.e. Sir T. G. Hesketh 1451.

Hesketh-Fleetwood, Sir P. i.e. Sir P. Hesketh 1452.

Heytesbury, W. H. A’Court-Holmes 2 baron i.e. W. H. A’Court Heytesbury 2 baron 1457.

Hick, Edward i.e. Edward Simpson 1461.

Hicks Pasha i.e. William Hicks 1462.

Hindlip, Henry A., Baron i.e. H. A. Allsopp 1481.

Hodgetts, Foley John Hodgetts i.e. J. H. Foley 1492.

Holyoake-Goodricke, Sir F. L. i.e. Sir F. L. Holyoake 1518.

Hobart Pasha i.e. A. C. Hobart 1487.

Holt, Raggedy i.e. Thomas L. Holt 1518.

Home, David Milne i.e. David Milne 1520.

Hope, William Williams i.e. William Hope 1532.

Horne, Richard Hengist i.e. Richard Henry Horne 1539.

Hoskyns, Chandos Wren i.e. Chandos Hoskyns 1546.

Hotten, John Camden i.e. John William Hotten 1547.

Houghton, Henry Hall i.e. Henry Houghton 1548.

Howard de Walden, Charles A. E. Baron i.e. Charles A. Ellis 1550.

Howard, Miss i.e. Elizabeth Hargett 214.

Howland, Baron i.e. Francis R. Bedford 218.

Howe, Richard Penn Curzon i.e. Richard P. Curzon 1555.

Hudson, Hurry i.e. Sir James Hudson 1567.

Hughes, Edward Hughes Ball i.e. E. H. Ball 147.

Hughes, Gentleman i.e. William Edward Hughes 1578.

Hughes, Little i.e. William Edward Hughes 1578.

Hughes, William Hughes i.e. William Hughes Hewitt 1578.

Humphreys, Alexander i.e. Alexander Alexander 42.

Hutchinson, Lavalette i.e. John, Earl of Donoughmore 897.

Hyett, William Henry i.e. William Henry Adams 1611.

Jerviswood, Lord i.e. C. Baillie Hamilton 129.

Kenlis, Baron i.e. Thomas T. marquis of Headfort 1405.

Khourschid Pasha i.e. Richard Debaufre Guyon 1267.

Lyon-Home, Daniel Dunglas i.e. D. D. Home 1519.

Maclae, Walter i.e. Walter Ewing 1009.

Manor, Lord i.e. G. Dundas 933.

Maurice, Leon d. 1826 i.e. lord Maurice Drummond de Melfort 827.

Medwyn, Lord i.e. J. H. Forbes 1078.

Meredyth, Baron i.e. W. M. S. Baron Athlumney 102.

Milan, Count of i.e. Sir H. J. Caldwell 515.

Milner-Gibson, Thomas i.e. Thomas Gibson 1141.

Montalbo, Countess de i.e. Josephine Benoite 358.

Myddleton, Robert i.e. Robert Biddulph 273.

Noel-Fearn, Henry i.e. Rev. H. Christmas 617.

Nicholls, Charlotte i.e. Charlotte Bronte 413.

Nugent, Fulke Southwell Greville- i.e. Fulke Southwell Greville 1239.

Osborne, George H. i.e. George 6 earl of Aberdeen 8.

Osborne, Ralph Bernal i.e. Ralph Bernal 255.

Pakington, John Somerset i.e. John Somerset Russell 1311.

Paget, Baron i.e. H. P. Anglesey 71.

Pyndar, John R. Beauchamp i.e. John, earl Beauchamp 211.

Richardson-Currer, Henry i.e. Henry Richardson 790.

Ridley-Colborne, Nicholas W. i.e. Nicholas W. Ridley 669.

Russell-Boyne, Gustavus H. earl Brancepeth i.e. G. H. Boyne 369–70.

Sackville West, G. J. i.e. G. J. West 852.

Seymour-Vesey-Fitzgerald, Sir W. R. i.e. Sir W. R. Fitzgerald 1060.

Solly-Flood, Frederick i.e. Frederick Solly 1071.

Stanley, Henry Morton i.e. John Rowlands 242.

Stewart, The Abbé i.e. Stewart Drummond 475.

Vernon family, The, took name of Harcourt 1324.

Watson-Gordon, Sir J. i.e. Sir John Gordon 1181.

Weddell, Thomas P. 2 earl de Grey i.e. T. P. Robinson 848.

Yarde Buller, John i.e. John Buller Yarde 620.

Napoleon I. d. 1821, conveyed to St. Helena 663,

exhumation of his body 42,

medical attendant at St. Helena 89,

on board Bellerophon 914,

person present at his death 764,

post mortem appearance of his body 1433,

representations of him in dramas 1169,

visitor at Elba 746,

visitors at St. Helena 56, 1088,

went in the Undaunted to Elba 1374.

Napoleon III. d. 1873, escape from Ham 932,

his mistress the countess de Beauregard 214,

subsidizes the Morning Chronicle 1160.

Nash, John d. 1835, architect 847.

Nassau, first bishop of 572.

Natal, bishop of 673,

Majuba hill, battle of 677.

National Debt, money left for reduction of 844.

National Gallery, Wynn Ellis pictures 987.

Natural history, Bowerbank’s collection of 357.

Naturalists, Audubon 107,

Burchell 475.

Naturalisations, Albano 37,

Albert, prince 38,

Aldridge 42,

Appold 78,

Arntz 90,

Bates 192,

Batthyany 194,

Baume 196,

Beyer 268,

Bianconi 269,

Biber 269,

Cavagnari 575,

Chatelain 598,

Costa 724,

Crestadoro 758,

Dallmeyer 806,

Dellagana 854,

Freiligrath 1105,

Huth 1606.

Nature printing 372.

Navarino, battle of 665.

Navy, anchor, Hall’s patent 1292,

armour plating of ships 623, 675,

bilge-tank, an iron 1292,

boys’ training ships 1350,

captains by order in council 119,

Cowper Cole’s system 675,

feats of daring 1300,

first screw frigate 1046,

forces of the enemy 1048,

Graham’s novices 1350,

Keppel’s action, last survivor of 1275,

mounting guns on ships 675,

nautical almanac office 1317,

naval cadets 1350,

pay office abolished 878,

round war ships 972,

screw ship the first 1289,

target for defence of ships 583.

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, his name found on a monument 1480.

Negro minstrels, Buckley minstrels 464,

Christy minstrels 1399, 1489,

Moor and Burgess 1489.

Nelson, Horatio killed 1805 admiral, officer at his funeral 1224.

Newcastle, bishop of 581,

chartist disturbances 1044,

chemical soc. 622,

literary and philosophical soc. 622,

typographical soc. 20,

Walker alkali works 622.

Newmarket, middle park plate founded 312,

school for jockeys 1031.

Newman, John Henry d. 1889 cardinal, Achilli case 1361,

his solicitor 1361,

resigned fellowship 1388,

tract ninety 1247.

Newport, bishop of 439,

chartist riots 1110.

Newsagent, Berger 252.

Newspaper correspondents, Borrow G. H. 342,

Bower H. E. tried for murder 356,

Boweryem G. 358,

Bowlby, T. W. 359,

Cameron 524,

Morton Saville killed in Paris 356.

Newspapers, church and country newspaper co. 1114,

early papers, collection of 482,

newspaper press college 1114,

stamp duty on 1099.

Newspapers, See also Magazines.

Academy founded 77,

assistant editor 1568.

Albion, New York, founded 186.

Anglo-Saxon, Boston, established 186.

Antidote, Dublin, editor 1193.

Athenæum commenced 461,

editors 878, 884, 898, 1451,

manager 1098,

owners 103, 1515,

dramatic critic 1437,

musical critic 1253.

Atlas editors 1098, 1533.

Australian town and country journal commenced 243.

Banner of Ulster founded 1142.

Bath express editor 1378.

Belfast morning news, proprietor 1215.

Bell’s life in London, proprietor 644,

editors 907, 908.

Bombay standard commenced 468.

Britannia founded 732.

British luminary, editor 1157.

Builder founded 1322,

editor 1164.

Bullionist, editors 1002, 1424.

Cambridge independent press, proprietor 1375.

Catholic layman, Dublin, editor 1132.

Censor, editor 1109.

Cerberus established 709.

Chat, editor 1518.

Chat of the week, editor 1591.

Christian advocate, editor 1120.

Christian observer, editor 1173.

Commercial gazette founded 243.

Companion, The, editor 1591.

Constitutional, sub-editor 1593.

Cornish telegraph, editor 1123.

Cornubian, editor 1124.

Country, The, established 741.

County courts chronicle established 741.

Court journal started 1515.

Daily express, Dublin, editor 1163.

Daily News, editors 872, 1084, 1589,

manager 878,

musical critic 1501,

parliamentary reporter 1574.

Daily telegraph, acting editor 1593.

Dundee guardian commenced 468.

Edinburgh courant, editor 1424.

Edinburgh evening courant, editor 1319.

Elgin courier founded 1202.

Empire, proprietors 1303.

Enquirer, The, editor 1481.

Era, theatrical art critic 1574.

Evening mail, Dublin, originated 1395.

Evening sun, parliamentary reporter 1574.

Examiner started 1591,

libel in 1591,

editors of 1074, 1084.

Exchange and mart, proprietor of 741.

Falkirk liberal commenced 288.

Family Herald commenced 275.

Felix Farley’s Bristol journal, proprietor 1263.

Field, editor 1097,

proprietor 741,

the naturalists’ column in 398.

Free Russian press, editor 1450.

Freeman’s journal, proprietors 1216.

French paper, first in England 34.

Fun, editor 1525,

illustrator of 1548.

Galignani’s messenger founded 1117,

editor 358.

Garden journal, editor 1157.

Gardener’s gazette, editor 1157.

Glenny’s journal, editor 1157.

Globe, editor 1322.

Grant’s London journal, conductor 1202.

Graphic, illustrator of 1548.

Guardian projected 1271,

founded 256.

Guide, editor 671.

Hampshire chronicle, editor 1484.

Herapath’s railway journal, proprietor 1436,

reporter 1270.

Hereford times founded 76.

Horticultural journal started 1157.

Hour commenced 1002.

Illustrated London news, dramatic critic 1437,

musical critic 1501,

sub editor 1589.

Indicator, editor 1591.

Inverness courier, editor 560.

Irish times, commissioner of 1163.

Iron times started 1518.

Jeride Hawades, editor 619.

Jewish chronicle, editor 1433.

John Bull established 473,

editor 709.

Journal of public health, editor 1131.

Judy, illustrator of 444.

Jullien’s military band journal, editor 1163.

Kentish mercury, proprietor 1362.

Kolokol (The Bell), editor 1450.

Lancet, editors 708, 1096,

publisher 619.

Land and water commenced 462, 1040.

Law journal, editor 1091.

Law times established 741.

Leader started 1527, 1593.

Leeds patriot, proprietor 1090.

Leeds times, proprietor 1489.

Leicestershire mercury, proprietor 1510.

Le mercure de Londres begun 598.

Le petit mercure begun 598.

Liberal, The, editor 1591.

Licensed victuallers’ gazette, editor 1107.

Literary gazette, editor 1175.

Literary examiner, editor 1591.

Literary Observer, editor 1289.

Liverpool mail founded 44.

London Figaro, chief leader writer 1533.

London gazette, printer 1356.

London Saturday journal, conductor 1202.

Maidstone journal, proprietor 1287.

Manchester city news, editor 1272.

Manchester courier, editor 1484.

Manchester examiner originated 148.

Manchester guardian commenced 1124,

chief of reporting staff 1339.

Manx sun, proprietor 1236.

Medical times projected 1589.

Medical times and gazette, editor 918.

Mining journal, proprietor 993.

Monmouthshire Merlin established 313.

Montreal pilot started 1480.

Morning advertiser founded 441,

doubled in size 1521,

editor 1202.

Morning chronicle, editors 293, 1098, 1438, 1501, 1518,

manager 910,

money lost in 1438,

parliamentary reporter 1574,

proprietors 644, 953, 1160, 1438, 1601,

sold to emperor Napoleon 1160.

Morning herald, editor 1002.

Morning journal started 1263,

prosecuted for libel 44.

Morning post, correspondent 1253,

editors 1098, 1330,

musical critic 1161,

pigeon express 1253,

reporter 1129,

war correspondent shot 1442.

Morning register, Dublin, founded 178.

Morning star, editor 1303.