A Guardian's Possession

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Shinbe ran forward to catch Kamui as he fell. The boy was passed out cold. His amethyst eyes widened with his smile seeing the colorful glitter that fell from his translucent wings. He hugged Kamui to him knowing everything would be all right… least for now. He had somehow forgotten the darkness once again.

“Welcome back Kamui,” He grinned as the boys eyes, too many colors to count, opened to stare up at him in confusion.


“I just don’t get it… why would Kyou all of a sudden decide he wants Kyoko?” Suki paced back and forth annoyed because she wasn’t out there helping to bring her friend back.

Sennin rubbed his temple as he looked at his daughter, “Suki please sit down. You are making me dizzy.” He grabbed up a stick and poked at the fire as he continued. “Kyou is a guardian… therefore Kyoko is safe with him. As for him wanting her… well if he does then it is already out of his hands.”

Suki turned to glare at Sennin. “What do you mean by that? He isn’t a child. He can control what he does!”

Sennin stared into the fire and stated, “If it is his guardian blood that has chosen her, then even Kyou has no choice.”

“What do you mean he has no choice?” Suki demanded. “It’s against everything the Guardians stand for to take that privilege from anyone, much less their priestess. Besides, if Kyou did like Kyoko all along, then why didn’t he say something before instead of stealing her away like a thief?”

Sennin smiled, “For the same reasons our friend Shinbe has kept his silence.”

Suki felt her face heat up and turned away from her father. “Why would Shinbe want to keep quiet about liking someone? He’d never had a problem speaking his mind before… or keeping his hands to himself for that matter.” She cringed.

“Perhaps the reason Shinbe has kept his silence is due to the one thing that keeps any man quiet for the one they secretly adore… fear of rejection.” He cocked an eyebrow knowing he spoke the truth.

Suki stared at her father like he’d grown a second head. “You mean Shinbe loves Kyoko… and never got up the guts to tell her?” The thought made Suki’s chest hurt and eyesight go all watery.

Suki suddenly grabbed her head, rubbing the spot where Sennin had just brained her with her own bayonet.

“Stop being daft girl,” Sennin muttered, placing the bayonet back on the floor of the hut. “Young people and their obliviousness.” He paused in thought for a moment… secretly reminiscing about his own ‘oblivious’ moments with Suki’s mother. ‘Ah, the memories.’


The talisman within the dream master blazed to life as it felt Hyakuhei and Kyoko both slip within the walls of sleep. This was when he gained enough freedom to gaze into both their souls and find things they had both forgotten or never had the power to remember, the other side of their souls.

The dream demon’s black eyes opened wide as he looked into that world and brought his victims into it. Even the protective barrier around the girl was not strong enough to keep him out.


Dreams were a strange enigma indeed but when you awaken within a dream, you no longer know you are still lost within your own mind… that’s just beyond strange. Kyoko came into that same haze, feeling like she was wrapped in a blanket of warmth. Resisting the urge to open her eyes, she snuggled closer.

Everything was so quiet except for the heartbeat that sounded so strong and calm pressed against her ear.

Her eyes shot open knowing she was not supposed to be sleeping with anyone. Kyoko’s startled gaze came in contact with a bare chest. She noticed the lean muscles underneath flawless skin and tendrils of long dark silky hair that lay in waves across his ribs. Her gaze curiously followed the ebony locks upward to the flawless face… Hyakuhei.

She bit her lower lip feeling a blush spread across her cheeks. What was she doing lying with him? Seeing his eyes were still closed, she quickly looked back down between them to make sure he was wearing pants. Thank god, other than his missing shirt they were both still dressed.

‘It’s just Hyakuhei… he is my guardian… right?’ She reminded herself stubbornly. Trying to remember how they got there… she drew a blank. As a matter of fact, she couldn’t remember the last thing she had done and frowned softly as she glanced back up at him.

‘That’s right… I was falling and he saved me.’ Her lips parted when her eyes locked with his, he was awake and staring quietly at her. Her hand was still pressed against his chest. She could feel the same heartbeat strong and steady that she had heard only moments before. Her attention lowered to his lips before reluctantly pulling her gaze away.

She slowly sat up, feeling his gaze follow her as she did so. Now that they were no longer touching, she wondered at the cold emptiness that rushed in to steal her warmth.

Hyakuhei watched her awaken and sensing no fear, he waited for her to rise. He craved this. He liked her conflicting scent… her purity clashing with his own evil aura. His dark eyes were drawn to the pink that now tinted her cheeks. It made him wonder what she was thinking. As he watched her take in the solitude of the cave, he could tell she did not like the confinement of its walls.

“Where are we?” Kyoko turned away from him to look at the small opening of the cave and felt a slight fear seeing the cold darkness that lay beyond it. She took a hesitant step back wishing she could still hear his heartbeat and feel the security she had woken with.

Hyakuhei rose up behind her and wrapped his arms securely around her when he felt her fear spike. “Do not worry my pet. I brought you here to keep you safe from the demons who want the guardian heart crystal.” He nuzzled her hair with his cheek. “I will always protect you and keep you… safe.” his lips hinted in a secret smile that she couldn’t see.

Kyoko closed her eyes and tilted her head to give into his soft caress as she nodded. That sounded like it was the right answer though she didn’t remember the demons that had given chase. “Oh, okay.” she whispered as she sank into his warmth.

"Kyoko, would you like to go outside? I would like to show you something." He slid his palm slowly down her arm until her small hand was within his.

Kyoko wondered why she felt so weak. ‘Yes, sunshine… That’s what she needed to clear her head.’ For some reason, she felt out of place but couldn’t put her finger on the dilemma. She only nodded to Hyakuhei, trusting him to take her out of this dark beautiful dungeon.

Hyakuhei tightened his strong arm around Kyoko pressing her to his side and rose above the stone floor. In turn, he felt her wrap her arms around him, clinging to him so she wouldn’t fall.

"I will not ever let you go Kyoko," He whispered in her ear as he touched her chin gently knowing she would not hear the double meaning within his words. Her face turned up to his and she loosened her hold. He glided out of the cave and then straight up but not too fast so he wouldn’t frighten her. He landed on the soft ground in the sunlight.

Kyoko looked around at the leaves. The forest offered speckled shade to them and everything was so bright as her emerald eyes adjusted to the light. She let go and took a step out of the circle of his arms. What was she doing here? What was she missing? She glanced at Hyakuhei still feeling a little confused. Wasn’t she looking for something she had lost?

"Kyoko, will you still help me find the fragments of the guardian heart crystal before the demons can use them to break through the portal?" He watched as her eyes lit up in understanding. He was glad she didn’t yet remember her true guardians. The spell he had on her was strong and as long as nothing prompted the memory, the enchantment wouldn’t confuse her.

Kyoko smiled. Yes, that’s what she was here for. Looking for the talisman.

"Yes Hyakuhei. The shards. I almost forgot." She closed her eyes and tried to detect any of the crystals untainted energy nearby. After a moment, her eyes opened and she pointed. "About half a mile that way Hyakuhei and its alone." She smiled glad it wasn’t inside a demon… well, not that she could tell.

She let him take her back into his strong arms as he lifted them off the ground and took them in the direction she indicated.

They found the fragment quickly and when he asked to hold it for her, she didn’t think twice about giving it to him, although something gnawed at her memory. She sighed, closing her eyes again and instantly detected another fragment… but this time it wasn’t alone. This time it was contaminated with darkness.

She reached behind her for her crossbow but her hand came up empty. She frowned wondering where she had left it as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Kyoko, do not worry. I will keep you safe. Just tell me where it is." He knew she was looking for her weapon but that was a memory he also wanted her to forget. He knew the power behind the spirit darts and it was a power he did not want near him.

He let her show him the direction of the shard and that led him to a shadow demon that was feeding off the power of the sliver of crystal. Pushing Kyoko behind him, Hyakuhei cast a barrier around her so she would be safe while he pretended to fight the demon. It was such a splendid creature and its power was enormous now that it had the talisman within it.

It may have been a simple shadow demon once upon a time, but now… now it resembled a black dragon. It would be a shame to just kill the beast but he could not take it into his own body and savor its powers in front of Kyoko. She wouldn’t understand and it may trigger the memory that he was indeed the enemy.


Using his powers over demons, Hyakuhei made quick work of ending its life. Seeing the splinter of crystal fall, he picked it up feeling the small slice of power Kyoko had just unknowingly given to him.

The corners of his lips turned up as he looked back at Kyoko. Releasing her from the protection barrier, he once again took her in his arms. He knew he was deceiving her into being with him but suddenly he didn’t want it to be a lie. Leaning down toward her to block out the rest of the world, he lowered his lips to hers.


Hyakuhei’s growl echoed as he reached out toward the darkness just as the dream ended. The haunting laugh of the dream master was the only thing that greeted him within the cave as he watched the flames from the fire turn several shades of color before the licking flames twisted into a dark shade of black to match his mood.

How dare the dream tempt him so… making him notice the loneliness.

Chapter 6 “Deadly Escape”

Kyoko awoke with a start just as the memories of what had happened came rushing back to her like a confused tidal wave. She could almost swear that she could hear the echo of Hyakuhei’s angry roar as she slipped away from the dream and it gave her cold chills. It was his scream still ringing in her ears leaving her eyes wide with shock.

The dream had found her again and somehow she knew it was waiting for her to close her eyes once more. Her fingers trailed up to softly touch her lips and something within her wondered if she fell asleep again… if the dream would start out with that same kiss. She wrapped her arms around herself, strangely missing the heat.

Wondering how long she had been sleeping, she glanced toward the window. From the height of the moon and all the stars she could see it was still the middle of the night but getting closer to dawn with every heartbeat. It was no wonder her mind was trying to make Hyakuhei her savior when her real savior was becoming so dangerous. This was all Kyou’s fault.

So much had happened in such a short amount of time that she wasn’t surprised she’d cried herself to sleep. Her mind and body wouldn’t let her sleep but only a few minutes at a time till she found a way out of this mess. It was already getting hard to decipher what was reality and what lay only within her own mind.

‘Just who the hell did Kyou think he was?’ Kyoko mentally lashed out as she rose up on her elbows. She needed to get away from this place and him as soon as possible.

Looking around for something to wear, Kyoko spotted a white silk robe lying on a low table by the large pillow. Her gaze roamed the rest of the room hoping to find something more to wear. She knew the silk of the robe wouldn’t provide her much covering and this was the north for heaven’s sake… She would freeze.

Blowing her bangs upward in disappointment, she climbed across the pillow and stood reaching for the robe. Slipping it on, she marveled at the silky softness of it against her skin. It was so light it felt as if she hadn’t put anything on. If she hadn’t been a captive here… she might have actually liked this place.

Tying the silk around her, Kyoko snuck to the window and looked out already planning her escape. The moonlight provided enough light to see by but enough darkness to maybe try to get away.

Leaning out the window, she looked down the three-story drop in denial. Seeing the deep crevices in the outer rock wall, her lips quirked in a childish smile. She knew after being with Toya for so long that she would be able to climb down. “Hopefully without falling,” she contradicted herself in a whisper.

She had to run as far away from Kyou as possible before he took something from her that she was not offering.

Kyoko sighed inwardly as she made a silent wish. ‘Toya… I need you.’ The words seemed to echo within her and somehow she felt maybe… just maybe Toya had heard her. Memories untold seeped through her mind… Toya would never let her fall. Her lips parted in wonder for a moment before she shook the feeling off as imagination.

She gripped the windowsill to steady her nerves. Straightening her shoulders and finding her courage, she decided she wasn’t holding out for a savior because even she knew Kyou was a force to reckon with. She really didn’t want Toya putting himself in that kind of danger. She also knew the longer she waited, the more of a chance Toya would try to rescue her.

Kyoko climbed up on the ledge and threw her legs over. Turning around, she slowly felt for footing in the wall. She grimaced when the stone felt like it was cutting into her bare feet, but she would go through anything just to escape.

As carefully as she could, she made her way down the side of the castle. What took only a few fleeting moments felt like hours. She spent the whole climb fearing being caught, but when her feet finally touched the ground all other thoughts fled except getting as far away as possible.

Looking up at the window, she backed away from the wall half expecting to see Kyou appear and snatch her up again. She couldn’t go through another one of his ‘punishments’ as he called it.

That thought spurred her into action. Kyoko turned and ran like Hyakuhei’s demons were after her through the surrounding maze of gardens and statues. Without stopping her headlong rush for freedom, her eyes took everything in, marveling at the surreal beauty of it even within the darkness.

Only the fear of being found by Kyou kept her going when her lungs started burning and her legs cramped. She was startled when she made it to the end of the grounds only to find a very potent barrier shimmering with a luminous blue hue. She knew it would take all her priestess powers to break through something Kyou himself had made.

Once more she looked over her shoulder at the imposing structure Kyou called home. There was no doubt in her mind he would know what she was doing if the barrier was brought down. She only needed to make an opening just big enough to let her through.

Biting her bottom lip, she reached out one shaky hand and touched the surface of the barrier to test its strength and was rewarded with a slight shock wave that passed warningly through her body. It didn’t hurt her… instead; it felt like the barrier was trying to tell her that there was unknown danger on the other side and for her to stay inside where it was safe.

She smiled in surprise realizing the shield was more for protection than to cause bodily harm… at least from the inside of the barrier. She had no doubt that if someone or something tried to get in from the outside without permission … that’s where the pain would be.

She gave pause as the dream came back to her… the barrier Hyakuhei had placed around her for protection from the dragon he had fought… it also was only to keep her safe and she had felt safe… strange that she would think so softly toward the enemy.

“I mean no harm… please,” Kyoko whispered as she again touched the barrier. To her amazement, an opening appeared and she quickly stepped through the milky-blue mist just as the shield closed behind her. It had given her exactly what she needed.

Turning around to see if the barrier had really closed behind her to erase the fact that she had escaped, Kyoko was startled to only find a desolate overgrown forest and no lush grounds or castle anywhere in site. It looked as if gloom and sadness had descended to silence all living within its tangled web of limbs.

Would Kyou know if someone breached the barrier he had placed around his home? Would some kind of alarm go off to alert him? She felt fear slither across her at the very thought of what he would do when he found her missing after warning her not to leave. Kyoko cocked a shaky eyebrow knowing she wasn’t going to be stupid enough to wait around to find out if the ice prince had a sense of humor or not.

From there, she ran as fast as she could over the unstable ground and toward the unknown. Kyoko could feel the undergrowth of the forest tearing at her robe and skin. She ignored the branches as one scraped her cheek and others caught her hair and legs as her headlong flight continued.

Her feet were screaming at her to stop as she continuously stepped on small pebbles and thorns. She could feel trickles of liquid running down her arms and legs but didn’t look to see if it was sweat or blood. If she stopped he would catch her!

Looking back over her shoulder to make sure she wasn’t being pursued, Kyoko realized in the darkness of the forest… he could have been right behind her and she would never have seen him. The thought was chilling and made her move faster.

She didn’t really know where she was, but on instinct, she stayed straight and prayed she was getting farther from the castle and from the possessive guardian that Kyou had become. Her foot caught on something stiff and the ground came up hard and fast. The impact made her disoriented for a few seconds, her breathing fast and shallow.

Staying on hands and knees, Kyoko tried to catch her breath and slow her pounding heartbeat. Her body ached and she knew there were more wounds on her knees… they stung as only skinned knees can. She listened to the sounds around her and noticed the sounds had stopped… that frightened her.

Kyoko looked down at herself and saw that the white robe she had on was glowing in the moonlight. She gritted her teeth realizing that from a distance she would look like a light in the heart of darkness.

Swiftly, with shaking hands, she discarded the shimmering white material knowing she would have no covering but also that she would have a better chance at not being detected and recaptured. Kyoko tossed the silky robe away and took off again through the darkness of the forest, praying that the reason the forest was quiet wasn’t because Kyou had followed her.

More limbs cut into her bare skin as she ran but she paid no heed. Turning her head while she was running, Kyoko looked over her shoulder feeling like something was closing in on her. She didn’t see the ledge where the ground disappeared… coming back into view several hundred feet below.

Turning her head back just in time to see herself take the fatal step, the next thing Kyoko knew, she was falling. She didn’t even scream as she fell… it would do her no good. The same feeling she had during the dream came back… she had fallen inside the dark cave but Hyakuhei had saved her.

“Hyakuhei,” she closed her eyes wishing he was there.

Then she felt it, the arm coming around her from behind. She could tell by the touch that it wasn’t Hyakuhei and she screamed in panic. Thinking it was Kyou; she clawed at the arm not noticing the shirtsleeve was the wrong color.

“Let me go, let me go!” She screamed frantically.

"Kyoko. It’s me Kyoko. I’ve got you," Toya said as loudly as he dared right in her ear. Now that he had her safely in his arms, the last thing he needed was her scream reaching all the demons that had invaded the area.

He’d been searching for her for the last couple of hours with no luck. Her scent had completely disappeared as if she’d vanished into thin air. He had driven himself insane with worry and his only clue was he knew Kyou stayed in this area of their lands though he could never remember where to find it.

Toya had felt her calling to him so he’d refused to give up. When he’d smelled her scent suddenly reappear as if she had been there the whole time, Toya’s instincts went into overdrive sensing irrational fear coming from her. That fear was so intense… she hadn’t even seen the ravine in front of her until it was too late.

The blood almost froze within his veins when he saw her go over the edge… she didn’t even scream. Before he’d even thought about what he was doing, she was within his protective arms.

Toya held her tightly against him… thankful he’d gotten to her before she fell to her death. “I’ve got you,” He repeated in a voice that was breathless and strained. Finally she calmed against him, her breath coming in sobbing heaves.

His irises changed from the molten silver they had unknowingly become, back to liquid gold as he gazed down at her cradled in his arms. His long hair fanned around her to cover the side of her breast that she now had pressed against his chest as she hid her face. His lips parted as his gaze traveled across her in wonder. The bare hip that was also exposed due to the fact that he had his arm under her knees and now held her bridle style from where he’d caught her lent to the overwhelming knowledge that… his Kyoko was … completely naked.


Toya’s silver wings stroked downward as he lifted them from the canyon she had almost met her death in. He quickly landed on the hard packed dirt of the ledge and released her legs so she could stand. His wings shimmered and vanished as his long midnight hair caught in the slight breeze leaving the silver highlights to reflect the same color as the feathers that slowly floated to the ground disappearing before they reached their target.

“Kyoko?” his voice was softer than normal when she didn’t let go.

Kyoko heard Toya’s voice and started crying softly, still clinging to him, not wanting to let go even for a second. "Toya, thank god it’s you." She kept her face buried in his neck and her arms wrapped around him. “Get me out of here… please! Don’t let him punish me,” she cried, still within the panic that had started her flight to freedom.

"Kyoko, what has he done to you?” Toya took off his red shirt and wrapped it around her as best he could, given the fact that she wouldn’t let go of him. That and the fact that the material was ripped in more than one place from his fight with the demons didn’t really help that much either. "It’s alright. Just hold on, I’ll get us as far away as I can.”

"Hurry Toya, don’t let your brother catch us. There is no telling what he’ll do now that I’ve escaped." She held on to him as he made his way through the same darkness that had almost ended her mortal life. Calming down enough to glance up at Toya’s quiet face, Kyoko smiled softly… even though he was not looking to see it. He’d saved her… just as he had always done.

Her lips parted as she remembered what Toya had witnessed the last time he’d seen her… when Kyou had taken her. She studied his face a little closer. His lips were pressed tight and the muscles in his jaw clenched, giving away his true inner thoughts. Kyoko lowered her eyes wondering if anything would ever be the same.

She felt like hiding, and then the thought hit her. The one place where she knew she’d be safe from everything that had happened. "Toya, please take me to the maiden shrine." Her voice held a quivering note but she wouldn’t cry… not now that Toya was with her.

Toya looked down at Kyoko not slowing his pace. He didn’t say anything. He knew she wanted to go home so that Kyou couldn’t get to her. ‘Damn it Kyou! Why didn’t you just leave her to me?’ He held her even tighter. ‘What did you do to make her so afraid of you?’

"Kyoko, if that’s where you want to go, that’s where I’ll take you,” His voice turned inward as he silently growled, ‘Then… I will deal with my brother.’

It didn’t take long before Kyoko fell into an exhausted sleep so Toya stopped his silent running now that she couldn’t see him. His luminous silver wings once again appeared behind him. It was his secret to keep. He smiled to himself thinking she’d often compared his speed to flying. In her eyes… he had always flown.

He took to the air and turned over on his back so she could lie atop him as he kept his arms safely around her. He didn’t need eyes to see as he soared above the trees in the direction of The Heart of Time.

Toya became lost in his own musings as he traveled. Kyou, something didn’t seem right with him. When he had caught Kyoko as she fell from the ledge, she’d been naked… but still… he could smell her purity. What was Kyou planning? Why hadn’t he taken her… unless, the thought shot through him, unless he wanted her as a life mate.

She would have to love Kyou in return or it would not work. Kyoko could never love someone who imprisoned her free spirit like that. He pressed his cheek to the top of her head feeling the silkiness of her hair against his skin. He would never allow Kyoko to fall in love with Kyou… or anyone else, if he could stop it.

Was that what his brother was up to? Did he want to keep Kyoko forever? That had to be it… but Kyou? It didn’t make sense. Kyou hated humans… Kyou hated everyone. Why would he pick Kyoko and why had he scared her like this? She’d been so frightened that she had risked death just to flee him. Was she running from more than just his brother? Toya closed his eyes tight. All this was making his head hurt.

He huffed, thinking to himself sarcastically that his brother knew nothing about humans. You didn’t have to control them to love them and he would not let Kyou get his hands on their priestess again. He would have to come up with a plan to keep Kyoko safe, but first he would take her home.

He secretly thanked the guardian heart crystal for the power to jump between his world and Kyoko’s. Maybe the crystal had only given him that ability because it had known Kyoko would need him above all others. He smiled at that jealous thought. Maybe it knew Kyou would… turn on her like this.

The first streaks of daylight could be seen when he landed in front of the maiden shrine still holding the sleeping Kyoko. His wings stretched outward in one fluent motion before evaporating in a silver rain of feathers. Golden eyes blinked as one of the silvery feathers landed in the maidens palm… only to vanish on impact.

Toya looked up into the stone face of the priestess whose hands were outstretched as if asking him for something. He gazed down at the precious bundle he held on to so tightly and knew what the maiden was truly asking for. It wanted to take her back home… away from the guardians and into the safety of her native land.

“Not without me,” Toya whispered as he nodded to the statue then stepped forward, touching her hands. The blue light that instantly surrounded them was warm, heating his skin before it died away leaving him standing within Kyoko’s era.

He slowly made his way to the huge tree outside Kyoko’s bedroom… deciding to enter his usual way. He wasn’t in the mood to answer a lot of questions from her family just yet. Toya looked at her longingly, knowing he would have to force himself to release her. Heaving a sigh no one would ever hear, he gently laid her in her bed.

When he tried to rise back up, Toya noticed she still had a death grip on him even in her sleep. He smiled thinking that maybe… maybe she secretly had the same feelings he did. Wanting to do anything to comfort her, he slid into the bed beside her and curled his body around hers protectively.

“I’ll stay for a little while,” He whispered in the shell of her ear wondering if he didn’t crave the same comfort… comfort only she was capable of making him feel.

As he lay there, he ran his fingers through her auburn hair and kissed the top of her head, staring into the darkened room. "It's alright Kyoko. I’ll think of something. Just sleep for now." Toya closed his golden eyes trying to relax his tortured mind. They were in her world now and nothing could get to her here… not even his brother.

Little did Toya know that within the realm of dreams, time and distance could not protect her from the dream master. Hyakuhei’s lips hinted in a most tainted smile as he felt the dreams coming to life. For a few minutes… he would not be alone.

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