
The Tale of Prince Edward and King Tayur. The story of a prince

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Groans, screams, the clash of swords, and screams were all mixed up. Suddenly, an arrow fired by Prince Edward hits King Tayur and kills him. In turn, Mars almost kills his huge, terrible axe grandmother Tamara, but misses and only injures her hand. To help grandma, the centaur scatters enemies and breaks through to Mars. He growled. One punch, dodge, spear thrust, kick… At one point, Mair’s spear pierces through Mars ' left arm. Leonard, having avenged his brother, shoots dozens of arrows at Mars, but they only destroyed all his best employees, and Mars himself was cut in the temple and hit the fingers of his left hand.

«Retreat! The prince shouted, and they all ran to the cave. The only hope was for Venus.

And so, she comes out. In her hands is a magic wand made of ice and a large stone scepter. The goddess waved her wand, and the army halted. Winter struck with the scepter, and the army turned to stone. I hit it a second time, and it shattered into dust and rocks. Mars, hoping for salvation, began to run quickly, but the hand of justice reached out to him, and singed his cheek. It was a victory! But at what cost!..