
Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

insurrection act in Limerick & Clare 296,

Irish archæological soc. 501,

Irish coll. at Rome 481,

Irish confederation 74,

Irish legion in France 506,

Irish soc., governor 1586,

land league mobbed King’s county hounds 1598,

lord high treasurer 7,

Murphy’s insurgents 506,

national association founded 879,

national gallery 814,

orangeism 709,

Parnell, Biggar and others, trial of 1057,

peasantry, traits and stories of 547,

poor law act 698,

popular songs of 765,

railway the first 814,

railways, commission on 635,

royal university created 1533,

Sandymount convent, the superior of 29,

South Wexford agricultural soc. founded 1460,

survey of 669,

synod of Ulster 304,

tenant league originated 1231,

three F’s, the 1231,

Turkish baths established 184,

united Irishmen 506.

Ireland, Belfast, Belfast bottoms 1339,

horticultural exhibition 1302.

Ireland, Dublin, crown and hanaper office 1315,

exhibition 814.

Ireland, chief secretaries, Bexley 268,

Carlisle 548,

Cavendish 575,

Derby 1863,

Ellesmere 976,

Forster 1086,

Goulburn 1191,

Glenelg 1157,

Hardinge 1328,

Hobhouse 427,

Horsman 1543,

Stanley 863,

Walhouse or Littleton 1376.

Ireland, lord chancellors, Blackburne 296,

Brady 377,

Brewster 394,

Brooke 418 and Campbell 526.

Ireland, lords lieutenants, Anglesey 71,

Carlisle 548,

Clarendon 623,

De Grey 848,

Eglinton 971,

Fortescue 1088,

Haddington 1271,

Heytesbury 1457.

Irish scholars, Connellan O. 693,

Connellan T. 693,

Doudney 901,

Foley 1073,

Hennessy 1430.

Iron manufactory, blowing machine 551,

cold blast pig 75,

Coltness’ brand of iron 1595,

fan blast 351,

Hodgkinson’s beams 1493,

hopper and spout kilns invented 342,

iron chain cables invented 438,

wrought iron rails, patent for 287.

Iron masters, Beale 205,

Bolckow 327,

Crawshay 756,

Fletcher 1069,

Geach 1132,

Guest 1255,

Harley 1340,

Hood 1524,

Houldsworth 1548, 1595.

Irving, Rev. Edward d. 1834 presbyterian, his friend 1448.

Irving, John Henry Brodribb b. 1838 actor, first appearance 830.

Isle of Wight, governor 1008,

history of 1477.

Italy, British Italian legion 483,

Italian antiquities, Disney collection 882.


Jaffa, model farm at 1449.

Jamaica, insurrection of the slaves 731.

Japanese scholar, Greey 1231.

Javelin men, fine paid for not providing them 80.

Jeannette and Jeannot, a song 1158.

Jerdan, William d. 1869 journalist, originated Literary gazette 669.

Jerrold, Douglas William d. 1857 dramatist, Housekeeper 1584,

Rent day 1584,

Time works wonders 1584.

Jersey, the six advocates of the royal court 1537.

Jerusalem, Anglican cathedral 1269,

bishops of 159, 1162,

hospital for sick jews 1548,

house of industry at 1449.

Jesus Christ, likenesses of 1408.

Jews, Bevis Marks congregation 866,

board of deputies 668,

committee of seven elders 668,

great synagogue, London 668,

first called to the bar 1167,

first created baronet 1168,

jewish board of guardians 42, 668,

jews’ coll. London 982,

ministers in London 866,

united synagogue London 668.

Jim Crow sung in England 938.

Jockeys, Bullock 471,

Butler 499,

Chaloner 585,

Chapple 593,

Charlton 596,

Chifney S. 608,

Chifney W. 609,

Constable 696,

Day J. 840,

Day J. B. 841,

Day S. 841,

Ede 956,

Flatman 1067,

Fordham 1080,

French 1107,

rode six winners in one day 1107,

Green 1223,

Grimshaw 1248,

Hibberd 1459.

Jon Duan, authors of 221.

Jordan, Mrs. Dorothy d. 1816 actress, her sons 1056, 1057 bis.

Judge removed from office, Boothby B. 339.

Jumping, Howard the jumper 1553,

jumping 29 ft. 7 in. col. 1553,

over a billiard table 1553.

Junot, Andoche d. 1813 duc d’Abrantes, his mistress 1449.

Juggler, Allock 54.

Jullien, Louis G. Antoine J. d. 1860 composer, concerts at Covent garden 882,

concerts at Surrey gardens 770,

opera at Drury Lane 1268.

Junius, authorship of his letters 732, 945,

his hand writing 579.


Kaleidoscope invented 394.

Kashmiri scholar 989.

Kean, Charles John d. 1868 actor, his secretary 513.

Kean, Edmund d. 1833 actor, his stage director 1034.

Keats, John d. 1821 poet, his friend 1591.

Kelly, Colonel, the Fenian, rescue of 53.

Kent, fossils of 1351.

Kent, Edward Augustus d. 1820 duke of, conspiracy to shoot 465.

Kent, Victoria M. L. d. 1861 duchess of, comptrollers of her household 696, 732,

mausoleum built 1583.

Kerry, bishop of 968,

lord lieutenant 1439.

Kew, observatory given up 854,

observatory given to Royal soc. 1130.


Kew gardens, Bentham collection of books at 247.

Champion’s collection of plants 589,

director of 1526.

Keyser, Polydore de, lord mayor of London 1465.

Keythorpe hall, Leicestershire, built 257.

Keyzor, Louis, murdered in 1869 at Whitton 1226.

Khol-rabi introduced 762.

Kildare and Leighlin, bishop of 1297.

Killala, bishops of 1031, 1060.

Kilmacduagh, bishop of 1106.

Kilmore, bishops of 444, 560, 815.

Kincardineshire, lords lieutenant 79, 1155.

King’s champion 948.

Kingsley, Charles d. 1875 V. of Eversley, music for his songs 1581.

Kinrossshire lord lieutenant 13.

Kirkcudbright lord lieutenant 1118.

Kiva, a ride to 484.

Knaresborough, history of 521.

Knights and knighthood, first knight created by Victoria 1321,

knighthood declined by Brown 431,

Carr 557,

Cattermole 572,

Fairbairn 1015,

Fuller 1111,

Hall 1291 and Heelis 1416,

name still in knightage forty six years after death 1093,

prefix Sir assumed 429,

prefix Sir not used 588,

refusal to pay the knightage fees 665.

Knights bachelor, A’Beckett 5,

Agar 27,

Alderson E. H. 40,

Alderson J. 40,

Allan 48,

Amphlett 58,

Anderson C. G. 60,

Anderson G. W. 61,

Anderson J. E. 62,

Archibald 82,

Armitage 83,

Arney 87,

Arrow 90,

Arthur 91,

Ashworth 97,

Atherton 101,

Atkinson H. E. 103,

Atkinson J. 104,

Austen 108,

Awdry 111,

Back 119,

Bain 181,

Baker 137,

Bannerman 153,

Bardsley 160,

Barry C. 181,

Barry R. 183,

Bayly 201,

Bell 231,

Bellairs 232,

Benedict 238,

Bennett 244,

Benson 245,

Bent 246,

Betham 262,

Bethune 264,

Biddlecombe 272,

Bignold 275,

Bishop 290,

Bisset 291,

Blaikie 301,

Boag 321,

Bodkin 324,

Bogle 325,

Bouch 346,

Bovill 354,

Bowring 362,

Boxall 364,

Brady A. 376,

Brady F. 377,

Brancker 380,

Brand 380,

Brewster 394,

Bridges 396,

Briggs 398,

Brown 441,

Brownrigg 449,

Bruce 451,

Buller A. 469,

Buller A. W. 469,

Burrows 492,

Burt 493,

Burton 495,

Butler 499,

Byam 504,

Byles 504,

Campbell G. 529,

Campbell Jas. 530,

Carey 545,

Carr 558,

Carroll 559,

Carswell 560,

Carter 562,

Causton 574,

Chalk 581,

Channell 590,

Chapman 593,

Chetham 606,

Church 618,

Claridge 624,

Clark 630,

Clarke 631,

Clarke R. B. 635,

Cleasby 643,

Cockburn 662,

Coey 666,

Coffin 667,

Colebrooke 672,

Coleridge 675,

Collings 678,

Colvile 687,

Comyn 690,

Cooke 702,

Cooke 705,

Cooper 708,

Cormack 720,

Costa 724,

Cotter 727,

Cowen 736,

Cox 743,

Coxe 744,

Creasy 757,

Cresswell 758,

Crichton 700,

Crichton 761,

Crompton 767,

Crosley 769,

Crowder 774,

Crowe 775,

Cubitt 779,

Currie 792,

Curteis 792,

Daly 808,

Darvill 818,

Darwin 819,

Davies 825,

Davison 832,

Davison 832,

Davy 835,

Deane 842,

Deas 843,

De Butts 846,

De Gex 847,

De La Beche 849,

De La Saussaye 852,

Denham 856,

Denison 858,

Desanges 866,

Dickinson D. J. 874,

Dickinson J. N. 874,

Dickson 876,

Dodson 889,

Doherty 890,

Dombrain 891,

Donaldson 894,

Donovan 897,

Doratt 898,

Douglas 901,

Douglas J. A. 904,

Douglas N. 904,

Downie 909,

Downman 909,

Doyle 912,

Doyle 913,

Dry 922,

Dundas 932,

Dwarris 945,

Eastlake 953,

Edwards 964,

Ellis 983,

Erie 994,

Everest 1007,

Eyre 1011,

Fairbairn 1014,

Fellowes 1032,

Fellows 1033,

Ferguson 1035,

Ferguson 1036,

Fife 1044,

Finlay 1049,

Fisher J. H. 1053,

Fisher J. W. 1053,

Fleming 1068,

Forbes 1078,

Fowler 1093,

Fox 1093,

Francis 1099,

Franks 1099,

Freestun 1105,

Fropier 1109,

Gambier 1118,

Gibbes 1137,

Gibbs 1137,

Giffard 1142,

Glass 1156,

Goodman 1174,

Gordon J. 1181,

Gordon J. W. 1181,

Gosselin 1187,

Gough 1189,

Gowans 1193,

Grant 1202,

Grant 1204,

Grant 1205,

Grattan 1209,

Gray 1216,

Green 1224,

Grey 1240,

Gurney 1261,

Gyll 1268,

Haberfield 1269,

Hackett W. 1270,

Hackett W. B. 1270,

Hagan 1273,

Halkett 1281,

Hall 1283,

Hall 1286,

Halliburton 1294,

Hamilton 1302,

Hamilton 1303,

Hamilton 1306,

Hamilton 1307,

Hancock 1314,

Hansler 1321,

Hanson 1322,

Harding 1327,

Hardman 1329,

Hardy 1333,

Hardy 1334,

Hare 1334,

Harris 1350,

Harris 1351,

Harrison E. S. 1352,

Harrison G. 1352,

Hart A. S. 1359,

Hart H. 1359,

Harvey 1365,

Harvey 1366,

Hastings 1372,

Hastings 1374,

Hawker 1386,

Hay 1393,

Hayes 1397,

Hayter 1401,


Head 1404,

Heathcote 1412,

Henry 1433,

Herbert 1439,

Heron 1445,

Herries 1446,

Hicks 1461,

Hilditch 1466,

Hill 1469,

Hill H. 1471,

Hill J. 1471,

Hill J. 1471,

Hill 1473,

Hill 1474,

Hindmarsh 1482,

Hodges 1492,

Hodgkinson 1493,

Hodgson 1497,

Hoffmeister 1500,

Holker 1505,

Holmes 1516,

Holmes 1517,

Hood 1525,

Hooker 1526,

Hopkins 1534,

Hopkinson 1535,

Horne 1540,

Horsford 1542,

Houlton 1549,

Howell 1557,

Howley 1561,

Hoyles 1563,

Huddleston 1565,

Hughes 1577,

Hume 1585,

Humphreys 1587,

Hunt 1690,

Huntley 1599.

Khondistan, human sacrifices in 532.

Knurr and spell player 1495.

Kossuth, Louis b. 1802, banquet to 69,

entertained by Henry 1432,

his friends 837, 1232.


Laboratories 941.

Lace, gassing of 1289,

machine for making 83,

made from mohair 287,

manufacturers of 287, 1412,

Old Loughborough machine 1412,

patent for making 275.

Lacrosse player, Glover 1160.

Ladies’ faces, enamelling of 770.

Laing, Rev. John d. 1880, librarian 1282.

Lamb, Charles d. 1834 essayist, attacked by cholera 93,

his friends 487, 1591.

Lambeth, degrees 557, 1494,

palace librarian 1225.

Lamps, Argand introduced 1554,

lamp of life, invention and explosion of 10.

Lampeter castle turned into St. David’s college 1336.

Lancaster duchy, chancellors of 6, 133, 623, 1241, 1358,

duke of, claimant to the title 1353,

records 1334.

Lanarkshire, lords lieutenant 226, 976, 1298 bis.

Land surveyor, Hodgson 1498.

Langalibalele, Caffre chief, treatment of 673.

Latin, hexameter verses, machine for composing 627.

Laurie, Sir Peter d. 1861, lord mayor 26, 27.

Lavalette, Antoine M. C., comte de d. 1830, his escape 897.

Law, common law procedure act 1272,

inns of court commission 675,

John Doe and Richard Roe 1398,

king’s bench filazer 18,

large incomes made at the bar 451,

law courts commission 675,

law courts, design for 478,

law courts, opening of the new 848,

papers copied at three pence a page 1596,

qualification for offices abolition act 1272,

refusal to call to the bar 1364.

Law, Incorporated Law Society, law institute projected 1513,

incorporated law soc., charter of 1513,

presidents 330, 494, 635, 918, 1080, 1089.

Law, William John d. 1869 barrister, on route of Hannibal over Alps 984.

Lawrence, Sir Thomas d. 1830 P.R.A., funeral of 318,

his assistant 1004.

Leamington, county library 988,

music hall 988.

Leather manufacturer, Hackett 1270.

Lecturers, Bellew 234,

Dawson 837,

Gilfillan 1148,

Gordon-Cumming 785,

Grossmith 1250.

Lee, James Prince d. 1869 bp. of Manchester, his confirmation opposed 1265.

Leechdoms 661.

Leeds, musical festivals 725,

St. Saviour’s vicar of 1075.

Leicester, Mount St. Bernard abbey 476.

Leinster, Augustus Frederick d. 1874 third duke of, his son 1059.

Lemon, Mark d. 1870, dramatised the Chimes 4.

Leopold I. d. 1805 king of the Belgians, his equerry 796,

master of his household 796.

Leopold, prince d. 1884,

duke of Albany 38.

Lepidoptera, collections of 900, 1454,

specimen costing £350 col. 1454.

Letter copying machines, pentagraph 1389,

Wedgwood’s manifold writer 1389.

Letters refused, the writer liable for the postage 26.

Letters, vocal and whisper 1476.

Leucocythemia or white cell blood discovered 242.

Lever, Charles James d. 1872 novelist, illustrators of his works 444.

Lewes, George Henry d. 1878 philosopher, Mary Ann Cross 771,

studentships founded in his name 771.

Lewin, Thomas d. 1843 of H.E.I.C.S. 1251.

Librarians, Atkinson 104,

Bandinel 150,

Bradshaw 375,

Brayley E. Wedlake 387,

Brayley E. William 387,

Brimley 401,

Brough 424,

Caulfield 573,

Cochrane 660,

Coxe 743,

Crestadoro 758,

Dalton 808,

Deutsch 867,

Edwards 965,

Halkett 1282,

Hall 1290,

Hennen 1430,

Herbert 1440, 1442,

Hertslet 1450,

Hitchcock 1484,

Holmes 1515,

Horne 1540,

Hulton 1582.

Libraries, Adamson 21,

Ainsworth 34,

Alvanley 55,

Ashburnham 93,

Aspland 99,

Atkinson 103,

Barker 162,

Beaufoy 212,

Bedford 218,

Bennis 245,

Bentham 247,

Black 293,

Bohn 326,

Blood 315,

Brooke 415,

Bruce 451,

Burnett 485,

Chetham 773,

circulating, first in London 1607,

Clerical 815,

Colburn 669,

Corney 721,

Corser 724,

Craig 747,

Crawford 753,

Crossley 773,

Currer 790,

Dampier 869,

Denny 861,

Dyce 946,

Eastlake 953,

Faculty of advocates 1537,

Fry 1111,

Great seal patent office 104,

Greswell 1238,

Grey 311,

Hardiman 1325,

Hardy 1332,

Hartley 1362,

Hawley 1391,

Heywood 1458,

Hibbert 80,

Holden 1504,

Holmes 1515,

Hope 1530,

Hunter 1597,

Huth 1606,

Hutt 1607,

Jewish, the 866,

London institution 80, 779,

London library 549, 660,

London library co. 1092,

Metropolitan library 815,

Napoleon library 311,

Perkins 80,

Stowe collection 93.

Libraries, catalogues on Crestadoro’s plan 758,

circulating 669, 1607,

itinerating founded 438.

Library Association, Oxford meeting 744,

president 375.

Liebig, Justus von, baron d. 1873 chemist, letters on chemistry 1122.

Life boats, Beeching’s 220,

steam life boat service 498.

Light, magnetism of 1020.

Lighthouses, keeper of 816,

polyzonal lens invented 394,

refraction protractor invented 144.

Lightning conductors for ships 1351.

Likenesses, machine for taking 1389.

Lilley, John, a sergeant arrested by Col. Crawley and d. 1863 in confinement 756.

Limerick, bishops of 1243, 1463,

lord lieutenant 940.

Lind, Jenny d. 1887 singer, Benedict travels with her in United States 238,

her friend 1251.

Lindsays, Lives of the 753.

Linen manufacturer, Dick 872.

Linguists, Bowring 362,

Buckle 463,

Cianchetti 621,

Hamilton 1307.

Linlithgowshire lord lieutenant 1533.

Lion tamer, Crockett 762.

Liquids, diffusion of, discovered 1198.

Lisbon, British hospital 1602,

English coll. at 1602,

mint at 643.

Lithotomists, Crichton 761,

Cusack 796,

Green 1225.

Lithographer, Day 421.

Lithotint invented 1326.

Liverpool, bishop of 1186,

chamber of commerce founded 1541,

Cope’s tobacco manufactory 715,

court of passage 769,

Eagle line of packets 400,

free public library and Derby museum 440,

Gibbs, Bright & Co. ship owners 399, 400,

Great Britain steamship 389, 400,

insurance offices 348,

Liverpool collegiate institution 697,

parliamentary debating soc. 715,

R.C. bishop 431,

salvage committee 348,

zoological gardens dismantled 102.

Livingstone, David d. 1873 explorer, Stanley’s search for 242.

Locksmith, Chubb 618.

Logarithms 1212.

Logic, quantification of the predicate, discovery of 247.

Logometer or ten foot gunter 382.


Abney park cemetery formed 1545,

Agricultural hall built 1552,

Albert gate, Hudson’s residence 1566,

Albert hall designed 1092,

alderman not admitted lord mayor 1341,

Almack’s quadrilles and waltzes introduced 1250,

armourers co. hall 1171,

Barnard’s inn ball restored 130,

Battle bridge, now King’s cross 1133,

bazaars, queen’s bazaar 1308 and royal 1308,

Billingsgate market built 474,

bishops of London 315, 639,

Bishop’s observatory 837,

Blackfriars bridge opened 574, 779,

Blacksmiths’ co. 834,

Bow St. magistrates 1072, 1080, 1433,

Bow st. officers 1115,

Braidwood superintendent of fire engine establishment 379,

British diorama 1308,

Buckingham palace completed 317,

garden pavilion, Scotch views in 805,

Caldwell’s dancing rooms 515,

Carlton house, alterations at 1536,

Cato street conspiracy 1057, 1115, 1226, 1353,

chapels royal, sub dean 1121,

Charing cross station built 1130,

Chelsea see col. 1631,

church of St. John of Jerusalem built 363,

city marshal 528,

city of London school founded 1278,

gift to 212,

opened 474,

city prison Holloway 474,

Cleopatra’s needle 712,

Clerkenwell house of detention, explosion at by Fenians 178,

Clifford’s inn, principals of 53, 82,

clothworkers’ hall opened 318,

coaches plying on the New Road 477,

coal exchange built 474,

college of St. Ignatius 442,

common serjeants of the city 471, 859,

congregation of Oblates 703,

controller of the chamber of the city 497,

corps of gentlemen at arms standard bearer 1341,

Cotton’s wharf, fire at 379,

Covent garden market built 1092,

Crace collection of prints and drawings 746,

Cromwell road built 1103,

Crosby hall, account of 548,

crystal palace Sydenham See Crystal palace 1635,

Cubitt’s Thames Bank factory 779,

Culverwell’s baths 782,

east end, earliest workers in 1187,

Euston station and hotel built 1331,

Exeter change menagerie 770,

faculty office 538,

fine arts commission 669,

Finsbury chapel 1069,

fire engine establishment 379,

Fleet prison warden 441,

freedom of city granted to Brooke 417,

Burgoyne 480,

Campbell Lord Clyde 657,

Cobden 659,

Cockburn 662,

Frere 1107,

freemasons’ hall 664,

French gloves sold in London 638,

gin palace, first in London 1133,

goldsmiths’ hall built 1331,

Gordon boys’ home founded 1178,

Gower’s walk free school 832,

guildhall librarian 39,

guild of St. Luke founded 391,

Guy’s hospital separated from St. Thomas’s 1352,

halls in city warmed and ventilated 1539,

Hancock’s steam carriages 1315,

Highgate cemetery laid out 1133,

Holborn viaduct opened 574,

Hotels, Claridge’s 624,

Freemasons’ tavern 1097,

Hampshire hog tavern 695,

Mivart’s 624,

St. Albans 373 and St. James’ 1097,

Hungerford market opened 1092,

pulled down 1130,

Hyde park corner arch built 494,

Hyde park, relievi on the entrance gate 1431,

Kensington gram. sch. founded 1560,

Kensington palace, chaplains at 168, 1211,

gardener 37,

Kensington South, fountains in exhibition garden 811,

museum, Foster’s pictures and books 1085,

King’s college charter 409,

King’s Weighhouse chapel 280,

Knightsbridge, memorials of 830,

Lambeth bridge opened 169,

Lambeth ragged sch. opened 212,

land registry office, registrar of 1074,

Leicester sq. Savile house exhibition of hydraulic figures 1254,

lent oratorios 323,

life in London by Pierce Egan 778,

Lincoln’s inn hall and library foundation stone laid 451,

finished 1331,

London bridge, account of 548,

design for 1092,

drawings of 701,

stones of old bridge used to build Ingress park 1341,

London Pneumatic despatch Co., iron tubes for 180,

London university founded 1251,

lord mayor in 1852 had no procession or dinner 581,

lord mayor’s carriage, paintings on 135,

lord mayor’s show, Grace Darling’s boat 816,

lord mayors, Allen 53,

Besley 261,

Carroll 559,

Carter 562,

Challis 582,

Combe 687,

Copeland 716,

Cubitt 780,

Curtis 793,

Duke 927,

Farncomb 1022,

Finnis 1050,

Gibbons 1137,

Hale 1278,

Hooper 1528,

Humphery 1586,

Hunter 1595,

Hunter 1598,

Laurie 26, and Moon 1253,

lord mayorship not granted 1273,

Manchester new college president 992,

marble arch, bassi relievi on 130,

Marshalsea, prisoners in 873, 1130,

Middle Temple chrysanthemum exhibition 802,

library 945,

metropolitan board of works, last of original members 808,

metropolitan cattle market built 474,

metropolitan improvement commission 669,

Middlesex hospital, Cropper’s devise to 768,

Mincing lane, the millionaire of 725,

mint, master of 1198,

mint works reformed 1342,

national gallery, director of 364,

national Scottish church, Covent Garden 784,

Nelson’s column, bas reliefs on 544,

Newgate, governor of 441,

Nunhead cemetery laid out 474,

Pantheon exhibition of pictures 1073,

turned into wine vaults 1146,

Pimlico district created 779,

police commissioner of city 1364,

queen’s college teacher of theology 1121,

ragged school founded 9,

Regent’s park, electric wire laid in 835,

ice accident 885,

remembrancer of city 723,

Romano-British remains, collection of 130,

St. Alban’s, Holborn built 1564,

St. Clement Danes parish, account of 881,

St. George in the East, disturbances at 51,

St. James’ chapel royal, master of choristers 1418,

St. John’s gate restored 1246,

St. Katharine docks opened 35,

St. Martin’s hall burnt 1581,

St. Mary Magdalen ch. Munster sq. built 555,

St. Mary’s hospital built 1536,

St. Michael’s, Cornhill, registers of 605,

St. Pancras parish divided into 20 incumbencies 802,

St. Paul’s cathedral, painted windows 439,

person buried in 596,

St. Paul’s, Covent garden, charitable institutions 1608,

St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge, erected 786,

St. Peter’s, Newington, built 581,

St. Thomas’ hospital opened 1461,

secondary of the city 849,

sewerage works 1204,

Smithfield market, enquiry into 505,

Soane museum curator 334,

Soho square bazaar established 419,

Somers Town, abbé Carron’s school 502,

Southwark, bishops of 667, 811, 1206,

stamps department Somerset house remodelled 1470,

surpliced choir the first in the city 1473,

Thames defences 553,

Thames embankment 1154, 1204,

Thames tunnel 1390,

engineer of 207,

theatres See Theatres,

tower of London, catholic memories of 703,

constables of 689, 798, 1169,

deputy lieut. office abolished 864,

persons committed to 51, 653,

tower subway opened 169,

traders’ tavern tokens 482,

trees, planting of 802,

Trinity house, master of 39,

University coll. diseased structures, drawings of 560,

gymnasium 611,

University hall Gordon sq. 654,

Vauxhall, bridge foundation stone laid 453,

embankment made 779,

Holy Trinity ch. built 248,

Victoria docks formed 272,

Walworth, Clayton schools 642,

West London infirmary renamed Charing Cross hospital 1166,

Whitechapel ch. rebuilt 707,

wool exchange erected 765,

yeomen of the guard, exon of 1314,

York college commenced 1128,

zoological gardens, Regent’s park, established 1247,

animals fed in public 1247,

zoological gardens, the Surrey 7, 770.

Londonderry, lords lieutenant 839, 1036,

Magee college 769.

Looms, power looms 1089.

Long, Rev. W. deprived of his license by Bp. of Capetown 1218.

Lords chancellor, Brougham 426,

Cairns 512,

Campbell 526,

Chelmsford 602,

Cottenham 726,

Cranworth 751,

Hatherley 1376.

Lords chief justice of England, Campbell 526,

Cockburn 662,

Denman 858.

Lord high steward, Anglesey 71.

Lords privy seal, Buckingham 460,

Buccleugh 457,

Clanricarde 622,

Clarendon 623,

Disraeli 203,

Ellenborough 975,

Haddington 1271,

Halifax 1281,

Hardwicke 1331,

Harrowby 1358.

Lords, house of, cartoons in 946,

chief justice of England sitting without his robes 859,

league for abolition of 1386.

Lotteries, abolished 559,

prizes in 1268.

Louis XVIII. d. 1824 king of France, conducted from Ghent to Paris 702.

Louis Philippe d. 1857 king of the French, flight to England 1030,

his queen 1105,

his son 856,

painting taught to his family 1043,

sent present of china to Harding 1326.

Louth, lord lieutenant 234.

Lowe, Robert b. 1811 first viscount Sherbrooke, caricatured in burlesque of Happy Land 1476.

Luddite riots 1434.

Lunacy, non restraint system originated 1128, 1474.

Lycian marbles, discovered 1033,

Harpy tomb, the 1390.

Lyon, Mrs. Jane, her action against Daniel D. Home 1519.

Lytton-Bulwer, Edward G. d. 1873 baron Lytton, Devereux in French 1578.


Macaire, Robert, original delineator of the character 444.

McAll protestant mission in Paris 888.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington d. 1859 baron, defeated in contest for rectorship of Marischal college 47,

his executor 986.

Machine makers, Dyer 947,

Fairbairn 1014.

Machines, boring 551,

for pressing goods 528,

planing 551,

shaping 551.

Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell b. 1847 his operas 1569.

Mackintosh & Co., air beds 627,

india rubber works 799.

Madder grown and manufactured in England 1042.

Magazines and other Periodicals, See also Newspapers.

Agricultural and industrial magazine editor 577.

Ainsworth’s magazine editor 33.

All the year round commenced 872.

American monthly established 1440.

Anthropological review editor 1591.

Anti-slavery pilot established 83.

Argonaut editor 1524.

Artist, The commenced 774.

Art union journal established 1289.

Astronomical register established 1186.

Aunt Judy’s magazine editor 1131.

Bachelors’ papers, Liverpool, established 136.

Band of hope review editor 1120.

Band of mercy editor 1120.

Bankers’ magazine editor 1002.

Bankers’ almanac editor 1002.

Barker’s review commenced 164.

Bentley’s miscellany commenced 249,

editor of 33,

sale of 33.

Bentley’s quarterly review started 249.

Bent’s literary advertiser founded 246.

Blackwood’s magazine, contributor to 1156.

Bombay quarterly review commenced 65.

Botanical magazine, editor 1526,

proprietor 794.

British and foreign evangelical rev. editors 788.

British and foreign medical rev. founded 619, 1078.

British workman editors 522, 1120.

Calvert’s mechanics’ almanac founded 521.

Canadian naturalist established 277.

Carpenter’s monthly political editor 556.

Celt founded 536.

Chambers’ Edinburgh journal founded 588.

Channel islands magazine commenced 680.

Chess player, authors of 1544.

Child’s companion editor 771.

Childrens’ journal projected 853.

Christian advocate review editor 1250.

Christian, publisher 358.

Christian herald editor 1485.

Christian monthly editor 1437.

Christian observer editor 787.

Christian physician and anthropological magazine 994.

Christian pioneer editor 1347.

Christian reformer discontinued 100.

Christian remembrancer, editors 1121, 1292.

Christian teacher commenced 208.

Chrono-thermalist began 877.

Church, editor 1130.

Churchman’s magazine editor 1028.

Churchman’s quarterly magazine projected 88.

Churchman’s monthly companion commenced 88.

Church musician started 1131.

Citizen, The, at Dublin 1568.

Comic news editor 507.

Cope’s tobacco plant first issued 715.

Congregational review editor 1524.

Court journal originated 669.

Critica biblica editor 555.

Critical review editor 1592.

Dawn, The, Manchester, commenced 423.

Dibdin’s penny trumpet proprietor 4.

Dublin journal of medical science, started 1213,

editor 1303.

Dublin university magazine founded 502.

Eagle, St. John’s coll. magazine 984.

Eclectic review editors 690, 1524.

Ecclesiastical art review editor 1208.

Edinburgh literary journal commenced 227.

Edinburgh medical and surgical journal editor 747.

Edinburgh review founded 426,

editor 992.

Etcetera editor 670.

Evangelical penny magazine proprietor 4.

Evening news, Sydney, started 243.

Figaro proprietor 4.

Figaro in London, editor 4.

Floricultural cabinet and florists’ magazine 1354.

Foreign quarterly review founded 1150,

editor 1084.

Fraser’s magazine, contributor to 1156,

editor fights a duel 254.

Free church magazine, Edinburgh, editor 1453.

Fun, artist on 1218,

editor 507.

Gallery of terrors proprietor 4.

Gardener’s chronicle founded 879.

Gardener’s magazine editor 1459.

Gentleman’s magazine, editors 451, 1066,

proprietor 372.

Germ, The 682.

Ghost proprietor 4.

Hardwicke’s science gossip commenced 1331.

Hazlewood magazine editor 1476.

Hebrew christian editor 832.

Hogg’s weekly instructor editor 1502.

Household words, proprietors 372,

discontinued 872.

Howitt’s journal editor 1560.

Hunt’s London journal editor 1589.

Hunt’s yachting magazine founded 10.

Illustrated London magazine 84.

Intelligencer founded at Belleville 239.

Journal of health and disease, editor 994.

Journal of industry started 930.

Journal of London institution commenced 424.

Journal of morbid anatomy, editor 1025.

Journal of philosophy founded 629.

Journal of royal agricultural society, editor 1108.

Journal of statistical society, editor 1266.

Jurist founded 1074.

Laboratory, The, started 424.

Law magazine founded 1402.

Leigh Hunt’s journal published 1591.

Leigh Hunt’s London journal, editor 1591.

Leisure moments, editor 781.

Literary gazette originated 669.

Literary news, Sydney, editor 5.

Liverpool lion commenced 425.

Liverpool medical journal editor 1257.

London magazine started 141,

editor 878.

London medical and surgical journal editors 994, 1549.

London medical repository editor 936.

London medical review editor 1496.

London photographic society journal editor 870.

London quarterly review editor 1133.

London society projected 1502.

Lover, proprietor 4.

Magazine of science and school of arts, editor 1098.

Mirth, editor 507.

Month commenced 1092.

Monthly magazine editor 1437.

Monthly magazine of holy rosary, editor 1082.

Monthly repository editors 1539, 1591.

Montreal medical gazette founded 122.

Museum criticum established 315.

Musical world editors 833, 1131.

National miscellany founded 84.

Natural history review editor 791.

Nautical magazine commenced 215.

New monthly magazine, editor 1289,

sold 33.

New monthly magazine and humorist commenced 161.

New quarterly review founded 498,

editor 1568.

North British review editors 1318.

Notes and Queries editor 898,

writer in 1603.

Numismatic journal started 37.

Once a week editor 805.

Orchestra editor 1022.

Oriental herald and colonial review commenced 461.

Panoply, The, founded 1077.

Penny catholic magazine started 1401,

published 433.

People’s journal proprietors 1560.

People’s penny picture proprietor 4.

Photographic art journal projected 853.

Phrenological journal editor 742.

Political letters issued 556.

Political magazine commenced 556.

Poor Richard’s journal proprietor 4.

Porcupine founded 715.

Portfolio started 10, 11.

Post magazine and insurance monitor proprietor 1362.

Preacher’s lantern editor 1524.

Primitive methodist magazine commenced 350.

Prison proverbs commenced 11.

Quarterly journal of foreign medicine and surgery established 1180.

Quarterly mining review editor 993.

Quarterly review founded 764.

Railway magazine proprietor 1436.

Rambler, publisher 488.

Reflector, editor 1591.

Retrospective review, contributor to 773.

Royal ladies’ magazine editor 1157.

St. James’ magazine editor 1283.

Saturday night editor 1525.

Saturday review, contributors to 787, 805,

editor 700.

Scripture magazine editor 555.

Sharpe’s London magazine editor 1283.

Social notes editor 1289.

Sock and buskin editor 1022.

Sphynx begun 461.

Sporting review editor 546.

Squib, The editor of 1209.

Statistical journal editors 1070.

Student begun 34.

Sunbeam, editor 1437.

Sunday magazine editor 1265.

Ten hours advocate 1205.

Terrific penny magazine proprietor 4.

Theological critic established 88.

Thief, proprietor 4.

Tonic sol-fa reporter started 795.

Tract magazine editor 771.

Unitarian herald commenced 208,

editor 1129.

United service magazine originated 669,

editor 1112.

Westminster review, contributor to 1168,

proprietor 1462.

Willis’s current notes, editor 482.

Winter wreath begun 614.

Young England founded 249.