The Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher

Thro' the most Wicked Parts of the World, Namely, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Holland
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'The Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher' is a non-fiction book written using Early Modern English, discussing the author's experience traveling throughout the United Kingdom and Netherlands. He was mostly appalled by the debauchery and heretical beliefs that he encounters along the way, as can be seen from the following passage: «The detestable lewd expressions in the English plays, can do no less than debauch the minds, and corrupt the manners of the audience; but it must needs strike every good Christian with horror, to hear on the stage, the Almighty God blasphemed, his providence questioned and denied, his name profaned, his attributes ascribed to sinful creatures, and even to heathen Gods, his holy word burlesqued, and treated as a fable, his grace made a jest of, his ministers despised, conscience laughed at, religion ridiculed, the Catholic faith and doctrine exposed, the sincere practice of religion, represented as the effect of vapors and melancholy, virtue discounted, vice encouraged, evil treated as good, and good as evil; and all this highly aggravated, by being done in cool blood, upon choice and deliberation.»

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Good Press
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