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After this, he appear’d more submissive and respectful towards Atlante; and she carry’d herself more reserv’d and haughty towards him; which was one Reason, he would not yet discover his Passion.

Thus the Time run on at Orleans, while Rinaldo found himself daily languishing at Paris. He was indeed in the best Academy in the City, amongst a Number of brave and noble Youths, where all things that could accomplish them, were to be learn’d by those that had any Genius; but Rinaldo had other Thoughts, and other Business: his Time was wholly past in the most solitary Parts of the Garden, by the melancholy Fountains, and in the most gloomy Shades, where he could with most Liberty breathe out his Passion and his Griefs. He was past the Tutorage of a Boy; and his Masters could not upbraid him, but found he had some secret Cause of Grief, which made him not mind those Exercises, which were the Delight of the rest: so that nothing being able to divert his Melancholy, which daily increased upon him, he fear’d it would bring him into a Fever, if he did not give himself the Satisfaction of seeing Atlante. He had no sooner thought of this, but he was impatient to put it in execution; he resolved to go (having very good Horses) without acquainting any of his Servants with it. He got a very handsom and light Ladder of Ropes made, which he carry’d under his Coat, and away he rid for Orleans, stay’d at a little Village, till the Darkness of the Night might favour his Design: And then walking about Atlante’s Lodgings, till he saw a Light in her Chamber, and then making that Noise on his Sword, as was agreed between them, he was heard by his adorable Atlante, and suffer’d to mount her Chamber, where he would stay till almost break of Day, and then return to the Village, and take Horse, and away for Paris again. This, once in a Month, was his Exercise, without which he could not live; so that his whole Year was past in riding between Orleans and Paris, between Excess of Grief, and Excess of Joy by turns.

It was now that Atlante, arrived to her fifteenth Year, shone out with a Lustre of Beauty greater than ever; and in this Year, in the Absence of Rinaldo, had carry’d herself with that Severity of Life, without the youthful Desire of going abroad, or desiring any Diversion, but what she found in her own retired Thoughts, that Vernole, wholly unable longer to conceal his Passion, resolv’d to make a Publication of it, first to the Father, and then to the lovely Daughter, of whom he had some Hope, because she had carry’d her self very well towards him for this Year past; which she would never have done, if she had imagin’d he would ever have been her Lover: She had seen no Signs of any such Misfortune towards her in these many Years he had conversed with her, and she had no Cause to fear him. When one Day her Father taking her into the Garden, told her what Honour and Happiness was in store for her; and that now the Glory of his fall’n Family would rise again, since she had a Lover of an illustrious Blood, ally’d to Monarchs; and one whose Fortune was newly encreased to a very considerable Degree, answerable to his Birth. She changed Colour at this Discourse, imagining but too well who this illustrious Lover was; when De Pais proceeded and told her, ‘Indeed his Person was not the most agreeable that ever was seen: but he marry’d her to Glory and Fortune, not the Man: And a Woman (says he) ought to look no further.’

She needed not any more to inform her who this intended Husband was; and therefore, bursting forth into Tears, she throws herself at his Feet, imploring him not to use the Authority of a Father, to force her to a thing so contrary to her Inclination: assuring him, she could not consent to any such thing; and that she would rather die than yield. She urged many Arguments for this her Disobedience; but none would pass for current with the old Gentleman, whose Pride had flatter’d him with Hopes of so considerable a Son-in-law: He was very much surpriz’d at Atlante’s refusing what he believ’d she would receive with Joy; and finding that no Arguments on his Side could draw hers to an obedient Consent, he grew to such a Rage, as very rarely possest him: vowing, if she did not conform her Will to his, he would abandon her to all the Cruelty of Contempt and Poverty: so that at last she was forced to return him this Answer, ‘That she would strive all she could with her Heart; but she verily believed she should never bring it to consent to a Marriage with Monsieur the Count.’ The Father continued threatning her, and gave her some Days to consider of it: So leaving her in Tears, he returned to his Chamber, to consider what Answer he should give Count Vernole, who he knew would be impatient to learn what Success he had, and what himself was to hope. De Pais, after some Consideration, resolved to tell him, she receiv’d the Offer very well, but that he must expect a little Maiden-Nicety in the Case: and accordingly did tell him so; and he was not at all doubtful of his good Fortune.

But Atlante, who resolved to die a thousand Deaths rather than break her solemn Vows to Rinaldo, or to marry the Count, cast about how she should avoid it with the least Hazard of her Father’s Rage. She found Rinaldo the better and more advantageous Match of the two, could they but get his Father’s Consent: He was beautiful and young; his Title was equal to that of Vernole, when his Father should die; and his Estate exceeded his: yet she dares not make a Discovery, for fear she should injure her Lover; who at this Time, though she knew it not, lay sick of a Fever, while she was wondering that he came not as he used to do. However she resolves to send him a Letter, and acquaint him with the Misfortune; which she did in these Terms:


My Father’s Authority would force me to violate my sacred Vows to you, and give them to the Count Vernole, whom I mortally hate, yet could wish him the greatest Monarch in the World, that I might shew you I could even then despise him for your Sake. My Father is already too much enraged by my Denial, to hear Reason from me, if I should confess to him my Vows to you: So that I see nothing but a Prospect of Death before me; for assure your self, my Rinaldo, I will die rather than consent to marry any other: Therefore come my Rinaldo, and come quickly, to see my Funerals, instead of those Nuptials they vainly expect from

Your Faithful

This Letter Rinaldo receiv’d; and there needed no more to make him fly to Orleans: This raised him soon from his Bed of Sickness, and getting immediately to horse, he arrived at his Father’s House; who did not so much admire to see him, because he heard he was sick of a Fever, and gave him leave to return, if he pleas’d: He went directly to his Father’s House, because he knew somewhat of the Business, he was resolv’d to make his Passion known, as soon as he had seen Atlante, from whom he was to take all his Measures: He therefore fail’d not, when all were in Bed, to rise and go from his Chamber into the Street; where finding a Light in Atlante’s Chamber, for she every Night expected him, he made the usual Sign, and she went into the Balcony; and he having no Conveniency of mounting up into it, they discoursed, and said all they had to say. From thence she tells him of the Count’s Passion, of her Father’s Resolution, and that her own was rather to die his, than live any Body’s else: And at last, as their Refuge, they resolv’d to discover the whole Matter; she to her Father, and he to his, to see what Accommodation they could make; if not, to die together. They parted at this Resolve, for she would permit him no longer to stay in the Street after such a Sickness; so he went home to bed, but not to sleep.

The next Day, at Dinner, Monsieur Bellyaurd believing his Son absolutely cur’d, by Absence, of his Passion; and speaking of all the News in the Town, among the rest, told him he was come in good time to dance at the Wedding of Count Vernole with Atlante, the Match being agreed on: ‘No, Sir (reply’d Rinaldo) I shall never dance at the Marriage of Count Vernole with Atlante; and you will see in Monsieur De Pais’s House a Funeral sooner than a Wedding.’ And thereupon he told his Father all his Passion for that lovely Maid; and assur’d him, if he would not see him laid in his Grave, he must consent to this Match. Bellyaurd rose in a Fury, and told him, ‘He had rather see him in his Grave, than in the Arms of Atlante: Not (continued he) so much for any Dislike I have to the young Lady, or the Smallness of her Fortune; but because I have so long warn’d you from such a Passion, and have with such Care endeavour’d by your Absence to prevent it.’ He travers’d the Room very fast, still protesting against this Alliance: and was deaf to all Rinaldo could say. On the other side the Day being come, wherein Atlante was to give her final Answer to her Father concerning her Marriage with Count Vernole; she assum’d all the Courage and Resolution she could, to withstand the Storm that threatned a Denial. And her Father came to her, and demanding her Answer, she told him, ‘She could not be the Wife of Vernole, since she was Wife to Rinaldo, only son to Bellyaurd.’ If her Father storm’d before, he grew like a Man distracted at her Confession; and Vernole hearing them loud, ran to the Chamber to learn the Cause; where just as he enter’d he found De Pais’s Sword drawn, and ready to kill his Daughter, who lay all in Tears at his Feet. He with-held his Hand; and asking the Cause of his Rage, he was told all that Atlante had confess’d; which put Vernole quite beside all his Gravity, and made him discover the Infirmity of Anger, which he used to say ought to be dissembled by all wise Men: So that De Pais forgot his own to appease his, but ’twas in vain, for he went out of the House, vowing Revenge to Rinaldo: And to that end, being not very well assur’d of his own Courage, as I said before, and being of the Opinion, that no Man ought to expose his Life to him who has injur’d him; he hired Swiss and Spanish Soldiers to attend him in the nature of Footmen; and watch’d several Nights about Bellyaurd’s Door, and that of De Pais’s, believing he should some time or other see him under the Window of Atlante, or perhaps mounting into it: for now he no longer doubted, but this happy Lover was he, whom he fancy’d he heard go from the Balcony that Night he came up with his Pistol; and being more a Spaniard than a Frenchman in his Nature, he resolv’d to take him any way unguarded or unarm’d, if he came in his Way.


Atlante, who heard his Threatnings when he went from her in a Rage, fear’d his Cowardice might put him on some base Action, to deprive Rinaldo of his Life; and therefore thought it not safe to suffer him to come to her by Night, as he had before done; but sent him word in a Note, that he should forbear her Window, for Vernole had sworn his Death. This Note came, unseen by his Father, to his Hands: but this could not hinder him from coming to her Window, which he did as soon as it was dark: he came thither, only attended with his Valet, and two Footmen; for now he car’d not who knew the Secret. He had no sooner made the Sign, but he found himself incompass’d with Vernole’s Bravoes; and himself standing at a distance cry’d out, ‘That is he’: With that they all drew on both sides, and Rinaldo receiv’d a Wound in his Arm. Atlante heard this, and ran crying out, ‘That Rinaldo, prest by Numbers, would be kill’d.’ De Pais, who was reading in his Closet, took his Sword, and ran out; and, contrary to all Expectation, seeing Rinaldo fighting with his Back to the Door, pull’d him into the House, and fought himself with the Bravoes: who being very much wounded by Rinaldo, gave ground, and sheer’d off; and De Pais, putting up old Bilbo into the Scabbard, went into his House, where he found Rinaldo almost fainting with loss of Blood, and Atlante, with her Maids binding up his Wound; to whom De Pais said, ‘This charity, Atlante, very well becomes you, and is what I can allow you; and I could wish you had no other Motive for this Action.’ Rinaldo by degrees recover’d of his Fainting, and as well as his Weakness would permit him, he got up and made a low Reverence to De Pais, telling him, ‘He had now a double Obligation to pay him all the Respect in the World; first, for his being the Father of Atlante; and secondly, for being the Preserver of his Life: two Tyes that should eternally oblige him to love and honour him, as his own Parent.’ De Pais reply’d, ‘He had done nothing but what common Humanity compell’d him to do: But if he would make good that Respect he profess’d towards him, it must be in quitting all Hopes of Atlante, whom he had destin’d to another, or an eternal Inclosure in a Monastery: He had another Daughter, whom if he would think worthy of his Regard, he should take his Alliance as a very great Honour; but his Word and Reputation, nay his Vows were past, to give Atlante to Count Vernole.’ Rinaldo, who before he spoke took measure from Atlante’s Eyes, which told him her Heart was his, return’d this Answer to De Pais, ‘That he was infinitely glad to find by the Generosity of his Offer, that he had no Aversion against his being his Son-in-law; and that, next to Atlante, the greatest Happiness he could wish would be his receiving Charlot from his Hand; but that he could not think of quitting Atlante, how necessary soever it would be, for Glory, and his – (the further) Repose.’ De Pais would not let him at this time argue the matter further, seeing he was ill, and had need of looking after; he therefore begg’d he would for his Health’s sake retire to his own House, whither he himself conducted him, and left him to the Care of his Men, who were escap’d the Fray; and returning to his own Chamber, he found Atlante retir’d, and so he went to bed full of Thoughts. This Night had increas’d his Esteem for Rinaldo, and lessen’d it for Count Vernole; but his Word and Honour being past, he could not break it, neither with Safety nor Honour: for he knew the haughty resenting Nature of the Count, and he fear’d some Danger might arrive to the brave Rinaldo, which troubled him very much. At last he resolv’d, that neither might take any thing ill at his Hands, to lose Atlante, and send her to the Monastery where her Sister was, and compel her to be a Nun. This he thought would prevent Mischiefs on both sides; and accordingly, the next Day, (having in the Morning sent Word to the Lady Abbess what he would have done) he carries Atlante, under pretence of visiting her Sister, (which they often did) to the Monastery, where she was no sooner come, but she was led into the Inclosure: Her Father had rather sacrifice her, than she should be the Cause of the Murder of two such noble Men as Vernole and Rinaldo.

The Noise of Atlante’s being inclos’d, was soon spread all over the busy Town, and Rinaldo was not the last to whom the News arriv’d: He was for a few Days confin’d to his Chamber; where, when alone, he rav’d like a Man distracted; But his Wounds had so incens’d his Father against Atlante, that he swore he would see his Son die of them, rather than suffer him to marry Atlante; and was extremely overjoy’d to find she was condemn’d, for ever, to the Monastery. So that the Son thought it the wisest Course, and most for the advantage of his Love, to say nothing to contradict his Father; but being almost assur’d Atlante would never consent to be shut up in a Cloyster, and abandon him, he flatter’d himself with hope, that he should steal her from thence, and marry her in spite of all Opposition. This he was impatient to put in practice: He believ’d, if he were not permitted to see Atlante, he had still a kind Advocate in Charlot, who was now arriv’d to her Thirteenth Year, and infinitely advanc’d in Wit and Beauty. Rinaldo therefore often goes to the Monastery, surrounding it, to see what Possibility there was of accomplishing his Design; if he could get her Consent, he finds it not impossible, and goes to visit Charlot; who had command not to see him, or speak to him. This was a Cruelty he look’d not for, and which gave him an unspeakable Trouble, and without her Aid it was wholly impossible to give Atlante any account of his Design. In this Perplexity he remain’d many Days, in which he languish’d almost to Death; he was distracted with Thought, and continually hovering about the Nunnery-Walls, in hope, at some time or other, to see or hear from that lovely Maid, who alone could make his Happiness. In these Traverses he often met Vernole, who had Liberty to see her when he pleas’d: If it happen’d that they chanc’d to meet in the Daytime, tho’ Vernole was attended with an Equipage of Ruffians, and Rinaldo but only with a couple of Footmen, he could perceive Vernole shun him, grow pale, and almost tremble with Fear sometimes, and get to the other Side of the Street; and if he did not, Rinaldo having a mortal Hate to him, would often bear up so close to him, that he would jostle him against the Wall, which Vernole would patiently put up, and pass on; so that he could never be provok’d to fight by Day-light, how solitary soever the Place was where they met: but if they chanc’d to meet at Night, they were certain of a Skirmish, in which he would have no part himself; so that Rinaldo was often like to be assassinated, but still came off with some slight Wound. This continu’d so long, and made so great a Noise in the Town, that the two old Gentlemen were mightily alarm’d by it; and Count Bellyaurd came to De Pais, one Day, to discourse with him of this Affair; and Bellyaurd, for the Preservation of his Son, was almost consenting, since there was no Remedy, that he should marry Atlante. De Pais confess’d the Honour he proffer’d him, and how troubled he was, that his Word was already past to his Friend, the Count Vernole, whom he said she should marry, or remain for ever a Nun; but if Rinaldo could displace his Love from Atlante, and place it on Charlot, he should gladly consent to the Match. Bellyaurd, who would now do anything for the Repose of his Son, tho’ he believ’d this Exchange would not pass, yet resolv’d to propose it, since by marrying him he took him out of the Danger of Vernole’s Assassinates, who would never leave him till they had dispatch’d him, should he marry Atlante.

While Rinaldo was contriving a thousand ways to come to speak to, or send Billets to Atlante, none of which could succeed without the Aid of Charlot, his Father came and propos’d this Agreement between De Pais and himself, to his Son. At first Rinaldo receiv’d it with a chang’d Countenance, and a breaking Heart; but swiftly turning from Thought to Thought, he conceiv’d this the only way to come at Charlot, and so consequently at Atlante: he therefore, after some dissembled Regret, consents, with a sad put-on Look: And Charlot had Notice given her to see and entertain Rinaldo. As yet they had not told her the Reason; which her Father would tell her, when he came to visit her, he said. Rinaldo over-joy’d at this Contrivance, and his own Dissimulation, goes to the Monastery, and visits Charlot; where he ought to have said something of this Proposition: but wholly bent upon other Thoughts, he sollicits her to convey some Letters, and Presents to Atlante; which she readily did, to the unspeakable Joy of the poor Distrest. Sometimes he would talk to Charlot of her own Affairs; asking her, if she resolv’d to become a Nun? To which she would sigh, and say, If she must, it would be extremely against her Inclinations; and, if it pleas’d her Father, she had rather begin the World with any tolerable Match.

Things past thus for some Days, in which our Lovers were happy, and Vernole assur’d he should have Atlante. But at last De Pais came to visit Charlot, who ask’d her, if she had seen Rinaldo? She answer’d, ‘She had.’ ‘And how does he entertain you? (reply’d De Pais) Have you receiv’d him as a Husband? and has he behav’d himself like one?’ At this a sudden Joy seiz’d the Heart of Charlot; and both to confess what she had done for him to her Sister, she hung down her blushing Face to study for an Answer. De Pais continued, and told her the Agreement between Bellyaurd and him, for the saving of Bloodshed.

She, who blest the Cause, whatever it was, having always a great Friendship and Tenderness for Rinaldo, gave her Father a thousand Thanks for his Care; and assur’d him, since she was commanded by him, she would receive him as her Husband.

And the next Day, when Rinaldo came to visit her, as he us’d to do, and bringing a Letter with him, wherein he propos’d the flight of Atlante; he found a Coldness in Charlot, as soon as he told her his Design, and desir’d her to carry the Letter. He ask’d the Reason of this Change: She tells him she was inform’d of the Agreement between their two Fathers, and that she look’d upon herself as his Wife, and would act no more as a Confident; that she had ever a violent Inclination of Friendship for him, which she would soon improve into something more soft.

He could not deny the Agreement, nor his Promise; but it was in vain to tell her, he did it only to get a Correspondence with Atlante: She is obstinate, and he as pressing, with all the Tenderness of Persuasion: He vows he can never be any but Atlante’s, and she may see him die, but never break his Vows. She urges her Claim in vain, so that at last she was overcome, and promised she would carry the Letter; which was to have her make her Escape that Night. He waits at the Gate for her Answer, and Charlot returns with one that pleased him very well; which was, that Night her Sister would make her Escape, and that he must stand in such a Place of the Nunnery-Wall, and she would come out to him.


After this she upbraids him with his false Promise to her, and of her Goodness to serve him after such a Disappointment. He receives her Reproaches with a thousand Sighs, and bemoans her Misfortune in not being capable of more than Friendship for her; and vows, that next Atlante, he esteems her of all Womankind. She seems to be obliged by this, and assured him, she would hasten the Flight of Atlante; and taking leave, he went home to order a Coach, and some Servants to assist him.

In the mean time Count Vernole came to visit Atlante; but she refused to be seen by him: And all he could do there that Afternoon, was entertaining Charlot at the Grate; to whom he spoke a great many fine Things, both of her improved Beauty and Wit; and how happy Rinaldo would be in so fair a Bride. She received this with all the Civility that was due to his Quality; and their Discourse being at an End, he took his Leave, being towards the Evening.

Rinaldo, wholly impatient, came betimes to the Corner of the dead Wall, where he was appointed to stand, having ordered his Footmen and Coach to come to him as soon it was dark. While he was there walking up and down, Vernole came by the End of the Wall to go home; and looking about, he saw, at the other End, Rinaldo walking, whose Back was towards him, but he knew him well; and tho’ he feared and dreaded his Business there, he durst not encounter him, they being both attended but by one Footman a-piece. But Vernole’s Jealousy and Indignation were so high, that he resolved to fetch his Bravoes to his Aid, and come and assault him: For he knew he waited there for some Message from Atlante.

In the mean Time it grew dark, and Rinaldo’s Coach came with another Footman; which were hardly arrived, when Vernole, with his Assistants, came to the Corner of the Wall, and skreening themselves a little behind it, near to the Place where Rinaldo stood, who waited now close to a little Door, out of which the Gardeners used to throw the Weeds and Dirt, Vernole could perceive anon the Door to open, and a Woman come out of it, calling Rinaldo by his Name, who stept up to her, and caught her in his Arms with Signs of infinite Joy. Vernole being now all Rage, cry’d to his Assassinates, ‘Fall on, and kill the Ravisher’: And immediately they all fell on. Rinaldo, who had only his two Footmen on his Side, was forc’d to let go the Lady; who would have run into the Garden again, but the Door fell to and lock’d: so that while Rinaldo was fighting, and beaten back by the Bravoes, one of which he laid dead at his Feet, Vernole came to the frighted Lady, and taking her by the Hand, cry’d, ‘Come, my fair Fugitive, you must go along with me.’ She wholly scar’d out of her Senses, was willing to go any where out of the Terror she heard so near her, and without Reply, gave her self into his Hand, who carried her directly to her Father’s House; where she was no sooner come, but he told her Father all that had past, and how she was running away with Rinaldo, but that his good Fortune brought him just in the lucky Minute. Her Father turning to reproach her, found by the Light of a Candle that this was Charlot, and not Atlante, whom Vernole had brought Home: At which Vernole was extremely astonish’d. Her Father demanded of her why she was running away with a Man, who was design’d her by Consent? ‘Yes, (said Charlot) you had his Consent, Sir, and that of his Father; but I was far from getting it: I found he resolv’d to die rather than quit Atlante; and promising him my Assistance in his Amour, since he could never be mine, he got me to carry a Letter to Atlante; which was, to desire her to fly away with him. Instead of carrying her this Letter, I told her, he was design’d for me, and had cancell’d all his Vows to her: She swoon’d at this News; and being recover’d a little, I left her in the Hands of the Nuns, to persuade her to live; which she resolves not to do without Rinaldo. Tho’ they press’d me, yet I resolv’d to pursue my Design, which was to tell Rinaldo she would obey his kind Summons. He waited for her; but I put my self into his Hands in lieu of Atlante; and had not the Count receiv’d me, we had been marry’d by this time, by some false Light that could not have discover’d me: But I am satisfied, if I had, he would never have liv’d with me longer than the Cheat had been undiscover’d; for I find them both resolved to die, rather than change. And for my part, Sir, I was not so much in Love with Rinaldo, as I was out of love with the Nunnery; and took any Opportunity to quit a Life absolutely contrary to my Humour.’ She spoke this with a Gaiety so brisk, and an Air so agreeable, that Vernole found it touch’d his Heart; and the rather because he found Atlante would never be his; or if she were, he should be still in Danger from the Resentment of Rinaldo: he therefore bowing to Charlot, and taking her by the Hand, cry’d, ‘Madam, since Fortune has dispos’d you thus luckily for me, in my Possession, I humbly implore you would consent she should make me entirely happy, and give me the Prize for which I fought, and have conquer’d with my Sword.’ ‘My Lord, (reply’d Charlot, with a modest Air) I am superstitious enough to believe, since Fortune, so contrary to all our Designs, has given me into your Hands, that she from the beginning destin’d me to the Honour, which, with my Father’s Consent, I shall receive as becomes me.’ De Pais transported with Joy, to find all Things would be so well brought about, it being all one to him, whether Charlot or Atlante gave him Count Vernole for his Son-in-law, readily consented; and immediately a Priest was sent for, and they were that Night marry’d. And it being now not above seven o’Clock, many of their Friends were invited, the Musick sent for, and as good a Supper as so short a Time would provide, was made ready.

All this was perform’d in as short a time as Rinaldo was fighting; and having kill’d one, and wounded the rest, they all fled before his conquering Sword, which was never drawn with so good a Will. When he came where his Coach stood, just against the Back-Garden-Door, he looked for his Mistress: But the Coachman told him, he was no sooner engaged, but a Man came, and with a thousand Reproaches on her Levity, bore her off.

This made our young Lover rave; and he is satisfied she is in the Hands of his Rival, and that he had been fighting, and shedding his Blood, only to secure her Flight with him. He lost all Patience, and it was with much ado his Servants persuaded him to return; telling him in their Opinion, she was more likely to get out of the Hands of his Rival, and come to him, than when she was in the Monastery.

He suffers himself to go into his Coach and be carry’d home; but he was no sooner alighted, than he heard Musick and Noise at De Pais’s House. He saw Coaches surround his Door, and Pages and Footmen, with Flambeaux. The Sight and Noise of Joy made him ready to sink at the Door; and sending his Footmen to learn the Cause of this Triumph, the Pages that waited told him, That Count Vernole was this Night married to Monsieur De Pais’s Daughter. He needed no more to deprive him of all Sense; and staggering against his Coach, he was caught by his Footmen and carried into his House, and to his Chamber, where they put him to Bed, all sensless as he was, and had much ado to recover him to Life. He ask’d for his Father, with a faint Voice, for he desir’d to see him before he died. It was told him he was gone to Count Vernole’s Wedding, where there was a perfect Peace agreed on between them, and all their Animosities laid aside. At this News Rinaldo fainted again; and his Servants call’d his Father home, and told him in what Condition they had brought home their Master, recounting to him all that was past. He hasten’d to Rinaldo, whom he found just recover’d of his Swooning; who, putting his Hand out to his Father, all cold and trembling, cry’d, ‘Well, Sir, now you are satisfied, since you have seen Atlante married to Count Vernole, I hope now you will give your unfortunate Son leave to die; as you wish’d he should, rather than give him to the Arms of Atlante.’ Here his Speech fail’d, and he fell again into a Fit of Swooning; His Father ready to die with fear of his Son’s Death, kneel’d down by his Bed-side; and after having recover’d a little, he said, ‘My dear Son, I have been indeed at the Wedding of Count Vernole, but ’tis not Atlante to whom he is married, but Charlot; who was the Person you were bearing from the Monastery, instead of Atlante, who is still reserv’d for you, and she is dying till she hear you are reserv’d for her; Therefore, as you regard her Life, make much of your own, and make your self fit to receive her; for her Father and I have agreed the Marriage already.’ And without giving him leave to think, he call’d to one of his Gentlemen, and sent him to the Monastery, with this News to Atlante. Rinaldo bowed himself as low as he could in his Bed, and kiss’d the Hand of his Father, with Tears of Joy: But his Weakness continued all the next Day; and they were fain to bring Atlante to him, to confirm his Happiness.