
The Tale of Prince Edward and King Tayur. The story of a prince

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One day, Mars decided to have some fun: he broke down the palace, set a fierce fire, and killed Elysia II and Caer Ten with lightning. Only Edward, the dwarf Leonard, the centaur Mair, and the grandmother cook Tamara survived. The rest were killed.

The heroes decided to fight to the end. And the prince suggested:

– Let’s call on the help of the good goddess of beauty – Venus!

«I don’t mind,» said the dwarf. «Mars is also a god. They might collude and we’ll be in trouble.

– No, they are not friends, but on the contrary – they are at enmity! My grandmother said.

«Hooray!» Then it’s settled. All for the cause! The young prince exclaimed.

He was appointed commander. «First we need to find the cave, and then the rocks! «he commanded.

Soon everything was ready. The friends went up the hill to call Venus. They were shouting loudly in unison: «Goddess Venus! Come!»