Advanced Beings and a Fork in the Road of Evolution

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Chapter Two. Meeting with the Unknown

After saying goodbye to their parents and friends, Etan and Noumat set out on their way. They stayed close to the river, the source of life in the desert. They walked for a day, two days, a week and still didn’t meet anybody.

The men couldn’t say how many times the sun went up and down since the beginning of their journey when they suddenly saw some silhouettes over the horizon.

«Etan, I can see something in the way,» Noumat said carefully.

«It’s people,» Etan confirmed the suspicions of his friend.

Etan and Noumat were brave. They walked on, void of fear.

A man came forth from amongst the group of people and headed toward the brave travelers. The stranger was tall, lean, and oddly dressed.

«Who are you?» the man shouted, scowling.

«We come in peace,» Noumat shouted back with his ringing voice. «Our names are Etan and Noumat. We went off on this journey by order of Pharaon, the head of our settlement. We are here to learn. We will be your apprentices.»

The tall man eyed them with suspicion but he believed that Noumat had told the truth. After some thought, he said: «Follow me. I will introduce you to the chief of our brotherhood. My name is Verum.»

Etan and Noumat followed Verum straight away.

«Come over here. I know who you are,» a man, standing in front of the others, said rather huskily. Neither Noumat nor Etan had ever seen such an old man. «Yes, I remember your manly faces very well. I’ve seen you in my dream. My name is Laurus. They also call me Dream Seer. We’ve come from faraway lands, rich with lush meadows and thick forests, the lands that are nothing like this barren ground, in order to meet you. Pharaon’s desire (yes, I know who he is) was so strong that I could see him and so I set on a journey towards you together with my faithful friends and companions.»

Etan and Noumat’s amazement gradually turned into fear of the unknown power. They were in awe of the astounding knowledge of the old man. But they didn’t undertake such a long journey just to yield upon meeting the unknown they were looking for. Moreover, the young men did not want to let down the people of their settlement, who needed help and support from the outside.

«There is no need for you to beware anything or anyone here,» Laurus said. «We’ve brought two spare camels with us. For you. So let us not waste any time and set forward, to the lands that will captivate you. You will be given special knowledge and your people will be able to multiply and replenish.»

Etan and Noumat had never seen camels before since their lives were so poor and meager. The friends of Laurus helped them get on the bizarre beasts and walked by their side, making them safe from a fall.

«You know why I love the desert?» Laurus spoke again, sitting on the back of a leisurely walking camel. «You are alone with your thoughts here. There’s nothing to distract you from yourself, your inner voice. I like meditating here. But first things first.»

The desert was indeed lovely, especially now, embraced by the late sunlight. The sandhills imitated the wild waves of a vast ocean as if they had frozen motionless only to offer the travelers a chance to get an eyeful of their magnificence. It was easy to lose the way in the endless desert, as their tracks were immediately covered with wind-blown sand. But the travelers moved with confidence, easily navigating the peculiar waters.

It got absolutely dark. The sky dressed up in its best apparel, sprinkling stars, shiny like diamonds, over travelers’ heads. They rode in silence and only the quiet conversation between the wind and sand could be heard.

«I wonder,» Noumat thought, «what do the sand and wind know? What are they talking about?»

He remembered what his father had told him when he had been a child: «You can confide your secrets in the sand and wind, they will never betray you. If you wish for something, ask them for it and they will help you get it. Before a man was born into this world, the sands and wind had already been inseparable. They know the secret of eternal life and undying love.»

Lost in his thoughts, Noumat was swayed by the powers of the dream world and sank into a deep sleep. Etan fell asleep too. The camels kept walking, leisurely carrying their heavy bodies.

But Laurus’s people didn’t have time for rest. Laurus raised his hand, barely visible in the darkness, and then all the travelers stopped and dismounted. Only Noumat and Etan were still sleeping right on the backs of their camels. It didn’t seem to bother anyone.

Laurus and his companions sat on the sand, forming a wide circle, reached for the sky, and closed their eyes. The night was far advanced. Suddenly, Laurus began whispering quietly. If you listened closely, you could make out words of gratitude.

«Almighty World around us and within us,» Laurus said in a low voice, «we thank you for the travelers you have sent us in response to our prayers. We took the Great Path and we won’t wander from it. We can feel your support.»

The rest of the words got lost in the murmur of wind that was carrying the sand from one hill to another. But one thing was clear: As Laurus uttered those words, he looked happy and pleased, and his companions did too. For a little while, they kept nodding their heads rhythmically, then opened their eyes, stood up, and continued on their journey.

The next morning, when Etan and Noumat woke up from their deep sleep, they thought their eyes were deceiving them. The sands were gone. The mountains around them were buried in verdure. The air was thick with the chatter of birds and the soft rustle of waterfalls.

«What a fertile land!» Etan said in bewilderment as he dismounted his camel. Noumat stood agape, trying to get a good view of the surroundings, and couldn’t say a word.

There was a clap of thunder and it suddenly began raining hard. All the travelers hid under the crown of an enormous tree: Only rare drops of the rain could get there.

«My dear companions and new friends,» Laurus said in a calm voice. «Let’s sit down. Many of you are marveling at the metamorphosis of the surroundings. You keep asking yourselves about the sources of these phenomena.»

His wrinkled face betrayed a good-natured man: The deepest lines had to be caused by laughter. His stately body was wrapped in something like a dark, shabby long-sleeved robe. Silver curls framed his face with bright green eyes; surprisingly good teeth and full lips were hidden behind his mustache and beard. You could say that Laurus was handsome, confident, and composed. Everything around him seemed to give him real pleasure.

There was a nice chill and freshness in the air. Ants were running around tirelessly, engaged in some very important and urgent work. The whole world around them was moving, full of joy. The whole world welcomed the rain.

«Close your eyes. Take a deep breath,» Laurus said with deliberation. «Listen to nature.»

Etan could not stop looking at the beautiful, abundant landscape. He did not want to miss the rave of colors around him. However, he paid attention to Laurus’s advice and concentrated his mind on his breath. He felt in harmony. He was merging with nature. It was amazing.

Noumat could not concentrate. A swarm of midges was flying around his face and he couldn’t get comfortable on the hard ground, no matter how hard he tried.

Laurus kept on with his speech: «Everything in the world is connected: The sky, earth, stars, you, and me. Everything is just a thought at the beginning. But this thought is persistent, familiar, a thought of conviction, a thought of truth, your truth. Everything we see around us is this thought, already «ripe’, «begotten’. Poor thoughts build a poor world, thoughts about plenteousness build a world of plenty. But nothing in the world is unwanted. Nothing is wrong. All its parts complement each other. One thought leads to another. We feel each and every thought deep in our bones; each thought is the energy we feel within us. But you already know that. A thought of the terrifying will make your breath quicken, your palms sweat, or it may even turn your hair gray. A long-lasting thought of the horrible will cause ghastly diseases, set the wheels of destruction in motion. And by contrast, a happy thought will bring out the most pleasant emotions, a state of euphoria. Long-lasting happy thoughts will heal your bodies, attract happy events.

Everything around you and you, yourselves, are the ripe thoughts, fit for consumption right here and now, just like a fruit fallen from a tree. The good news is that nothing is static; things change.

Our friends came from the lands where soils are not as fertile as here. But if they choose to turn things around, it can be done. Now open your eyes. It’s time for us to go to the cave for the meeting we all longed for.»

No one wanted Laurus to stop. His speech was soothing, mesmerizing like the sounds of a wondrous instrument. The listeners’ bodies seemed to become as light as feathers, and they felt as if they were soaring.

Everything Laurus had said was bizarre for Pharaon’s friends but the old man seemed to know what he was talking about. Etan and Noumat decided to put themselves in his hands and followed him into the cave. They were growing more and more curious.

They saw an amazing sight. The rain had already stopped. The sun was shining bright, clouds were floating in the sky, constantly altering their peculiar shapes, reminding of a playful cat.

Laurus’s companions, Noumat, and Etan slowly headed towards the highest mountain. They passed by luxuriant growths of vegetation; the soil under their feet was alive with millions of living things running around and bustling, stirred by human footsteps. Finally, they reached a clearing and the mountain appeared before them in all its grandeur.


«My dear friends,» Laurus addressed the travelers, «follow me and have no fear.»

There is no way to describe the beauty of that mountain. Blanketed with broad-leaved trees, it looked soft and cuddly despite its monumental size. As the travelers came closer, they saw a small opening at its foot.

Laurus entered the cave first, followed by the rest of the travelers. He took something out of his pocket and the mysterious object lit up the dark cave.

The travelers went further down and, still not too far from the entrance, found themselves in a spacious cave. The walls were covered with inscriptions but no one could read them. Laurus placed the shining object into the center of the cave and sat down on the floor. The others sat down too.

Then, something unimaginable happened. Laurus closed his eyes, whispering quietly. His head was moving oddly and then froze. As he woke out of trance, he gave the travelers a strange look. Something changed in it.

«What is shining over there?» Noumat whispered into Etan’s ear.

«I have no idea,» Etan said, equally baffled.

«This is a stone that accumulates sunlight and then glows in the dark,» Verum, who was sitting next to Noumat and Etan, said calmly and quietly.

«My word!» Etan and Noumat said in unison, trying not to make too much noise.

«I’ll tell you what. I didn’t even think that learning can be so exciting and enjoyable!» Etan said.

«I know, right? And this is just the beginning!» Noumat said eagerly.

«I am glad to be here with you,» Laurus said in a strange voice. «It is good to see you. I welcome Etan and Noumat who came from far away. I know why you are here. Your land can be fertile too. You will manage to go far since Pharaon possesses the great power which he will discover soon.

He is the chosen one. Take these seeds and young plants and put them into your sands. Have faith, there will be a heavy crop.»

The faces of all the people sitting around Laurus expressed astonishment. His voice died down and there was silence. No one who was there had ever witnessed anything like that.

They left the cave and followed Laurus again. The old man was walking alone, at some distance from the others. When Etan and Noumat approached him, he said: «A long time ago I dreamt that two men would come and learn something in the cave. Something that would be precious for them and all humanity,» the eyes of the old man twinkled mysteriously. «And now let’s get to the nearby village, have a meal, and ask for seeds and young plants.»

«Tell us, Laurus,» Noumat said as they were walking towards the village, «who was it, talking through you?»

«It is hard to say,» Laurus said broodingly. «It has never happened to me before. But those were not my thoughts. I marveled at the words I was saying. But one thing is certain: I felt really good as if happiness spilled into my body. I felt like I was flying. That thing, it was not evil. It is good, peaceful, and even loving energy. It wants the best for us.»

«Laurus,» Etan said. «Where do you live? Do you have a family?»

«I have children but I am mostly wandering the world. My friends follow me everywhere, they have been a second family to me. We give knowledge to those who seek it. In that, we find joy and purpose of the earthly life.»

«Where do you get this knowledge from?» Etan asked. «It was so interesting and unusual what you said about our thoughts. I sometimes ponder over it myself: What do I have so many thoughts for? What good are they doing to me? Where do they come from and where do they run? Or are they stored somewhere, motionless? But it turned out, our thoughts are what gives birth to the things around us. How marvelous!»

«I get my ideas from my dreams,» Laurus replied. «Or, when meditating.»

«Laurus, what do you think a dream is?» Noumat asked.

«A dream is a reality of another world, another dimension,» Laurus replied, without a moment’s hesitation.

«I am not sure I understand,» Noumat muttered.

«Then you will, later,» Laurus gave him an encouraging smile and patted his shoulder.

«After we get everything we need for the crop,» Noumat turned the conversation to the matter he understood better, «we will have to go back as soon as possible. I think our people are waiting for us. Laurus, can we take some of your men to help us in Pharaon’s settlement and maybe stay and live with us? Our people are kind, they will give your men a warm welcome. Our home will be their home too.»

«We will all go to the settlement with you and spend some time there,» Laurus said. «Relying on today’s revelation in the cave, there will be great changes. Those who want to stay and live with you will stay.»

«Laurus is quite hopeful, that’s for sure,» Noumat said to Etan quietly. «I doubt anyone would want to stay and live in a desert after they’ve seen such an abundant land.»

«Yes, the chances are slim,» Etan said.

Deep in conversation, they came to the village. They asked the first people they saw for what they needed and it was not long before they received a generous gift. Two pretty young women helped put woven sacks on the backs of Etan and Noumat. The sacks were not large and did not prevent them from walking properly.

«What are your names?» Noumat asked the women.

«I am Ichel,» the one Noumat took a liking to said.

«And I’m Dune,» the one who charmed Etan said humbly.

«Would you come with us to our settlement? It will become your home, and Etan and I will become your family. We will take care of you, love you, and protect you.»

The young women happily accepted the proposal. They had been longing for a family for a long time and they liked Etan and Noumat who were well-built and kind.

Laurus kept smiling while watching them. He remembered how he had first met the mother of his children.

They had been both just as young and happy, eager to see life in all its shapes and sizes.

«Laurus,» Noumat broke the thread of his happy thoughts. «Laurus, we are ready to head back to our native land.»

«Right,» Laurus said quickly. «I will tell my companions.»

About twenty people agreed to come, those who were most excited about Laurus’s thoughts on the world order. They felt that his words were true. Laurus never imposed his ideas on them. Listeners came to him willingly, aching to look at the world from a completely different perspective. Laurus used to say that where is a ready learner, there is a teacher. All the people of like minds were looking for the answers to their questions. It was them who would find Laurus rather than the other way round. Some of the listeners accompanied him on his journeys to learn as much as possible about this new peculiar vision Laurus shared with them.

Before leaving, Ichel and Dune wined and dined the travelers, serving the best local dishes. The travelers were absolutely happy.

And so, Noumat, Etan, Ichel, Dune, Laurus, and his followers started their journey back to the desert where Pharaon’s settlement lay. They were all riding camels since there was a long way ahead of them. However, the travelers were elated. Some of them were going home, others were euphoric at the thought of starting a family of their own, while others were in anticipation of wondrous events.

The camels walked slowly, swaying remarkably. Every now and then, someone would get sick from this swaying. This forced them to take breaks from riding and walk on foot by the camels in order to clear their heads at least a little.

Etan and Noumat were riding side by side.

«You know,» Noumat said, squinting in the sun, «I am so glad it shaped so well. We fulfilled the mission Pharaon had entrusted us with: We are bringing him new knowledge, new people, and you and I even managed to find the loves of our lives. It’s marvelous!»

«Yes, it is,» Etan agreed. «We were incredibly lucky to meet Dream Seer. Remember he said he had been waiting for us? I can’t imagine how it is even possible. Every minute spent with him seems to be filled with light. It feels so good just being around him. Now I see clearly why there are people who willingly leave their settled lifestyles behind in exchange for constant wanderings. They get the chance to feel his incredible energy and listen to his wise words.»

There was a buzz of conversation around the group of travelers. The companions did not mind talking to each other as well, breaking the monotony of the journey. Some were talking about the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, others were sharing their plans for the future, still others were fantasizing about sharing the knowledge they had been given by Laurus with other people so that they better understood the world around them.

All the companions came from different places, were completely different from each other in their looks but they all shared one common feature. They looked at the world around them with their eyes wide open. They were learners, future teachers, and inspirators.

Meanwhile, the lush green lands were left behind, and the travelers were passing through the barren sands, blindingly familiar and dear to the hearts of Etan and Noumat.

«My dear friends,» Laurus said to the travelers. «Let us halt for a while and meditate.»

They all dismounted, sat down on the ground in a big circle, raised their hands, palms facing the sky, closed their eyes, and focused not to miss a single word Dream Seer was saying.

«My dear friends,» Laurus repeated. «Listen to your breath and try not to think about anything else. Get yourselves in the calm frame of mind. Then, if any idea comes to you from the world of thoughts, remember it, for it is precious.»

The travelers gave heed to Laurus’s words. They sat in silence, listening to their own breath, interrupted only by occasional gusts of wind. If we could take a closer look, we would see looks of pleasure coming to their faces. Such meditations could put people into an indescribable state of both relaxation and vivacity. Not everyone could get there on the first try but the longer they practiced the better the result was.

Noumat couldn’t focus on his breath and opened his eyes every once in a while. He was a little upset about being unable to achieve a state of meditation and open his mind to new precious ideas.

Travelers spent around twenty minutes meditating. Then Laurus told them to stop and carefully asked what ideas they had had at the end of the process. Two of the travelers said that they had felt anxiety, the others found it hard to answer.

Laurus stood up and said, calmly but confidently: «I managed to get a message: There’s a sand storm coming.»

«What?» the travelers began asking in agitated voices. «A sand storm?! Is this a big one? What shall we do now?»

«We have to hurry up. We are going to leave the direct path in order not to get into the eye of the storm. Prepare pieces of cloth. You will cover your faces and breathe through them when the need arises.»

No one argued with Laurus, their trust in him was infinite. Some of the travelers thrashed about for pieces of cloth, others just tore off pieces of their clothes.

While everyone was fussing about, Noumat came up to Laurus and asked: «Laurus, what does «meditation’ mean? I can’t really master it.»

«Meditation,» Laurus said as he was putting a piece of cloth around his neck, «is a go-between. It is a state where the bond between a person and the world of thoughts, the world of energies is strengthened and this person finds himself or herself between the physical self and energetic representation.»

«It’s very difficult,» Noumat mused.

«You shouldn’t search too hard for an answer or try to understand everything right here, right now,» Laurus said encouragingly. «You will understand it when the time is right if you set your heart on it and wait for it patiently.»

Meanwhile, the wind started rising.

«Noumat,» Ichel said. «I am afraid. I have never been caught in a sand storm before but I’ve heard it can be really dangerous. What if…»

«Don’t!» Noumat did not let her finish. «There is nothing to be afraid of. The storm won’t hurt us. Stay close and you’ll be fine.»

At heart, Noumat was just as scared. And only the calm face of Laurus gave him confidence.

They could already see the storm in the distance. Worried, the travelers saddled up and urged the camels forward, hoping there was time for them to save themselves. However, it looked like they were rushing towards the storm instead of running away. Etan and Noumat were inflamed with rage, angry at themselves for obeying Laurus, for abandoning their path, and finding themselves trapped.


The wind roared. A wall of sand was growing in front of them, obscuring the sun. The travelers were both terrified and amazed at the hypnotic view, at the power and beauty of nature.

They breathed quickly, feeling the increasing helplessness. Their camels stopped dead, unable to move, paralyzed by fear.

The travelers could not take their eyes off the horrifying wall of sand, sweeping towards them with devastating speed. The storm seemed almost alive, it was like a hungry wild beast, chasing its prey and not letting it go. The travelers appeared to be the prey.

The hot breath of nature nipped at their faces. The storm was about five hundred meters away from them; it had already opened its jaws, ready to devour the travelers.

Following along Laurus, they all dismounted, covered their faces with the pieces of cloth, their hands shaking, and clang to the ground.

They could not see anything, it was as dark as midnight, but they could hear the increasing roaring sound and feel the mighty blasts of wind with their whole bodies. The wind whipped them with sand. They were aware of their helplessness and were scared to death, blinded by fear.

Noumat felt that this was the end. The happiest moments of his life flashed before his eyes. He remembered his childhood, carefree laughter, playing with other kids. For a brief moment, he even forgot what was going on around him.

Hugging the ground, Etan was agonizing over the failed task, regretting that he would die, leaving no descendants behind.

Ichel and Dune were nearly fainting, unable to cope with fear.

Heaven only knows what Laurus and his companions had on their minds.

Suddenly, the roaring went down. It was withering, drifting away. The travelers felt a glimmer of hope. They uncovered their faces, sprang to their feet, and saw that the sand storm was somehow moving away from them as if it went astray, pushed or maybe frightened, or drawn by some unseen force. Imagine the travelers’ surprise when they realized that the storm swooped in the direction where they would be if they didn’t slant off from the path at the insistence of Laurus. It seemed impossible! The travelers could not help crying, their faces wet with tears of joy. Many of them dropped down on their knees, weak from what they had just endured.

How could it be? One thing was clear: It had all been predetermined. Someone, or something, had warned Laurus so that he could warn the others. Whoever, or whatever it might be, it was a friendly force that had just saved their lives.

The travelers approached Laurus to thank him. Ichel and Dune were slowly coming to their senses. All these anxieties left their mark on them.

«My dear friends,» Laurus said in a clear voice. «What you have just witnessed is not something unique, something that few can master. Each of you is able to chime with the world of thoughts, the world of knowledge where you can learn about everything that has happened in the past and ever will happen and where you will be helped and supported, no matter what.»

Mesmerized, they were listening to Laurus, unable to break the ringing silence. Now, when the travelers had witnessed that Laurus’s words were true, his words were of even more importance, had even more influence on them. It’s one thing to hear about something and it’s quite another to experience it. The travelers hung on his every word, every turn of his head, every change in his facial expression. They did not want to miss a thing.

«Laurus,» Etan cried out. «May we call you Master?»

«Of course, Etan,» Laurus replied and exchanged glances with his companions, flashing a mysterious smile. «But you need to understand, you can all be masters. We are all tarred with the same stick, figuratively speaking. We are all the same. All I can do you can do too. You just don’t know about it yet.»

«Master, will you help us do it then?» Noumat said emphatically.

«Of course I will!» Laurus looked happy. It felt so good to share knowledge with those who are really eager to gain it. «But first you need to understand and accept that the whole world is filled with energy. It’s what the world, you, and I are made of. Now, the most intriguing thing is that energy is somewhat alive. It is capable of thinking, it knows everything. And it also loves us like our mothers do though it is never upset with us. Even if we let it down. It is always eager to help and believes in our success without reservation. It was this energy that warned us about the storm.»

«It’s too good to be true!» a murmur of surprise ran through the listeners. «So it means we are in good hands, doesn’t it? Someone or something that knows everything willingly takes care of us. This is incredible!»

«It’s the best thing I’ve ever heard!» Noumat exclaimed.

«And now,» Laurus said. «Sit down, close your eyes, and listen to your breath, leaving all your worries behind. We’ve undergone a severe experience, so we have to restore the emotional balance and return harmony.»

They all did as Dream Seer had told them. Many of them succeeded, especially among those who had spent a lot of time accompanying Laurus on his journeys and had the chance to practice meditation many times.

«Laurus,» Noumat said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. «No matter how hard I try to concentrate, I’m getting all itchy every time! What does that mean?»

«Just try not to pay attention,» Laurus said quietly.

«Try not to pay attention…» Noumat thought. «Easier said than done! Maybe it’s this energy that’s tickling me? Otherwise, I don’t know how to explain it.»

Etan, Ichel, Dune, and other travelers looked concentrated and relaxed at the same time. They seemed to be successful at mastering the art of meditation.

Ichel felt her body to become as light as a feather. She could not quite understand whether she was still sitting on the ground or started soaring above it. It was a weird feeling but she made up her mind not to open her eyes and keep meditating until Laurus told her to stop.

She was impatient to see what would happen next.

Etan felt vibration passing through his whole body and was no longer aware of the position he had taken. He ceased sensing his body as usual, as if it has lost all of its weight.

And then, all of a sudden, Laurus told them to stop. The travelers did so, albeit with great reluctance: They grew quite fond of the state of meditation. This time no warning messages were received, and they were all ready to continue their journey to Pharaon’s settlement.

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