
Simple Truths of Life

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Thao also said that the Devil, or Satan, does not exist.

Then I found out that in the Hebrew Bible (Tenakh) there is no word “angel”. “Angel” means “messenger” in literal translation (the Hebrew word for angel is “מלאך” – “mal’ach”, and it means “messenger”). This is logical, since these messengers were people from the planet Thiaoouba who helped the Jewish people who accidentally ended up on a planet of a lesser category than themselves. As far as I know, Michel Desmarquet told some people who visited him that Jews belong to the third category, which is why the first representatives of the Jewish people initially lived several hundred Earth years, until nature leveled their physical bodies with the bodies of people of the first category. The astral bodies of purebred Jews are at least their native third category, which means that they have learned the lessons of not only the planets of the first category, but also of the second one. This explains why many Jews are looking for a “clean” job. Having lived on the planets of the first and second categories, they have no particular desire to do what they have already gone through, having learned the corresponding lessons.

Along the way, in July 2014 I had a dream in which it was written “Natasha Here”. In the dream, I was going down to the basement of an old building. A woman led me. I had to squeeze between the iron bars in order to reach the entrance, and I was afraid to go there. I think I knew there were ghosts there. I did not go inside and decided to leave…

Then, on September 6, 2014, I had an unusual dream, after which I was able to clarify some questions about the “demons”. In that dream, the word “Demon” was written on the cover of a magazine. On the same cover was shown a face of a blonde girl who had completely black eyes (there were no whites).

I woke up. I soon realized that the word demon was never used in the book Thiaoouba Prophecy. And I always believed that demons do not exist, just as there is no Devil.

First, I will say that Thao mentioned two people who could properly report their journey to Thiaoouba if they were alive – namely, Plato and Victor Hugo – but even they would have reported the facts with too much stylistic embellishment. But, nevertheless, they reported the facts. During my investigation, I found out the following:[10]

In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a deity, but rather a “great daemon” (202d). She goes on to explain that “everything daemonic is between divine and mortal” (202d–e), and she describes daemons as “interpreting and transporting human things to the gods and divine things to men; entreaties and sacrifices from below, and ordinances and requitals from above…”

In Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion (literally, a “divine something”) that frequently warned him – in the form of a “voice” – against mistakes but never told him what to do.

For Plato, “daimon” is a spiritual being that watches over every person, and it is tantamount to a Higher Self or an angel.

Firstly, I understand that the first description very much resembles the Higher Selves, who transmit the feelings we feel to the Spirit – provided that they are not filtered out. Higher Selves can also send messages to us.

But, secondly, the second description reminds me of my experience with Thiaooubians. In my post in the Thiaoouba Prophecy XP group on Facebook, I made the assumption that these “demons” could be Astral bodies of people from Thiaoouba, for example, or of other highly spiritual human beings who helped, and still help people using dream or “voice” (telepathy) – as in my case. In the book Thiaoouba Prophecy, Thao told Michel Desmarquet that they, Thiaooubians, helped people on Bakaratini after those almost completely destroyed themselves in a nuclear war, and Thiaooubians used sleep and telepathy for this. Also, they used the same means to communicate with the Great Priest in Africa more than a million years ago…

Now that I am writing this book, I saw something that I could not notice earlier. For example, I began to look differently at that dream where I needed to prove that I was not a demon, and when I did this, they let me into the European church where Thao was dressed in black clothes. If we were to try to interpret that dream literally, it showed that I still had a lot to learn in spiritual terms – to acquire a lot of spiritual knowledge. Ever since I had that dream, a lot of time has passed, and, given the events that I still have to write about in this book, I was definitely not a “demon” in the original meaning of this word.

Before talking about another interesting “demonic” case, I need to mention that I was also interested in the numbers from Thiaoouba. We call those numbers Arabic.

In fact, the Arabic numbers initially had angles. Zero is a circle, and each other digit has angles in the amount equal to its numerical value. For example, the number one has one angle, and the number nine has nine angles. In the course of my studies, I got a dream where a familiar female voice hinted to me that the angles and sizes of the lines should be exactly what they are. That is, certain Universal truths are encoded in them.

In the course of my studies of these numbers, I found that if you overlay a cylindrical map (with an aspect ratio of 2:1) of the planets (Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, etc.) on top of these numbers and draw six horizontal lines emanating from the angles of the number nine, for example, then the third horizontal lines (above and/or below) will be located exactly where there are remarkable formations on the corresponding celestial bodies. In the case of the planet Mars, this is Olympus Mons, which is an extinct volcano and the highest mountain in the solar system; on Jupiter, this is the Great Red Spot; volcanoes Loki Patera and Pele on Jupiter’s moon Io; Great Dark Spot on Neptune; and on the Sun we have sunspots.

I also noticed that the spirals of galaxies are also located quite close to the horizontal lines, including the 2nd lines from the bottom and top. This can be seen in such galaxies as the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51A) and Messier 94.

The image of a hydrogen atom also has features that correspond to the grid of Thiaooubian numbers.

Due to an unclear copyright situation, I decided to draw planets, a galaxy, and an image of a hydrogen atom to demonstrate you what I am talking about.

It is worth mentioning that if you place a tetrahedron in the center of the planet so that its vertices touch the surface, then the point of contact will correspond to the longitude at which the aforementioned formations are located.

Further, upon careful reading of Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy, we can conclude that the location of the Golden Doko on the planet Thiaoouba also corresponds to the third horizontal lines. Doko, in which Michel lived, should have been located at the equator, since Michel mentions the perpendicular rays of the sun; Michel then writes that they flew about 3 hours to the Golden Doko, with the top speed of Michel's Tara of about 300 kilometers per hour; further we know the gravity of Thiaoouba, as Tao told Michel that on Thiaoouba his weight was 47 kilograms, and not 70, which he weighed on Earth – about 67% of Earth’s. From the above, we can calculate that the circumference of Thiaoouba could be approximately 18,000 kilometers, which makes its radius equal to approximately 2864 kilometers and puts it between the planet Mars and Mercury. If my guesses are correct, then Thiaoouba’s gravity is quite large for such a small planet, but this is quite possible if Thiaoouba has a higher density than, for example, Earth.

Another finding is this. If we take the digit one’s length as a unit of length, then we get that while the lengths of the “straight” (horizontal and vertical) lines are integers, then the lengths of the oblique lines are irrational numbers. Those irrational numbers are the square root of the following numbers: the oblique line of the digit 1 has a squared length of 2; in 2 it is 29; in 3 it is 5, 5, 8, 5; in 4 it is 13; in 7 it is 29; and in 9 it is 2.

I noticed these same numbers in an article about “metallic means”,[11] and soon I found that the numbers in them were encoded to find the golden, silver, and bronze ratios, as well as the fifth ratio. To do this, add the length of the oblique line with the length of the height occupied by this line, and then divide the amount by the width occupied by the oblique line.

Having dealt with the Thiaooubian numbers, we can return to the topic of “demons”.

I used to love watching “Ghost Adventures” television series, which I have no reason to doubt the honesty of (because of some life changes that I will write about later, I had to stop watching this show when I was on the thirteenth season). In the third episode of the tenth season, they had a case when while using the Ouija board the word “ZOZO” was written 5 times. A total of 20 letters were used. For many, the word ZOZO is synonymous with a “demon”. This interested me at the time, as it all reminded me of the Thiaooubian numbers. “ZO” is identical in spelling to the Thiaooubian numeral 20.

Knowing full well that hell does not exist, along with all its “inhabitants”, I wondered if such incidents could be somehow connected with Thiaoouba. But not in the literal sense of the word. Since many people experience negative feelings when dealing with the ZOZO phenomenon, I doubt that the inhabitants of the planet of the last spiritual category can be directly related to it.


But one more important fact must be taken into account. The Thiaooubian numbers only reflect certain truths of the Universe. Other people who live on other planets of the ninth category and who have absolute material knowledge, most likely also have exactly the same numbers as Thiaooubians. Why? Because the knowledge and the truths of the Universe are the same for everyone. Thao told Michel at the end of his journey that a ghost discussion would require to write a whole another book – so much can be learned about the topic of reincarnation and the role of the 19 percent of the electrons that return to the Universe after the death of the physical body. Based on what I heard and read about ghosts, I would assume that it is these very 19% of electrons (ghosts) that may be responsible for ZOZO. It must be understood that, as far as I know, ghosts do not have a mind – they are just an instrument that has a “memory” from the past life in the physical body, which is why they are able to visit the places where they lived. Perhaps they are able to “answer” questions for the same reason.

But there is one more thing. Instead of saying that “ZOZO” was written 5 times, we can say that “ZO” was written 10 times. Numerologically, 20 divisible by 10 gives 2, which corresponds to the number of letters in the word “ZO”. Digital root also gives the number 2.[12] Studying the Thiaooubian digits, I noticed that their digit two (Z) is one of the digits whose angles “cancel out” each other. The other is the number 8, which, notably, can also be met while reading people's stories about ZOZO.[13]

Honestly, when I was writing these lines about ZOZO yesterday – April 7, 2020 – I thought about the correctness of including this moment of my life in the book. I had some doubt regarding the correctness of my conclusions. It was on that very day and at that very hour when I was writing the previous paragraph that I received a message from the person who shared with me his story with Thiaooubians. I will not write his name, since he wanted to remain anonymous. This was the first and only time anyone wrote me about their experience with Thiaoouba. Moreover, apart from me, no one had written before about their experience with Thiaooubians in our Thiaoouba group on Facebook. That person told me that he had different types of contacts with the inhabitants of other planets.

First, I will say right away that that person also mentioned several things that contradict Michel Desmarquet’s words, as well as logic. One such contradiction is that Michel allegedly told him during a lecture that Michel lived on the planet of the 8th spiritual category – while in his audio interview with Michael Meanwell “Thiaoouba Truth” he said that he had reached category 7. Another contradiction is that Thao was supposedly shocked that Michel lived on the planet of category 8 – she would not be living on the 9th category planet if the simple truths of life would be a shock for her. I will leave his story in my book (he gave me his permission to do so), but I just want you to know that I have questions about his story.

I immediately understood what he was going to say when he referred to Thiaoouba Prophecy where Thaora said that when asked about noise, in 85% of cases people say: “What noise? What are you talking about? Oh that noise – we get used to it.”.11 In 1980 or 1981, that person, along with his family, was waiting at a crosswalk to cross the street, when a tall beautiful blonde came up to them. She gave them a smile. A very loud motorbike roared past.

‘How do you stand the noise?’ the woman said to his mother.

‘What noise?’ his mother replied.

‘The Traffic!’ the woman answered.

‘Oh, you get used to it.’ said his mother.

The woman looked at them for the last time and smiled. The green light came on for pedestrians, and as soon as they began to cross the road, the woman in three large steps jumped across a road 15 meters wide. There was something extraordinary about how her foot landed. As if she did not touch the ground with full weight. The mother stopped the children from crossing the road. The person who wrote me knew then that there was something wrong with that incident. The woman turned and smiled at him, after which she took off to walk through the town. As she walked, her hair did not bounce right in accordance with her movements. The whole encounter was very strange.

The man is sure that that woman was from Thiaoouba.

In June 1987, he received roughly the following telepathic message: “Attention [name is hidden]: We are taking one of you to our planet. He will bring back a message”. Michel Desmarquet was taken to Thiaoouba on June 26, 1987.

In 2008, that person had a vision of an entity 9 feet high (approximately 2.74 meters). She wore a colored dress. There was also a message saying: “Your great journey has now begun”.

It seemed interesting to me that I found the book Thiaoouba Prophecy in the fall of 2008. But I attached importance to it only at night, reflecting on daytime events. The number 20, or ZO in Thiaooubian, is often found in my life. For example, I was 20 years old in 2008. Another 20 played a very important role recently, in the case of which I have yet to write in this book. I also realized that the minimum number of people interviewed about noise should have been at least 20, provided that 85% of them answered the same way. Could Thiaooubians ask only 20 people about the noise? I do not know. There are also other possible examples of 20 that I will not write about because of the likelihood that I might just be wrong, or look for a connection where it does not exist.

So, having numerous synchronicities associated with the number 20, I decided to leave my thoughts about ZOZO in this book after all.

Everything that exists has a specific reason for its existence. Seriously studying such little studied things, we can find the reason. Some things can be hallucinations. Thao clearly showed Michel what hallucinations are capable of when she created one for him.

Can the inhabitants of higher spiritual planets somehow help people by contacting them through the Ouija board? Given Universal Law, prohibiting “serving the meal on a plate”, this is quite possible. As Thao said, sometimes strange means are employed.

I want to add about a dream I had on April 18, 2020. I was in my Moscow apartment. The furniture was arranged the same way as when I was in school. It was night. My father and mother were at home. I started drawing and showing the Thiaooubian numbers to my parents. When I was drawing 2, I drew it inside 0. I woke up and realized that 2 is the only Thiaooubian digit which, when placed inside of 0, touches the ring of the circle with all 4 of its points…

I continued to write about my findings, ideas, and questions in the Thiaoouba Prophecy XP group on Facebook.

Since I knew that Thiaoouba Prophecy book is completely true, and remembering that Thao helped Michel to remember the details when he was writing it once he returned to Earth, from time to time I had to politely point out to some people the mistakes, or their opinions contradicting the book.

Sometimes I doubted myself. Am I doing this or that right? What if I am wrong? I remember how in the village when I was a kid, I told a friend, who was older than me, that when you see a bear you need to yell and make noise as much as possible so that the bear does not come near you. I had learned about this from an educational program on TV. He said that I had a child’s thinking. Many years later, I again found scientific confirmation that I was right. With the acquisition of life experience, I ceased to doubt myself.

Soon, I also learned not to get into arguments, as with experience I saw their futility. Therefore, I began to try to express my position only once, so as not to repeat myself and save time. Strange, but some people perceive such silence as the “agreement” with their last comment.

Sometimes people gave useful answers, one of which was a link to an article that talked about a person who got sucked into the Parallel Universe on November 9, 1878.[14] This was the same case that Thao partially mentioned when she and Michel were in the Parallel Universe of the Earth. I admit, I got goosebumps when I was reading that people could hear voices in the middle of the field for months, in the place where months earlier the tracks of a young man, who had been “sucked” into the Parallel Universe, broke off in the snow. And only now I realize that he can still be in that Universe.

In general, there is nothing supernatural in the world. Everything has its own precise reason for existence. But there are several natural “accidents” in the Universe, or “bugs,” if we were to use computer terminology – something that should not have existed according to the plan of the Superior Intelligence.

The passages between our Universe and the Parallel Universe were not conceived by the Superior Intelligence, and therefore they are one of the natural accidents. Albino, four-leafed clover, and appendix are also accidents that have no reason for existence. Another such accident happens when some parts of our life, previewed with the Higher Self, are not erased in the River of Oblivion. When a person is at close proximity to an event, the memory of which was not erased, he “remembers” it. People call this phenomenon “deja vu”.

It is possible that I had my first deja vu when I was writing this book. I referred to the old event of my life, about which I was sure I wrote in this book – I actually saw myself writing those lines. It was about the 2013 video game Tomb Raider. On the day of its release, I recorded my walkthrough with some commentary. I thought of uploading videos to YouTube to help myself with my speech skills. Due to technical problems with audio, I had to abandon that idea.

Simultaneously with the memory of me writing in my book about me having problems with the audio – I as if “saw” it – I also remembered that I never wrote this. After I searched my book, I did not find any mention of that video game and of the moment with audio in general – neither in the already written book, nor in my notes, where I would write down the details that I recalled, so that to add them to the book later.

But when I was writing a note for myself at the end of the book, in order to return to this part of my life later, I felt a distinct sense of “familiarity” when I wrote the word “audio”. I have never experienced this sensation before. It was as if I was experiencing that familiar moment again.

It is worth saying that if it was not for this experience with a possible deja vu, I would have written about my experience with recording the gameplay in Tomb Raider on a completely different page.

People with advanced material knowledge can explore the Parallel Universes. For example, the civilization that existed on the continent of Mu, which was located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, could do just that with the help of their pyramid. Thanks to the pyramid, they could also communicate telepathically with other star systems – it “enhances” telepathy, the strength of which, without any additional tools, is enough only for communicating within a few billion kilometers.

Also, with the help of the pyramid they were able to create rain.

Thiaooubians, with their full material knowledge, are fully capable of physically moving with ease between Parallel Universes. But because of the Laws of the Universe, operating even in parallel worlds, they cannot help those who were accidentally “imprisoned” in them.

I think that we, the people of the first category, could help those imprisoned people and animals to return to our Universe if we had the appropriate knowledge and tools for such an enterprise. In the meantime, the best I can advise is to stay away from places where cases of malfunctioning electronic devices, stopping watches, and the occurrence of strange fogs were known. Many people talk about these very things when they talk about the Parallel Universe. And if you were unlucky to get into such a universe, then, having realized this, it is worth remembering your place of arrival and staying close to it. Thus, there is a chance that with a new “merger” of the two Universes, you can get back to where you belong. You could also ask your Higher Self to send a message to one of Thiaooubians in the hope that during their next visit of the Earth, they will be able to help you return. It will not hurt you to try. Since by reading these lines you probably trust the information in this book, then you most likely will not go crazy when you return to your native Universe, which will allow Thiaooubians not to violate any Laws of the Universe.


At one time, I was very interested in the issue of natural accidents. Did people know that they would get into the Parallel Universe when they previewed their life with their Higher Self? What if they were to meet the love of their life, but because of a “bug”, a natural accident, they found themselves in a world where they should not be, and never experienced what they chose to be born for? What would happen to the person whom the missing one was supposed to meet? Naturally, he would also begin to live not according to the plan, which, of course, would affect other people, changing their life story for which they chose to be born. And so on it goes. If I understand everything correctly, then this paragraph, which I am writing, should not have existed in the original plan of the Superior Intelligence for the simple reason that the natural accidents did not exist in the imagination of the Spirit, but, nevertheless, they actually exist in the created life and this is a pretty important topic.

Sometimes I even had the thought what if some events in my life should not have happened, and I suffer because of the accidents of nature, and not because of my own mistakes. To some extent, I got my answer when I was 28 years old…

Do the Higher Selves know about the natural accidents, and do we see them when we preview our lives? I think the answer may depend on whether this Universe is the first world that the Spirit has ever created…

Returning to the group on Facebook, usually people wrote in it without deviating too much from the truths in the book, nor did they deviate from logic and common sense. But there were those who did not want to learn even after numerous discussions and showing them the evidence of the fallacy of their judgments. Thus, to this day I had to ban only three people who refused to listen and continued to spam about flat earth, mountains being giant trees, and about a book that clearly could not be genuine since its author allowed himself to write things about Jesus that simply cannot be a reality, for they completely contradict what was written in the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet under “dictation” of Thao. In fact, such serious contradictions allowed me to identify many books (and not only books) that position themselves as true sources of information about the secrets of the Universe and life, but, apparently, their true goal is monetary enrichment on people’s ignorance.

Because of such people who do not want to learn, do not want to understand that they are mistaken, and continue to write actively about their theories that have nothing to do with the many times proven Laws of the Universe, I realized that only educated people should take part in public voting, if we do not want to suffer because of uneducated people. I will talk more about this in the manifesto of this book.

Usually, I just tried to answer people, pointing out their mistakes. For this, I often quoted Thiaoouba Prophecy which clearly showed the contradictions of some ideas with the truths revealed or mentioned in the book. This was not liked by all people – because, as I suspect, for many people the information in the book is only faith and not knowledge. Naturally, I talked about my experience of seeing the Auras, my partial out of body experience, etc. I believe that proving the existence of these things can help many people take the information in the book more seriously.

Thus, despite the requests of some people to ban poorly educated supporters of illogical theories, I still left them in the group, giving them the opportunity to learn. Knowing that Thiaoouba Prophecy is a true book, it would be wrong to take from people away the chance to learn something new, to learn from their own mistakes. But we must not forget that those people can smear the truth of the book – even if it is not done on purpose, perhaps. Therefore, a balance must exist between the freedom of will and speech, and common sense. A plant will grow in moist soil, but if we water the plant too often, the roots will rot from overwatering, and the whole plant will die…

Meanwhile, I was still spending time playing video games in order to distract myself from the noise and from the growing depression due to lack of personal life. One such game was Hearthstone, released in March 2014. Alas, a seemingly calm card game nevertheless managed to free from me negative traits, the existence of which I did not suspect. I remember how after buying and installing the game Dead Space a few years earlier, at first I was in a light shock from the fact that I had to shoot off limbs of the local monsters, since before that I was actively trying to develop my spirituality and psychic abilities, like learning to see the Aura every day. In the case of that card game, I could become the monster. This is very stupid, but I often allowed myself to have negative thoughts towards my opponents. Yes, some of them clearly made up their minds till the very end of each turn, but this did not make my thoughts and words towards them right – even if I really did not wish them anything bad and often immediately regretted my behavior. In this regard, I had a dream in which was shown the 17th page of my mother’s Bible, written in Church Slavonic. A few weeks later I remembered that dream and opened the seventeenth page of mother’s Bible. There is a teaching written on that page, saying that you should not say and wish bad things to anyone – otherwise, you will be punished. I ended up uninstalling the game.

The game Dead Space reminded me of telling you how I understood the importance of ensuring that during the day nothing gives us negative impressions – otherwise we might have nightmares that will prevent the Astral body from communicating with the Higher Self. This happened when, right before bedtime, I watched the movie “Alien” once again, thinking that I had watched it many times, and for me there was nothing to be scared of, so I would sleep normally.

I had a dream that night in which I woke up in my bed in Moscow. I had a telephone in my hand, the screen of which illuminated the part of the room that would otherwise be in complete darkness. In the doorway to the corridor, a meter from my bed, stood an older woman. Her face was completely white, and she herself was in black clothes. In the dream, I knew that as long as there is light, she does not pose a danger… And then the light of the phone turned off to create complete darkness. I realized at that moment that the pale as death woman could be anywhere. The phone’s screen suddenly lit up to show the white face of the woman right in front of my eyes. I woke up screaming hard, and I was sweating. If I were to make a video of this dream, it would consist of 3 images, the middle of which would be plain black or completely absent, and this video would not have audio, only subtitles explaining the course of my thoughts in the dream. Yet to this day, this dream of simple structure is the scariest dream of my life. After it I never watched horror films right before going to sleep again…

My habit of masturbating to porn on the internet was still part of my life. I tried to get rid of it and I once asked my Higher Self, Thao, Biastra and Latoli – as I often did at that time – to stop me if I went to a porn site. Needless to say, I soon opened my favorite porn site again, and while I was browsing it, I felt an electric touch on my hand. I closed the website. It helped me not to masturbate again that day, but I could not allow myself to ask someone to watch over me again… Masturbation continued.

The problem also was that I often could not help but daydream or think about sex which led to the so-called “blue balls”, when, due to rather severe pain and discomfort, I once again had to masturbate because I was worried about my health.

11Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 123.