A Guardian's Possession

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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Kyou could feel what his brother could not. The evil was closing in on them in the form of Hyakuhei and his minions. This would be another lesson for his dear brother to learn the hard way.

Toya released his pent up breath as his hands tightened into fist at his sides. "What are you thinking Kyou? She is our priestess!" Still not getting a response Toya whispered, “I thought you said humans were beneath you… why did you do… that?”

Kyou’s face remained calm and his voice softened for a fleeting moment as if talking to a wayward child, “If you take your eyes from her then she will be taken away from you. You brother, do not know the meaning of true protection.”

Kyou had already turned his attention back to the limp girl in his arms. His brother loved her but had never told her, how ironic. She loved his brother but… he intended to steal that love. He wanted it… craved it and would not be denied it.

His golden orbs turned back to Toya as his voice hardened. "Hyakuhei’s near… can you not feel him? She would have been in danger. You left her untouched, unmarked, unprotected, and alone… waiting for him. I will not make the same mistake."

Toya watched as the shadow of Kyou’s golden wings shimmered to life, destroying the barrier that had surrounded them the second the powerful feathers touched its surface. He screamed in denial as Kyou disappeared with Kyoko in his tight embrace. The sound ricocheted, leaving nothing behind but the roar of the storm that still raged across the forest.

He knew he had failed her for now, but he would find a way to free her from his brother. Kyou was right for scolding him for his lack of surveillance over Kyoko, but to kiss her… touch her like that… then take her from his protection. Why?

Toya’s blood boiled as the echo of Kyou’s threat resounded within his mind. “Unmarked?” He prayed Kyou didn’t mean that he would take Kyoko as his mate just to protect her. Toya growled at the very thought.

“No way!” He shouted at the now empty space. He was the one always by her side, not Kyou. Kyou hated humans and had never showed any interest in Kyoko. Why would he suddenly do something so rash? The very air surrounding Toya became alive with suppressed fury as his guardian powers rose dangerously with his anger.

“Kyou damn it! I won’t allow it!" Toya’s voice could be heard throughout the forest.

Chapter 3 “Descending Darkness”

Shinbe landed behind Toya having arrived just as Kyou and Kyoko vanished. The others descended behind him as they watched Toya’s powerful aura expand around him in florescent blue waves.

Kamui’s face showed the shock from what he had just witnessed as the purple highlights within his untamed hair rustled from the winds of Toya’s outburst. His eyes seemed to change color with every confused heartbeat that followed. “Kyoko?” his voice sounded breathless as his bottom lip quivered in rebellion. Glittering multihued dust fell from his translucent wings as he lifted them in one mighty stroke intending to give chase to the one who had taken Kyoko from them.

A flash of lightning silhouetted the dark wings of the enemy as he shimmered to life right in Kamui’s path. Hyakuhei’s long midnight hair lifted in the current caused by his sudden descent. His ebony eyes locked with Kamui’s causing the guardian to jerk back in his headlong rush to rescue Kyoko.

“Poor child… have you lost something?” Hyakuhei’s voice held a note of concern but his ebony eyes gave his true intentions away. Drifting forward, he reached out to touch Kamui’s pale cheek, only to laugh when the guardian shot back several feet to avoid the contact.

“Always so skittish.” Ignoring the other guardian’s still on the ground, Hyakuhei stalked the sparkling eyed boy as he retreated, “Come now Kamui, how will you ever truly beat me… if you do not have your priestess with you?” He knew the boy’s fears better than anyone. His lips hinted at a sadistic smile. After all… he was the one who had taught Kamui all those fears.

Kamui nearly choked on the panic that was rising higher by the moment. Seeing the monster in front of him was almost as bad as sensing the hidden monster inside… the dream demon. He could feel it there in front of him behind the face of his enemy, memories of nightmares he had long since buried came back to haunt him as he fought the urge to flee the man before him.

Feeling Kamui’s terror flood the area Shinbe shouted, “Leave him alone, traitor!” Raising his staff, he used his telekinesis to send an onslaught of rocks and earth at their uncle to distract him long enough for Kamui to escape.

With a wave of his hand, Hyakuhei created a barrier for the projectiles to harmlessly bounce off, his black eyes turned to the amethyst guardian in anger. “Do not interfere with something you have no knowledge of dear nephew.”

Kamui dropped to the ground, landing on his feet as he pushed the dark memories back hoping they would stay hidden for a while longer. They were his secrets to keep and keep them he must. Kamui blinked… his eyes turning back to their normal glittering state. He would never remember what Hyakuhei dared him to remember… he glanced back at the other guardians wishing the lie were true.

Toya had seen enough and he snapped. With speed faster than the human eye could detect, Toya seemed to disappear and reappear behind Hyakuhei. Wrapping his arm around the enemy’s neck in a death hold he growled, “And what the hell do you think you can do about it… dear uncle?”

Hyakuhei’s eyes became slits as he realized Toya’s anger had released the power that equaled his own. Seeing that Kamui had escaped his reach for now, he smiled deceivingly. “How do you intend to stop me when you can’t even protect one small girl? You have already lost.”

He knew he could still torture the priestess with the seductive memories hidden deep within the dreams. The dream sprite would see that they stayed linked. Sooner or later… she would come to him willingly. Kyou would not have her for long. Even now he could feel her sleeping… waiting for him to join her in her dreams.

With a wicked laugh, Hyakuhei’s body vanished leaving Toya to once again scream in rage.


Darkness surrounded Kyoko in its murkiness and somehow she knew she was once again asleep. Reality faded into the background and she cringed inwardly, knowing the dream had found a way to continue. She tried to fight it… to wake up so it couldn’t reach her but the lull of the dream world was too strong.

Time and space had no meaning as the dream became real to her. Kyoko felt warm, almost too warm and the sensation was making it hard for her to wake up. She struggled to try to shake the darkness that left her so weak and lost. Moving her fingers beside her, she felt the softness of fur. She became aware enough to realize that she was lying on some kind of pelt.

Opening her eyes, she looked at a stone ceiling and let her vision trail across it to the stone walls that surrounded her. She was in a cave of some kind. Light flickered in all colors around her from a small fire that was only about ten feet away. It was truly breathtaking as only the dream could be.

She tried to sit up but instantly regretted the movement, lying back as slowly as she could. Her head hurt and she was weak… as if all the strength had just been zapped from her. What had happened?

Her lips parted as the memories started coming back to her. This time she sat up quickly not caring about the pain, still she held her head in her hands hoping to steady her vision.

It looked like she was deep within the earth because of the crystal formations along the ceiling and walls. There was only one entrance that she could see and it was small so the fire was doing a good job of heating the room. No doubt without it, the cave would have been very cold.

Closing her eyes again and rubbing her temples she tried to think rationally. The Guardian Heart Crystal… She had shattered it to keep Hyakuhei from obtaining it. That was the last thing she remembered. Opening her eyes again, she could see clearer.

Glancing down, she realized she was laying on fur the color of midnight. Kyoko groaned… Hyakuhei had her. She knew it. Why else would she be lying on what appeared to be a black fur robe deep within a hole in the earth... only Hyakuhei could be that demented.

She wanted to cry but knew better, because if she did give in to the fear… she might never stop crying. Checking her body for injury to keep her mind off her fears, she realized she was unharmed and instantly felt better. If Hyakuhei were going to kill her… he would have already done so… right? She shivered at the lingering question.

Looking all around, Kyoko felt better seeing that she was alone. If she were going to try to escape, now would be the time. She just hoped she had the energy it would take to flee the cave without Hyakuhei knowing.

Crawling up on her hands and knees she steadied herself. It took all of her strength just to push herself into a standing position. She fought the wave of dizziness that swept over her. What had he done to her? Or was it the shattering of the crystal that had stolen her stamina. She felt like she was lost in a dream and only hoped it was true.

She didn’t mean to be a baby but she would give anything right now for one of the guardians to come and save her. After being in a world full of demons as long as she had been… nothing much scared her, but right now… she was silently terrified.


Kyoko turned her attention to the opening of the cave. While it was light within the cave, it looked awfully dark on the other side of the opening. She made her way closer to the exit almost scared of what she would find on the other side.

She could feel the temperature difference as she reached the opening. She could even feel the cold trying to enter the warm room and it almost made her want the warmth of the black pelt she had been lying on. Glancing back over her shoulder, she contemplated returning to the warmth but quickly banished the thought.

‘No,’ Kyoko thought stubbornly as she rubbed her arms to keep them warm. She had made it this far, she wasn’t about to turn around and go back for it. Besides… it was Hyakuhei’s and needing it seemed wrong. He was the enemy.

She took another step, which brought her within the shadowy doorway, and she had been right. It was so dark. Kyoko raised her eyes to find a small stream of light coming from way above. From what she could tell, she was quite a ways from the surface. Staring at the light to avoid looking back at the darkness, she noted the fact that it must be morning now.

With a quiet sigh, she wondered how long she had been out of it. She bit her bottom lip hoping that she hadn’t slept for days or something like that. The thought of being alone a mile under the earth was creeping her out and the thought of Hyakuhei being with her down here was more than just creepy.

She nodded to herself thinking, ‘It’s definitely time to scram before the devil shows up to throw me in the fire.’ Inhaling deeply, she steadied her fright knowing she didn’t have an alternative… but how was she supposed to get back to the top?

Kyoko took another step into the darkness, hoping to get a better view but what happened next took her breath away. She couldn’t even scream. There was no floor for her foot to touch. She instantly lost her balance and was falling. She wordlessly watched the small shaft of light above her getting farther away.

Closing her eyes, Kyoko reached for the light as she waited on the impact. Out of the darkness warm arms came around her to slow her fall. She didn’t care who it was as long as she wasn’t falling any more. Her muffled cry echoed off the stone walls as she clung tightly to the muscular shoulders, her fear set in realizing she could have died.

She could feel the warmth coming off the person whose strong arms held her safely against a broad chest. She could hear something that sounded like soft wings as they rose upward toward the entrance to the room she had just fallen from. Fighting the urge to press closer to the body that had saved her, she started concentrating on how much lighter the walls appeared.

As the light came closer, Kyoko was almost too scared to look up, knowing already who had her, but morbid curiosity brought her emerald eyes to the face attached to her lifeline. Her fears where renewed. His perfect face turned toward her as his long dark hair hovered around them in waves. If evil had a name… that name would be seduction.

"Hyakuhei," her voice was laced with alarm and gratitude at the same time. It was his fault she was here but also… he didn’t have to save her when she fell. Why had he done that? How could she fight such an enigma? A small breeze hit her back and she realized they were close to the small cave she had originally awoken in. Had she really fallen that far?

She didn’t say a word as his feet landed on the floor without a sound and he carried her bridal style back to the fur pelt and sat her down. He then lowered his body to sit in front of her. Kyoko’s nerves were in a knot by the time he was settled. It wasn’t helping that he just stared at her as if he were deep in thought. She bit her bottom lip knowing it would be useless to run.

She gazed right back at him as if sizing him up. If she didn’t already know how evil he was, she would have thought of him just as strikingly beautiful as Kyou… except where Kyou had light coloring, Hyakuhei had dark coloring. Both men were powerful and very dangerous with looks that could kill but she knew better than to get taken in by seductive beauty.

She also knew not to show this traitorous guardian fear. So steadying her nerves, Kyoko raised her chin a notch and looked at him defiantly. "I don’t have the crystal so why did you bring me here?" She was glad her voice sounded stronger than she felt and drew courage from it.

Hyakuhei ignored the priestess's question while he stared at her for a moment. This girl intrigued him on many levels. He knew she had great power but he also knew she had no idea how powerful she really was. She didn’t even realize her fall had slowed down before he had caught her in his arms. If he had let her fall, no doubt she would have landed softly on her feet.

His power had grown since the last time they had come face to face. This time finding the Guardian Heart Crystal would be easier because she would help him locate the shattered fragments. His mistake before had been his obsession with only the crystal. This time he wanted both… her and the crystal.

“Why do you fear me so?” Hyakuhei whispered softly as he brought his hand up to touch her cheek and was surprised when she barely flinched. She was showing him that she was not scared of him, not realizing he could smell her fear rise when he reached out to touch her. She was right to be frightened but he would make her forget such fears.

With the skin contact and her wide eyes staring into his, he entered her mind, giving her the feeling of comfort and safety. He had put spells on her before but she had always broken them. This time it would be a spell that left her feeling no danger and she would have no cause to break free of it even though she probably could if she tried hard enough. This was the thrall of a vampire demon he had recently taken into his soul.

The corners of his sensual lips turned up in a hint of a smile as she curiously watched him and her scent of fear receded.

Kyoko should have known better than to let him touch her but she was trying her best to show no fear. As her heart pounded in her ears she began to feel strange. He had yet to try to hurt her and for some reason… she understood that was not his intentions at all. She felt safe with him and she also felt sleepy. She turned her cheek into the palm of his hand and lowered her lashes.

“Hyakuhei,” She whispered, glad she was no longer alone within the cave.

He felt her tire and crawled closer to gently lay her back on the soft midnight fur. Hovering above her he straddled her body and stared down at the vision he now had caged under him.

“It is I whom you will love Kyoko… my touch, my voice… my kiss.” He lowered his lips to hers as she fell asleep… Tonight he would let her body and mind sleep and he would keep contact with her to strengthen the bond of the thrall. He would make her want him to the point of physical pain so she would have no choice but to seek him out and feed the craving.

He lay down beside her, drawing her body within his arms, inhaling her scent. He smiled to himself knowing she was such an innocent… just a woman-child really. He had no desire to change that tonight. His body tightened around her possessively. She was pure and oblivious to the fact that she was now under his control while asleep within a dream. She was his!

Several miles away Hyakuhei tossed and turned as he dreamed the same dream as Kyoko… the dream demon now had them both within its clutches and they didn’t even know it. The demon laughed silently at the chaos it had created. Oh, it was undoubtedly under Hyakuhei’s control but its mind remained untouched. For how long was still an unknown and it sought to strike back at its jailer while it could.

The sliver of crystal within the dream masters spirit gave him the power to look deep within Hyakuhei… so deep he could see through The Heart of Time and into another reality. Past or future world… it didn’t matter for it was the truth and he would use it against the dark one that had chained him.

He would feed the memories into both Hyakuhei and the priestess so they would know defeat not once… but twice. This was the land of demons and the demons should always win.


Kyou carefully held Kyoko in his arms even though she was asleep. He had put some distance between Hyakuhei and the priestess but somehow… it was as if Hyakuhei was still within touching distance of her. His guardian blood roared in response to these thoughts while he held her a bit tighter to himself.

Lifting a hand to cup her cheek, he felt foreign warmth start to spread through him when she turned her face slightly into his palm. His golden eyes hardened when she whispered a name in her sleep. She had said the enemy’s name so tenderly.

With an angry growl, Kyou tried to peer into her mind to see what she was dreaming about but found a barrier keeping him from the dream. His gaze narrowed… a dream demon’s barrier? How dare Hyakuhei construct a bond with Kyoko using a lowly sleep demon? His lips thinned with the knowledge of how much power the dream demon had within its enchantment.

Stopping in midair, Kyou sent a banishing wave of psychic power directly into the barrier and smiled icily when he heard the faint scream of the dream master as it left her mind. He could sense the taint of Hyakuhei leave her as her dream came to an abrupt end. He could only hope Hyakuhei was now wide-awake, in a cold sweat… and in pain.

Kyou shifted her up closer to his face so he could watch her as he flew to the veiled barrier that hid his castle from all. Others would only see a dreary forest covered in mangled strangling vines and the rain, but he knew the illusion.

Closing his eyes, he whispered secret words and the morbid landscape shifted as a hole in the hidden barrier opened… allowing him to enter. The illusion closed behind him. The enchantment had once again sealed his home from the restless world of demons.

The barrier itself was a stroke of genius created by his father Tadamichi to keep unwanted enemies from attacking. In the end however, Kyou discovered the true purpose of the barrier… to prevent Hyakuhei from returning home. It was a fitting punishment so long ago, Kyou had witnessed his uncle standing just outside, staring in and wanting… no… needing to reach past it and grasp the power Tadamichi had left behind.

He flew over the lush grounds that surrounded his palace, entering an open window on one of the upper floors his feet silently landed on the marble floor inside. With grace, his steps made no sound as he walked to the side of the room that held a pillow large enough for a dozen people to sleep on.

Bending down, Kyou laid her gently on the soft pillow only to stare hard at her. Why had he taken her? He knew why… `because he wanted her'. That had been enough.

He knew when Kyoko awoke that she would hate him. Kyou did not want her to hate him. Again he wondered why he cared so much about what she thought of him. Since when had he wanted something that did not already belong to him?

He growled softly, getting annoyed with his own tangled thoughts. How could he get her to agree to stay here, with him, without having to fight her every step of the way? This was a new obstacle to the lord of the demon realm.

If it had been someone else causing these thoughts to haunt him, he would just destroy them and go on with his existence. But… she was their priestess… he was her guardian. He didn't want to kill her. He didn't want to hurt her at all. He wanted only to keep her. This notion surprised him.

He would make a deal with her. Yes, she would show him what he wanted to know. Only then would he let her go… If she still wanted to go and he would make sure she did not. The fact that Hyakuhei had slipped into her dreams only a few moments ago heightened his need to keep her close.

His only concern at this point was the power of the dream master… was it strong enough to breach the barrier that surrounded his home? Would the ancient magic be enough to protect her? She had no idea how much danger she was really in. Kyou's golden eyes shifted to her face as he sensed her pulse speed up. She was waking up.

He sat down on the pillow beside her and waited. First, he would try to calm her fears. Then and only then would he be able to move on to the next step… keeping her beside him regardless of the cost.


Kyoko felt like she was on a cloud and it confused her. Her hand moved across something very soft and she wondered if she was dreaming again… Hyakuhei had kissed her so softly. Why had he kissed her? Her eyes fluttered open only to widen when the first thing she saw was Kyou sitting beside her, looking like a frozen angel that had lost its wings.

Emotionless golden eyes were pinning her to the spot where she was lying. The similarities between her dream and her reality were disheartening to say the least.

She quickly looked around her noticing the black marble floor and stone walls. Her first thought was that this was just like the cave only nicer. It looked like what she always imagined the inside of a castle would look like. Large tapestries covered parts of the walls giving it a warmer touch along with the gold and black pillow she was laying on.

Her attention returned to Kyou noticing he had not moved a muscle. Again the remembrance of her earlier thought came back to haunt her… ‘He’s just as dangerous as Hyakuhei. How could someone so beautiful be so evil?’ The darkness of the room made his aura seem to glow disturbingly brighter as if mocking her thoughts.

Again, the same feeling of knots in her stomach returned just like in the dream. Closing her eyes tightly, she fisted her hands on the pillow and prayed this was just another dream… that she would wake up back at the maiden statue and Toya would be standing over her yelling about her stupidity for coming back in the middle of the night. When her eyes slid open she swallowed fearfully, comprehending that this was very real.

When he actually spoke, it startled her so much that she flinched at the melancholy voice. Her emerald eyes widened at the reaction knowing she’d just messed up again by showing him fear… this was not good.

"I will not hurt you… if you behave." Kyou stared blankly into her eyes waiting for her reaction to his words. He then smirked inwardly when she glared at him. `Good.' He thought to himself. She was not going to scream in fear of him… not at least while she was still so angry.

Kyoko glared daggers at him as she remembered what he had done… and right there in front of Toya of all people. How could he have done such a thing? Lifting her chin Kyoko hissed, "And what makes you think I would ever behave myself?"

Kyou nearly lost himself when the demand flew from her pink lips. By the gods, she was determined to defy him to the very end. Despite his initial dislike of her, she had to know it was not his desire to end her existence. If that were the case, she would have died at his hands upon their first meeting. Her defiance was heating his blood again… forcing him to make a physical effort to concentrate on the task at hand.

Kyoko’s eyes suddenly dropped from his. She couldn't compete with the intensity of his gaze. Not at that moment. Not with her heart beating so hard. The strange look in his golden orbs scared her more than fighting Hyakuhei himself.

"You will behave if you want to go back to Toya and the other guardians," He said confidently as if stating a fact. He narrowed his gaze as her eyes snapped back up to his. So… she thought she was going to argue did she? He certainly hoped so. If he had anything to do with it… she would never set eyes on Toya again.

“Who do you think you are?” she demanded rising to her knees in front of him. “You put your hands on me… touched me in ways that I didn’t want. I don’t care what you want or have to say, take me back to Toya you… you perverted letch!”

Kyou suddenly leaned forward making Kyoko fall back into her original position and he savored the mixed scent of her fear and excitement.

"You will stay here with me until I deem otherwise. If your so called Guardians cannot be there to protect you, then they do not deserve the responsibility." Kyou’s temper blazed as he remembered how close she had come to death from the demons he had destroyed before taking her. This was for her own good. If he had not found her in time, she would be with Hyakuhei right now instead of under his protection.

Kyoko's lips parted in confusion, "Why do you want me to stay here with you?" It was then she realized just how close he was while leaning over her. She watched the way he was breathing and she blinked… for a moment, it looked like his shirt went nearly transparent in the light. Mentally shaking her head, she met his gaze waiting for an answer to her question.

Before Kyou could answer, the door to the room opened and two small children ran in smiling and giggling. They looked to be around six years old. The boys had untamed blonde hair that stopped just past their shoulders. They were identical twins.

Kyou abruptly sat upright, momentarily, wearing an expression of someone with his hand caught in the cookie jar. Kyoko didn’t even know that look was even in his repertoire. She knew she’d never forget it… where was a camera when you really WANTED it?

She cocked her head to the side knowing they were human children and twins at that. Why were they here… with him?

"Kyou, you are back." They called out his name while running closer. Noticing Kyoko they stopped, their eyes widening with shy curiosity.

"Kyou, is she staying?" they turned wide clear blue eyes up to stare at Kyou.

Kyoko watched Kyou. He didn't even look at the small twins as he answered them.

"Hiroki, Hiraru," He said in a deadpan voice.

"Yes?" Came the sweet replies.

"She is staying. Now leave us for the time being." Kyou's cold calm voice didn't faze the twins as they smiled at Kyoko then suddenly ran forward, closing the distance between them.

Kyoko expected to be pounced on. Her eyes widened in surprise when they stopped short of reaching her and climbed into Kyou’s lap, hugging him for all they were worth. Again the expression on Kyou’s face was priceless making her wonder just how much she really knew about him. The twins jumped back laughing when Kyou abruptly growled deep in his chest before they turned around and skipped out of the room.

Kyoko looked back up at Kyou. "Why are they with you?" He simply stood before her, elegant and infuriatingly beautiful. She figured he wouldn't answer and was surprised when he did.

"They want to stay … and I let them," he replied with the same blank stare he had given her earlier. Towering over her, Kyou noted the look of surprise that crossed her face. His gaze trailed down her cheeks to pause on her lips… full, almost pouty lips.

Kyoko didn't know what to think about his answer. "Why do you let them when you hate humans?"

He loved to watch her lips move. Kyou leaned closer to Kyoko, coming within inches of her face. "They are not smart enough to fear me." His voice was low and smooth. His eyes rose from her lips becoming deadlocked on hers.

Kyoko swallowed, leaning back just a little but the pillow didn’t allow too much room to do so. What did he mean… that she was not smart enough to be scared of him? She could tell he wouldn't hurt her so she didn't flinch from him. "Then why am I here?" she cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Because you are also not smart enough to be scared of me," His voice got softer as he watched her face so close to his. It amazed him how much her emotions showed on her face.

Kyoko wanted to lean back a couple more inches trying to create space between them. "Do you want me to be scared of you?" she asked cocking an annoyed eyebrow. She inhaled when his eyes seemed to unnaturally glow even more within the shadowy room. She suddenly forgot what had led to this conversation.